[pinhole-discussion] guitarbody pinhole

2001-04-07 Thread John Ptak
Thanks for the response.  WHat I'm really looking for
is if someone has a sense of what the neg might look
like--and let's assume that all of the tech issues are
solved...The body of the guitar looks really
interesting from a pinhole point of view.  Let's say
that the ocal length is 400mm to the lateral end of
the base of the guitar, and that we place the paper
(in sections) along 75% of the interior.  That means
that there should be some bit of oddness happening at
or around the points where the body and paper is
somewhat indented. I could just go head and turn this
ruined child's gutiar into a cam and see for myself,
but being new to this medium I wanted to try and
figure out what the resultant image might look like
before going thru the hassle, or if someone with
experience could help me along in how to visual the
outcome without resorting to (yikes) some of the
semi-advanced math of geometrical optics.   My
thinking is that the image might be exhaustedly
distorted at the point where the body of the guitar
bends in on itself...but maybe not?  
I'd certainly appreciate any insight on this little
noodle of a problem.
Thanks alot.
John Ptak

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Re: [pinhole-discussion] guitarbody pinhole

2001-04-07 Thread Chris Peregoy
So you are not using the sound hole and will be making a hole for the
pin hole where the neck attached. I would think that the resulting image
would look somewhat like what I get with my oatmeal box cameras. The
problem will be that on the curve of the lower half of the guitar body
the curve under cuts the light so you will get shadows and the upper
ends of paper will be much closer to the pinhole and will be much darker
then what is imaged on the bottom. I would think it might be easier to
make this shape camera out of a guitar case with the neck part cut off.
It would allow you to have a large flap and clasps for sealing it up.
Good luck.
Chris Peregoy | http://www.gl.umbc.edu/~peregoy | http://imda.umbc.edu/