Good day,

t> As Goba told me some time ago we have two versions of chm manual:
t> regular CHM and xCHM

I am compiling regular CHM

t> Instructions how to make old xCHMs are in phpdoc/htmlhelp/README.txt
Oh yes, there are good step by step instructions, but i have some
described below problems with that:

AV>> 1. a lot of warning messages like
>>>>No template named "refentry" exists in the context named "title" in
>>>>the "ru" localization.@
AV>> while "make chm_xsl" is running

AV>> 2. In final php_manual_ru.chm Russian letters in _code samples_ looks
AV>> like this:

>>> unlink ($evil_var);
>>> // записать в
>>> лог-файл
>>> выполняемое
>>> действие...
>>> // может быть,
>>> даже /etc/passwd?
>>> fwrite ($fp, $evil_var);

AV>> In other parts of manual (not code samples) all is look fine.

AV>> Can somebody help me?

Best regards,
 Alexander                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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