[PLUG] Getting X Server Display Configuration on nVidia to work

2017-07-12 Thread Dick Steffens
I can't get the two screen settings to change and stay correct on my new 

On my old machine (running Ubuntu 14.04) I have an nVidia GeForce 210. 
On my new machine (running Ubuntu MATE 16.04) I have an nVidia GeForce 
GT 610. Both have nVidia driver version 304.135. On the old machine I 
have a 1280x1024 Samsung SyncMaster 712N monitor, and a ViewSonic 
VG2030wm 1680x1050 monitor. On the new machine I have a 1280x1024 
Samsung SyncMaster 712N monitor, and a 1920x1080 Samsung SyncMaster 
2333HD monitor.

On the old machine I have the 1280x1024 monitor to the left of the 
1680x1050 monitor. I'd like to arrange the new machine to have a similar 
arrangement, but two things happen when I try to set that with the 
NVIDIA X Server Settings tool. I can drag the 1280x1024 monitor to the 
left and the 1920x1080 to the right. But when I click on the Apply 
button, I get part of the background image on the 1280x1024 monitor and 
the rest of it on the 1920x1080 monitor. The 1920x1080 monitor also has 
the image that should be on the 1280x1024 monitor to the right of the 
extra part of the image from the other monitor, and there's a blank 
strip at the bottom of that monitor under the smaller image.

While I could live with the larger monitor being to the left of the 
smaller one, I'd like to have the menu bar at the top moved from the 
smaller monitor over to the larger one, and also the bar at the bottom 
of the screen with the buttons for the various open programs.

I haven't found anything current with Mr. Google. The latest posting I 
found was from 2013.

Any ideas on where to get current information about how to make this 
work right?


Dick Steffens

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Getting X Server Display Configuration on nVidia to work

2017-07-12 Thread King Beowulf
On 07/12/2017 05:43 PM, Dick Steffens wrote:
> I can't get the two screen settings to change and stay correct on my new 
> machine.
> On my old machine (running Ubuntu 14.04) I have an nVidia GeForce 210. 
> On my new machine (running Ubuntu MATE 16.04) I have an nVidia GeForce 
> GT 610. Both have nVidia driver version 304.135. On the old machine I 
> have a 1280x1024 Samsung SyncMaster 712N monitor, and a ViewSonic 
> VG2030wm 1680x1050 monitor. On the new machine I have a 1280x1024 
> Samsung SyncMaster 712N monitor, and a 1920x1080 Samsung SyncMaster 
> 2333HD monitor.
> On the old machine I have the 1280x1024 monitor to the left of the 
> 1680x1050 monitor. I'd like to arrange the new machine to have a similar 
> arrangement, but two things happen when I try to set that with the 
> NVIDIA X Server Settings tool. I can drag the 1280x1024 monitor to the 
> left and the 1920x1080 to the right. But when I click on the Apply 
> button, I get part of the background image on the 1280x1024 monitor and 
> the rest of it on the 1920x1080 monitor. The 1920x1080 monitor also has 
> the image that should be on the 1280x1024 monitor to the right of the 
> extra part of the image from the other monitor, and there's a blank 
> strip at the bottom of that monitor under the smaller image.
> While I could live with the larger monitor being to the left of the 
> smaller one, I'd like to have the menu bar at the top moved from the 
> smaller monitor over to the larger one, and also the bar at the bottom 
> of the screen with the buttons for the various open programs.
> I haven't found anything current with Mr. Google. The latest posting I 
> found was from 2013.
> Any ideas on where to get current information about how to make this 
> work right?

Googling with 'Xorg nvidia dual monitor'  will result in a heaps or
wikis.  Even a 2013 post will be relevant given your antique GPU and driver!

First check this locations for conflicting device, screen and/or server
layout settings:

nvidia-settings and its GUI can't adjust all X.Org parameters, since
'root' is needed to save those functions and X does not read $HOME.
You'll still need a proper xorg.conf file to tell X.org what to do.  The
APPLY button is for Monitor and GPU parameters that do not require the X
server to restart or reset.

The Nvidia has has an extensive README.txt that gives lots and lots of
information on setting up the driver.  I assume you want your one GPU to
drive 2 monitors of different resolutions as separate independent X
screens s.  You can also set up a single X screens spanning both monitors.

Here are 2 methods (There is a third involving the xrandr utility, but I
will leave that as a exercise for the reader).

1. Run nvidia-settings GUI as root or (ugh) sudo, click  "Advanced..."
button, and configure the settings the way you want.  Then, instead of
"apply" click on "Save to X Configuration File" and save to

Name can be anything ending in .conf

Restart X.org server.

2. With older nvidia drivers, monitor (DPI, and a few other
autodetection issues can occur.  Edit the above xorg.conf to fine tune,
for example (I've left off the non-GPU settings for clarity, and the
values are for my particular hardware - adjust as needed).  Once you get
something that is close, you can then use nvidia-settings GUI to fine
tune and save to xorg.conf.

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Layout0"
Screen  0  "Screen0" 0 0
Screen  1  "Screen1" RightOf "Screen0"
Option "Xinerama" "0"

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Monitor0"
VendorName "ViewSonic"
ModelName  "ViewSonic VA2448 SERIES"
HorizSync   24.0 - 82.0
VertRefresh 50.0 - 75.0
Option "DPMS"

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Monitor1"
VendorName "LG"
ModelName  "LG Electronics E2360"
HorizSync   30.0 - 83.0
VertRefresh 56.0 - 75.0
Option "DPMS"

Section "Device"
Identifier "Device0"
Driver "nvidia"
VendorName "NVIDIA Corporation"
BoardName  "GeForce GTX 1060 6GB"
BusID  "PCI:4:0:0"
Option "Coolbits" "4"

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Device0"
Option "metamodes" "1920x1080_60 +0+0"
SubSection "Display"
Depth   24

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen1"
Device "Device0"
Option "metamodes" "1920x1080_60 +0+0"
SubSection "Display"
Depth   24

you can use 'xrandr --screen [0 | 1]' or 'nvidia-settings -q dpys' to
determine which GPU port (VGA, HDMI,