
I am still waiting on the announcement text from the presenter but here is a second soft announcement of the February meeting:

Topic: Ted Mittelstaedt on Zoneminder, the open source video recording/surveillance system

Date: February 2nd, 2023

Time: 7PM as per tradition

Setup: 6:30PM with Kevin volunteering. We need to set up chairs

Address: 5500 SW Dosch Rd, Portland, OR 97239

It is the first building on the left with two driveways up from the street and can be found here on Google Maps:,+Portland,+OR+97239

This is in Hillsdale and has the advantage that I have a key and control over the A/V. PSU became hostile under pressure from the homeless and most public spaces such as libraries follow "business hours", as someone kindly pointed out.

The ISP will be making a mail transition and worse case, this is the ONLY announcement until that is worked out. :-)


Please wear a mask unless actively presenting/announcing

Please help with chairs if you are able bodied

Please do not leave visible valuables in your car. We have had one smash and grab situation in the last six months but it involved a highly-visible purse in the front seat of a car. (Don't do that!)

Please contribute! Officially they want a fee but I volunteer extensively. We'll figure something out.

I cannot say if this is long-term venue, but I have been involved with it for decades.

All the best,

Michael Dexter
PLUG Volunteer
PLUG-announce mailing list

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