Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: Alexa voice control (development thread)

2017-06-29 Thread Dirk

meep wrote: 
> Hi Dirk
> You should have received an email invite to the portal for
> the project? If not, check your spam folder.
> Once you have access to teamwork, access the 'Alexa LMS Skill' project
> from the dashboard and then click on the 'notebooks' tab. There you'll
> find the 'setting up for testing' document which explains everything.
> In summary you'll need;
> -To enable the skill on your Amazon developer account
> -Create a account
> -Install the plug-in for your LMS
> Details on all of the above are in the set up document.
> Peter

Thanks I did receive it and will follow the instructions and let you
know how it goes. Thanks

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: Alexa voice control (development thread)

2017-06-28 Thread Dirk

meep wrote: 
> We've just kicked off the next round of alpha which will bring us up to
> pretty much feature complete and ready to move into beta. Who would have
> thought it would have taken this long???
> I've issued tester invites to some people who've requested same over the
> past few weeks. If you think you should have an invite and have not,
> check your spam folder and then PM me here.
> I'm closing testing for new requests for the moment until we get to Beta
> and then I'll post here with details. We have over 80 people in the test
> community which is amazing!
> Here's the changes for this round for those interested
*Version  (28th June 2017)*
> >   >   > 
  - Fixed a bug with concatenation errors relating to numcommands
  > reporting (plugin)
  - Changed streaming intents for better recognition (skill)
  - Added some newly collected device names (skill)
  - Updated 'Getting Started' guide to include details on MP3
  > streaming. (docs)
  - Bumped the version number
  > > > 
Known Issues:
> >   >   > 
  > [*=left]As per v2.0.7
  > [*=left]Direct streaming is flakey at best. Next/Previous sort of
  > work, play/pause/stop don't. Some tracks work, some don't
  > [*=left]Direct Streaming requires LMS to be configured with LAME for
  > MP3 playback (see getting started notebook section 5.0)
  > > > 

> *Version  (27th June 2017)*
> >   >   > 
  - Added support for Previous/Next commands (skill)
  - Added support for Shuffle On/Off (skill)
  - Implemented foundation for integration of Amazon audio player
  > interface without invocation (skill / plugin)
  - Implemented amazon audio player
  > next/previous/pause/resume/stop/shuffle commands (skill)
  - Added account status info to settings page (plugin)
  - Added experimental support for streaming to echo (skill)
  - Added streaming status report to 'Settings' response (skill)
  - Updated DE response translations (skill)
  - Fixed a bug preventing DE translation playback (skill)
  - Fixed a bug with debug transaction timer values being incorrect
  > (skill)
  - Set extended listening default to OFF (skill)
  - Bumped the version (plugin)
  > > > 
Known Issues:
> >   >   > 
  > [*=left]As per v2.0.7
  > [*=left]Direct strteaming is flakey at best. Next/Previous sort of
  > work, play/pause/stop don't
  > > > 


Thanks for adding me to the beta testers. Where do I download the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: Alexa voice control (development thread)

2017-05-26 Thread Dirk


I have been an avid squeezebox fan for years and evolved from pc to
pogoplug to raspberry pi / odroid and this looks great as I just bought
a dot. I would love to get involved with testing. I already have an
amazon developer account. I have a variety of squeezeboxes and also
running squeezelite on Max2play. Let me know how I cna help.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Max2Play Webinterface for Mediaclients (Audioplayer, Squeezeserver, Airplay, XBMC)

2015-05-08 Thread Dirk


I reinstalled the c1 max2play image and got everything going for lms and
the sambashare under: /media/usb0 . I was able to map to this under
windows and can see the music folder but when I try to navigate to it in
lms to add the music library there is no usb0. So close to getting this
working. I tried rebooting a few times which worked on the pi but no
luck on the c1 image. Any suggestions on what I should do next?

Thanks for any help you folks may have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Max2Play Webinterface for Mediaclients (Audioplayer, Squeezeserver, Airplay, XBMC)

2015-05-01 Thread Dirk

Dirk wrote: 
> Hi,
> Got a question. After getting Max2play working with my Pi's I took the
> plunge and bought an Odroid C1 and have the Max2Play image installed. I
> have got the shares setup but can not modify the drive contents nor does
> the share showup with LMS to add my music library (my drive is
> /media/usb0 and does not show up under media - there is usb, usb 1-7 but
> no usb0).
> . I followed the recommended outline of laying out the share but get an
> error when I move/delete a file that says I do not have permission.
> Thanks for any insight any of you may have on this. The odroid seems
> much faster than my pi so cant wait to see how it does with LMS and
> Kodi.

