Re: PilCon tomorrow

2022-01-20 Thread Alexander Burger
On Wed, Jan 19, 2022 at 04:14:20PM +0100, Alexander Burger wrote:
> talks like last time, we could have a look at the new Discrete-Event 
> Simulation
> functions in @lib/simul.l (released in Pil21 yesterday). I prepared simple 
> demos
> (a modified version of the dining philosophers, and funny maze crawlers).

If you like to experiment with it: I attach the sources here.

☺/ A!ex
# 18jan22 Software Lab. Alexander Burger
# Dining Philosophers
# pil @lib/simul.l --symbols simul dining.l +

(de now (Str)
   (prinl (tim$ (* 60 *Time)) " " (co) " " Str) )

(de dining (Left Right)
  (now "thinking")
  (pause (rand 180 240))
  (now "hungry")
  (until (nor (val Left) (val Right))
 (pause (rand 1 5)) )
  (set Left (set Right (co)))
  (now "eating")
  (pause 20)
  (set Left (set Right NIL)) ) )

'(de dining (Left Right)
  (now "thinking")
  (pause (rand 180 240))
  (now "hungry")
  (until (nor (val Left) (val Right))
 (pause (rand 1 5)) )
  (set Left (set Right (co)))
  (now "eating")
  (pause 20)
  (set Left (set Right NIL))
  (now "sleeping")
  (pause 'morning)
  (now "get up") ) )

'(de dining (Left Right Co)
  (now "thinking")
  (T (pause (rand 180 240)))
  (now "hungry")
  (and Co (wake Co T))
(NIL (or (val Left) (val Right)))
(T (pause (rand 1 5)) T) ) )
  (set Left (set Right (co)))
  (now "eating")
  (T (pause 20))
  (set Left (set Right NIL)) )
   (now "EXIT") )

(co 'Aristotle
   (dining '*ForkA '*ForkB) )
(co 'Kant
   (dining '*ForkB '*ForkC) )
(co 'Spinoza
   (dining '*ForkC '*ForkD) )
(co 'Marx
   (dining '*ForkD '*ForkE) )
(co 'Russell
   (dining '*ForkE '*ForkA) )
# 19jan22 Software Lab. Alexander Burger
# pil maze.l -maze~main -go +

(load "@lib/simul.l")

(symbols 'maze 'simul 'pico)

(on *Rt)

(local) (*DX *DY *Grid crawl main go)

(setq *DX 10  *DY 22  *Grid (grid *DX *DY))

(de crawl (Start)
   (catch 'stop
 (with (get *Grid (rand 1 *DX) (rand 1 *DY))
(unless (or (== Start This) (: co) (: goal))
   (=: goal (co))
   (finally (=: goal NIL)
  (let Path NIL
 (recur (This Path)
   ((== This Start)
  (=: co (co))
  (pause 500)
  This )
   ((not (memq This Path))
  (push 'Path This)
(and (: west) (recurse @ Path))
(and (: east) (recurse @ Path))
(and (: south) (recurse @ Path))
(and (: north) (recurse @ Path)) )
 (put @ 'co NIL)
 (when (: co)
(wake @ (throw 'stop)) )
 (=: co (co))
 (pause 500)
 This ) ) ) ) ) )
   (setq Start This) )
*Next ) ) ) )

(de main ()
   (symbols '(maze simul pico))
   (let Fld (get *Grid (rand 1 *DX) (rand 1 *DY))
  (recur (Fld)
 (for Dir (shuffle '((west . east) (east . west) (south . north) (north 
. south)))
(with ((car Dir) Fld)
   (unless (or (: west) (: east) (: south) (: north))
  (put Fld (car Dir) This)
  (put This (cdr Dir) Fld)
  (recurse This) ) ) ) ) )
   (for Col *Grid
  (for This Col
 (set This
   (cons (: west) (: east))
   (cons (: south) (: north)) ) ) ) ) )

(de go ()
   (co 'A (crawl 'a1))
   (co 'B (crawl (get *Grid 1 (/ *DY 2
   (co 'C (crawl (get *Grid 1 *DY)))
   (co 'D (crawl (get *Grid (/ *DX 2) *DY)))
   (co 'E (crawl (get *Grid *DX *DY)))
   (co 'F (crawl (get *Grid *DX (/ *DY 2
   (co 'G (crawl (get *Grid *DX 1)))
   (co 'H (crawl (get *Grid (/ *DX 2) 1)))
   (prin "^[[?1049h")  # Screen 2
   (prin "^[[?25l")  # Hide cursor
   (finally (prin "^[[?1049l" "^[[?25h")  # Screen 1, show cursor
  (while *Next
 (prin "^[[" 1 ";" 1 "H")  # cup
 (disp *Grid 0
  ((: co) (pack "<" @ ">"))
  ((: goal) (pack " " @ " "))
  (T "   ") ) ) )
 (des) )
  (key) ) )

ideas for pilBox apps?

2022-01-20 Thread Rudy Hagedorn
@Alex: I am interested in DES! 😊

Potential Apps for PilBox (@Mia):

   - basic calendar plus alarms/reminders,
   - Quick Notes (like Google Keep),
   - a flexible journaling tool like TiddlyWiki 
   would be great ;)

On the "gamy" side: has someone looked into storytelling RPG Games like "A
Quiet Year " or "Alone Among The Stars


On Tue, Jan 18, 2022 at 8:02 PM Alexander Burger 

> Hi Olaf,
> nice ideas! :)
> Hard to decide where to dive in. Perhaps we should discuss it a little
> more on
> PilCon the day after tomorrow?
> Speaking of PilCon: I wrote a little DES (Discrete-Event Simulation)
> library,
> and would like to present and discuss it.
> ☺/ A!ex
> ..