Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] No Tidal Icon under iPeng "My Apps" after installation

2022-01-11 Thread Fredly

Again, thank you SO much for your quick reply Mherger.

I uninstalled the Shairtunes Plugin, uninstalled/reinstalled Tidal and
same thing, no App on iPeng, but the App is clearly visible using

(I downloaded this log for you to have a quick looksee/I hope it grab
the reinstall)

But, I think I have exhausted you and me trying to figure this out.

Besides from what I understand, whether I "Airplay" Tidal OR use the
Plugin, I get absolutely no gain sound wise, as both will be dumbed down
to 16/44.1, correct?

And, as I mentioned before, the Tidal App is WAY more sexier than the
Plugin... from what I can see.

If the latest log reveals something/there is something you want me to
try, please reach out.

Otherwise, I thank you again, for the time you have spent trying to help
me get this going.

All the best Fred in Canada

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] No Tidal Icon under iPeng "My Apps" after installation

2022-01-10 Thread Fredly

Mherger, thanx again for all your efforts thus far.

I went ahead and downloaded a 4 minute movie (In your Dropbox) of me
install Tidal on my Ipad, so you can see what I see.

Once install I also included the Log, sohoping this helps in

If you require any additional information, don't hesitate.

Greetings and thank you from Fred in Canada

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] No Tidal Icon under iPeng "My Apps" after installation

2022-01-08 Thread Fredly

Mherger, again thanx for your quick reply.

I simply can't access Tidal anywhere in Ipeng on my Ipad/I've tried

(I just download my full Server log file to your dropbox, I hope this
will help in diagnosing this)

Mherger, again I can "airplay" Tidal from my Ipad to my Pi, however my
DAC does not recognize the bit rate its transmitting at, so it may only
be 44Khz/CD quality/dumbed down.

Can you comment? Are you aware of the spec limits of Airplay, is there
an advantage of playing Tidal via the Plugin vs Airplay'ing it?

Just curious as this is all new to me/just got into Tidal.

Fred in Canada

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] No Tidal Icon under iPeng "My Apps" after installation

2022-01-07 Thread Fredly

Mherger, thanx for looking into this, I'm pretty sure its something

As requested (see below pix) I always using the latest Max2play and
below are also my LMS Socket info.

Thank you again for your attention to this matter, Fred

PS: I have kinda got around this problem by "Airplaying" my Tidal App
running on my Ipad to the Pi, and frankly using the Tidal Ipad Interface
is WAY more sexier.

I am not sure of the quality sonically or if using the Tidal Plugin for
the Squeezebox is better, just looking for your opinions/pros/cons on
all this as well.

Thank you again, Fred in Canada

|Filename: Tidal issue2.jpg |

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] No Tidal Icon under iPeng "My Apps" after installation

2022-01-04 Thread Fredly

I use Max2play to install LMS and Squeezelite on my Raspberry Pi.

Recently I purchased a license for Tidal and wanted to install the App
on iPeng.

I can install it successfully, under "App Gallery" and once installed it
shows me that Tidal is running and all is good.

Yet after, when I go to "My Apps", only Radio Paradise and Facebook are
present, and no Tidal Icon  ?

*Its interesting to note that my old unsupported Squeezebox App
"Squeezepad" DOES show the Tidal Icon under my Apps and all works fine
there/I can control Tidal fine from here and see it on iPeng.

Attached is a picture of the Tidal App found in SqueezePad vs what I see
in Ipeng.

Its really weird and anyone that can help in the right direction, I'd be
forever grateful.

Fred in Canada

|Filename: SqueezePad.jpg   |

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: SlimRemote Biography Plugin working- No Pix on IPAQ!

2006-07-21 Thread Fredly

Again, thanx for your quick response back Michael.

Yes, I have sucessfully seen pix on my IPAQ via PocketIE, so I presume
the reason I don't see bio pix on my IPAQ is EWE related.

Not a problem, perhaps in the near future updates to EWE OR when
support for the systems browser is available, this problem will be

Again take care and I can't thank you enough for all the effort and
time you've taken in making SlimRemote available to us all here.and
its FREE!

