Re: Puppet, Chef or CFEngine?

2011-11-09 Thread Dan Dubovik
We currently use puppet.  We have used it for quite some time, and just
revisited our configuration management system, to see if it was still the
right way to go.

In looking at Chef, CFEngine and Puppet, we decided to stick with Puppet.
 The cost of changing over a number of extremely complex systems to a new
management service was simply too high, for minimal (if any) gain.

On the topic of user management, while a shell script may be easier /
faster in the short term, over time (and once an environment is
sufficiently large) it can result in an inconsistent environment.  Servers
can be down, unresponsive, have some random failure, and if not immediately
and manually remediated, you end up with users on servers that shouldn't
be, missing users on others, and old passwords on yet others.

Using Puppet, you can either maintain /etc/{passwd|group|shadow} (wouldn't
personally do this, but it is an option, so included here in the interest
of being complete), or you can use the 'user' and 'group' resource type ( to maintain
users across the environment.  This is if you need / want to continue using
local users.  Personally, I'm with Bryan, and prefer a central
authentication method, as it resolves many of the problems you would have
with local users, and provides for an easier method of auditing user

-- Dan.

On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 7:43 PM, Lisa Kachold lisakach...@obnosis.comwrote:

 Thanks to all who responded.
 I believe this is an excellent subject for a blog after about 10,000 lab
 testing package comparison hours!

 On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 9:34 AM, Bryan O'Neal wrote:

 Personal opinion - for large scale use with many people maintaining
 different sections puppet is one of the best - however it is really
 only good for file management. Since nearly everything on a linux
 system is a file, this should not be a problem. As for user management
 - I am still under the opinion on that (unless you are a pure Linux
 environment) this should be solved by using Active Directory for
 authentication and pam for access mismanagement. (if you don't want to
 integrate your services with pam they probably have a simple
 configuration file that controls access management that could be
 handled by puppet just as easily)
 Chef is more extensible with access to a full ruby stack - however
 unless you have a very small group of well coordinated developers who
 insist on adhering to standards you will rapidly find your
 provisioning code will become unwieldy and almost useless as you
 inheritances start overriding key portions without notice as to why or
 what section did what. In the rite hands the flexibly is an asset that
 may help solve key problems. In the wrong hands it will propagate
 problems whose effect compound over time until the entire system is

 Disclaimer - I know very little regarding this compared to others. I
 use puppet, write manifests, build systems, etc. I am not responsible
 for the engineering.

 On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 3:56 PM, Ed wrote:
  On Sat, Nov 5, 2011 at 4:59 PM, James Mcphee wrote:
  I am also looking at implementing one of these at some point in the
  future.  The standard scripts over ssh is simple and relatively well
  controlled, but teaching new people how to use them and maintaining
 them in
  a sane fashion is troublesome.  I've used a few HP, Dell, Sun, and IBM
  config products in the past and they were all bad enough I went back to
  scripts in no time.
  On Nov 5, 2011 11:33 AM, Lisa Kachold
  Can anyone chime in on using enterprise mass systems configuration and
  management tools?
  What are you using? Chef, Puppet or CFEngine and why?
  I like CFengine - the task based focus is on promises and the
  install is painless. The only ruff spot I could point to is with
  application updates - the interface to yum is less polished than some
  - updates work if you work on them as groups vs particular apps. There
  are many promises online and in the maillists for particular tasks. I
  think there is even a starter pack on github somewhere. CFengine fits
  well into ITIL and managing IT - lots of IT - and it has it's own
  directory in /var too!  ;)
  The RH world has worked with Cobbler plus Puppet - this is getting
  tighter with Puppet plus TheForman and Pulp - if I remember the
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Re: Is it possible to extract the root password from the file system?

2011-07-18 Thread Dan Dubovik
Can you SSH as the hammerhead user?

When you FTP as the hammerhead user, can you move the script.php file to the
htdocs directory?  It has 777 permissions, so should be able to open it /
drop a file there.

If you can get a PHP file uploaded and able to execute properly, perhaps a
PHP based shell could help?

-- Dan.

On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 9:20 PM, Lisa Kachold lisakach...@obnosis.comwrote:

 I believe the script.php has to be moved the webroot directory and given
 permissions there I believe, but well if you can't get a login via ssh... --
 how to do it?

