Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] CustomScan - Reading MediaMonkey custom tags

2010-09-28 Thread indifference_engine

Hi Erland, me again!
Thanks to your excellent help I have my MediaMonkey custom tags being
read by CustomScan and being used as criteria for MultiLibrary which
works brilliantly.  I didn't have to modify the ML SQL in the end as I
thought I would as CS broke up the multi-value tags for me.

Currently each track is tagged using the MediaMonkey CUSTOM1 tag to
define the track's owner (me, wife, kids etc...) and I have a ML set-up
for each value so each person only sees their music.  Where more than
one person likes the track I use 'me;wife' and CS sorts it all out and
the track shows in both libraries - perfect!

I have one further question if you'd be so kind;
Is it possible to define a library that is the intersection of two
existing libraries?  I want to create an ML for tracks that both me 
the wife like (ie the tag contains me and wife).  I can see how to do
the union (me or the wife) but not the intersect.  If I stop CS from
splitting the tag then I can use a value of 'me;wife' but then I have
to use the LIKE operator for the individual libraries which I have
found to be slower than the built-in SQL.  If CS does split the tag
then I can't see how to get only the tracks that have both.  The only
way I can think of is having another tag value but that isn't so

Any suggestions?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2010-09-28 Thread ralphy

Scidd0w;579255 Wrote: 
 I just tried it now I'm @ home. But I can't seem to get it to play via
 SqueezeSlave (latest version on windows). Is this normal?
 Installed squeezeplay and that one seems to work! 
 Any possibility squeezeslave will also be supported? Or should I switch
 to squeezeplay?

It looks like the player must support direct streaming, which at the
moment squeezeslave does not.

Triode can you confirm?

Scidd0w, please start a new thread for this issue and I'll see if we
can't get squeezeslave working as well.



*4*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *11*-Squeezeslaves
'Squeezeslave' ( 'donations'
always appreciated.

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Dynamic Playlists - no songs returned...

2010-09-28 Thread wiped

Since upgrading most of my add-ins and the server i have the following

All dynamic playlists out of trackstat works except for anything
related to recently played.

I get a list of songs returned in the web interface or in ipeng but
when i choose to play it as a dynamic playlist, nothing is returned.
this is then a problem since in ipeng it's a but cumbersome to add each
sing by hand.
So the data is there and songs are returned but...

Any ideas?

Dynamic Playlist 2.8.3
Version: 7.5.1


Squeezebox 3 - SC7 3 songs (FLAC and MP3) 

Happy Ipod Touch and iPeng user!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Softsqueeze 3.9 beta for testing

2010-09-28 Thread ggalt

Any word on getting the source for the changes since 3.8 released?  As
someone who plays around a lot with both Softsqueeze and squeezeslave,
I'd love to see what has been done.




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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Dynamic Playlists - no songs returned...

2010-09-28 Thread yannyb

This is an existing bug (see a topic opened by myself recently-sorry
can't link it through tapatalk).

I'm hoping erland will fix it in the next release. :-)


SqueezeServer - 7.5.1 (on Mac Mini)
Squeezebox Duet - 7.5.1 
Squeezebox Radio - 7.5.1 r8837
iTunes Library  Media on ReadyNAS Duo (shared central library)
iPeng for iPhone
Squeezecast for iPhone
PS3 Media Server on Mac Mini

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] CustomScan - Reading MediaMonkey custom tags

2010-09-28 Thread erland

indifference_engine;579318 Wrote: 
 I have one further question if you'd be so kind;
 Is it possible to define a library that is the intersection of two
 existing libraries?  I want to create an ML for tracks that both me 
 the wife like (ie the tag contains me and wife).  I can see how to do
 the union (me or the wife) but not the intersect. 
There is now a new version (2.5.3278) of Multi Library available that
has a new Intersect library template that creates a library that only
contain the tracks that is available in both libraries specified.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
( If my answer
helped you and you like to encourage future presence on this forum
and/or third party plugin/applet development, 'donations are always
appreciated' (

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2010-09-28 Thread Mart1

Can Anybody help

I want to use the Spotify plugin.

I have version 7.3.3-27044 on a Buffalo NAS and it works fine.

Installing was prettty complicated, so I don't think I want to install
a new version. Is there any other cure in order to add the plugin?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] CustomScan - Reading MediaMonkey custom tags

2010-09-28 Thread indifference_engine

erland;579382 Wrote: 
 There is now a new version (2.5.3278) of Multi Library available that
 has a new Intersect library template that creates a library that only
 contain the tracks that is available in both libraries specified.
Thanks Erland, that's just what I was after - you the man!  Did you do
that just for me or was it a case of great minds thinking alike?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2010-09-28 Thread jniesen

Triode;579237 Wrote: 
 I've just released version 1.0.8.  
 This release is focussed on bug fixes related to playlists.  Please
 could people who experienced a problem browsing the playlist item on
 the menu try this version and report back.
 The new version ignores playlists which libspotify cannot load - you
 may therefore see less playlists listed than you expect.  However this
 appears to be the best way to avoid the problem seem before with
 crashing.  It looks like it is possible to get a playlist into a state
 where libspotify cannot load it.  The only way to resolve this is to
 edit the playlist with another spotify client.  Thanks to tols1 for
 helping me diagnose this.