*I have given up for now and gone back to my pi and everything works.
Think I will regroup and do it the old fashioned way and ssh in to do
the mounts and samba shares. In this respect the Squeezeplug seemed more
effective and getting all this setup than Max2play but could also be
issue with the ubuntu Trusty / Max2Play interface.*:confused:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Max2Play Webinterface for Mediaclients (Audioplayer, Squeezeserver, Airplay, XBMC)

2015-04-28 Thread Dirk


Got a question. After getting Max2play working with my Pi's I took the
plunge and bought an Odroid C1 and have the Max2Play image installed. I
have got the shares setup but can not modify the drive contents nor does
the share showup with LMS to add my music library (my drive is
/media/usb0 and does not show up under media - there is usb, usb 1-7 but
no usb0).
. I followed the recommended outline of laying out the share but get an
error when I move/delete a file that says I do not have permission.

Thanks for any insight any of you may have on this. The odroid seems
much faster than my pi so cant wait to see how it does with LMS and

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Max2Play Webinterface for Mediaclients (Audioplayer, Squeezeserver, Airplay, XBMC)

2015-04-11 Thread Dirk

Dirk wrote: 
> Hi,
> I have gotten a number of players setup around the house using the
> max2play but my server is the old version of squeezeplug serving the
> files. I am familiar with setting an external drive directly connected
> to the pi but having trouble getting my mind wrapped around the new
> method in max2 play.
> Here is my set up:
> 1. External usb drive formatted in ntfs
> 2. my music is located on: \\MAX2PLAY\music
> 3. IP address of server is
> How do I structure the:
> Path  Mountpoint  TypeOptions Action
> to make these mount properly for LMS?
> Thanks
> Dirk

As with so many things computer I rebooted and then saw my usb0 which
was my usb hard drive. All is working properly now.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Max2Play Webinterface for Mediaclients (Audioplayer, Squeezeserver, Airplay, XBMC)

2015-04-10 Thread Dirk


I have gotten a number of players setup around the house using the
max2play but my server is the old version of squeezeplug serving the
files. I am familiar with setting an external drive directly connected
to the pi but having trouble getting my mind wrapped around the new
method in max2 play.

Here is my set up:
1. External usb drive formatted in ntfs
2. my music is located on: \\MAX2PLAY\music
3. IP address of server is

How do I structure the:
PathMountpoint  TypeOptions Action

to make these mount properly for LMS?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Max2Play Webinterface for Mediaclients (Audioplayer, Squeezeserver, Airplay, XBMC)

2015-04-06 Thread Dirk

flysurfer wrote: 
> @Dirk: Kodi and Squeezelite will only work at the same time if you
> choose "use USB-DAC" in advanced squeezelite settings on the audioplayer
> tab (make sure you use different audio outputs for Squeezelite and
> Kodi). Otherwise Squeeezelite will always be stopped as soon as Kodi
> starts and restart as soon as Kodi is closed.

Oddly enough I tried it before I came back to the forum and tried it and
yep that did the trick. Thanks for the fast reply and looking forward to
the multisqueeze.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Max2Play Webinterface for Mediaclients (Audioplayer, Squeezeserver, Airplay, XBMC)

2015-04-06 Thread Dirk


First of thanks for Squeezeplug. I have been a longtime user since we
had to hack it on a pogoplug and then the raspberry pi and this new
version looks great. Noticed on the last update that squeezelite will
not start on both of my installations with Kodi whereas they played well
together prior. Has anyone else had this issue? This is the most
outstanding part for me in the new version that I have have  squeezelite
and kodi on the same pi.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] How to get missing album art - was: Re: Moose 0.61 - only very few covers are shown

2007-12-28 Thread Dirk
Dr Lovegrove wrote:
> On 25/12/2007, Dirk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The only problem I have is that covers are not shown in cover browser:
>> Only after double clicking an album (shown by the default album icon) it
>> is (played an) fetched from the Internet and displayed. From now on this
>> cover is show correctly in the cover browser.
> When you do a database scan in moose it should (by default) pull all the
> covers over from slimserver. There are some options which control this..
> It sounds more like the images arent getting through from slimserver, but
> instead being downloaded from amazon or something.. Do you have
> port 9000 open on your server, and is moose allowed to use the port ?
> 9000 is the default slim web port which moose uses to get the images.

Yes. Port is open. Scan is done correctly.
Covers which are stored on slimserver are shown correctly.

But I have not got very much covers is my tree. And I hoped that
moose could help me getting all the missing covers.
This hope was (is) feeded by the fact that moose shows missing
covers of songs being played.

Is there another good way of getting all missing covers?

I tried - it doesn't like
ID3 v2.4 tags ("ignored ... PIB, implement V2r4 headers...").

I tried - it doesn't work at all
either ("No artist or album in...").

Thank you for any hints,

plugins mailing list

[SlimDevices: Plugins] Moose 0.61 - only very few covers are shown

2007-12-24 Thread Dirk

just like squeezebox/slimserver I am very thrilled by Moose. This is the
thing I have been waiting for.

The only problem I have is that covers are not shown in cover browser:
Only after double clicking an album (shown by the default album icon) it
is (played an) fetched from the Internet and displayed. From now on this
cover is show correctly in the cover browser.

1. (How) can I fetch all covers at once?
2. (How) can I make moose store fetched covers in the directory
structure to enable slimserver to access them?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Yum repo for plugins

2007-12-24 Thread Dirk
I would be very interested.