 On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 8:58 AM, Mark Phillips

 On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 3:54 AM, Lisa Kachold lisakach...@obnosis.comwrote:

 There are alot of password files and dictionary lists on various sites.
 Backtrack5 contains a good number.

 But I imagine that it's either not allowing root via ssh or you have the
 wrong username.

 It turns out the box is smarter than a fifth grader.after a few hydra
 attacks, it started rejecting all the hydra attempts to ssh in via root.
 Once I stopped hydra (after running all night), it took a couple of hours
 before it would respond to ssh attempts from root. It now will ask for the
 root password, but I still have no idea what it is.

 Or it's a truely random string.

 It could bethe password for the zip file to unzip the file system is


 . Someone retrieved it using a disassembler on the file system.

 I did some more reading, and one person was able to use php to allow ssh
 login. The box allows one to create a web space, and it comes with php
 installed. One can edit the php.ini file, and I can upload via ftp a php
 script. The script they suggested is:
 $file = '../../../../etc/pam.d/sshd';
 $fh=fopen($file, 'w') or die(can't open file);
 $stringData = account  required\n;
 fwrite($fh, $stringData);
 $stringData = session  required\n;
 fwrite($fh, $stringData);
 $stringData = auth required\n;
 fwrite($fh, $stringData);

 I uploaded the script, but I get a 404 File not Found when I access the
 page. I thought it might be a file permission error since the file is only
 rw. I tried chmod 777 at the ftp prompt, and got the error message File not
 Found, but ls shows it is there.

 ftp ls
 200 PORT command successful
 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
 drwxrwxrwx   2 apache   apache  6 Jul 17 08:23 cgi-bin
 drwxrwxrwx   2 apache   apache 22 Jul 17 08:23 htdocs
 drwxrwxrwx   2 apache   apache 39 Jul 17 08:23 log
 -rw-rw-rw-   1 hammerhead hdusers   335 Jul 17 08:49 script.php
 226 Transfer complete
 ftp chmod 777 script.php
 550 CHMOD 777 script.php: No such file or directory

 Is there anything I can change in the php.ini file to make this script
 execute? Or, am I missing something else?

 BTW, I cannot ftp as root, but I can ftp as a user I created, hammerhead.



 On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 10:33 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

 Since this is a drive buffalo, I might try ettercap ssh downgrade

 Not sure how a man in the middle attack will work, since I don't know
 the password to begin with...

 Or Hydra:

 Hydra Instructions:

 Hydra is promising. I tried it with the common passwords list from
 openwall. No luck. Do you have any better password lists?



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Job Board

2011-02-15 Thread Dan Dubovik
Hi all,

I seem to be having a few problems on the main site for the group.
I'm am sure these are likely just me having my guy eyes on, and
overlooking the obvious, but am hoping I can get someone to point me
in the right direction.

1) I'm not able to find where to go to create an account to login.  I
can join the groups no problem, just can't create an account.

2) How does one add a posting to the Job Board?  My place of
employment would like to add a listing here, and is not able to find
where to properly do so.  Any help in this regard would be much


-- Dan.
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OT: Teaching at a CC

2010-11-17 Thread Dan Dubovik
So, I know we have a few instructors at a community college here on
the list.  Just wondering what the requirements are to obtain said
job.  Do you need to teach a certain number of classes?  What level of
degree is required?  It's something I'd like to do eventually, and
would like to know what is needed to get there.


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Re: Verify if an email address exists.

2010-09-07 Thread Dan Dubovik
Sort of depends on what you are looking for.  There are some domains that
have a catch all, so may not go to the specific address you mail to.

What are you wanting to accomplish with this?  If you want to know if you
can send mail to a specific domain, you can open a socket to the domain on
port 25 (assuming you have outbound port 25 available to you from your

If you want to know if a specific email address is available, you can try to
send an email to the address, and note the response code after sending it.
Using php, you can use the mail() function, however, the error message it
returns is binary in nature, either it sends or not, without a real reason
why it failed to send.

-- Dan.

On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 6:09 PM, AZ RUNE wrote:

 For quicky help, .com something like that


 On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 6:07 PM, keith smith wrote:

 I would like to verify email addresses to verify if the actually exist.  I
 seem to recall doing a reverse lookup.  Is that possible?  I would like to
 do this in PHP if possible.  Google returns no real help.

 Thanks in advance.

