Well to day was pretty interesting, if not a bit depressing. I was in
Indianpolis today shooting for latest printswap and boy was today windy. I
had just loaded my Zero 2000 with a fresh roll of film when a gust of wind
came along and blew off my hat. When I went to retrieve it, along came
another big gust and blew over my tripod with my Zero 2000 atop. To tell you
the truth, while the camera is now in about 5 different parts, it broke in
places where is should be easy to put back togeather. Zernike your design
even works well when it hits the concret.

The whole day was not a hole loss becasue I went to see "Ansel Adams: A Life
s Work", at the Eiteljorg Museum of American and Western Art. If you live
near Indiana I strongly suggest you see the exhibit. I have seen a couple
pieces of his work in the past, but never a large group of his work other
than in a book. Boy could he keep the details in the shadows. BTW I have
heard that he did use a pinhole every once in a while, and I have even see
one example.


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