Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] LazySearch and 7.6.0 r32296/32300

2012-04-07 Thread philly4

dip wrote: 
> I have now a new problem with LazySearch 3.6.3 on Logitech Media Server
> 7.7.1.
> I use the plugin Srvrpowercontrol to automatically hibernate my server
> after some idle time. However, since some time the server does not
> hibernate sometime and I found that LazySearch blocks the hibernation.
> I enclose a part of my server.log from which it seems that LazySerach
> set a block twice but only releases it once so one block is still
> present and prevents Srvpowercontrol from hibernating the server.
> Is LazySearch still under development? It seems that there was no
> activity for some time. Will this bug be fixed or is there a workaround
> to avoid the described problem?

I'm having the same issues with SrvPowerControl.  Does anyone have a
work around?  Is it just that LazySearch needs to be updated?  Thanks. 
Love the plugin.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2012-04-07 Thread philly4

I have my system set up to suspend after 60 min of no activity.  After
upgrading to 7.7.2, LMS would no longer suspend with no activity.  After
doing some trouble shooting, I figured out that the Lazy Search plugin
was the culprit.  After uninstalling Lazy Search, everything works
perfectly again.  I never had a problem with 7.6 or anything before. 
Somehow SvrPowerControl was getting info from it that there was activity
and therefore not going to suspend.  Anyone else run into this issue? 
Any workarounds?  Windows XP SP, 3 LMS 7.7.2 - r33893, Lazy Search
v3.5.6.  Thanks for any help.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2012-04-07 Thread pippin

What error message is it exactly that you are getting on the iPhone?

You aren't trying to stream to the iPhone remotely, aren't you? The
plugin suppresses that, I think.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2012-04-07 Thread gharris999

Blondie wrote: 
> Hello!
> Thank you for this great plugin!
> i would add a custom idle check command. If i logged in via ssh the
> server should not go down.
> If i execute 
> who | sudo wc -l 
> at the shell, the command returns how many users are logged in.
> But if i use that as custom idle check command, it returns:
> Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Util::SystemExecCmd (862) Command: "sudo who |
> wc -l" returned 256
> I have also tried to write a script:
> if who | wc -l > 0
> then
> echo 1
> else
> echo 0
> fi
> but that will also not working.
> What should i enter or do here?
> regards
> BlondieClose, but not quite.  You need to capture the user count with 
> something
USERCOUNT=`who | wc -l`

.. than then end your script with


..which will should return the value to SrvrPowerCtrl.  You'll need to
give the squeezeboxserver user permissions to your script in
/etc/sudoers, of course.  The 256 return value indicates that the
squeezeboxserver user does not have sudo permission to execute 'who'.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2012-04-07 Thread epoch1970

Blondie wrote: 
> What should i enter or do here?
Somethin' ElseĀ…

1st off, I think you are confusing the return value of a command and a
value printed on the standard output. You may want to check on that.
2nd, AFAIK ServerPowerControl offers a launcher for a custom script. It
does not look for what the script prints out to take an action. In your
case, what this means is your script has to 1. detect logins, AND 2.
block/release sleep accordingly.

Since you started using the shell, I thought I'd dust off my bash skills
and write a bit of script that does, hopefully, what you want:

  #set -x 
  NETCAT="/bin/nc -w 1 $HOST $PORT"
  getlogins() {
LOGINS=`who|wc -l`
LOGINS=`expr $LOGINS \* 1` # Now a number
#echo "Got: $LOGINS logins" 
  getblocks() {
CMD="srvrpowerctrl listblock"
# Returns something like this [srvrpowerctrl listblock  
255630%7Cnotbyme%7Csomereason 568864%7Cloginchecker%7Cbusy 
# Remove echoed command
# Count blocks returned
# BLOCKCOUNT=`echo $BLOCKS|wc -w`
# echo  "Existing blocks: $BLOCKCOUNT"
# Count blocks owned by $ME
for BLOCK in $BLOCKS; do
[[ "$BLOCK" == *$ME* ]] && let MEBLOCKCOUNT++
# echo "Blocks placed by $ME: $MEBLOCKCOUNT"
  case $LOGINS in 
  0) # Nobody logged in. Sleeping should be ok. 
# Release blocks created by $ME
for BLOCK in $BLOCKS; do
if [[ "$BLOCK" == *$ME* ]]; then
# Grab block ID
CMD="srvrpowerctrl clearblock $ID $ME"
# Silently destroy the block
echo $CMD|$NETCAT > /dev/null 2>&1
  *) # Any other value. Don't sleep. 
# Place a block unless $ME already owns one
if [[ "$MEBLOCKCOUNT" -eq 0 ]]; then 
CMD="srvrpowerctrl setblock busy $ME"
# Silently place the block
echo $CMD|$NETCAT > /dev/null 2>&1
  exit 0

This script uses the powers of Server Power Control's CLI. Than makes it
dependent on netcat. Also, it doesn't use the newer way of blocking
sleep, which is by creating/removing a /var/lock/spc-block file,
(AFAIK), making the code a bit more complex. In exchange, it should be
sophisticated enough not to destroy blocks that may have been set by
other plugins/external scripts. 