 Keith Smith

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Re: Locked Directories

2010-08-16 Thread Dan Dubovik
Should create them as the user that is going to use them.  There are
times it is appropriate to create them as root, other times not so
much.  It is very much application specific, though usually you want
to create it as the user that will need to use the file or directory.

-- Dan.

On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 12:04 PM, Eric - A wrote:
 So I should create all directories as normal user then?

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Re: Tarballs

2010-08-15 Thread Dan Dubovik
Contents of the .bin file:

 These are the commands I'm following:

 Tar jxfv konversation-1.3.1.tar.bz2
 cd konversation-1.3.1
 make install

 and nothing happens.

Are you actually capitalizing the Tar command? Or was that just your
editor that did that?

That said, I went and grabbed a copy of the tarball.  The commands
listed above wouldn't work, since it doesn't have a configure script,
and instead uses cmake.

-- Dan.

On Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 9:50 AM, Eric - A wrote:
 Hi all, I'm trying to learn how to use tarballs but I'm running into a 
 dead-end with the commands I found on a couple of how-to pages. The 
 commands I executed are attached and show the commands I used. Any help will 

 Eric - A

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Re: Determin which FTP server is running and turn off non secure FTP

2010-06-24 Thread Dan Dubovik
rpm -qa | grep ftp ?

also chkconfig --list

at the bottom of the list will be the xinetd based services.

Find the FTP daemon in there, and:
chkconfig [daemon_name] off

On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 10:56 PM, walter tocalini wrote:

  Keith let asume that you use yum to install pure-ftp and you use---and you
 did not use nothing else to configure pure-ftp than chkconfig,

 -yum install pure-ftpd

 now after that you create the system startup links

 chkconfig --levels xx pure-ftpd on (xx =whatever level you use)
 chkconfig  pure-ftpd on
 then or just reboot OS
 /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd start

 now check if is listed

 chkconfig --list pure-ftpd

 then you command will be
 /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd stop

 now using chkconf you will remove the startup link

 chkconfig --levels xx pure-ftpd off
 chkconfig pure-ftpd off

 now that should do it,

 good luck


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Re: Determin which FTP server is running and turn off non secure FTP

2010-06-23 Thread Dan Dubovik
You could check /etc/init.d for something that looks like an FTP server
You could check:
lsof -i :21

which should provide you with the pid / process that is listening on port

Once you have that, you should be able to kill off the process.

Don't forget to chkconfig off the process, so it doesn't come up if / when
you reboot the server.

-- Dan.

On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 3:50 PM, keith smith wrote:


 I have a CentOS server that I am working on.  Got SFTP working and now I
 want to turn off plain FTP.

 It is unclear to me how to do so and I can't find a reference that shows me
 how to determine which FTP server we are running.

 Thanks a bunch!

 Keith Smith

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Re: Determin which FTP server is running and turn off non secure FTP

2010-06-23 Thread Dan Dubovik
FTP control channel is on port 21, data is on 20 (for active ftp).  SFTP
uses the SSH daemon, so runs on port 22.

It has been my experience that the pure-ftpd init script is far from
graceful, as Eric pointed out, the error that was given likely means that
the service wasn't running.  That, or it just couldn't find the pid file.

lsof -i :21 will tell you the process (with pid) that is listening on port
21.  You can then kill that process.  Provided you have also used chkconfig
to disable the service on startup, it will then effectively be stopped from
running.  The rpm -e or yum remove commands listed above will make doubly
sure that the service won't be started up again on the server.
 Additionally, you could use iptables to disable any connection to port 21
on the server :
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 21 -j REJECT

I think that should stop incoming connections on the port.

-- Dan.
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Re: CloudLinux

2010-06-21 Thread Dan Dubovik
I've been playing around with CloudLinux a bit and haven't had a chance to
properly reply to this thread until now.  That said, CloudLinux itself is
not a virtualization layer in the sense of Xen, VMWare or the like.  It
instead is a way to limit system resources based on the user (uid) instead
of by process.

While CloudLinux does include some security features (a grsecurity patch,
utilization of fcgid / suphp for running cgi processes as the VirtualHost
user, instead of as the apache user), it's primary benefit is in the
limitation of CPU, I/O, and process count per user.  In a hosting
environment, being able to prevent one user from completely tanking a server
(either intentionally, as a result of a Digg or Slashdot article, or some
attack aimed at the site), this is a huge benefit.