Cheers, Fred in Canada.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Newbie question regarding Biography Plugin

2006-06-23 Thread Fredly

Again, thanx for getting back to me Michael.

Yes, internet connection was open, when trying to retrieve Biography

I went into the SlimServer's Cache folder, but no Peter Gabriel.html
file can be found. (hm)

Reset cache and tried again, still no Peter Gabriel.html file.

I am running SlimServer V 6.2.2, with XP SP2 desktop.

Internet connection is a lowly phone line.

Perhaps my internet speed is not up to snuff and times out.

Any other suggestions?

Thanx again, Fred in Canada.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Newbie question regarding Biography Plugin

2006-06-20 Thread Fredly

Michael, just a quick update.

As you had suggested, I purged the Bio Cache (using the button on the
Bio plug-in) and once again tried getting some information as an artist
such as Peter Gabriel played, by clicking on the Biography Plug-in under

Again, nothing.

Perhaps this plug-in was just not meant to be for me.

Oh well, thanx much for your patience in assisting thus far.

Fred in Canada.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Newbie question regarding Biography Plugin

2006-06-16 Thread Fredly

Again, thanx for getting back to me Michael.

You are correct, I did not clear the cache as you mentioned in the
post, but will try this to see if it resolves the problem (once I get
back from a little 3 day vacation :-) ).

Failing that, I'll try the d_plugins in the debugging section, to see
whats happening.

Cheers for now, Fred in Canada.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Newbie question regarding Biography Plugin

2006-06-15 Thread Fredly

Again, thank you Michael for getting back to me so quickly.

Late yesterday evening, after fiddling around with this Bio plug-in a
bit more, I realized a few things;

1)  Absolutely no data was sent out when I played Peter Gabriel, or any
other artists, and click on the Biography plug-in. 

I verified this by opening the network status icon that showed packets
sent/received, and clicking on the Bio plug-in at the same time, and
could see nothing being sent.

2)  I don’t think this plug-in will work as I expected it to.

Like the thumbnails located within each Album folder, I thought I could
gather all the information from my slow dial-up Internet access, and
store this info within a particular folder, for later recollection. In
other words, I do this action once for each Artists and never again,
and Internet access is not a requirement for me to access Bio
information from my wifi IPAQ.

Anyways, if you have any other suggestions on how to get this working
AND if the Bio plug-in can work as detailed above (perhaps by backing
up the cache bio folder as suggested), it would be very much

Cheers, Fred in Canada.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Newbie question regarding Biography Plugin

2006-06-14 Thread Fredly

Michael/Folks, I’ve been using Michaels SlimRemote application with
great success on my HP IPAQ. (Thanx again Michael, what a GREAT
program!), and with the latest version noticed the Biography and Album
Review capabilities. 

So….I followed the posted instructions and have successfully installed
the Biography plug-in (see it in my SlimServer drop down), but frankly
don’t know exactly how to use it?

Let’s say I want to get/download the Biography of Peter Gabriel. What
steps are necessary on my part to retrieve and have this information
available to me both through SlimServer and SlimRemote.

Also, once retrieved, is this information stored locally on my hard
drive for quicker access? 

I haven’t really delved into the plug-ins available within SlimServers,
since I currently have slow internet (phone) access at home, and as such
haven’t properly exploit these options so plug-ins are relatively new to

Any assistance in getting me to understand the fundamentals on how to
get this working would VERY much be appreciated.

Thanx once again for any assistance in this matter.

Fred in Toronto, Canada


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Newbie question regarding Biography Plugin

2006-06-14 Thread Fredly

Thanx for getting back to me so quickly Michael.

Hopefully, with your guidance I can get the Biography ONLY plug-in

I'm running the latest SlimRemote on my Handheld IPAQ (V1.0) and
running V 6.2.2 of SlimServer on my XP PC.

Again, on my PC it appears that the Plugin has installed correctly,
since I see it selectable on the SlimServer drop-downs.

On the IPAQ I see the Biography button, but obviously nothing is
happening when I select this, since I haven't been able to retrieve
anything and am having difficulties getting this working correctly.

