Re: SSL connection approaches...

2023-09-09 Thread Alex Williams

Thanks for the clarification!

Oh I absolutely love implementing protocols "just for fun", can't blame you for 
that haha.

Please publish your code when it's ready, I'd love to have a look and lend 
a hand if needed.




Re: SSL connection approaches...

2023-09-09 Thread Todd Coram
Hi AW,

When I am NOT using SSL (but doing a local TCP connection to MQTT server), it 
is pure PicoLisp.  Most of my needs are local, but I do occasionally each out 
to an internet hosted MQTT server.

The MQTT client code I wrote a few years ago was in a subset of Common Lisp 
(small enough of a subset that it ran under a slightly modified uLisp on ESP32 
microcontrollers).  I wrote it mainly because the subscriber 
"mainloop/callback/async/etc" of other implementations wasn't of my liking and, 
in addition, I like exploring protocols by "implementing them" (so, this was 
sort of toy effort that grew into something that was solid enough to deploy and 
not warrant restructuring for a MQTT C lib rewrite!)

(I'm also an old school Forther, so I guess that fueled some of that "roll your 
own" spirit that gets me into trouble sometime.)

My  PicoLisp  MQTT client is just a port of that Common Lisp code.  Done as a 
way to explore and learn PicoLisp as much as anything.

Interestingly, my Common Lisp MQTT client code still depends on libraries that 
have to be downloaded and compiled (via Quicklisp) and that is a bit of a pain 
(usocket, ssl and things that brings with it).  With PicoLisp, I just need 
"picolisp" and ncat/socat



Re: SSL connection approaches...

2023-09-09 Thread Alex Williams

Hi Todd,

If you're calling out to ncat/socat, then it won't be a "pure" PicoLisp 

In that case, why not simply call out to an existing C client or 
library such as Mosquitto: ?

I've been doing that since ~2016 by calling the mosquitto_pub client from 
PicoLisp with a specific set of arguments (some fixed, some variable). It 
got me up and running with MQTT+PicoLisp much faster than writing an 
entire client from scratch.

Writing a native PicoLisp client that uses the mosquitto library might be 
even better than both our approaches though.

Just a thought.



 On Sat, 9 Sep 2023, Todd Coram wrote:

I've been porting my "pure" Common Lisp MQTT client to Picolisp, and it has gone very 
well for non-SSL connections (I just used "connect"), but I am looking for a canonical 
way to connect to a SSL/TLS encrypted socket (no certs needed, I just need basic encryption).

I've been using pipe and an external "helper" (ncat in this case but socat 
would be similar):

(de mq-open (Host Port SSL)
   (if SSL
 (exec "ncat" "--ssl" Host Port))
 (connect Host Port)))

Is this a good approach?  Using the FFI to call openssl library is more 
efficient, but I didn't want to go that path yet...
Once concern I have with the above code is dealing with when a connection is 

My MQTT implementation currently has no "outside" dependencies (with the above 
exception) and I'd like to keep it as independent as possible.

Am I missing an obviously better approach?




Re: SSL connection approaches...

2023-09-09 Thread Todd Coram
Thanks Alex.

My MQTT client is minimal, and the Common Lisp implementation, has been running 
in production for over a year.  I hope to do same with the Picolisp version, 
which has only "ncat/socat" as a dependency,  It's open source, but not ready 
for "release" quite yet...



Re: SSL connection approaches...

2023-09-09 Thread Alexander Burger
Hi Todd,

> I've been porting my "pure" Common Lisp MQTT client to Picolisp, and it has 
> gone
> very well for non-SSL connections (I just used "connect"), but I am looking 
> for
> a canonical way to connect to a SSL/TLS encrypted socket (no certs needed, I
> just need basic encryption).

> (de mq-open (Host Port SSL)
>(if SSL
>   (pipe
>  (exec "ncat" "--ssl" Host Port) )
>   (connect Host Port) ) )
> Is this a good approach?

Yes, looks good.

> Using the FFI to call openssl library is more efficient, but I didn't want to 
> go
> that path yet...

I would not worry about efficiency here, because just a single process is
started once.

> Once concern I have with the above code is dealing with when a connection is
> dropped.

I would use the file descriptor returned from the above function in a 'task',
and close (and perhaps restart) it when reading returns NIL (EOF).

☺/ A!ex