I have checked this code against SBS 7.6.2 and Server Power Control
v20090615.00. You are probably using the beta version (20111028.140356),
which is certainly advisable. I recommend you check all is ok by running
the script from the command-line with "set -x" enabled. Have a look at
ServerPowerControl's readme and whatsnew files for any changes needed to
the CLI commands.

Have fun

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2012-04-07 Thread garamand

After many months using the plug-in on Booms connected to LMS on NAS
running Windows Home Server - Spotify has vanished.  I made the official
plug-in inactive but the Triode plug-in is no longer appearing in any of
the lists. I've also added the url to Triode plugin site and though I do
see other plug-ins.  Anyone have any suggestions?  Thanks.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2012-04-07 Thread Jackisidore

Installed the ipeng and ipeng for ipad updates. Flac now plays gapless
and without stuttering. Thanks!
On the ipad spotify plays with triodes plugin. On the iphone I get
errors, no other device is playing spotify streams,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ipeng problem with napster

2012-04-07 Thread SW4Peter

pippin wrote: 
> You did not by accident register two accounts on MySB? And iPEng is
> registered to the same account and it's the one you've set in the server
> settings?
> If that's all "yes", then it really looks like your Boom somehow got
> assigned to a wrong account, this occasionally happens. If you don't
> have access to the MySB account it'S now assigned to, I believe you need
> to contact Logitech Support and tell them your Boom's MAC address to get
> the account data fixed. I believe there also have been times when they
> had issues with broken data on, maybe your Boom got hit
> by something like that.

Thanks pippin, 

I'm pretty sure I haven't set up two accounts. I'll contact logitech
support and see if they can help.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ipeng problem with napster

2012-04-07 Thread pippin

You did not by accident register two accounts on MySB? And iPEng is
registered to the same account and it's the one you've set in the server

If that's all "yes", then it really looks like your Boom somehow got
assigned to a wrong account, this occasionally happens. If you don't
have access to the MySB account it'S now assigned to, I believe you need
to contact Logitech Support and tell them your Boom's MAC address to get
the account data fixed. I believe there also have been times when they
had issues with broken data on, maybe your Boom got hit
by something like that.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2012-04-07 Thread pippin

Yes, these menus aren't sent to iPeng Party. It's a planned feature but
not yet there, sorry.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] WD MyBook Live NAS

2012-04-07 Thread Nasalhair

ply3908 wrote: 
> No sure why you can't move the directory.  Did you login as root?
> You can try copy the directory, then remove it as follow:
> /etc/init.d/logitechmediaserver stop (stop the daemon)
> cd /var/lib (navigate to the /var/lib directory)
> cp -R --preserve=mode,ownership,timestamps squeezeboxserver
> /DataVolume/cache/ ( copy /var/lib/squeezeboxserver to
> /DataVolume/cache/squeezeboxserver)
> rm -rf squeezeboxserver  (remove the squeezeboxserver directory after
> copy)
> ln -s /DataVolume/cache/squeezeboxserver (make a "shortcut")
> /etc/init.d/logitechmediaserver start (start the daemon)

Yes I was logged in as root, and despite typing the command exactly as
stated I received the error.  

Just noticed that the commands you list here are different to the ones I
followed from your earlier post (3 posts back.)

Never mind - I've switched to 7.7.2 now.  Seems to be working.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ipeng problem with napster

2012-04-07 Thread SW4Peter

I have just realised that my player is not listed under players in

It seems that, for some reason, mysqueezebox thinks the player is
registered to somebody else. I bought it new and it's been fine for two

Any ideas?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2012-04-07 Thread verypsb

danull wrote: 
> Pippin,
> Looks like you fixed it in today's App store release of iPeng, I no
> longer crash when I add menu items.   But iPeng Party does not appear to
> honor the things I add.

Same here...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2012-04-07 Thread SW4Peter

Sorry I have just noticed the dedicated ipeng thread, I have a problem,
I wonder if you can help?

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] ipeng problem with napster

2012-04-07 Thread SW4Peter

This is a strange one. I have a squeezebox Boom in the Kitchen, a
squeezebox in the living room and a squeezebox Radio in the bedroom. Two
of these are fine, but the Squeezebox Boom is giving me some problems.

When I try to access My Apps on ipengHD I get the message

this player is already registered to another user. If it was purchased
from someone, ask them to delete the player from their account and try
again. If not please visit for assistance.

I get the same error when I use Squeezepad but when I use a browser on
my laptop there is no problem.

My Music source is an imac and I have updated the logitech media server
software to 7.7.2

I have also tried to reset the Squeezebox Boom to factory settings

Any other ideas?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] LazySearch and 7.6.0 r32296/32300

2012-04-07 Thread kidstypike

btburger wrote: 
> Any plans to have it on 7.7.2 (and later versions of the server when
> released)? LazySearch has been such an integral part of my Squeebox
> experience for years; please don't tell me you've given up!

LazySearch is working fine for me on 7.7.8, it seems to have a habit of
unticking itself, make sure it's ticked on the Plugins page.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] LazySearch and 7.6.0 r32296/32300

2012-04-07 Thread btburger

Any plans to have it on 7.7.2 (and later versions of the server when
released)? LazySearch has been such an integral part of my Squeebox
experience for years; please don't tell me you've given up!

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