Hi everyone.

I bought a MD MyBook Live 1TB yesterday and got it to work with the
how-to from this thread. Everything runs fine. Then I added some new
songs and deleted some others to/in my Library an started a scan. After
that I have a lot of entries in my Library which are "dead" (some double
albums, some wrong titles etc.). So i started the installation inkl.
clean uninstall before again and was wondering about the database. All
the wrong titles (...) are still there, so the database was not deleted
dureing this process.

So, as i am a complete newbie to this, i have no idea how to solve this
problem. Can i clean the cache and the prefs manually? Or can i do a
real clean uninstall (i guess directorys who are not empty will not be
deleted using /etc/init.d/squeezeboxserver stop apt-get remove --purge

Maybe some one can help me. I hope you understand my problems as my
english is not so good.

Thank you.

Peter75's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=49783
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=84735

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