Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2010-10-08 Thread Julius Caesar

aussiebob;581462 Wrote: 
 Where can I find the plugin, I've looked where all the plugins are but
 can't find it.

According to the first post in this thread, it's in the 'Recommended
3rd Party Plugin list'

Julius Caesar

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2010-10-05 Thread Julius Caesar

I've been using the Spotify plug-in for several months now and I'm very
happy with it.

I've one issue (not a big one) with my SB Touch. When I select a
Spotify playlist and the playback mode is set to 'random' and I press
the play button, the playlist is played back in the unsorted order.
(Pressing random 3 times makes the playback order 'random' again). I
don't have this with my SB Classic. 

Second, a feature request. Is it possible to present the Spotify
playlist in alphabetical order, just like the ordinary SB playlists?

Julius Caesar

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2010-07-31 Thread Julius Caesar

Triode;565573 Wrote: 
 Sorry still don't understand this - the plugin does not save anything to
 spotify playlists so don't see how one playlist can be different.  Can
 you describe what actions you are taking to do see this?

I've narrowed it down to just one album
(spotify:album:314xNPZisq3G6ZLlBU938T). All other albums and tracks
display the track label like they should do.

Julius Caesar

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2010-07-31 Thread Julius Caesar

Triode;565658 Wrote: 
 Is is possible that this album is loaded as the current playlist on one
 or more of your players?  Could you clear the current playlist of all
 players the server knows about and then restart the server (to purge
 out any stored information)

Actually the album was playing when the plugin was updated. I tried
clearing this by restarting the *Squeezebox Server* software, but this
didn't work. After restarting my entire server, the 'Title by Artist'
is now removed from the previous mentioned album.

Thanks for your help in this matter.

Another thing, you referred to 'Playlists saved by Squeezebox server'.
Well I can save a playlist using the 'Squeezebox server' and that
works. But after a rescan they don't work anymore. For me it's no
problem just using spotify playlists, but I was triggered by your
question, because it suggests that playlists made within the
'Squeezebox server' environment should work is well.

So my question in this case: Should 'Playlist made by Squeezebox
server' work as well and should they keep working after a rescan?

Julius Caesar

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2010-07-30 Thread Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar Wrote: 
 The 'avoid using Track by Artist as the title for playlists and search
 tracks' seems to be disabled in the .11 version
  Triode;565321 Wrote: 
  Its still working for me - can you describe what you see?  You should
  see Track by Artist in the browse menu for playlists, but when you
  add/play the playlist then the title in the server playlist is just the
  title with no artist info.  

I've noticed already where the problem hides. I opened an old playlist
and this one showed 'Title by Artist' in the playlist. After opening a
newer playlist the ' by Artist' suffix is gone. At the moment I can
only check it in the squeezecenter console. I'll check the my
Squeezeboxes this weekend

Julius Caesar

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2010-07-30 Thread Julius Caesar

Triode;565398 Wrote: 
 Can you explain what you mean by old and new playlist?  Are these
 spotify playlists or playlists saved by Squeezebox server?

A spotify playlist, made before the 'Title by Artist' was removed from
the plugin. I played it on my Squeezebox Touch.

Julius Caesar

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2010-07-29 Thread Julius Caesar

Triode;565262 Wrote: 
 There are several internal changes with this version aimed at improving
 stablity and handling of errors from the spotify library.  I would
 therefore be keen on feedback on stability of this release as well as
 bug reports.  I would like to remove the beta tag soon and make it
 available from the main 3rd party plugin list.

The '*avoid using Track by Artist as the title for playlists and search
tracks*' seems to be disabled in the .11 version

Julius Caesar

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2010-07-20 Thread Julius Caesar

a1708;562995 Wrote: 
 Am I supposed to see the Spotify thingy in my SB Touch under Internet
 Radio or only on the web application as it is now?

You will find Spotify under Internet Radio. However I needed to
restart my 'Touch' to find it there.

Julius Caesar

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2010-07-17 Thread Julius Caesar

Just for information purposes:

The plug-in works perfect with Squeezebox Server v7.5.1 installed on a
system with *Fedora* 12 x86_64. Songs can be played/searched on a
Squeezebox Classic and a Squeezebox Touch. And the last one also
displays the album covers

Julius Caesar

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