Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Weather Screensafer for Radio/Touch/Controller

2018-09-16 Thread MerceanCoconut

hip2b2 wrote: 
> Is there an idiots guide to installing your new Weather App?  
> I have been using the older app and about a month ago it stopped
> working.  My wife chews at my ankles to find a fix.
> Thanks
> hip

On the plugins page enter
** in
the Additional Repositories section and Apply.  After that you should be
able to install the plugin.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: YouTube Plugin (API v3)

2017-06-20 Thread MerceanCoconut

philippe_44 wrote: 
> Since version 0.6x.y, I've added a much better way to get the content
> from YT that also corrects the issue where in long pause, connection was
> lost. But this puts more constraints on systems as it opens a connection
> for every chunk of data it requires. It might be an issue if you have a
> slow DNS server. 
> If you are a bit technical, look for the file named
> under the YT plugin directory (in
> ProgramData/squeezebox/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/YouTube for
> Windows and
> /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/YouTube for
> Linux) and change line 25 
> > 

  >   > use constant DATA_CHUNK => 65536;

> > 
> And change the value (likely increase it). 
> Other than that, no idea

Thanks, philippe.  It seems my ISP has its own Youtube cache server
which has caused others problems.  I changed my DNS to use Google
( and that seems to have resolved my issue.  If the problem
comes back I will try changing the data chunk size.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: YouTube Plugin (API v3)

2017-06-19 Thread MerceanCoconut

I am getting frequent re-buffering since about one month ago.  It's made
the plugin almost unusable.  I have the same problem with various
players and at two different locations.  I'm not seeing anything in the
server.log when the re-buffering happens.

LMS: 7.9.0
Yutube: 0.60.1

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