IMO the name itself (CloudLinux) is somewhat misleading, as it does not
employ any Cloud features (no real abstraction of services from the

@R P Herrold
I agree that the basic support is useless.  I do not know the pricing of
licenses / support as of yet, however, I suspect that Basic plan is simply
there to make the others look more attractive for whatever the price is (see
ATT's .5GB data package vs 2GB data package for a similar concept).

In the OT part of this thread, I would also agree that many of the security
risks of Cloud computing are much arm waving, and can largely be resolved by
proper encryption of data, in addition to using the Cloud properly.  There
are parts of it that can be useful (non-critical data storage, inexpensive
off site backups, etc), and parts that you may not want to keep out there
(unencrypted user SSN's, CC#'s, etc), more as part of good practice than any
real security concerns.

I also agree that any way we can make the bad guys keep scratching their
heads, gives us time to implement better policies and procedures to further
complicate their lives.  However, while we should try to keep our methods of
thwarting them quiet, it could also be beneficial to inform others who have
noticed (and been open) about the same attacks know what you did to resolve
it, even if done so out of band via a simple phone call, etc.

-- Dan
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Re: power supply

2010-06-20 Thread Dan Dubovik
I've gone with the Enermax modular PSUs for the past couple I purchased, and
have been quite pleased.  That said, I'd go with Eric's advice, and check
out the Newegg reviews prior to purchasing.

-- Dan.
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2010-06-18 Thread Dan Dubovik
Hey all,

Just wondering if any of you have played around with CloudLinux ( and what your thoughts and experiences with it may
have been.

-- Dan.
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Re: PLUG Eastside Meeting - Thursday

2010-06-09 Thread Dan Dubovik
What time is it to start?

Sorry, new to the list / group, so not sure if this is available elsewhere
or not.

-- Dan.

On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 10:44 AM, Dennis Kibbe denn...@sdf.lonestar.orgwrote:

 Join us Thursday evening at our new meeting location at Mesa Community
 College's Kirk Student Center on the Southern  Dobson campus for pizza
 and a presentation.

 Scott Gwin will give a presentation on Linux and the Android.

 Please see the PLUG website for meeting details.

 Did I mention PIZZA?! :-)


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Re: What syntax for global 'chown' fix?

2010-06-08 Thread Dan Dubovik
For the record, I'm with Dale here.  Generally speaking, running a chown /
chmod against an entire system is bad.  There are system files that have
setuid / setgid set, and for good reason (/bin/su comes to mind).  There
could be uses for specific directories however, and with that in mind:

From the find man page:
   -P Never follow symbolic links.  This is the default behaviour.
 When find examines or prints information a file, and the file  is a
symbolic link, the information used shall be taken from the properties of
the symbolic link itself.

So to shorten Kaia's command, just add -P to it, and it will ignore
symlinks.  Mind you, this is being explicit in the command, as the default
is to not follow symlinks.  If you want it to follow symlinks, use the -L

This would modify the command to:
find -P [dir] -exec chown user:group {} \;

On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 11:57 AM, wrote:

 Thanks Dale, Kaia, and Eric ...

 Sincerely appreciate all of your answers. Each one helped.

 I fully realize that entirely too often, I have no idea what I am doing;
 but I just blindly muddle along anyway and somehow, by the grace of God
 and the guidance of so many excellent plug friends, I manage to sort
 things out and happily survive. ;)

 In this case, I learned a bit more from each answer, some of which I
 understand, and some of which I still do not understand. However, I got
 the result that I needed. I just test various commands on a small sample
 and once I eventually get something to work, I apply it further.


  I originally wrote:
  While the example commands below work to change permission for either a
  complete system or for a complete directory and all sub-directories,
  what would the syntax be for a similar command to 'chown' (change the
  owner) globally or for a designated directory and and the files and
  subdirectories below it?
  find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 644
  find . -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 755
  find dir -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 644
  find dir -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 744

 Dale wrote:
  Joe, before answering your question, I feel the need to warn you.
  If you understood what the above commands do, the answer would be obvious
  and you wouldn't have asked the question.  Further, IMHO, unless you know
  what each part of the above commands do, you shouldn't use them.  Each
  line has three commands, each of which is readily understandable with
  some effort.
  (BTW, none of the above commands change permissions for a complete
  They only do it recursively for files in a directory or for a directory
  and its subdirectories.)
  To change the owner and group for a directory and recursively to its
  files and subdirectories, do:
  (1)   chown -R owner:group dir
  To change just the owner:
  (2)   chown -R owner dir
  To change just the group:
  (3)   chown -R :group dir
  An alternative way (just less efficient) to accomplish (1) is:
  (4)   find dir -print0 | xargs -0 chown owner:group

 = Previous replies:
 A: Eric wrote: to globally change owner:
 find dir -type f -exec chmod user:group {} \;
 find dir -type d -exec chmod user:group {} \;

 (J: I discovered that 'chmod' in the Eric's example
 should apparently have been 'chown' ... I think.)

