[SlimDevices: Plugins] TrackStat SQL Question

2007-11-04 Thread Omen Wild
I was trying to find out how many of my tracks I have rated, so I ran:
- Begin Query 1 -
SELECT COUNT(*), rating FROM slimserver.track_statistics GROUP BY rating
COUNT(*)  rating
12259 NULL
981   40
7300  60
28714 80
1613  100
- End Query 1 -

I thought that was a little curious as the total is 50,881, whereas
Slim Server reports 16281 songs.  So I did a little more digging.

- Begin Query 2 -
SELECT DISTINCT url, COUNT(url) as count FROM track_statistics GROUP BY url 
This reports:
#URLs   Count
4   5761
2   2401
2   241
2   190
22  122
24  121
2   54
~20 2
- End Query 2 -

I looked at one of the duplicates and all the data seems to be the
same.  Is there a reason duplicates are allowed in the URL column?
Seems to me that should be a primary key or made unique through the
combo of url and musicbrainz_id.  Am I totally out in left field here?

This is with TrackStat 1.39 and Slim Server 6.5.5 on Debian unstable. I
first installed TrackStat over a year ago (version forgotten) and have
updated as new releases come out.  At one point I wiped the database
and re-imported from the xml backup.  The XML shows a slightly worse
egrep '' trackstat_scheduled_backup_20071104.xml | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
- Begin egrep output -
[ snip a bunch of others ]
243 file%3A%2F%2F%2Fdata%2Faudio%2Fmusic%2Fmisc%2Fsoundtrack [snip ]
243 file%3A%2F%2F%2Fdata%2Faudio%2Fmusic%2Ftrance%2FClub%2FS [snip ]
272 file%3A%2F%2F%2Fdata%2Faudio%2Fmusic%2Ftrance%2FClub%2FS [snip ]
299 file%3A%2F%2F%2Fdata%2Faudio%2Fmusic%2Fmisc%2FTop%252010 [snip ]
379 file%3A%2F%2F%2Fdata%2Faudio%2Fmusic%2Fmp3%2Fbestof%2FGr [snip ]
399 file%3A%2F%2F%2Fdata%2Faudio%2Fmusic%2Fmisc%2FTop%252010 [snip ]
   4067 file%3A%2F%2F%2Fdata%2Faudio%2Fmusic%2Ftrance%2FMixes%2F [snip ]
   5106 file%3A%2F%2F%2Fdata%2Faudio%2Fmusic%2Ftrance%2FMixes%2F [snip ]
   9914 file%3A%2F%2F%2Fdata%2Faudio%2Fmusic%2Ftrance%2FMixes%2F [snip ]
  15731 file%3A%2F%2F%2Fdata%2Faudio%2Fmusic%2Ftrance%2FMixes%2F [snip ]
  20081 file%3A%2F%2F%2Fdata%2Faudio%2Fmusic%2Ftrance%2FMixes%2F [snip ]
  24768 file%3A%2F%2F%2Fdata%2Faudio%2Fmusic%2Ftrance%2FMixes%2F [snip ]
- End egrep output -

I cut a bunch, but you get the idea, lots of repeats of the same url.

"You can't kill electrons, the worst thing you can do is send them on
long trips in which they are not interested."
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] TrackStat feature request

2006-10-05 Thread Omen Wild
Quoting erland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Thu, Oct 05 09:04:
> The conversion between the old and new scale would be:
> 0 -> 0
> 1 -> 20
> 2 -> 40
> 3 -> 60
> 4 -> 80
> 5 -> 100

While you are looking at this I have a feature request.  It would be nice
to use the granularity between the numbers (0, 20, 40, etc) to
automatically raise or lower the rating based on how long the song is
allowed to play.  For example, if I skip the song in the first half,
remove 1 from the number.  If I let it play all the way through add 1 to
the number.  Thus songs I listen to a lot would eventually gain in
ratings, and songs I skip all the time would lower in ratings.

This would probably work best if the stars became a range:
0 -> 0 - 9
1 -> 10 - 29
2 -> 30 - 49
3 -> 50 - 69
4 -> 70 - 89
5 -> 90 - 100

When you manually assign a rating put it in the middle of the range.
Press and hold 4 -> rating set to 80, press and hold 1 -> rating ste to


That's user, u s r, and then there's a space ...
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