Re: Re: Workspace Next Sprint Organization

2012-06-08 Thread Alex Fiestas
We already went shopping for the stuff you asked before (yesterday) :/ and I 
have all my weekend busy with family stuff I can't skip.

Maybe we can arrange to somebody to take care of this.
Plasma-devel mailing list

Re: Re: Workspace Next Sprint Organization

2012-06-08 Thread Alex Fiestas
On Friday, June 08, 2012 05:58:46 PM Marco Martin wrote:
 in there any shopping mall nearby? (or not so nearby but that can be done
 while we're there)

There is, but I don't think we will find Yarns there, so I will try to buy 
that today.

We will go to that mall to buy all the rest, including the cereal boxes I will 
end up eating after the sprint :p
Plasma-devel mailing list

Re: Re: Workspace Next Sprint Organization

2012-06-08 Thread Alex Fiestas
On Friday, June 08, 2012 05:41:25 PM Kevin Ottens wrote:
  - A dozen white boxes (ideally roughly the cereal box size, can be slightly
I doub't we can find this easily, anybody can bring those? I have been told 
they are sold in ikea for example.

This we can buy at a carrefour near the venue:
 couple of old empty cereal boxes (full is fine as well, but we'll have to
 make sure we eat the content during the sprint) :-D
  - Sharp-tip markers (could be the same ones than the black ones for paper,
 the tip is somewhat important though)
  - Colored markers
  - A few pair of scissors
  - A few rolls of Scotch tape
  - A few staplers

I will try to buy those today.
  - Yarns in assorted colors (at least red/blue/green)

No idea where to buy or if they are available at carrefour
  - Plenty of stickers of different shape and colors (at least a few large
 golden star ones, but the most types we have the better)
  - A dozen colored soft balls (yeah you can find that in a kid store)

If anyone can bring scissors, scotch tape, staplers, please do ! the more we 
have the better !

Plasma-devel mailing list

Re: Re: Workspace Next Sprint Organization

2012-05-16 Thread Alex Fiestas
On Wednesday, May 16, 2012 11:02:34 AM Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
 On Wednesday, May 16, 2012 05:34:47 Alex Fiestas wrote:
  Plasma workspace should be excellent on launching, switching and getting
  applications and it shouldn't bother the user while using those.
 i think it is a fine (start to a) functional goal to reach for, in that it
 approaches a specific use case (applications).
I think I already asked this in another email (I'm jetlagged so my brain is 
acting weird XD) but, why is this specific?

 and to echo an earlier question of yours, i don't see how to apply it to
 Bluedevil / RandR / Kamoso? (i'm fine that it doesn't, i'm just curious that
 this was on your mind earlier, but i don't see how it fits here..)
It doesn't, it only applies to the shell (plasma-workspae + kwin), which I did 
in purpose because I'm not sure of what a desktop | workspace contain.

If we include bluedevil, randr etc into the workspace then the vision should 
be extended.

  For the users that need it,
 which people need it? which don't? why?
You only need to organize things when you have things to organize.

A user that only wants to watch lolcats on youtube and talk to friends via 
facebook doesn't.

A user that use the computer for multiple things or in multiple areas (work, 
home) may want to.

  There is another part of my vision focused on developers, I don't think it
  is relevant here.
 be daring and share it anyways ;)
The workspace should be extensible by third party developers and thus should 
be able to integrate their applications with it not mattering on which 
technology the application is written.

Nothing that current plasma can't do.
Plasma-devel mailing list

Re: Re: Workspace Next Sprint Organization

2012-05-16 Thread Alex Fiestas
On Wednesday, May 16, 2012 12:51:16 PM Marco Martin wrote:
 On Wednesday 16 May 2012, Alex Fiestas wrote:
  On Wednesday, May 16, 2012 09:49:22 AM Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
   On Wednesday, May 16, 2012 05:24:56 Alex Fiestas wrote:
On Tuesday, May 15, 2012 10:07:08 AM Björn Balazs wrote:
 Have you been aware of this vision?


