Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Squeezeplay font replacement problem

2014-03-11 Thread jimbobvfr400

Setting full screen screen or not just involves editing s file and
changing a single value, I.e. a yes to a no or as 1 to a 0 or something

If you get the modified version from these forums that already has the
Joggler skin which is usefully different size wise

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2014-03-11 Thread Triode

seren wrote: 
> For us Synology owners:
> DSM 5 is out including a new LMS package (still 7.7.3 based)
> I'm reluctant to update, because I want to keep Spotify working on my
> DS212+.
> Anyone willing to try on a ARM based Synology NAS?
> Thx

I understand it doesn't work with arm based DSM 5 yet, but Synology are
looking at it.

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Problem with Custom Scan / iTunes Export

2014-03-11 Thread rlem

Hi Erland,

I’ve got a problem that has been bugging me for quite a time now. The
Custom Scan integration with iTunes is working perfectly in combination
with the script: ratings/playcounts are exported from
and imported to iTunes, *but not for songs/albums that have special
characters in them.*

If I open the Trackstat_iTunes_Hist.txt then I immediately see what’s
causing it: the special characters are garbled, so that the script
cannot match them to the paths that iTunes is using.
If I convert the file to UTF-8, the characters become readable again, so
I think that solves it. 
But, I cannot save the file because Trackstat is using it. *So could it
be that there is a bug in Trackstat?*

Funny thing on the side: the iTunes *Import *works like a charm: if I
change a rating in iTunes, it gets picked up by Trackstat, no problem.

Please see my screenshots!

Thanks for helping me out,


This is my set-up:
(1) LMS 7.8 Nightly on Ubuntu 12.04 server (UTF-8 encoding)
(2) iTunes Library on Windows 8 PC

|Filename: 4.jpg|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Squeezeplay font replacement problem

2014-03-11 Thread ply3908

The screen size can be select from Settings > Screen > Select Skin.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2014-03-11 Thread tigaaa

Triode wrote: 
> I understand it doesn't work with arm based DSM 5 yet, but Synology are
> looking at it.

Oh my! I only I would have read this before udating to DSM 5. I was so
happy to have Spotify Support on my 112+ an my SB Boom. I tried to find
a solution for the not running helper app all day.
Well, now I have to wait :-(

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2014-03-11 Thread thing-fish

Erland, I am wondering if my data is corrupted, or if I just don't
understand the model. I was fooling around with some queries and noticed
this, which I felt like was anomaly.


  select 'track_statistics', count(*) from track_statistics
  select 'tracks', count(*) from tracks
  track_statistics  38629   

I would have expected those to be one to one.  I ran Delete Unused
Statistic but got the same results.  In fact I ran the following query
but didn't get any rows:


select * 
  from track_statistics
  where track_statistics.url not in (select url from tracks)

Baffled, I did a little digging.  Here's a sample of one track in
particular from track_statistics:



It strikes me that all the keys (url, musicbrainz_id and urlmd5) are the
same, yet these seemingly identical tracks were added different times,
have different playcounts and different lastPlayed?  I ran this:


  select count(*), url, musicbrainz_id, sum(playCount) as playCount, min(added) 
as added, 
  max(lastPlayed) as lastPlayed, max(rating) as rating, urlmd5
  from track_statistics
  group by url, musicbrainz_id, urlmd5
  having count(*) > 1
  order by count(*) desc

This returned 389 rows, with a counts as high as 477 (!) and as low as

For my AC/DC example above I saw that they had different playcounts.  I
found a track that had 80 "dupes" and played it, then I saw that all 80
rows for that URL were updated with a playcount of 1.  Frankly that
makes more sense to me, as a likely outcome of something like UPDATE
it is more odd that some of the "dupes" actually have different data.

What do you think?  Is this normal or do I need to do some cleanup?

Thanks for the wonderful plugins, I am a database guy and love being
able to interact with my music via SQL.

' Most Recent Tracks'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2014-03-11 Thread erland

thing-fish wrote: 
> It strikes me that all the keys (url, musicbrainz_id and urlmd5) are the
> same, yet these seemingly identical tracks were added different times,
> have different playcounts and different lastPlayed?
> ...
> What do you think?  Is this normal or do I need to do some cleanup?
It sounds like your system is affected by duplicate musicbrainz tags,
see the following section on the TrackStat documentation page for more
information about how to verify if this is the case and how to solve

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
If you like to encourage future presence on this forum and/or third
party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'
You may also want to try my Android apps 'Squeeze Display'
and 'RSS Photo Show'
*Interested in the future of music streaming ? 'ickStream -  A world of
music at your fingertips'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Problem with Custom Scan / iTunes Export

2014-03-11 Thread erland

rlem wrote: 
> If I convert the file to UTF-8, the characters become readable again, so
> I think that solves it. 
Is the music mounted as a network drive on the iTunes machine ?
My personal experience is that it's best to avoid non us ascii
characters in file names and just have them in the tags, this solves a
lot of problems when you are using the files on multiple operating
systems with different default character encoding.

rlem wrote: 
> But, I cannot save the file because Trackstat is using it. *So could it
> be that there is a bug in Trackstat?*
Strange, TrackStat is supposed to close the file after writing to it.
Does it help if you temporarily shutdown LMS when you change the file ?
If you try to change it from the iTunes machine, could it be that you
have mounted the drive as read only ?

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
If you like to encourage future presence on this forum and/or third
party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'
You may also want to try my Android apps 'Squeeze Display'
and 'RSS Photo Show'
*Interested in the future of music streaming ? 'ickStream -  A world of
music at your fingertips'

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