Here are the Lua diff results I am getting on the MinGW/MSYS/wine
32-bit platform (on my 64-bit hardware):

   Missing examples            :  33
   Differing postscript output :  04 18 19 26
   Missing stdout              :
   Differing stdout            :

These results were obtained from configured to
test just the case of shared libraries for the test_noninteractive
target in the build tree.

I got Lua to work on Windows by adopting (revision 11378) the strategy
to transform absolute fullpath file names in the leading-slash,
single-letter form to the drive-letter form.  This is the same
strategy that was recently adopted for the Tcl case.

I am extremely pleased by the above Windows results which appear to be
identical to the Linux results for Lua. Attention to Lua propagation
issues for plstring, plstring3, and pllegend and even older Lua
propagation issues associated with example 19 should remove the above
differences on both Linux and Windows.

Note, the good results above were obtained with an install of Lua for
Windows which is described in I
highly recommend that procedure for all our Windows testers to
increase the power of their PLplot tests on Windows.

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state implementation
for stellar interiors (; PLplot scientific plotting software
package (; the libLASi project (; the Loads of
Linux Links project (; and the Linux Brochure Project

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