Hi Triode,

My Playlist problem disappeared.  Probleem seems to be fixed.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Unable to uninstall incompatible Email plugin

2010-09-28 Thread Sakkerju

Recently I installed an Email plugin on my Squeezebox Server 7.5.1
It was available by deault, being a third party plugin to read POP3

But the plugin is not compatible so I want to uninstall it.
Problem is, this incompatible plugin is not shown in the Server
Settings Plugin screen.

Every visit to Server Settings Plugin screen it ask me to restart SBS
It does generate an error in the serverlog:

[10-09-28 21:45:46.8382] Slim::Utils::PluginManager::load (220)
Couldn't load Email. Error: Plugin is incompatible with this version of
Squeezebox Server. Please update.

I tried to delete the Email folder in the plugin folder, no succes


Squeezebox Server-7.5.1-30836 SSODS *** Squeezebox Radio - Touch -
Controller *** WD TV Live Media Player
Synology DS209+II - DSM 2.3-1141 - WD Caviar WD20EARS 2TB (RAID1) ***
Linksys WRT320N 1Gb
Denon PMA1500ae (analog)*** Kef iQ7 S.E *** Denon DVD DBP1610 (blu-ray)

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Moose vs. Rel. 7.5.1

2010-09-28 Thread kweller

Since installing Squeezecenter release 7.5.1 (from, I think,
7.3.something) Moose 0.73a has been acting a little strangely - it can
take 50 seconds or more before the pop-up toast has been updated to
display the currently playing track as opposed to the previous track.

I thought I'd rescan the database to see if it made any difference
(I've no idea why it should but it seemed worth a go!).First time I ran
this I got a message that told me to restart the server. I restarted the
server and now get the message  'Problem connecting to MySQL Server:
Reading from the stream had failed'. As you may have gathered, Moose
was set up to use MYSQL DB.

A little digging reveals that from 7.4 Squeezecenter has apparently
reverted to SQlite so I've been trying to follow the instructions for
getting Moose to use that. Trouble is I can't find a Squeezecenter.db
anywhere; this is on a Windows 7 system and Moose is running on a
different machine to Squeezecenter (Squeezecenter on W7 and Moose on
W7x64 if that makes any difference).

I guess that prompts some questions. 

How would I know if I'm using MySQL or SQLite?
If I am now using SQLite where is Squeezecenter.db?
If I'm not using SQLite does anyone know what the Moose error message

I guess I ought to confess, in case you haven;t already gathered, that
despite having run Squeezecenter for several years I'm not a
'technical' user of the system. I just install most updates once they
are released and hope it works. It invariably  doesn't but I usually
muddle a solution. I'm stumped this time though.

Thanks for your help.



I'm old enough to know better but don't

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Moose vs. Rel. 7.5.1

2010-09-28 Thread kweller

 How would I know if I'm using MySQL or SQLite?

I'm talking to myself here but I think I can now answer this one as I
spotted a line in the Server Settings Information screen:

MySQL Version: 5.0.22-community-nt

I guess that just leaves question 3 then:

 If I'm not using SQLite does anyone know what the Moose error message




I'm old enough to know better but don't

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Spotify on Squeezecenter 7.3.3

2010-09-28 Thread Mart1

I want to use the Spotify plugin.

I have version 7.3.3-27044 of Squeezecenter on a Buffalo Linkstation
and it works fine. Only, it does not offer the Spotify plugin.

Installing was prettty complicated, so I don't think I want to install
a new version of Squeezecenter. Is there any other cure in order to add
the plugin?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Spotify on Squeezecenter 7.3.3

2010-09-28 Thread Triode

Mart1;579435 Wrote: 
 I want to use the Spotify plugin.
 I have version 7.3.3-27044 of Squeezecenter on a Buffalo Linkstation
 and it works fine. Only, it does not offer the Spotify plugin.
 Installing was prettty complicated, so I don't think I want to install
 a new version of Squeezecenter. Is there any other cure in order to add
 the plugin?

No - the plugin assumes 7.5 or later.  Sorry.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SQL Playlist play unwanted genre

2010-09-28 Thread esa

Dear Erland,

First, thanks a lot for your work! That's a great job and I like your
I search for a long time for such functionalities.
I never find the possibility to wake up with a playlist that will
exclude already played songs.

For the issue, maybe I make something wrong.

I analyze the tag for some MP3 in the playlist ( I saved it ).