 If no: looking back would it have been helpful for your work if you
 had known it (and how)?

No (I don't see how to apply it on Bluedevil / RandR / Kamoso).
   two that are immediately applicable:
   * organic and scalable user interfaces
  I don't exactly now what those are, can you explain? or better, can you
  apply those concepts to the current BlueDevil implementation?
 organic: looking less as a computer object, but interacting more as a real
 object: so animated instead of immediate transitions (something appearing
 immediately is magic), rounded corners, shadows, preferring direct
 manipulation rather than by some proxy (ie resize by dragging instead of
 writing the number of pixels somewhere) and many things like that.
 if you compare with kde3 we are miles ahead on this regard but still not
 note that this is different, and risking to be confused with skeuomorphism
 (, that tends to destroy coherence
 and create uncanny valleys, so one moves over a thin line here ;)
 scalable: mostly referring to the available space so screen size (or just
 containment size, applets in panels vs desktop)
 we started with the formfactor concept and gone forward with the device
 specific qml files for plasmoids (experimental news reader, microblog)
Thanks for the definitions.

Both organic and scalable interfaces are means to an end if i understood them 
correctly: making interfaces that feel natural. 
Maybe we should put that into the vision instead?

  For RandR I could add the posibility of modify the default settings and
  tied them to Activity (pretty much like PowerDevil does right now). Not
  that interesting imho.
 a little inner voice is whispering presentation with a beamer ;)
 the activity switch causing also the powermanagement settings to switch and
 the right presentation files to open could even be triggered by the
 detection of the projector :p /bluesky
Oh that's a good idea indeed! I'm a bit worried though about things changing 

  Considering that applications like Dolphin or Gwenview are part of it as
  well as Solid (hardware integration) I find many parts of that vision
  vaguely applicable or at least not clearly applicable.
 to me the boundaries should blurry more and more until nobody cares what an
 app is, every functionality shared in any way between apps, just going in
 the global environment (like we did with slc) dolphin should be part of the
 workspace without the user even noticing on what they are using (yeah, i
 know that for the developer having the name of his product well visible is
 important and )
*** fuck ego's *** :p
  Also there are some parts of the vision I don't understand, imho we should
  explain them or use other words.
 yep, i agree especially in last years there wasn't much put out on the
  -scalable interfaces ?
  -today's contexts ?
  -direct manipulation interfaces
  -organic look and feel.
 hmm, maybe a glossary could be compiled on the wiki?
 also some of them derive from actual psychology studies (like why not having
 sliding animations for appearing things plays bad tricks to the brain), I
 would like having a bit of bibliography on this, but sadly i don't :/
 there is a minimum common language that should really be a given for
 participating on a thing like that, I advise to everybody (but especially to
 who is coming there) some good reads (those are more about ux design
 details but are concept useful anyways for a broader vision definition):
If for understanding our vision we have to read all that then it is not a good 
vision imho. Maybe I don't understand what a vision should is though (this is 
the first time I'm participating in something like this).

 i think most of what's written in a permanent place is there:
 sadly quite outdated. a thing that would be very good from the sprint by the
 non coders that will participate is to write, write and write about those
 topics ;)
I hope seba's is updated since he is the only core plasma developer comming 
(aham aham u.U).

  At the end a user spent most of its time on applications.
 true, but the fact that this distinction exists in the first place may be
 part of the problem (false dichotomy?)
 ie with the machine i want to perform task x to produce or view a certain

Re: Re: Workspace Next Sprint Organization

2012-05-16 Thread Alex Fiestas
On Wednesday, May 16, 2012 12:54:16 PM Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
 there was something started quite some time ago by .. i forget who? .. here:
According to the history of the page, by you.
 there are other bits spread around the wiki there as well. i am fully
 supportive of streamlining and updating the text.
This is something we need to do so we can work on them before, during and 
after the sprint.

