Anybody interested?

----- Forwarded message from Andreas Silberstorff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

I just want to let you know that a new release is in the queue probably for 
next weekend ( ).

Googling a little I found you struggled painly with packaging Kalva 0.6.1 for 
pld. I don't know about pld but maybe I can help eliminating the compiler 
issue. Maybe only the --prefix=/path/to/kde/on/PLD is missing. 

You shouldn'd package 0.6.1, that release had a nasty bug and could not record 
scheduled movies if the option to show the command was activated. I posted 
0.6.2 some hours later. Sorry that I did not announce that on kde-announce.
As kalva is ansi cpp conform since 0.6.1 you shouldn'd have problems. But I 
know of at least someone who didn't succeed on a mandriva 10.1 as well. Guess 
the buildsystem of kde < 3.3 is problematic though the source in it self should 
be compilable on kde 3.2. What gcc is pld using? Is unsermake from the kde 
build system included? I also have the suspicion that some automake versions 
make problems. You may mail the output of the build process to me.
I Hope the issue can be cleared.
Will you submit the specfile to kde-svn when it functions? I have mine for SuSE 
9.3 under trunk/playground/multimedia/kalva/rpmspecs/kalva-suse.spec.
Also interesting might be that the pot template did arrive under 
i10n/templates/playground-multimedia/kalva.pot lately.

----- End forwarded message -----

Jakub Bogusz
pld-devel-en mailing list

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