[PLUG] 2nd try, no response: Re: October PLUG Meeting: Firejail and Linux VPNs

2023-10-04 Thread J. Hart

Is this being recorded or live streamed ?

On 10/4/23 6:32 AM, Michael Dexter wrote:

Portland Linux/Unix Group General Meeting Announcement

Who: Mark/Xe1phix
What: Firejail and Linux VPNs
Where: 5500 SW Dosch Rd, Portland
When: Thursday, October 5th, 2023 at 7pm
Why: The pursuit of technology freedom

In this presentation, Xe1phix will cover:

Re: [PLUG] October PLUG Meeting: Firejail and Linux VPNs

2023-10-03 Thread J. Hart

Is this one live streamed ?  Looks very interesting.

J. Hart

On 10/4/23 6:32 AM, Michael Dexter wrote:

Portland Linux/Unix Group General Meeting Announcement

Who: Mark/Xe1phix
What: Firejail and Linux VPNs
Where: 5500 SW Dosch Rd, Portland
When: Thursday, October 5th, 2023 at 7pm
Why: The pursuit of technology freedom

Re: [PLUG] [PLUG-ANNOUNCE] TONIGHT! UnPLUG 2021, The Year That Will Be!

2021-01-09 Thread J. Hart

Mine arrived about an hour and a half before the meeting.
I missed it as a result.

On 01/09/2021 05:58 PM, Tomas Kuchta wrote:

Strange, I just received the meeting announcement - 1.5 day late.

Judging by the responses, I am probably unique. Anybody else got this late,
so that we can compare notes?


PLUG: https://pdxlinux.org
PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] sort option for 'natural' sequence

2020-03-30 Thread J. Hart

try this :

cat sample.dat | sed "s|^'\([0-9]*\)'|\1 '\1'|" | sort -n | sed 
"s|^[0-9]* ||" | tee sample.dat.new

On 03/31/2020 08:30 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:



PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] sed substitution command doesn't

2020-03-30 Thread J. Hart

if you want to change the file in place, you want this:

sed -i 's/SHE-3/21/' sample.dat

On 03/31/2020 07:38 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:
sed 's/SHE-3/21/' sample.dat 

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Downloading a video file

2020-03-27 Thread J. Hart

try this :


On 03/28/2020 09:28 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:
I was sent a URL to a long series of characters at 
which is a 75 minute video file. Going to that address permits 
watching it,

but I'd like to download the file and watch it using local software.

wget fails to download the file:

[1] 18470 [2] 18471
$ Redirecting output to ‘wget-log.1’

The log says,

--2020-03-27 17:25:06--  https://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=DiWTO
Resolving clicks.aweber.com...
Connecting to clicks.aweber.com||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2020-03-27 17:25:06 ERROR 404: Not Found.

yet the browser plays it.

I must be missing a wget option. What might that be?


PLUG mailing list

PLUG mailing list

[PLUG] No meeting tonight ?

2019-09-05 Thread J. Hart

just tried to "tune in" from Western NY and didn't see anything.
Didn't see Mr Dexter in IRC either.
Didn't see any notice of cancellation.

J. Hart

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Your first PLUG talk!

2019-07-25 Thread J. Hart
It would be fascinating to set up a system for remotely based 
speakers..via skype mayhaps ?

J. Hart

The Wilds of Western NY (at the edge of the flat earthor slightly 
beyond that...)

On 07/25/2019 01:12 AM, Michael Dexter wrote:


I left OSCON with a speaker but now... not so much.

I have reached out to a few candidates but... how about YOU give it a 
go? I guarantee that each of you have a technological story to tell 
and I am happy to help you flesh out ideas.

Has the time come? Ready to headline PLUG?

You can do it!

(You do NOT want to hear about my multi-OS ZFS lab. Russell said so!)

Michael Dexter
PLUG Volutneer
PLUG mailing list

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Slackware Google Earth on Jetway

2019-03-07 Thread J. Hart

Here are a few reports regarding the more recent versions of Google Earth :





On 03/07/2019 12:58 PM, Dick Steffens wrote:
I just tried installing Google Earth on my latest Slackware project, 
on my Jetway machine.