  I can imagine a future where my workspace acts as a iGoogle
  ( or something like that, and I can imagine that being
  sorted by activity etc I saw it in Active and I like it but I don't think
  that should be the vision but instead part of it.
 here's where you lose me because that *is* the vision we've been working
 towards. device spectrum, organic scalable interfaces and activities.
 arriving 4 years into that and then saying let's not to those who have
 been doing the work is .. well ... :/
Well you have to understand (you and any other plasma developer) that 
newcomers are always newcomers and if they come with preconceived ideas they 
are even worse so please, have patience with us/me.

I have been years reading all plasma-devel and #plasma channel talking with 
you about all kind of things related to plasma (with you, notmart, sebas, etc) 
and is just know I'm learning all this vision so I need time to digest and 
process :p

 the alternative proposed of make applications launch great is anemic in
 comparison. it is very clear you have a set of concepts you wish to work on,
 and that is important. but i'd like to challenge you to look around those
 concepts and place them within the context of a larger scope of ideas, and
 then design from that point of reference.
 this is what vision and design do for each other ...
I'm really afraid that willing to do this more complex vision we will end 
into something that is not good doing the basics, whatever the basics are.

Specially I'm burned with the current paradigm as you all know, I hate being 
stressed by the defaults we have that's why I'm so tiring with the app 
  Applications are too important to be excluded from it in many ways, the
 i agree that applications need to be well supported. how that happens needs
 to be derived from the goals of the workspace in terms of user benefit,
 which means knoing what those goals are.
 support application work flow is not a vision. perhaps where you and i
 disagree is that i do not think any one uses an app because we like using
 applications. i believe we use apps because they let us accomplish specific
 things like read a web page. and we do those things because they fulfill
 needs for information, social contact, etc etc etc.
I see this now (previous notmart email opened my eyes in this area), I'm still 
processing it.

 those are the elements of the goals that need to be met. the eventual design
 needs to reflect a deep awareness and respect of those goals.
 there are N different ways to launch, switch between, integrate, etc.
 applications. which one(s) do we want to create? well, that depends on what
 we want them to help the person using the system accomplish. which means:
 the design needs to be prefaced by the goals, or vision.
  vision should include:
  -What the desktop does when an app is executed (for example be quiet and
  not bother)
 i assume you read that i wrote almost exactly this in my previous email,
Yes, but it wasn't part of the vision, instead it was part of some vision 
extension for the application management.

  -Application integration.
 absolutely .. we started with centralized, consistent management and
 display of services applications use; i'm sure we can go much further,
 too. the question is: to accomplish what?
 the centralization was to provide single well-known places to do common
 things that run (from a user's POV) largely external to an application (aka
 the window we can see) in a consistent manner. the hope is to limit the
 number of things / places people need to learn and think about when using
 the system.
 that principle, extended, brings us to things like SLC ...
 what other sorts of application integration can we do, based on that goal?
 and, btw, i can think of other sorts of application integration we could do
 that don't meet the principle above. which is why starting with principles
 is important, because otherwise saying integrate applications will likely
 not result in a coherent and usefully designed thing, but a bunch of
 features smacked together because they are cool or seem to look nice.
  At the end a user spent most of its time on applications.
 is that why they are using the computer, to use applications? or is there
 something more fundamental going on for them, and applications are a means
 to that end? if so, what is it and how can we support that.
Still processing this :p

