Plasma 5.27 Kickoff Meeting Notes

2022-10-24 Thread Jonathan Riddell
Plasma 5.27 Kickoff

* Review Plasma 5.26
* QA is good.
* KWin regressions.
* Bigscreen well received, there is an important crasher in sentry
* Announcement gets done by promo team, plasma devs should talk to
them to guide the process

* Sentry
* Need to investigate submission conditions to make sure they match
our intentions
* Discussion about how we integrate with bugzilla; no firm
consensus yet among the several options

* Plasma 5.27 etc release schedule
* Agreed release schedule. Remove Qt 5 support after 5.27.2.
* Will Frameworks get any patch fixes for 5 series?  Yes, bugfix
maintainer for a while.  No consensus on what that would look like.  5.101,
5.102, 5.103 released or 5.101.1, 5.101.2 as bugfix only maybe every 3
months? Discuss at Frameworks meeting tomorrow.

* Plasma 5.27 Qt and KF5 deps
* Leave it at set(QT_MIN_VERSION "5.15.2") but strongly recommend
distros use 5.15 from KDE patch collection.

* VDG catchup
* Discussed new wallpaper for Plasma 6, maybe a contest or
commission.  Andy suggests paying someone.
* Welcome screens have been added to some apps.
* Systemsettings: they have discussed deprecating QWidget KCMs for
KF6/Plasma 6.
* Plasma developers want VDG to make non-code visual changes for
Plasma 6, like an icon refresh.
* VDG people have a bunch of projects they'd like to work on that
require code changes from Plasma folks, like System Settings
re-organization and a unified theming system.
* Discussed changing the Plasma version numbering system to no
longer be explicitly connected to the Qt version.
* Plasma Mobile catchup
* Weekly meetings on Thursday
* 5.27 Plans
* Prioritise porting QWidget KCMs to QtQuick see
* ratijas will port powermanagement data engine
* Plasma Welcome to be added: a simple onboarding wizard and
displays release notes for new releases
* Flatpak KCM to be added
* Plasma shell managing multi screen differently, works better for
e.g. USB-C docks.  If you switch between X and wayland the panels differ on
second screen, concept of primary screen extended to fix this.
* Big tiling support in review

Plasma 5.27 Kickoff

2022-10-17 Thread Jonathan Riddell
Please select available times for a 5.27 kickoff meeting from this poll

Note that doodle now wants you to make an account to select a timezone.  By
default it's in UTC+1 but if you make an account and edit your profile you
can select your timezone of choice.
