Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Music & Artist Information plugin

2021-04-13 Thread Stoker

mherger wrote: 
> > Now, I'm not expecting MIA to know who we are, but was wondering if
> > there's a way to stop it picking up the wrong artist? Maybe I can put
> my
> > own picture somewhere that would stop MIA looking elsewhere?
> You can fix this for yourself by putting an artist.jpg and bio.html or 
> bio.txt in your artist folder.
> Doesn't help others trying to find your band, of course.

Thanks, that fixed it!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Music & Artist Information plugin

2021-04-13 Thread Stoker

Paul Webster wrote: 
> If is you then maybe add a picture
> there (
> You could also add biography info.
> All you need is an a free account on
> They have rules about what should be in the picture and the text - but
> not sure how well it is checked so you could become the greatest band
> ever out of your town.

Thanks Paul, but that's not us either! I do have one of our tracks on
SoundCloud though.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Music & Artist Information plugin

2021-04-13 Thread Stoker


I've tried searching but didn't find anything useful. If it's just my
searching skills that are bad please feel free to point me in the right

Anyway, I'm in a band called 'The Racquet' and we've done a one-off self
recorded album which I have in my LMS. MIA (I think) seems to pick the
artist up as a band called 'Racquet Club' and shows a picture and a
biography of that band when browsing 'Album Artists' or when selecting
More->Artist information. 

Now, I'm not expecting MIA to know who we are, but was wondering if
there's a way to stop it picking up the wrong artist? Maybe I can put my
own picture somewhere that would stop MIA looking elsewhere?

Thnaks for reading!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2020-04-03 Thread Stoker

kidstypike wrote: 
> Have you installed the "Online Music Library Integration" plugin?

Doh! I didn't know there was such a thing. Now installed and all working
as expected. Thanks kidstypike.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2020-04-03 Thread Stoker


Is there anything I need to do to make this work, a setting somewhere
maybe? I've updated LMS to latest nightly (8.0.0 - 1585823230) and
Spotty to 4.0.0 but I don't see any of my saved Spotify albums mixed in
with my local albums. I'm running everything on PiCorePlayer 6.0.0-rc1.

I've tried doing a 'Clear library and rescan' in case that made a

I tried adding a couple of Spotify albums to favourites by selecting the
heart icon in the LMS web interface but that didn't help.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2019-11-04 Thread Stoker

bpa wrote: 
> The error message means the program you are trying to play is only
> available in a format which your BBCiPLayer setting say you do not want
> played.
> Change BBCiPlayer Settings Live Stream preference and On demand stream
> preference to "DASH > HLS > MP3 > FlashAAC"
> You must also ensure that "allow transcoding " is checked.

Bingo! All working now. Thanks.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2019-11-04 Thread Stoker

d6jg wrote: 
> Working here. Cheshire, UK

Thanks d6jg! I'm in Hampshire, UK.

I noticed that if I try on my SB+ then I briefly see a message at the
top of the screen which says "STREAM REFFERENCE SETTING MISSING FORMAT",
I don't think that the entire message, looks like it's truncated by the
size of the screen. Do I need to make some transcoding setting somewhere

SB+ is based on a SqueezeBox 2 or 3 not sure which. 

BBCiPlayerExtra version 3.2.0 installed today along with BBCiPlayer from
BPA's repository.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2019-11-04 Thread Stoker


It's probably operator error on my part but... 
I'm having trouble getting programmes from BBCiPlayerExtra to play. I
can browse and find the content I want but when I try to play it nothing

When using the LMS web GUI (Orange Squeeze behaves the same) the
selected program appears in the right hand pane with a picture of the
presenter (or some such) and the time line shows the duration of the
program but the progress bar stuck at 0:00. If I press the play button
it changes to a 'pause' button but immediately turns back to a play
button and nothing plays.

I've had a search of the thread but couldn't find anyone else reporting
anything similar. BBCiPlayer feeds seem to work correctly, it's just the
BBCiPlayerExtra streams that don't work for me.

LMS is running on PiCorePlayer 4.1 in case that make a difference.

