Hello All,

I am so glad that this list is active again with so many familiar faces!

I have a security talk on tap for the 5th of October but the speaker's been a bit difficult to reach! Hopefully they'll come through!

The venue in Hillsdale is confirmed and I will have T-Mobile 5G hotspot to exercise.

The speaker comes first and I hope they'll confirm shortly.

Failing that, we could do an informal end-of-summer show-and-tell.

Failing that... I am happy to give one of my "Russell doesn't want to hear another $*#@ BSD talk" talks:

Falling in Love with FreeBSD, Again, or

The FreeBSD Appliance: Leveraging FreeBSD and Strategic Scripting to Deliver Storage and Virtualization Services

I could also write something up on filing bug reports and reviews.

Or maybe you have something you can't wait to share!

Let's call this an informal poll. We'll have a meeting either way.

Have a great weekend!


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