Re: Re: Workspace Next Sprint Organization

2012-05-16 Thread Alex Fiestas
On Wednesday, May 16, 2012 01:20:21 PM Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
 On Wednesday, May 16, 2012 11:14:46 Alex Fiestas wrote:
  So, what is the workspace for you?
 the components that take care of supporting the working area of the computer
 and practices of the person using the system. these tasks include:
 * user session start / stop / switch
 * power management
 * application launch
 * window management
 * locating resources available on or to the device
 * quick reference to information (some items in the system tray do this,
 some plasmoids do this)
 * interaction with system services (local file indexing, sound, networking,
 * presentation of actions belonging to the system (from a user's POV),
 which would include things like file operation progress or notifications
 perhaps there are others as well. all of these bits need to be fit well
 together. and applications which don't play a key role in the above are not
 part of the workspace.
 so there's a bit of scope to which we can add a set of big idea goals (aka
 vision) so we can chart how to accomplish each of the things in the list
  Considering that applications like Dolphin or Gwenview are part of it as
 dolphin and gwenview are applications. they are not part of the workspace.
 this is evident because:
 * they fulfill specific tasks (file management, image viewing); in contrast
 plasma-desktop, kwin, krunner and system integration components such as
 bluedevil do not meet specific tasks but enable one to engage in those
 tasks. you can use kwin without a file manager; it's annoying to use
 dolphin without a file manager. it's the app/system split.
 * they can be used in other desktop / workspace implementations without
 feeling foreign or that they are duplicating an integral system service
 * the workspace can be used without them without any degredation of service
  well as Solid (hardware integration) I find many parts of that vision
  vaguely applicable or at least not clearly applicable.
 that's because they are not part of the workspace.
 that begs the question: should we have an application vision? hell yes! (we
 have one for Active, btw...) should it harmonize with the workspace vision?
 double hell yes! there will be commonalities, there will also be
 differences. big ones.
 applications are all about framing and delivering content. the workspace
 needs to get out of the way of that as much as possible and provide an
 integrative system for those applications to tap into.
 the vision for an image viewer is neatly confined by the defined task.
 the vison for a workspace is not, so those boundaries and parameters need to
 be derived from a much large possible solution space. on the other hand, it
 can also embody more dynamics as a result of not having a single,
 self-evident task as an image viewer or file manager does.

I see and I agree on all you said (again be patience with me :p).

We need then something like active where we can put all visions (workspace, 
applications, hardware support...) and create a more unified experience. 
Plasma-devel mailing list

Re: Re: Workspace Next Sprint Organization

2012-05-16 Thread Alex Fiestas
On Wednesday, May 16, 2012 01:44:26 PM Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
 On Wednesday, May 16, 2012 11:14:46 Alex Fiestas wrote:
  well as Solid (hardware integration)
 separate email for a separate topic: frameworks and the workspace
 Solid is not part of the workspace
Solid == subcommunity of KDE dedicated to hardware support. When I said solid 
I meant BlueDEvil, Power Management, NetworkManagement, etc.

You mean libsolid not solid.
Plasma-devel mailing list

Re: Re: Workspace Next Sprint Organization

2012-05-16 Thread Alex Fiestas
On Wednesday, May 16, 2012 01:04:13 PM Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
 an answer to finding alex's email is not manage applications.
Good point.

 an answer to turn my computer off is not manage applications.
Not a valid example, I never turn off my computer (suspend) and even if I did 
I turn off the computer once a day.

 an answer to have my music volume be appropriate to what i'm doing on the
 system (e.g. mute it when i get an incoming call on mumble / jabber /
 googletalk / etc) is not manage applications.
Good point, though we don't need an interface for this.

 an answer to how do i organize my information, which is the reason i turned
 on this damn thing in the first place, so that it reflects what i'm most
 interest in is not manage applications
Well this is a need you believe people have, in my case I do but I'm not sure 
if the the average user have this problem.

Is there any user story written? which kind of users are we targeting?

Do you think that Penny[1] needs to organize information?

  A user that only wants to watch lolcats on youtube and talk to friends via
  facebook doesn't.

  A user that use the computer for multiple things or in multiple areas
  (work, home) may want to.
 which is more common, which do we want to design for? is one a super-set of
 the other? if so, can we design for that super-set of needs?
Well imho there are more people from the first group than for the second, most 
people I know don't want to use computers but they do because they need them 
to ex: play games, surf web, write documents, etc No doubts they will change 
the computer for something simpler when the alternative exists.

The need of having to organize information implies having information to 
organize, most people only have few mp3, few videos and few documents.

