Re: Introducing myself

2014-07-29 Thread Dennis Kibbe

On 2014-07-28 16:37, Fred Fifield wrote: 

 My name is Fred and I've been stalking this mailing list for about three 
 weeks now and I thought it was time to come to the surface. 
 I'm a new Linux user. I installed Mint 17 Cinnamon back in June and I've been 
 loving it. I started with Ubuntu but there was too much weirdness in Unity 
 for my tastes. It was suggested on the Ars Technica boards (I'm a moderator 
 over there) that coming from Windows that I might find the transition easier 
 with Mint and they were right. Currently I'm dual-booting Mint with Windows 
 8.1 but I spend most of my time in Mint unless I'm playing a game. 
 I've flirted with Linux in the past but always seemed to get frustrated with 
 all the hurdles I seemed to run into with getting it all configured. One of 
 the reasons I love Mint so much is that it figured out my hardware 
 configuration on its own (including my printer!), not to mention making it 
 easy to install the nvidia drivers I needed. Not having to do any basic 
 configuration made it easy for me to explore the things I wanted to check out 
 on my own. 
 In reading up on my new OS one of the things that kept coming up was to check 
 out the local user groups. I found PLUG with a Google search and signed up 
 for the mailing lists that seemed pertinent. I hope to make it to one of your 
 meetings sometime but I work nights so it may be a while before I'm able to 
 do that. In the meantime I'm enjoying reading the emails produced by the 
 lists. I read them all even though most of the stuff is way over my head but 
 it's a good learning experience and sometimes there's conversations I 
 actually do understand! 
 I decided on some goals for my new Linux journey. In the near term I want to 
 learn the command line and [1] seems an odd text editor to me but I'm 
 enjoying the challenge of learning it. The command line is awesomely powerful 
 and I'm having fun with it too. I got a couple of books from Amazon that were 
 highly rated to help me out. The first is _The Linux Command Line: A Complete 
 Introduction _by William E. Shotts and the second is _Learning vi and the Vim 
 Editors _by Arnold Robbins, Elbert Hannah, and Linda Lamb. Once I get through 
 these I want to install a more complicated distro (to me) like Arch or 
 Gentoo. The ultimate goal is to do Linux from Scratch but there's a lot of 
 learning for me before I get to that. 
 Anyway, thanks for being here and sharing your knowledge about all the 
 Fred Fifield

Welcome Fred! You'll find a lot of helpful people here. 

Dennis Kibbe
Linux Program Lead
Mesa Community College 

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Re: scp problems

2014-07-01 Thread Dennis Kibbe
Michael Havens writes:

 Sorry enrique that was the quickest way I figured to describe it.
 push = file user@ipadd:file
 pull = computer - user@ipadd:file

 as for the server not running I could do it the other day. now that is
 weird! I mapped the IP address to a name in my router and it doesn't
 recognize the IP address any longer. Cool! That is another way to make your
 network more secure!


 On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 2:59 PM, wrote:

 Michael, don't be creative with the description of your problems, please

 push a file to another computer
 pull that file

 The error:

 'connection timed out'

 regularly means (assuming that both boxes can ping each-other) that the
 SSH server is not running.

 Michael Havens writes:

 When I try to push a file to another computer  it says 'connection timed
 out'. and when I try to pull that file it says that I entered the wrong
 What's wrong with this picture?


Try some basic network troubleshooting.

$ ping -c4 ip add of server

Do you get a response?  If yes, then

$ telnet ip add of server 22

Is SSH listening on port 22?

If not, then you need to figure out why.  Is the service not running?
Is SSH listening on another port?

Let us know what you discover.


27 Years 1987-2014
SDF Free Public Access UNIX System
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Re: creating a persistant pendrive image from the command line

2014-06-29 Thread Dennis Kibbe
Michael Havens writes:

 in my research to create a bootable pendrive I found:

 sudo dd if=linux image of=/dev/usbdrive

 my question is what do I need to add to the command to make a persistant


Depending on the distro you may find CLI tools designed to do that.
Check this article on the Fedora Wiki.

This also looked useful.  Especially the ability to create an encrypted
persistent overlay.


27 Years 1987-2014
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Revo by the founders of Bandersnatch

2014-06-26 Thread Dennis Kibbe
I noticed that sign on a building next to the Tempe Transit Center and
right across the street from the old Bandersnatch location.  Maybe a
Stammtisch in Tempe will be possible again.

27 Years 1987-2014
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Re: sftp in caja

2014-06-24 Thread Dennis Kibbe
Michael Havens writes:

 more to the point is there a list telling what ports are configured to use

/etc/services list common ports and services.  See man services.  Of
course, you can configure a service to run on a non-standard port.  In
the case of SSH (sftp is part of the SSH package) the port is configured
in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

Nmap can be used to find open ports on a server but should only be used
if you understand the legal implications of its use.

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Re: sftp in caja

2014-06-24 Thread Dennis Kibbe
Michael Havens writes:

 Thanks Dennis. Hey. I finally understand what ports are. Wikipedia told
 me. Am I correct in my understanding that tey are a connection between an
 ip address and a service?


Yes, IP addresses identify hosts such as ( and on a web server is running and listening on port 80.  When you type into Firefox it looks up the IP address and connects to
port 80, the default port for the HTTP protocol.

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Re: Help with finding Linux apps for editing HTML/Movies/Images

2014-06-23 Thread Dennis Kibbe writes:


 Any recommendations on:

 1) Graphics editor

 2) Movie editor for YouTube tyle stuff

 3) (X)HTML editor - would like a wysiwyg editor where I can look at
 the code and switch views so I can see what the HTML/CSS might look in
 a browser.

 Thanks in advance for your input.  Please no flame wars.



While not GUI don't overlook CLI tools like ImageMagick since they can
be much faster and are scriptable.  For example, ImageMagick can create
thumbnail images quickly with one simple command.  ImageMagick is powerful and 
well documented and you should be able to find plenty examples on the Net. 

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Re: Useless and meaningless rant about my hate for Linux Mint...

2014-06-21 Thread Dennis Kibbe writes:

 I hate Unity too...
 And/or the M$-like bloated KDE. 

 Because my long hated (and mostly reliable) Linux Mint went out of
 support, I decided to go with what I hate the least: Xubuntu. 

 After fiddling with it for a day I decided: screw it, I'll go Debian Xfce.
 So I got my trusty net-install CD and...
 It said that it needed 'proprietary firmware' from Realtek, but WAIT!
 It also said that I could install from the 'proprietary firmware DVD'! 

The firmware-realtek package is in the non-free repo.  Add to
/etc/apt/sources.list or better /etc/apt/sources.d/.  See man sources.list.

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Re: Useless and meaningless rant about my hate for Linux Mint...

2014-06-21 Thread Dennis Kibbe writes:

 What a great rant!!  I was on my way to look for a video on HULU I
 enjoyed this much more.


I've enjoyed it as well.  Bloat is one of those words that get thrown
around without really knowing what it means. (no offense to OP) If I
see the word in an article I want to know how the author measures

To me bloat would be code loaded into memory that is never executed.

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