The SlackBuild completed with one warning:

WARNING:  zero length file opt/google/earth/pro/kh56

Since it was "just" a warning I went ahead and ran Installpkg 

The install completed without complaint.

I ran it from the Applications menu (Xfce) and got the same screen as 
the last time I tried on one of my other machines. The splash screen 
appears, then the text part of the GE window appears and fills in. 
Then a small box appears in the space provided for the graphical 
display. This box contains a star field in motion for a few seconds. 
The splash screen never goes away. If someone is interested in seeing 
it, I have a screenshot I can send off list.

When I closed it I got the keyring request.

Any other ideas?

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Slackware Google Earth on Jetway

2019-03-07 Thread J. Hart
Google Earth has this issue with many non-proprietary (open source) 
drivers.  You may need to use a closed source NVidia or AMD driver to 
get it to work.

On 03/07/2019 12:58 PM, Dick Steffens wrote:
I just tried installing Google Earth on my latest Slackware project, 
on my Jetway machine.

The SlackBuild completed with one warning:

WARNING:  zero length file opt/google/earth/pro/kh56

Since it was "just" a warning I went ahead and ran Installpkg 

The install completed without complaint.

I ran it from the Applications menu (Xfce) and got the same screen as 
the last time I tried on one of my other machines. The splash screen 
appears, then the text part of the GE window appears and fills in. 
Then a small box appears in the space provided for the graphical 
display. This box contains a star field in motion for a few seconds. 
The splash screen never goes away. If someone is interested in seeing 
it, I have a screenshot I can send off list.

When I closed it I got the keyring request.

Any other ideas?

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Collect calculators?

2019-02-22 Thread J. Hart
A free HP-67 with mag strips ?  I'll take it..Where do I send the 
postage ?

On 02/22/2019 02:23 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
As long as I'm cleaning out older tools I no long user I'm offering my 
programmable calculator. Comes with a leather case, power wart, user 

and a couple of folders with magnetic program strips Free of course!

PLUG mailing list

PLUG mailing list

[PLUG] qTox - open source video/audio chat ?

2018-12-26 Thread J. Hart

Has anyone here ever played with it ?
PLUG mailing list

[PLUG] Thanks for the fun visit....:-)

2018-11-12 Thread J. Hart
Just wanted to thank everyone for the enjoyable time I had at the PLUG 
meeting on Nov 1.  I think I got more questions on the carnivorous 
plants than I did on the Linux stuff I was working on:-)

I hope to pass through town again one day.

Back to the daily grind of looking for work again. If anyone hears 
of any interesting Linux openings, please let me know.


J. Hart

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Introduction - from Niagara Falls NY

2018-10-29 Thread J. Hart
My apologies for the delay in replying.  I have just arrived in Portland 
from the wilds of the Far East beyond the edge of the known world.   I 
am staying in the Paramount Hotel in room 810.  I will be in attendance 
at the meeting on Nov 1.

I haven't had time yet to prepare a formal talk.  It's been a busy few 
weekw so far.  Besides tinkering with a roomful of computers, I also 
raise carnivorous plants for some odd reason, and have somehow become 
responsible for caring for the carnivorous plant collection at the big 
botanical garden in Buffalo NY (buffalogardens.com - huge greenhouses).  
It's the beginning of dormancy season for many of the North American 
species, and that's a bit busy both in the greenhouses and at home.

I'd be happy to do a brief introduction and am prepared to engage in 
informal discussions about what I've been up to. (Will there be any law 
enforcement present ?)

I'll try and see if I can do better than that.  If you have any 
questions, please feel free to call me at the hotel or 716-622-2070

On 10/29/2018 12:48 PM, Michael Dexter wrote:


Are you willing to give a talk?


PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Searching all filesystems except /proc

2018-09-30 Thread J. Hart
You may also wish to avoid searching in any active mount points under 
root (directories with additional filesystems (e.g. other drives) 
mounted on them.   The switch "-xdev" will prevent "find" from 
descending into those other filesystems).