So, sitting in front of my PC and concentrating ONLY on the Biography
plug-in, what are the steps necessary on my part to retrieve
information about, say Peter Gabriel.

What do I click to request Biography info be downloaded?

I'm TOTALLY lost on how to preceed, provided I have everything
installed correctly.

Again, thanx for any information you can give me, regarding this

Cheers, Fred.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Newbie question regarding Biography Plugin

2006-06-14 Thread Fredly

Ya Michael, I'm getting nothing.

Peter Gabriel is playing, I go to the SlimServer main menu, and click

The error Information could not be collected. There might be a network
problem. Please try again! immediately shows.

Have they locked out SlimServer requests?

Yet, if I click the link below it immediately takes me to the
allmusic site.

Unfortunately I cannot do this from my IPAQ, since its not been setup
to surf via wifi.

Butagain, can I SAVE all the information locally (hard drive),
should I get it working.

You mentioned caching, which for me implies I'll lose this info, should
I reinstall SlimServer for whatever reason.

Michael, this is cool, and would VERY much like to get his going!

Cheers again, Fred in Canada.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: [Announce] SlimRemote 0.7

2006-04-20 Thread Fredly

Michael, I had a brief opportunity to try your latest SlimRemote release
(V.7) last night. It worked flawlessly, and as you mentioned, its
response time felt faster than previous versions!

Not a programmer myself, but I get the gist that its impossible to have
the web interface update/refresh as I change albums via SlimRemote.
(Hey, it doesn’t hurt asking)

A few thing I wanted to mention, that perhaps you can investigate
(again, just constructive criticism).


Is there a way to have the album/artists browse REMEMBER where I was
the last time I accessed it.

Here’s the scenario;

-   I am browsing my 500 Artists
-   I scroll down and make my way to the M’s and select Depeche Mode
-   Within I pick an album, play a few songs of theirs, before returning
back to continue browsing Artists.
-   Now, unfortunately, the browse starts again from the top, at the A’s
-   Is there a way to have the browse “pick-up” where I left off, at the

Perhaps it’s impossible, but again just asking.


Another nice touch would be an alternate way of selecting an
Artist/Album, within the browse feature, rather than double-clicking
with the stylus.

I find myself double-clicking twice and nothing happens, because it
wasn’t fast enough.

Sometime I have to take several “shots” at it before it actually

(This is particularly difficult if you’re mobile and standing up OR to
novices of PDAs)

It’d be nice if an arrow icon existed on the far right of the Browse
feature OR an option appeared to “select”, when I held my stylus at a
point for 2 seconds.

Again, the above are minor quibbles since I am SO happy with what you
have developed to date, that tweaks/upgrades from this point on are
pure gravy!

Thanx again for all your efforts, it’s VERY much appreciated on this
side of the pond.

Cheers, Fred in Canada.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: [Announce] SlimRemote 0.7

2006-04-19 Thread Fredly

Michael, Fred here in Canada.

I too wanted to thank you for the INCREDIBLE job you have done with
SlimRemote to date.

It has truly put my entire CD collection literally at my finger tips
(and made a few of my friends VERY jealous in the process  :-) ).

The overall layout/feel of this super small app is truly AWESOME!

Now, a couple of small problems/issues I have been experiencing that
perhaps I’m not doing right OR may be considered for inclusion in later

Volume resolution: is there a specific way to increase the volume one
step at a time? Using the Stylus with my IPAQ the volume setting is
difficult to get JUST right. (perhaps the slider can be bigger OR a +
and – symbol added/near the slider so resolution can be set more

Clearing current Playlist: It took me a while to figure out how to add
an album to a playlist (adding a song was pretty obvious). How can I
clear the current Playlist competely and start all over?  

Syncing SlimRemote with SlimServer on PC: Perhaps this has been
addressed in your latest rev of SlimRemote (V .7), but it would be very
nice if both SlimRemote and SlimServer BOTH displayed what was currently

Again, these are MINOR quibbles, and should NOT be taken as negative.
I, and all the SlimServer community should be, and are, very grateful
of the job you have done to date.

Way to go Michael!



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