 A: -- To avoid any surprises with links,
 if there are any, do this first:
 find [dir] -type l | more
 find [dir] -exec chown user:group {} \;

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Re: An actual Linux problem/solution (slicehost)

2010-05-19 Thread Dan Dubovik
If you are running into issues with too many httpd processes spinning up,
would it make more sense to limit the number of child processes it can spin
up?  You could run into similar constraints if you hit MaxClients (assuming
apache here?), however, you could monitor for that to trigger your restart
instead.Is the cause of the load from the web server spinning up a bunch
of processes all of a sudden? Or from the code it is attempting to parse /
deliver?  Increasing the number of servers that are started up could also
help in preventing a spike of load if it is the former.  If the latter is
the issue, perhaps some other optimizations could be made.  I've had some
pretty decent success with memcache in helping reduce mysql traffic and
server load.

While the script you have here could keep the server from having to be
rebooted, it seems that having that 30 second sleep in the middle of a bunch
of traffic, would go against the (supposed) goal of driving traffic in the
first place.

-- Dan.

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 12:12 PM, Matt Graham danceswithcr...@usa.netwrote:

 I have a slicehost running Gentoo.  Because I'm cheap, I got the smallest
 slice available (256M RAM, 10G disk, 100G bandwidth, small amount of CPU).
 This usually worked fine since I'm not running a whole lot of stuff or
 high traffic.

 However, if the slice got a large amount of traffic in a short period of
 the load on it would go through the roof.  Then it'd run out of RAM, then
 usually run out of swap.  This usually led to an unresponsive slice that
 couldn't be recovered without a reboot.  This was *really* inconvenient,
 especially if it happened while I was sleeping or busy.

 So after screwing around for a while and tweaking some parameters, I came
 with a small Perl script, below in pseudocode:

  if($load  10.0 and $count == 0){ # seems about right
writelog($date load $load WHOA! force-killing everything.\n);
$count=2; # seems OK
  elsif($load  3.0 and $count == 0){ # seems about right
writelog($date load $load restarting everything\n);
$count=2; # seems about right
  sleep(60); # maybe 45?  This works though.
  if($count  0){ $count--; }
 # end

 with this in place, things have been working for over a week with no
 manual reboots required.  Restarts of one stripe or another get triggered
 about once or twice a day, at random times, and there's not any correlation
 that I could see to what's in the apache logs or the slow query logs.

 Later today, if I don't get beaten down with 5 tons of other junk, I'll
 the real code.  Maybe some other slicehost user will find it useful.
 Comments/criticism/stuff RELATED TO THIS HERE MESSAGE are welcome.  cat
 Offtopic stuff  offtopic_thread , please.  Thank you, and keep reaching
 for the stairs.

 Matt G / Dances With Crows
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Re: load balanced configuration

2010-05-19 Thread Dan Dubovik
The question I have, are you trying to actually load balance things? Or just
have a remote location that you can fire up with live data at a moments
notice?  Basically, are you wanting an active/active configuration, or

active/active across DC's can get kind of hairy depending on what the
network looks like.  active/passive won't give you any performance gains,
but can simplify the configuration, while providing the HA you seem to be
after.  As Kaia pointed out, what the traffic looks like (reads vs writes)
is a consideration.  If it is something that users don't write to, and data
doesn't have to be replicated across DCs frequently, this further simplifies

Ultimately, the configuration will depend on what the application and
network looks like currently, and what level of redundancy you want / need.

-- Dan.

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 1:40 PM, Matt Iavarone matt.iavar...@gmail.comwrote:

 I think the original question was around stateless load balancing, not
 clustering.  Cross DC clustering is a headache, but HA web sites aren't
 exactly terchnical challenges these days.

 On May 19, 2010 4:33 PM, Alex Dean wrote:

 On May 19, 2010, at 2:47 PM, keith smith wrote:

  Hi Plug,
  I am considering combining the ...