On 09/30/2018 05:46 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
  I want to exclude /proc from being examined by 'find' when searching 
a file from /. I did not see an option in the man page to exclude 

partitions. Is there a way to have find ignore /proc?

PLUG mailing list

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Introduction - from Niagara Falls NY

2018-06-24 Thread J. Hart
Now that you mention it, a number of them do closely resemble musical 
Regarding your next query: They do eat small creatures, but do not 
generally play with them.

J. Hart

On 06/24/2018 02:36 PM, Tomas Kuchta wrote:
Off topic, you write "raise" not grow plants. That, in my mind, 
entails education. Do they speak French, play an instrument or play 
with kids after Sunday's lunch?


PLUG mailing list

[PLUG] Introduction - from Niagara Falls NY

2018-06-24 Thread J. Hart
 I have been following your activities both on the PLUG list and 
via live streaming from the meetings for the last couple of months, and 
thought it might be time to introduce myself.

 My name is Joseph Hart.  I am originally from Niagara Falls, NY, 
and have been working with electronics and computers since the late 
1960's.  I lived in Japan for over 14 years working as a scientific 
progammer at a leading Kyoto area research laboratory in the fields of 
artificial life (Alife) and robotics.  My wife and I moved to Western NY 
when they closed my section several years ago. I've pretty heavily 
involved with Linux itself for over twenty years, having started to use 
it when the lab began a changeover from the many other Unix systems they 
were using at the time (ex. SunOS/Solaris, IRIX, HP-UX, AIX, various 
Connection Machines, etc).

 I've got about 40 or so machines of various types (not all on at 
the same time...:-), including a goodly number of SGI boxes, five Amigas 
of various models, a number of miniaturized Japanese machines not 
available in the US, and of course a Raspberry PI.

 Many of these machines run a "distribution" of Linux which I 
designed and built entirely from source code.  I originally did this 
about 10 years ago on an old 32 bit x86 machine just to see how far I 
could get with it.  I liked the result so much that I kept it, and have 
since done a full X86_64 (64 bit) version, and an 32 bit ARM version for 
my RaspberryPi.   Everything was built from source, including the 
kernels, glibc, Xorg (X11R6) , all the compilers (gcc, g++, f77, rust), 
Firefox 57, Thunderbird email client,  and many other packages.  My main 
machine has an X11 package which is configured to feed a quad monitor 
setup, and I run an i3 tiling window manager on top of that.

 As I mentioned earlier, the Raspberry Pi runs my custom Linux OS 
instead of Raspbian.  It uses a  special UBoot configuration to boot a 
vanilla kernel.org kernel instead of a patched Raspbian one.   This ARM 
version  was built on one of my x86_64 machines using a custom designed 
cross-compile tool chain also built from source.

 I use the Pi to provide locally what for me are low bandwith 
services such as  DHCP, NTP, cron, DNS, Subversion, NFS, and a few 
others.  It also functions as the manager/scheduler for my network 
backup system.  That system takes incremental snapshots every hour on 
the hour.  It also powers up selected machines one at a time during the 
night in order to handle machines which may have been on only 
infrequently during the day, takes the requisite snapshots, and shuts 
them down again if they were originally found off.  This allows all the 
machines except the Pi to be left off when not in use, which saves on 
energy consumption.

I've also got an older Mac Pro 1.1 .  This was originally a quad core, 
but I have since modified it into an eight core machine.  It natively 
runs a 64 bit version I built for it.  Since this was my first 64 bit 
machine, the OS for it was built on one of my 32 bit machines using a 
similarly custom built cross-compile tool chain.

That should be far more than enough about  that.

I am presently still in Western NY.  It's very much a Microsoft "town".  
There's not very much of a Linux or technology market here so I'm 
somewhat semi-retired these days, but looking to get back into the field 
if chance permits.  The wife and I are considering a visit to Portland 
in the near future, with a view to possibly moving there some day.  We 
would like to try and catch a PLUG user group meeting if we can somehow 
manage that while we are there.

My apologies for the lengthy message:-)


J. Hart

P.S. I also raise carnivorous plants for the fun of it...