Fletch wrote:
> Now that we have an official yum repo for SqueezeCenter, how many people
> would be interested in a yum repo for third-party plugins?  Creating
> RPMs for plugins is pretty trivial and I already maintain a few of them
> for my personal use.  If people are interested, I'll be happy to set
> this up and maintain it.
plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] InguzDSP: Songs ending prematurely - tolittle CPU

2007-11-17 Thread Dirk
Thank you for your answers. And for you whole work, inguz.
It seems to work for me now.
Now I am looking forward to getting an adeaquate microphone for room


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] PublicRadioFanBrowser for 7.0?

2007-11-13 Thread Dirk

Fletch;242461 Wrote: 
> Plugins go in the "Plugins" directory.

Hi - I put the plugin files for radio fan into the plugin directory.
Additionally there were/are 4 files that go onto the cpan/html for tree
builder. I restarted squeezecenter and see the plugin from the web
interface but not on the squeezebox. Perhaps I am not being clear but
in the old version you needed more than just the plugin for it to
operate. I presume that it is still the case?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] PublicRadioFanBrowser for 7.0?

2007-11-13 Thread Dirk

Fletch;240708 Wrote: 
> OK, here's a version that merges Kevin's 7.0 changes and malsbury's
> WMA/Real changes.  Minimally tested, but works for me on today's
> nightly.  As with malsbury's version, the default is MP3-only but you
> can enable WMA and Real in the configuration section.

I installed the 7.0 version of the public radio fan plugin and can see
the option in the extra tab under set-up but it does not show up in the
internet radio menu on the squeezebox. Added the 4 files into cpan/html.
Have those changed or can I use from the 6.5x previous version.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2007-11-12 Thread Dirk

Downloaded and works like clockwork. Thanks. Now on to fix public radio


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] InguzDSP: Songs ending prematurely - tolittle CPU

2007-11-11 Thread Dirk
cgull wrote:
> What does log.txt say? 

2007174935:  Write finished; Write fault on path [Unknown]
2007174935:  4095809 samples, 70144.959 ms (856.062 init),
1.3116 * realtime, peak 0.4005 dBfs
2007174935: InguzDSP (version 0.9.27 on Mono) -id  -wav -wavo -d 24
2007174936:  This evaluation version will expire 05/01/2008 00:00:00
2007174936:  Gain -18 dB
2007174936:  Impulse (null), matrix (null)
2007174936:  EQ0084F153DE
2007174936:  16/44100 PCM => 24/44100 PCM TRIANGULAR, gain -18 dB

Is the "write fault" normal?

(The had been some CLIPPING-, so I changed gain to -18)

> You may want to boost the priority of Inguz like
> I did by modifying the shell script to use nice ...
> Code:...

Thank you, this seemed to have helped.

But my main question remains: Will my CPU be too slow for room correction?


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] InguzDSP: Songs ending prematurely - to little CPU

2007-11-11 Thread Dirk

I've just installed the current InguzDSP on my slimserver 6.5.4 playing
on a SB3.
It is working almost fine - maybe my CPU is too slow:
Normally when playing a song I see the server CPU at 100% while
squeezebox buffer is being filled. After that CPU is at about 30% -
everything seems fine.
But sometimes just after the buffer is filled (show by squeezebox
display) its fill level is going down to zero. The CPU is very low
(below 10%). When the buffer has reached 0% SB skips to the next song -
sometimes the buffer begins filling up again.

This does not sound like too less CPU!?
BTW. I have an Athlon XP 2600 running at 1916 Mhz (according to

Any idea? Where can I look for more information?

Thank you,

plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] PublicRadioFanBrowser for 7.0?

2007-11-07 Thread Dirk

Thanks. I'll try it later this week and report back.  I do appreciate
your help.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] PublicRadioFanBrowser for 7.0?

2007-11-06 Thread Dirk

kdf;240632 Wrote: 
> consider the plugin orphanned.  there is no one openly and actively  
> maintaining it. I've attached a somewhat recently patched up version  
> that should work on 7.0.
> I read a post somewhere that hinted that the RadioTime plugin covers  
> some of the same content, plus I think there is an AlienBBC addon for 
> NPR that could also cover much the same content.
> -kdf

Yes - Radiotime and Alien BBC do some of the same things. Radiotime  is
harder to navigate and less reliable and Alien BBC has 10 or 12  streams
that I recall are the podcasts. Public radio fan is the most
comprehensive and easy to use means of finding the show on that you
want to hear.. at least for me. I will try out your update on the 7
version. Thanks for keeping it alive even if it is orphaned.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] PublicRadioFanBrowser for 7.0?

2007-11-06 Thread Dirk

Fletch;240381 Wrote: 
> Just curious if malsbury or anyone else is planning to update this
> plugin for 7.0?

I would be happy to help though I am not a programmer. The lack of this
plugin has me going back to 6.5 for now.


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