Kubuntu KDE SC packaging

2010-11-10 Thread Jonathan Riddell

I didn't see anything in our kde4libs changes that would be
interesting to Debian except possibly an oldish security patch Red Hat
haven't got upstream
We don't add 20_use_dejavu_as_default_font.diff since the system
default fonts should be set by fontconfig which knows how to adept to
e.g. Chinese users.

  * Merge with Debian git remaining changes:
- no build-dep on libaspell-dev
- no build-dep on libfam-dev
- no install kspell_aspell.desktop and kspell_aspell.so
- kdelibs5-dev do not install preparetips
- DEB_FIXPERMS_EXCLUDE := /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/fileshareset
- binary-install/kdelibs5-data:: rule (build-dep on sharutils)
  and copy over debian/icons
- don't Recommend on kaboom
- set export KUBUNTU_DESKTOP_POT=kdelibs
- install usr/share/locale/all_languages in kdelibs5-data.install
- don't add 20_use_dejavu_as_default_font

In kdebase-runtime we set an inotify limit recommended by Nepomuk developers.

  [ Alessandro Ghersi ]
  * Merge with Debian git remaining changes:
- add 30-nepomuk-inotify-limit.conf
- add kdebase-runtime.[postinst,prerm] for update-alternatives
- debian/control:
  - helpcenter4 no recommend on htdig
- debian/patches:
  - Don't add:
- 01_kde4_information_menu.diff
- 02_ksvgtopng4.diff
- debian/kdebase-runtime-data.install:
  - change etc/xdg/menus/kde4-information.menu to
  - change
  usr/share/desktop-directories/kde4-information.directory to
  - Don't install
  - Don't install usr/share/kde4/apps/kio_desktop/directory.trash
- debian/kdebase-runtime.install
  - install usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kdesu to
- kde-config-phonon-xine replaces/conflicts kcm-phonon-xine
- kdebase-runtime-data.install: add D-Bus Interface XMLs for
- Build against kdelibs5-dev 4.5.2-0ubuntu1 for libkutils4

kdebase-workspace splits out some wallpapers and KDM themes to save space.  KDM 
an upstart file.  kcheckpass and kscreensaver get PAM files.
plasma-widgets-workspace depends on akonadi-server and
kdepim-runtime.  plasma-scriptengine-ruby depends on libkde4-ruby.
add python-kde4, python-sip, python-qt4 to build-dependencies for
python scriptengine.  Add kubuntu_11_fix_root_only_kcms.diff for kdesu
support where it's still needed in kcontrol modules.
kubuntu_13_startkde_set_country.diff sets the KDE country settings
from the system settings.  

  * Merge with Debian git remaining changes:
- Add kdebase-workspace-wallpapers.{links, install}
- Add kdebase-workspace-data.links
- kdebase-workspace-data.install: don't add wallpapers that are in
- Add kdm.{links, upstart}
- kdm.logrotate: rotate 2 - rotate 7
- Make kdm work with upstart in kdm.prerm, kdm.postrm,
- Add kcheckpass.pam and kscreensaver.pam
- debian/control:
  - Don't build against libggadget-1.0-dev, libggadget-qt-1.0-dev
(they are in Universe)
  - Don't build against libntrack-qt4-dev (it's in Universe) for
  - Build against libbost1.42-dev instead of libboost-dev
  - Add libxml2-dev, libpolkit-qt-1-dev, libqtwebkit-dev to
  - Keep bumped our conflicts/replaces
  - plasma-netbook replaces plasma-widgets-workspace (=
  - kdebase-workspace-bin not depends on kaboom
  - kdebase-workspace-bin not recommends policykit-1-gnome
  - kdebase-workspace-bin suggests plasma-scriptengines instead of
  - kdebase-workspace-data depends on oxygen-cursor-theme instead
  of oxygencursors
  - Keep kdebase-worksapce-wallpapers
  - plasma-dataengines-workspace replaces plasma-widget-workspace
  (= 4:4.5.2-1ubuntu1)
  - plasma-widgets-workspace depends on akonadi-server and
  - plasma-scriptengines not depends on
  - plasma-scriptengine-ruby depends on libkde4-ruby
  - Don't build plasma-scriptengine-googlegadgets
  - freespacenotifier replaces kdebase-workspace-data (=
and kdebase-workspace-bin (= 4:4.5.2-1ubuntu1)
  - kinfocenter replaces kdebase-workspace-bin and systemsettings
  - kde-window-manager replaces/conflicts with kwin-style-aurorae
  - libplasmagenericshell4 replaces plasma-widgets-workspace (=
  - kdebase-workspace-dbg replaces kdebase-runtime-dbg
  - add python-kde4, python-sip, python-qt4 to build-dependencies
- debian/patches:
  - Use 07_kdmrc_defaults_kubuntu.diff 