 You're entering a world of pain. :)

 HA is cool, but is no panacea.  If you haven't actually experienced
 downtime due to your server crashing or your datacenter losing connectivity,
 I recommend thinking long and hard about it.  Don't solve a problem you
 don't have.  The downtime created from unneeded failovers will likely exceed
 the actual/real downtime caused by either a server or datacenter being
 offline.  Managing the cluster itself (as distinct from the services
 provided by the cluster) needs to be accounted for as an

 I don't want to sound overly pessimistic.  I've set up quite a few HA
 clusters, and actually enjoy it most of the time.  But it WILL cause you
 headaches in the middle of the night which you wouldn't have had if you only
 had a single server.

 Leave yourself lots of time to set up a development/test cluster, and abuse
 it in many ways.  Pull out network cables, kill the switch, yank out power
 cables, etc.  Do this with real hardware, not VMs.

 When the cluster nodes lose contact with each other, both will decide to
 become primary.  This is a split brain.  This can happen when the switch
 in-between them gets busy and starts dropping pings.  Now, you can always
 recover from such things.  I'm just recommending you become very familiar
 with these issues before going live with this setup.

 Let me/us know if you have specific questions once you start setting things
 up.  Good luck!

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Re: Coding a program to do mass downloading help

2010-05-19 Thread Dan Dubovik

If there are simply links on the page to get, you can use the recursive

   Turn on recursive retrieving.

If you have a list of the URLs for the files to get:
   -i file
   Read URLs from file.  If - is specified as file, URLs are read
from the standard input.  (Use ./- to read from a file literally named -.)

   If this function is used, no URLs need be present on the command
line.  If there are URLs both on the command line and in an input file,
those on the command lines will be the first ones to be retrieved.  The file
need not be an HTML document (but no harm if it is)---it is enough if the
URLs are just listed sequentially.

   However, if you specify --force-html, the document will be
regarded as html.  In that case you may have problems with relative links,
which you can solve either by adding base href=url to the documents
or by specifying --base=url on the command line.

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 1:44 PM, AZ RUNE wrote:

 I have a friend that does DJ work with a subscription to a closed music

 In the repository there are 4 categories of music he wants to download with
 4,000+ songs per category

 Is there a program that will do that automated over http if given the url?
 Or would it have to be custom built?

 Any ideas?

 Brian Fields

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Re: Coding a program to do mass downloading help

2010-05-19 Thread Dan Dubovik
   Specify the username user and password password for both FTP and
HTTP file retrieval.  These parameters can be overridden using the
--ftp-user and --ftp-password options for FTP connections and the
--http-user and --http-password options for HTTP connections.

This assumes a basic authentication scheme I believe.

There is also support for cookie handling, and SSL support (if compiled in).

-- Dan.

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 2:15 PM, Taylor, Kaia kaia.tay...@schwab.comwrote:

  Cool instructions, thanks for the URL, James!
 I wonder, though, about the *closed* music repository part of the request.

 Will the DJ need to handle authentication/https/cookies?

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *James
 *Sent:* Wednesday, May 19, 2010 1:57 PM
 *To:* Main PLUG discussion list
 *Subject:* Re: Coding a program to do mass downloading help

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Re: load balanced configuration

2010-05-19 Thread Dan Dubovik
On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 7:57 PM, keith smith wrote:

 This is kind of fizzy to me.  I'm glad you brought it up.  I did experience
 this 6 to 9 month ago when the data center chanced the NIC card.  I think
 they had to flush some buffers in their routers so the new MAC address could
 be found and cached if I recall correctly.

They likely had to clear the ARP cache.

 We are in a data center and use their DNS.  So I'm thinking the request
 goes to the root server then to the data center's DNS and it tells the
 client what the IP address is.  So if the Data Center's DNS is changed to
 point to a new IP for our domain then that would be instantaneous or would
 the client and everyone along the way cache the IP?

The A Record for your site can still be cached for up to the TTL time by
local dns services.  Thus, the following can occur:

1) Client visits site
2) ISP cache's IP address after it does the initial look up
3) Something bad happens to the data center
4) IP address is updated
5) Client goes to visit site again
6) Client's ISP realizes they have visited that site recently, and provides
the cached answer for the DNS response.
7) Clients browser / application is forwarded to the old IP address, and
encounters an error.