Thanks for any guidance!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty v1.1.0

2017-07-14 Thread Stoker


I've had Spotty running all day using "Artist Radio" option, however
every now and again playback stops when there are still more songs in
the play list. It's happened 3 times in about 7 hours. If I press '>>'
the next track starts, same behaviour if I press pause followed by play
(LMS web interface). It always seems to happen at the very end of a
track whilst there is zero time remaining.

I've looked in the log (set to info) but can't see anything different to
when it's playing normally, see last few lines attached below as an
example of the log when it had been stopped for about 5 minutes. The
'Starting audio cache cleanup done!' line is always the last line in the
log when playback has stalled, however the cache clean up seems to get
done every 20 tracks usually without issue.

This isn't a big issue to me, but just thought I'd mention it!


|Filename: spotty_log.txt   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty v1.1.0

2017-07-12 Thread Stoker


Just noticed that the album art work doesn't appear in the right hand
side of the LMS web interface. Not sure if this is a bug or something
wrong with my installation. Using LMS 7.9.0 and Spotty 1.1.1 all running
on RPi 2B with piCorePlayer 3.20


|Filename: lms.png  |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2014-04-08 Thread Stoker

Hi Guys

I haven't updated for a long time and am still using version 2.2.1 of
the Spotify plug in with LMS version 7.7.1

It's all been working really well, however I recently noticed I can't
get the Spotify radio functionality to work so I looked around and
noticed that Spotify 2.3.6 is the latest version and that with this
version the radio functionality should also work (please correct me if
I'm wrong).

So, my questions: Will the latest version work with LMS 7.7.1? I'd
rather not upgrade LMS just at the moment. Also I can't figure out how
to upgrade the Spotify plugin, I've looked in the Server
Settings/Plugins section of the Web-interface and the Server
Settings/Advanced section but can't see a way to upgrade. I'm probably
just having a brain wobble, but could some kind soul point me in the
right direction?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2014-04-08 Thread Stoker

rod_hull wrote: 
 In your server plugin settings page on the web UI, make sure Update
 plugins automatically is ticked - this should keep things up to date.
 Alternatively, uninstall the plugin, then re-install and it ought to
 grab the latest...

Thanks for the reply but I still can't find it :( 

From the main web interface I go to Server Settings which opens in a
new browser tab. I can then find Spotify (2.2.1) in the Plugins tab. The
Plugins tab contains a list of plugins some of which are enabled and
some of which are not. Indicated by a tick in a little box to the left
of each plug in. Spotify, the third party version, is enabled. Adjacent
to the Spotify (2.2.1) in the list is a Settings link. Clicking this
takes me to a new page of Spotify settings but there isn't an Update
plugins automatically option or any option to uninstall. There is a
similar set of Spotify options under the advanced tab or the main
Server Settings page but again no update or uninstall option. Am I
looking in the right place?

This is driving me nuts, I'm sure I've done this before. Surely it
shouldn't be this hard!

Also might be relevant: LMS is running on an Ubuntu Linux server and I'm
accessing the web interface via a Windows 8.1 PC. Is it possible that
the web interface running on the  Windows PC doesn't have the right
permissions to make alterations on the Linux machine?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2014-04-08 Thread Stoker

rod_hull wrote: 
 On my LMS 7.7.3 on the page where you can see all the plugins listed,
 right at the bottom is a check box to update plugins automatically.
 Try using another browser like Chrome or Firefox. Alternatively, remove
 the plugin all together on your Linux rig (look inside /var/lib for your
 LMS installation and go into InstalledPlugins and remove the Spotify
 folder. When you restart LMS it should pull down the latest version...
 Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

I've just updated to LMS 7.7.3 and I still don't have the update
plugins automatically checkbox. I've tried Chrome and Internet Explorer
(don't have firefox), both the same. :( I guess I'll have to delete
Spotify plugin from the file system.

Before I do, does anyone know why I don't seem to have the same
interface as other users?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2014-04-08 Thread Stoker

Triode wrote: 
 Do you have the Extension Downloader plugin disabled?  If so you will
 have a simplified plugin menu which does not include any details about
 downloading plugins (extensions).

Thanks Triode, you hit the nail well and truly on the head! All working
now. I've no idea why I disabled the Extension Downloader plug in.


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