Kubuntu KDE SC packaging II

2010-11-10 Thread Jonathan Riddell

No notable changes in kdepimlibs

kdepimlibs (4:4.5.2-0ubuntu1) natty; urgency=low

  * Merge with Debian git remaining changes:
- New upstream release 4.5.2
- Build with versioned boost build-depends
- Keep bumped KDE replace versions
- Update symbol files
- Build against kdelibs5-dev 4.5.2-0ubuntu1 for libkutils4

kdegraphics has new ABI versions on kdcraw kexiv2 and kipi

kdegraphics (4:4.5.2-0ubuntu1) natty; urgency=low

  * Merge with Debian git remaining changes:
- New upstream release 4.5.2
- Don't add libchm-dev (it's in Universe)
- In kcolorchooser don't add conflict/replace kcoloredit
- Don't advertise chm backends in okular-extra-backends
- Bump libkdcraw7 to libkdcraw8
- Bump libkexiv2-7 to libkexiv2-8
- Bump libkipi6 to libkipi7
- Update symbol files
- Build against kdelibs5-dev 4.5.2-0ubuntu1 for libkutils4

kdebindings adds some build-dependencies, changes for the qtmultimedia
mess, Soprano smoke headers moved, kde headers moved from
libsmokeqt4-dev.  Patches to fix for current python-qt4

  * Merge with Debian git remaining changes:
- Add libqscintilla2-dev, libqwt5-qt4-dev and libqtwebkit-dev to
- Don't build libsmokeqtmultimedia4-3 because we do not build
  libqt4-multimedia any more, since it got renamed to
  QtMultimediaKit and
  is now part of qtmobility-dev (Universe)
- Build libsmokeqwt3, libsmokeqscintilla3,
  libqscintilla-ruby1.8, libqwt-ruby1.8, libphonon4.4-cil,
  libqscintilla2.2-cil and krossruby
- Soprano smoke headers go from libsmokeqt4-dev to
- Nepomuk, Attica and all k* go headers go from libsmokeqt4-dev to
- Keep our conflicts/replaces
- Keep our patches
  * New upstream svn snapshot to fix FTBFS against python-qt4 4.7.7
  * Add kubuntu_05_fix_pykde4_typedefs.diff, fix FTBS against
  python-qt4 4.7.7

kdepim-runtime has no notable changes

kdebase removes a dependecy on KDE 3, doesn't recommend ruby and adds
a few patches.
kdebase (4:4.5.2-0ubuntu1) natty; urgency=low
  * Merge with Debian git, remaining changes:
- Do not add unsatisfiable kdesktop dependency for libkonq5a
- Suggest instead of recommend ruby in dolphin.
- kubuntu_04_hide_kfind.diff
- kubuntu_06_simple_aboutpage.diff
- kubuntu_10_konq_scans_nsplugins_at_startup.diff
- kubuntu_19_install_flash.diff
- kubuntu_18_fix_systemsettings_about_me.diff
- kubuntu_23_konqueror_spinner_in_toolbar.diff
- kubuntu_24_folderview_livecd_directory.diff