 Keith Smith

 --- On *Wed, 5/19/10, Ed Knapp* wrote:

 From: Ed Knapp

 Subject: Re: load balanced configuration
 To: Main PLUG discussion list
 Date: Wednesday, May 19, 2010, 6:09 PM

 One thing struck me here with your description...

 “and a change to the DNS and we are off and running”

 While your DNS records might be changed relatively quickly during an
 incident, the change
 Itself can take quite a while to trickle down to the end users/clients out
 in the cloud.
 Any client’s DNS resolution that has not expired in the cache nor manually
 refreshed will
 still fail to properly resolve/connect.  It doesn’t usually, but I tell
 clients to plan for 48 hours
 Estimated time for the change to completely propagate.

 I would hate for you to get blindsided with a person hovering over you
 asking how much longer
 It is going to take before the site is back up and operational.  It is
 frustrating when you have
 Fixed the issue [  problem :-)   ] but have to just sit and wait for it to

 There are certainly strategies to mitigate this risk and I do not know if
 you maintain your
 Own DNS servers or do you work through a hosting provider/domain registrar.

 I hope this helps a bit.


 On 5/19/10 2:07 PM, keith smith wrote:

 Currently we have two servers in our main data center.  One serves our
 shopping cart.  The other contains quite a bit of content that is data
 driven (reads).  The content site is very active.  The orders on the
 shopping cart are spread apart by one or two minutes during the busiest part
 of the day.  We store a lot of data with each order so most of this is
 writing. The shopping cart is backed up to the server in the other data
 center.  Supposedly if there is a problem, a few things need to be done to
 the backup server in preparation to make it live, and a change to the DNS
 and we are off and running.

 The problem I am trying to solve is the other server (content site) is not
 currently backed up automatically.

 Another layer of this is these are managed servers.  We have an excellent
 relationship with the data center owner and have 24/7 access to him and his
 staff.  He manages all three servers and has always done a good job.

 I am the one tasked with keeping our sites online 24/7.

 I was hoping by configuring two servers, each in a different location,
 that, in the event of one of the data centers being completely severed from
 the Internet that the other server would automatically, without any human
 intervention, take over the full load of the other server and those visiting
 either of our sites would not know there had been an issue.

 In a nutshell I am trying to create an automated backup that is a automated
 fail over solution.

 I appreciate all your feedback!

 Keith Smith

 --- On *Wed, 5/19/10, Dan Dubovik* wrote:

 From: Dan Dubovik
 Subject: Re: load balanced configuration
 To: Main PLUG discussion list
 Date: Wednesday, May 19, 2010, 1:45 PM

 The question I have, are you trying to actually load balance things? Or
 just have a remote location that you can fire up with live data at a moments
 notice?  Basically, are you wanting an active/active configuration, or
 active/active across DC's can get kind of hairy depending on what the
 network looks like.  active/passive won't give you any performance gains,
 but can simplify the configuration, while providing the HA you seem to be
 after.  As Kaia pointed out, what the traffic looks like (reads vs

Re: Command Line Question

2010-05-10 Thread Dan Dubovik
rm -i *.txt | yes

may work for you?

[r...@localhost]# yes --help
Usage: yes [STRING]...
  or:  yes OPTION
Repeatedly output a line with all specified STRING(s), or `y'.

  --help display this help and exit
  --version  output version information and exit

On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 9:35 AM, Eric Cope wrote:

 Good morning all,
 I have a question that I don't know how to google. When I issue a command
 like rm -i *.txt, it responds with a question that I type 'y' for every
 line. I recall a way to issue a 'y' to every question. I thought it was 'y!'
 but that doesn't seem to work. Does anyone know this trick.


 p.s. yes, I know I can use \rm *.txt or rm -f *.txt for this specific trite
 case, but there are other situations where this would be helpful.

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Re: Command Line Question

2010-05-10 Thread Dan Dubovik
 yes | rm -i *txt

seems to be the proper syntax.

[r...@localhost yestest]# rm -i file.*  yes
-bash: yes: No such file or directory


On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 10:11 AM, Eric Cope wrote:

 Thanks, the yes command was what I was looking for.
 Thanks everyone.


 On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 9:52 AM, wrote:

 #unalias rm
 Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

 -Original Message-
 From: Eric Cope
 Date: Mon, 10 May 2010 09:35:15
 To: Main PLUG discussion
 Subject: Command Line Question

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