[pinhole-discussion] PS4

2003-10-14 Thread {USER_FIRSTNAME} Gina
hello, count me in for the holiday and PS4 swaps, thanks!
Gina Bellando

[pinhole-discussion] Re: pinholes from polaroid one step camera

2002-05-08 Thread gina
what do you do with the shutter mechanism to get it to stay open for the
longer exposures? I cant figure it out.  help meee!!!

thanks in advance,


[pinhole-discussion] saloon photo

2002-02-26 Thread gina
 I love this photo too.  For me, it triggers not only a visual memory, but a
real sense of place--I can practically smell the smoky, boozy aroma and hear
the jukebox.  There's a tv on too, but with the sound turned way down low.
And here comes the bartender to refill  my small glass with another 50-cent

btw-hey Andy-I'm a  native Trentonian so perhaps I know of the place you
speak of where you did lens photos-is it near the train station?



[pinhole-discussion] saloon photo

2002-02-24 Thread gina


[pinhole-discussion] Re:optimum focal length

2002-02-03 Thread gina

I purchased a set of micro-drilled pinholes from pinhole resource. There was
a list of apertures  optimum focal lengths included and according to that,
the optimum focal lenght for your .0039 aperture is 7.02mm and the
approximate f-stop is f71.



[pinhole-discussion] Re:help converting brownie to pinhole

2002-01-29 Thread gina
The brownie you have is great for converting to pinhole cause it has a
tripod socket and a B or (T-depends on the exact model) ) setting for the
shutter.  Setting the lever at the B or T allows you to hold the shutter
open manually.  So you wouldnt want to remove the shutter mechanism just the
lens.  You might have to just crack it out with a small hammer since there
doesnt seem to be any way of prying the lens housing out of the metal box
without taking off the levers for the shutter control.



[pinhole-discussion] re:pinhole phots of kittycats

2002-01-19 Thread gina
My kittys cant wait to sniff and explore  the camera as soon as I try to
photograph: even when they are staring silent and still at some other
interesting kitty landscape-they get more interested in the zero 2000
even though I am sure it doesnt smell like snacks.its very challegning to
take pinhole photos of kittys!! or any uncontollable moving
object-baby's? birds? even if you sneak up on them it just isnt the  same.

just being silly,


[pinhole-discussion] re: the new debate

2002-01-16 Thread gina
Those who have responded so far to the debate have all been so eloquent.
Its hard for me to verbalize about my art but here goes:   Initially , what
attracted me to pinhole was that the images I made with pinhole photographs
captured the essence of the scenes in the way that I remembered them-a
littlefuzzy, a little distorted.  The pinhole images I had seen in books and
exhibits were close to the pictorialist photography of the early 20th
century.  I had to try it

Initially, I loved the accidental or surprise aspect of pinhole (and I still
do).  Later with practice and much trial and error (more error) with
different cameras and films, I was able to previsualize and get more
predictable results.  then I began to seek out subject matter that seemed
more suited for the kind of imagery I wanted to produce and the kind of
emotions I hoped it would convey. So in my case, I suppose style led to
content , but then again the content is dependent on the style-OH

Basically I have a lot of fun with pinhole and it has expanded my creative
horizons immensely.  With every shot I take, while counting out the seconds
and sometimes minutes, I am also excited about how the days peculiarities of
light and atmosphere will be recorded in my pinhole camera. Most of all I
love sharing with everyone on this wonderful list though I am usually either
a lurker or one seeking advice rather than giving it.  :0)


ps ---more fabulous new year's  pinhole images still arriving in my mailbox
, thank you to all !!


[pinhole-discussion] Diana vs pinhole

2001-12-07 Thread gina
A friend was generous enough to give me his Diana, saying that every picture
he took with it he had wishd he had taken with a real camera- ;o)  .  The
images resemble some pinhole stuff from my beloved zero 2000 and I to have
had success with the Diana work getting into juried shows. Note that the
prices for these and other collectibles on ebay are usually higher during
the holiday seasons cause some lucky photographer's pal wants to give that
special gift.  If you want one,
wait for garage sale season!



[pinhole-discussion] cheap press for relief printing

2001-09-25 Thread gina
Dick Blick Art Supplies sells an old fashioned wringer type press for less
than $200. Actually, I think it really is just a clothes wringer that they
sell as a press. I bought mine about 10 years ago and it works great for
relief printing, drypoint, monoprints, or anything else you would use an
etching press for.  Its only limitation is the size-the wringers will only
accomodate up to 11 width but the length is not limited.

I clamped it to an old table and use scraps of matboard to support
everything as it goes through the wringer.  Also used it to make polaroid
transfers when I was too lazy to hand rub them.  :0)


Gina Bellando


[pinhole-discussion] Re: new to the list

2001-09-19 Thread gina
Hello ,

I'm 42 , live in New Jersey USA , run a picture framing shop in the NYC
Metro area and in my free time indulge in pinhole and toy camera
photography.  This forum has been so very helpful in many ways , technically
and artistically, and I enjoy reading  the posts from pin-heads all over
the world.  Some examples of the kind of stuff i do are on my website, see
link below.

Godspeed to all in these difficult times.

[pinhole-discussion] color copies

2001-08-16 Thread gina
Color copies look especially good if you make the copies on nicer paper than
the standard stuff already loaded into the machines-I've made some repros on
Crane 100% rag vellum stationery for copiers, available at any of the office
supply megastores.  Its semi-translucent but there are other kinds as well
that will work well in color copiers.  I even enlarged some 3 x 3 inch color
pinhole photos 100%  and they look wonderful.

Gina Bellando

[pinhole-discussion] best paint to use for tins

2001-06-27 Thread gina
I've tried making a couple of  pinhole cameras out of different types of
tins and have a chronic problem-the black paint flakes off and doesnt adhere
well to the inside of the metal tins.  Can anyone recommend a better paint?
Currently using Krylon matte black.



[pinhole-discussion] recommendations for paper used for paper negatives

2001-05-17 Thread gina
Thanks to Ed for the Oriental paper tip-big problem for me when shooting
using paper negatives on a  sunny day is that they are always so
contrasty-almost no mid tones at all.  The paper I was using was Ilford MGRC
in matte finish.  Looking forward to trying the Oriental graded paper for
negativesas it seems easier to control the development of the  image too.

Gina Bellando
New Jersey USA

[pinhole-discussion] Re: new to the group New Jerseyan

2001-05-15 Thread gina
Hi Andy and other fellow NJ-ans,

Have any of the Jersey pinholers met?  Might be fun to get together if we
arent too spread out.
My serious pinhole experiments began about 5 years ago, but in second grade
(mid 60's) our class made pinhole cameras out of our little milk cartons
from the lunch room.  Does that count?

It was so long ago but I remember being intrigued and mystified.  Still get
the same feelings today about pinhole photography.

I use some homemade oatmeal box cameras, a zero 2000  the beseler cardboard
kit camera for 120 film,   a pinhole body cap for my canon ae1.  There are
some examples of my pinhole and other photography-based art on my website


Pinhole visions is a new disovery for me and a fantastic resource for
information and support!

Gina Bellando
New Jersey USA

[pinhole-discussion] New to the list

2001-05-14 Thread gina
Hi to all fellow pinholers,

I'm new to the group and want to say hello, and especially high fives to the
organizers and contributors of Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day!  Such
incredibly cool and diverse  images have been posted already.  I love them

Gina Bellando
New Jersey USA