Hi David
Yes, that's exactly what you need to do. <Type> can be pretty much any wxWidget 
window class, although I suggest using wxPanel. Using wxFrame works on Windows, 
but is apparently not good practice and some things don't work properly if you 
render directly to a wxFrame on Linux.

In terms of a demo, check out wxPLplotDemo.cpp in the PLplot source code. It is 
in examples/c++


From: David Bergman <davidrberg...@yahoo.com>
Sent: Saturday, February 3, 2018 1:59:39 AM
To: plplot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net; Phil Rosenberg
Subject: Re: [Plplot-general] More questions about install


I am at the point where I have been able to successfully build new projects for 
wxWidgets and PLplot independently from scratch, compile-link-run.
I copied some code from a wxPLplotDemo into a new GUI I've developed.

The following declaration gives an error,

wxPLplotwindow* plotwindow;

"argument list missing"

Should the format be

wxPLplotwindow<type> etc

or is there still an issue with the wx drivers?  I have header, lib, and dll 
for wxwidgets functions, and enable_wxwidgets = ON was present in the cmake 

Thanks in advance for our help.

On Friday, February 2, 2018, 12:14:04 PM EST, Phil Rosenberg 
<p.d.rosenb...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi David
Integrating wxWidgets into PLplot should be as simple as defining the WXWIN 
system variable before running cmake. Cmake should see that and automagically 
find wxWidgets and build that backend for the library along with the example.

Where things may get complicated is matching the library settings for Unicode, 
static vs dynamic runtimes and debug vs release builds. I'm not sure if these 
only need matching for static libraries or if dlls need these matching too.

If you have any trouble just drop us an email.


On Feb 2, 2018 14:37, "David Bergman" 
<davidrberg...@yahoo.com<mailto:davidrberg...@yahoo.com>> wrote:

Thanks for reaching out.
At this point the VS IDE build and install has never worked right, without 
massive errors.  The latest trial produced the release version without error 
but not the debug.

Following the instructions for a command line build, with help from Arjen, in 
windows (not Cygwin) produced a directory without errors.  The IDE build and 
the command prompt build are significantly different in the content (in my 

I've been able to build a VS project from scratch using PLplot headers and dll 
and it worked.  So, I'm counting that as a success.  I have not yet had a 
chance to do more complex plots, fully test the functions, or integrate with 
widgets which is my intent.  I may need more help in the future.

I will say that there was one dll that the VS compiler/linker said was 
corrupted but I don't recall which one.
Just to get past it and get something working I deleted this from the project.  
It may come back to bite me later.


On Friday, February 2, 2018, 9:23:06 AM EST, Phil Rosenberg 
<p.d.rosenb...@gmail.com<mailto:p.d.rosenb...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi David
I would have gotten involved in this thread earlier if I had realised it had 
moved to Visual Studio an wxWidgets and away from Cygwin. Sorry for just 
reading the title and not the text.

I always use the visual studio IDE, I don't know if that is the route you ended 
up going down. Have you found the instructions at https://sourceforge.net/p/ 
 They are a little out of date, but I don't think much has changed.


On 26 January 2018 at 14:57, David Bergman via Plplot-general 
sourceforge.net<mailto:plplot-gene...@lists.sourceforge.net>> wrote:
That worked.  Are there any good tutorials for using this with wxWidgets and 
I think I need to set up the wxWidgets driver.
You may hear from me again...

On Friday, January 26, 2018, 9:38:32 AM EST, Arjen Markus 
<arjen.mar...@deltares.nl<mailto:arjen.mar...@deltares.nl>> wrote:

Hi David,

That is easier – did you install the stuff via “nmake install” or are you 
working from the build directory?

That is what I usually do and then I have to expand the PATH environment 

set PATH=d:\plplot-build-dir\dll;% PATH%

cd examples\cxx


Fill in the right directory for “plplot-build-dir” above.



From: David Bergman [mailto:davidrbergman@yahoo. 
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2018 3:34 PM
To: Arjen Markus
Cc: Plplot-general@lists. 
Subject: Re: RE: RE: [Plplot-general] More questions about install


Thanks, that worked to get past this hurdle.  nmake and nmake install worked.

Frankly, I'm not sure what state plplot is in but I tried running an example 
exe and got an error message that plplotcxx.dll is not installed on my computer.

However, this *.dll does exists in the dll folder.

How does that work?


On Friday, January 26, 2018, 8:15:24 AM EST, Arjen Markus 
<arjen.mar...@deltares.nl<mailto:arjen.mar...@deltares.nl>> wrote:

Hi David,

I was a bit hasty, I think – the cairo device driver actually consists of a 
whole slew of them and you would have to set all of them to off to avoid the 
cairo device (things like PLD_wincairo and PLD_epscairo). If I read the CMake 
files correctly, then you should be able to turn off that family of devices by 
-DDEFAULT_NO_CAIRO_DEVICES=ON. (I hope I am right this time)



From: David Bergman [mailto:davidrbergman@yahoo. 
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2018 2:12 PM
To: Arjen Markus
Cc: Plplot-general@lists. 
Subject: Re: RE: [Plplot-general] More questions about install


Thanks.  I tried again with your suggestion but the following warning.

CMake Warning:
  Manually-specified variables were not used by the project:


I tried variant, e.g. all cap, etc, just in case there was a typo.  No luck.

Any other suggestions would be appreciated.

On another note, not sure is you saw my other email status.  Installing from 
the IDE seemed to work for the Release build but not the Debug, several 
projects failed to build.  I cannot decipher why one would build and the other 
not.  Additionally the *.exe for the examples did not get created as in 
previous installs.  It seems that each try produces a different state.

Thank you in advance.


On Thursday, January 25, 2018, 2:44:51 AM EST, Arjen Markus 
<arjen.mar...@deltares.nl<mailto:arjen.mar...@deltares.nl>> wrote:

Hi David,

Wrt your message (it got caught in my spam filter for reasons best known to 


I just installed CMake 3.9.4 and tried the build from a DOS command prompt (not 
using VS INSTALL).  Same issues, partial output is attached.

It crashes at ciaro [26%].  Do I need ciaro to use plplot?


Apparently the build system is finding libraries that are connected to the 
cairo device. Unfortunately, they are not truly compatible. The best way to 
take care of that is to use the option –DPLD_cairo=OFF, forcing the build 
system to ignore that device. This kind of things sometimes happens.



Arjen Markus
Sr. Adviseur/Onderzoeker


+31(0)88 335 8559




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