One other minor feature of iSiloX that I found to be a significant convenience
is the "Follow only links that are sub-folders of the root source paths
I find that I use that in the majority of web sites that I download on a daily
basis every morning, since most web sites have links that allow the online user
to go to other parts of the site. For example, the International News web page
of a particular News site has links to all the other News sections (Movies,
Horoscope, Fashion, Sports, etc.), and if I keep the limit number high enough
to retrieve all of the International News, then all of the Movie, Fashion, and
so on will end up in the file as well.
SO, in Plucker, I find that I frequently have to use the URL pattern filter, by
cutting and pasting, and adjusting for the correct Regular Expression, to do
exactly what iSiloX does with its "Follow only links that are sub-folders of
the root source paths checkbox".
Is there any objections to such a feature, or any technical obstacles in
implementing it in Plucker Desktop?
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