  The workspace should be extensible by third party developers and thus
  should be able to integrate their applications with it not mattering on
  which technology the application is written.
 sounds good to me .. we've also tried to focus on easy so that we avoid
 something super duper flexble and extensible but also too hard to make
 things for preventing people from doing so; we've also tried to focus on
 produces nice results so that people feel rewarded for their efforts (sth
 kicker failed at imho, resulting in orders of magnitude fewer addons for it
 compared to plasma)
Yay we agree on something! xD step by step :p

Plasma-devel mailing list

Re: Re: Workspace Next Sprint Organization

2012-05-16 Thread Alex Fiestas
On Wednesday, May 16, 2012 03:04:04 PM Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
 On Wednesday, May 16, 2012 14:48:58 Alex Fiestas wrote:
  We need then something like active where we can put all visions
  applications, hardware support...) and create a more unified experience.
 i agree ... and, btw, i'm stupidly excited that we're actually at a point
 where we can even conceive of doing this!
Yay! we agree on two things now xD (better take all this with humor :p)
Plasma-devel mailing list

Re: Re: Workspace Next Sprint Organization

2012-05-16 Thread Alex Fiestas
It sounds good, maybe we should start a new thread since this got contaminated 
with offtopic (sorry for that :( )
Plasma-devel mailing list

Re: Re: Workspace Next Sprint Organization

2012-05-15 Thread Alex Fiestas
On Tuesday, May 15, 2012 10:07:08 AM Björn Balazs wrote:
 Have you been aware of this vision?

 If no: looking back would it have been helpful for your work if you had
 known it (and how)?
No (I don't see how to apply it on Bluedevil / RandR / Kamoso).

 Is it too general / just right / too specific?
I think it is focused on the shell while we are working towards a workspace, 
which includes more things than the shell (working out a definition for 
workspace would be nice too).

 Is there anything missing or unnecessary in it?
I'm surprised that the word application doesn't appear even once, the most 
basic thing to do with the shell is switching and launching applications. Once 
that is done in a excellent way, then we can think on how complement it.

Something I asked myself while preparing for this sprint:
How much time do you use the shell and for doing what?

My answer to that question is:
I use the shell for launching and switching applications most of the time. 
Most of my time is spent into applications not in the shell.
Apart from switching applications, I use it to configure the network and I do 
this at most once per place when using a laptop, never when using a 

Funny story, using master version from time to time I found myself with 
plasma-workspace not working or crashing once executed. I'm still perfectly 
able to work thanks to KWin effects and KRunner (which are part of the shell 
as well).

My answer is based on my experience using the current shell. A possible 
objective for the next thing would be change that habit and make users spent 
more time on the shell.

Plasma-devel mailing list

Re: Re: Workspace Next Sprint Organization

2012-05-15 Thread Alex Fiestas
This would be my vision:

Plasma workspace should be excellent on launching, switching and getting 
applications and it shouldn't bother the user while using those. For the users 
that need it, the workspace should offer a way of organazing the different 
tasks performed on it (work, entertainment, personal communication, school..) 
by providing easy ways of sorting all kind of information.

There is another part of my vision focused on developers, I don't think it is 
relevant here.
Plasma-devel mailing list

Re: Re: Workspace Next Sprint Organization

2012-05-11 Thread Marco Martin
On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 9:37 AM, Martin Gräßlin wrote:
 On Friday 11 May 2012 09:29:29 Ivan Čukić wrote:
  while i will not be there, i would be interested in doing a remote
  presentation, e.g. video over the net. let me know if that would be of

 It'd be nice if the presentation (and more) would be on a (for
 example) G+ hangout so that a few of us can watch it.
 We clearly have to do something in that way. Both you and Aaron are very
 valuable when considering technical aspects, so we need you at least in a
 remote way :-)

yeah, that would be very useful (i'll probably won't be able to come
as well, maybe over the weekend but it's quite tight :/)

aanyways, that's not entirely bad: you'll be free from who knows the
implementation too much to clearly think outside of it (and advice for
who will be there, try to not think too much on the parts of
implementation you know best;)

then whatever the results are is something that we can walk trough the
implementation of it, what's doable, not so much, what will require
changes in the platform and so on (at akademy?)

Marco Martin
Plasma-devel mailing list