Kubuntu KDE SC packaging III

2010-11-10 Thread Jonathan Riddell
kdeedu builds the python marble bindings.  kstars recommends xplanet.
libsbigudrv-dev and libindi-dev is packaged separately and are build-deps.  

kdeedu (4:4.5.2-0ubuntu1) natty; urgency=low
  * Merge with Debian git, remaining changes:
- Drop from build-deps: openbabel, r-base-core (are in universe)
- Keep in build-deps: libgmm-dev, libsbigudrv-dev,
  python-qt4-dev, sip4, libindi-dev
- kdeedu doesn't depend on kiten and blinken
- cantor-backend-sage doesn't recommend sagemath
- kstars doesn't suggest indi
- kstars recommends xplanet
- Keep python marble bindings and set
  in debian/rules
- Don't build cantor-backend-r as we don't have the right
- Add kubuntu_01_arm_needs_qreal.diff
  * Drop librocslib4 and librocslib-dev packages and move the libs to
  * Move GpsdPositionProviderPlugin.so from marble to marble-plugins.
  * Move python-marble to section python.

In kdeaccessibility kttsd is now called jovie

kdeaccessibility (4:4.5.2-0ubuntu1) natty; urgency=low
  * Merge with Debian unstable remaining changes:
- New upstream release 4.5.2
- kttsd package - jovie package
- Update kde-icons-mono.install for the new upstream release
- Keep our conflicts/replaces

In kdeadmin we don't ship knetworkconf.  system-config-printer-kde
depends on system-config-printer-common and we don't use
01_system_config_printer_kde_cupsutils.diff which isn't needed with up
to date system-config-printer.

kdeadmin (4:4.5.2-0ubuntu1) natty; urgency=low
  * Merge with Debian git remaining changes:
- debian/control:
  - Don't ship knetworkconf, it is utterly busted
  - kdeadmin doesn't depend on knetworkconf
  - kde-config-cron conflicts/replaces on kcron ( 4:4.4.60)
  - system-config-printer-kde depends on system-printer-common
  - system-config-printer-kde doesn't depend on python-cupsutils
  - kdeadmin-dbg depends on kdeadmin
- debian/patches:
  - Remove 01_system_config_printer_kde_cupsutils.diff, it's only
relevant for Debian not Ubuntu

kdeartwork has changes for Ubuntu's splitting up of xscreensaver but
nothing much interesting to Debian

kdeartwork (4:4.5.2-0ubuntu1) natty; urgency=low
  * Merge with Debian git remaining changes:
- Don't add xscreensaver-data-extra, xscreensaver-gl-extra
  xscreensaver-screensaver-bsod and
  build-dependencies (Universe)
- Add section kde in all packages
- kscreensaver-xsavers not depends on xscreensaver-data-extra
- kscreensaver-xsavers not recommends xscreensaver-gl-extra
- Add kscreensaver-xsavers-extra package
- Make kscreensaver-xsavers-webcollage depend on
- Keep kubuntu_01_cmake_find_xscreensaver.patch

In kdegames we add a package for kajongg

kdegames (4:4.5.2-0ubuntu1) natty; urgency=low
  * Merge with Debian git remaining changes:
- Keep kubuntu_01_palapeli-native-menu-bar.diff to
  support global menu bar in Palapeli
- Keep Sections field in control
- Add kajongg package and add it in the metapackage

kdemultimedia builds with libtag-extras-dev.  mplayerthumbs depends on
mplayer-nogui | mplayer so you don't have to install the full thing

kdemultimedia (4:4.5.2-0ubuntu1) natty; urgency=low
  * Merge with Debian git remaining changes:
- Build-Depend on libtag-extras-dev to make juk read MP4 tags
- Suggest not recommend/depend ffmpegthumbs, mplayerthumbs in
  can't go on the DVD
- The mplayerthumbs package depends on mplayer or mplayer-nogui