Song 1 : /volume1/music/!!New/___Archos/Andreas Vollenweider/White
Winds (Seeker's Journey)/09-Sisterseed.mp3
--- no ID3V1 tag, ID3V2 tag only has genre New age.

Song 2 :
/!!New/!new-House/Music_paradise_from_Sander__20.12.09/Music_paradise -
DJ Smash feat. Jetaime Arturich - Gde Zhe Ty (New Remix 2010).mp3
--- Tag V1 : House  Tag v2 = House.

To be sure, I check that my playlist is well Advanced-esa-06 ( in the
web interface ).
Is it possible to see which playlist is running in the Squeezeplay ?

1) I don't select Genre House, why is it played ?
2) I make another playlist, with excluding some genres and artists, but
I remark, that excluding does'nt work.
So I prefer to select artist and ommit some name ( that's working )

I will try by excluding Genre, but this is more difficult to make.
For example, if I add some music House , I don't want to wake up wit
it :-). And I can not exclude it until I don't have a song with such

Can you help me to understand ?
Best regards


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Moose vs. Rel. 7.5.1

2010-09-28 Thread kweller

 If I'm not using SQLite does anyone know what the Moose error message

...and to conclude this nice little conversation with myself - it's a
firewall issue that I'm in the process of resolving.



I'm old enough to know better but don't

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2010-09-28 Thread silent_bob


I had been having the same playlist problem as some others here, but
it's now fixed with the latest version. 

Awesome little app, thanks for the update.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Moose vs. Rel. 7.5.1

2010-09-28 Thread Sakkerju

kweller;579445 Wrote: 
  If I'm not using SQLite does anyone know what the Moose error message
 ...and to conclude this nice little conversation with myself - it's a
 firewall issue that I'm in the process of resolving.

Kevin, thanks for sharing your experience / findings!
I use Moose occasionally and without real no rookie info to
add on the subject ;-)


Squeezebox Server-7.5.1 SSODS *** Squeezebox Radio - Touch -
Controller *** WD TV Live Media Player
Synology DS209+II - DSM 3.0 - WD Caviar WD20EARS 2TB (RAID1) ***
Linksys WRT320N 1Gb
Denon PMA1500ae (analog)*** Kef iQ7 S.E *** Denon DVD DBP1610 (blu-ray)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] CustomScan - Reading MediaMonkey custom tags

2010-09-28 Thread erland

indifference_engine;579423 Wrote: 
 Thanks Erland, that's just what I was after - you the man!  Did you do
 that just for me or was it a case of great minds thinking alike?

Mostly for you but I thought there might be other persons with similar


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
( If my answer
helped you and you like to encourage future presence on this forum
and/or third party plugin/applet development, 'donations are always
appreciated' (

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SQL Playlist play unwanted genre

2010-09-28 Thread erland

esa;579439 Wrote: 
 1) I don't select Genre House, why is it played ?
It shouldn't be played, something is wrong.

It you open up a song that is included but shouldn't be in the web
interface in the Song Info page:
- Doesn't it show one of the genres you have selected in the Genre
field ?
- Doesn't it show one of the genres you have selected in the View
Tags field ?

If it doesn't, have you checked if there is some error in the
server.log file after you have played a playlist ? (It's found in SBS
Settings/Advanced/Logging through the web interface)


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
( If my answer
helped you and you like to encourage future presence on this forum
and/or third party plugin/applet development, 'donations are always
appreciated' (

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Remove played songs

2010-09-28 Thread RonM

I don't really want to play around much with plug-ins, and am a bit
unclear how to use SQLPlaylists and Tracstats on my XP server.  I'd
much prefer to have the simple functionality apparently available in
the removed played songs plugin.  If it can be made to work.

I'll check the server error log and see if there is any clue there,
report back here.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2010-09-28 Thread nicketynick

Hi gang,
Haven't been around in a while, so sorry if this a silly question - I
couldn't find anything
I just updated to 7.5.1 from 7.3.3. I use a Canadian weather locator,
no sports or anything else. At first everything seemed fine, but today,
the forecasts are all jumbled up on the controller. Like the fonts are
all over-sized or something??? (or the forecasts are all jammed
together, instead of spread out) Is this a setting somewhere I should
be able to fix?
Thanks much,


Wireless SB3, Denon DRA-F101, Mission M31 loudspeakers
WinXP SP2 Slimserver, SMC WBR14g router

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIp on SSOTS: Installation problems

2010-09-28 Thread rcampbel3

Had a bunch of permissions problems on install. 
Had to read install shell script and hack away , add user, chown files
and dirs
Assumed I was just unlucky to get a bad mix of ssods / musicip /
squeezecenter .

Finally did get it working, although my qnap nas box with 1gb of ram
seems like it's not quit big enough to do nas + squeezecenter + plugins
+ musicip ... Get out of memory errors with musicip enabled after short
order, so I've just disabled it for now.

Anyone else have issues running musicip with 1gb ram from a nas?


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