I've been running and administering different versions (stable and testing)
of vanilla Debian and Debian derived distros for about a decade. There are
more than 300 Debian derived distros with about half of that number still
active today.

One that I've been running very happily for the past few years is
Crunchbang It runs the Openbox Window Manager. It's a super light, no
fluff, fast distro! I don't know too many people that run a full fledged
Linux distro on a $300 netbook circa 2011. But I do.

Debian is nothing if not cutting edge and super stable/reliable. They test
for years before an distro upgrade is released. Apt is a great package
manager with user friendly tools such as Synaptic and Aptitude for software
installation and management without any fluff. Debian also has a huge
software repository and you can pull from free, contrib of non-free
repositories. If that's something that matters to you.

The current version, Debian 8, "Jessie ", was released in April 2015.
Systemd is the default init system. Debian also supports a wide array of
system architecture.

lastly, Debian also has a social contract, a great community, lots of
support, docs, tutorials, and the versions are named after Toy Story

Yeah, I'm a Debianhead for life. It's always treated me right, so no need
to try anything else.




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