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] THURSDAY PLUG Meeting Announcement: YaCy Distributed/P2P Search Engine

2018-06-07 Thread J. Hart

oops my apologies

I didn't see this one.

J. Hart

On 06/07/2018 04:21 PM, Michael Dexter wrote:

On 6/6/18 7:35 AM, J. Hart wrote:
Will streaming be available for this meeting ?   It's a bit far for 
me to make a personal appearance:-)

Hello from Ottawa!

Guess I'm closer to you than to PLUG.

Daniel, if you get this and have OBS, a web cam and a second computer, 
I can connect you with the PLUG streaming information.


PLUG mailing list

[PLUG] No Response: was Re: THURSDAY PLUG Meeting Announcement: YaCy Distributed/P2P Search Engine

2018-06-07 Thread J. Hart
Will streaming be available for this meeting ?   It's a bit far for me 
to make a personal appearance:-)

J. Hart
Niagara Falls NY

On 06/06/2018 01:51 AM, Michael Dexter wrote:

Portland Linux/Unix Group General Meeting Announcement

Who: Daniel Hedlund
What: YaCy Distributed/P2P Search Engine
Where: PSU, 1930 SW 4th Ave. Room FAB 86-01 (Lower Level)
When: Thursday, June 7th, 2018 at 7pm
Why: The pursuit of technology freedom
Stream: http://pdxlinux.org/live

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] THURSDAY PLUG Meeting Announcement: YaCy Distributed/P2P Search Engine

2018-06-06 Thread J. Hart
Will streaming be available for this meeting ?   It's a bit far for me 
to make a personal appearance:-)

J. Hart
Niagara Falls NY

On 06/06/2018 01:51 AM, Michael Dexter wrote:

Portland Linux/Unix Group General Meeting Announcement

Who: Daniel Hedlund
What: YaCy Distributed/P2P Search Engine
Where: PSU, 1930 SW 4th Ave. Room FAB 86-01 (Lower Level)
When: Thursday, June 7th, 2018 at 7pm
Why: The pursuit of technology freedom
Stream: http://pdxlinux.org/live

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] streaming tomorrow's meeting ?

2018-05-03 Thread J. Hart

Monitoring on both irc channels.  No stream noted yet.

On 05/03/2018 08:18 PM, Michael Dexter wrote:

On 5/3/18 4:27 PM, Michael Dexter wrote:

Well... I try to monitor IRC but who knows if I'll be in front tonight.

Out of curiosity, which of the two channels do you prefer?

PLUG mailing list

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] streaming tomorrow's meeting ?

2018-05-03 Thread J. Hart
I will monitor both.  I'm setting up now, and will be watching the 
stream if I can get it.

On 05/03/2018 08:18 PM, Michael Dexter wrote:

On 5/3/18 4:27 PM, Michael Dexter wrote:

Well... I try to monitor IRC but who knows if I'll be in front tonight.

Out of curiosity, which of the two channels do you prefer?

PLUG mailing list

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] streaming tomorrow's meeting ?

2018-05-03 Thread J. Hart
I take it that the streaming will be one-way.  Will anyone be monitoring 
IRC so remote locations might communicate ?  I'm going to try and catch 
the stream tonight.  It will be 10pm my local time tonight if I 
understand correctly.

On 05/03/2018 12:47 AM, Michael Dexter wrote:

Well, probably, but my speaker cancelled.

It will be free-form short of my offer of a talk or two. You've had 
plenty of me. Maybe we do lightning talks...

PLUG mailing list

[PLUG] streaming tomorrow's meeting ?

2018-05-02 Thread J. Hart
I was wondering if tomorrow's meeting was to be streamed.  I'm out in 
the wilds of Western NY near the Canadian border where Microsoft reigns 
supreme, civilization is only a rumor, and Linux is pretty much 
unknown.  I'm considering a move to Portland in the future, and am 
looking for Linux groups out that way.  I'd like to follow the meeting 
if possible, and get a feel for the activity in your user group.


J. Hart

PLUG mailing list