Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] A few words about bridges and my work in general

2022-12-14 Thread Tigo

Seconded once more! Thank you Philippe, much obliged

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AirPlay, Chromecast and UPnP bridges update

2022-11-10 Thread Tigo

tvdsm wrote: 
> Hi Tigo,
> I have exactly the same crashes with running it in docker on my Synology
> DS920+. It was released in 2020. 
> What Synology NAS you were testing with?

I’m on a 1513+. Indeed old but still running sooo fine. I’ve moved LMS
to Raspberry Pi 3b with music files on NAS. Works too, running the new
Airbridge plugin without problems. 

With so many dockers running smoothly on Syno, I wasn’t suspecting the
processor to be the culprit though…

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AirPlay, Chromecast and UPnP bridges update

2022-10-31 Thread Tigo

philippe_44 wrote: 
> Indeed, I don't know what Linux you are on, but if neither the normal or
> the static version works, it really means it's time for an upgrade as
> your system is likely 6~7+ years old. I can't, in these new builds,
> support too old OS.

Alright, thanks for looking into it Philippe and Paul. I guess I will
need to move my LMS to a newer system indeed.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AirPlay, Chromecast and UPnP bridges update

2022-10-31 Thread Tigo

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Did you put
> /config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/RaopBridge/Bin/
> in front of it ... or move to that directory and run it with
> ./
> in front?

I did now Paul: the terminal gives me "FATAL: kernel too old". That's

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AirPlay, Chromecast and UPnP bridges update

2022-10-31 Thread Tigo

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Are you able to open a terminal session on the NAS and try to execute
> the same command by hand and see if there is any more information output
> to the terminal?

Hmm, this might be something (although I don't know what exactly):

OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:367: starting
container process caused: exec: "squeeze2raop-linux-x86_64-static":
executable file not found in $PATH: unknown

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AirPlay, Chromecast and UPnP bridges update

2022-10-31 Thread Tigo

philippe_44 wrote: 
> Is there something in the plug-in’s log (not the server log). You can
> find it under its settings

The plugin-in log says:

Starting Squeeze2raop:
-Z -I -b -f /config/logs/raopbridge.log -d all=debug -x

Retarting Squeeze2raop after crash:
-Z -I -b -f /config/logs/raopbridge.log -d all=debug -x

Retarting Squeeze2raop after crash:
-Z -I -b -f /config/logs/raopbridge.log -d all=debug -x

and so on, adding a line after every restart ...

Thanks for looking into this.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AirPlay, Chromecast and UPnP bridges update

2022-10-31 Thread Tigo

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Which platform?

Sorry: linux x86_64 (static) - running in Docker on Synology Nas.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AirPlay, Chromecast and UPnP bridges update

2022-10-31 Thread Tigo

Hi Philippe.

Thanks for your effort! Unfortunately, v.1.0.2. brings me no joy yet.
The plugin keeps crashing. 
I reselected the binary as requested. Did not work, so I erased the
existing config to start anew. When this did not work eother, tried a
backup config file. 
I erased the plugin and installed again. But it crashes in every case,
after every restart. The log keeps adding: 

[22-10-31 11:06:37.6064] Plugins::RaopBridge::Squeeze2raop::beat (175)
crashed ... restarting

Perhaps you can look into this?

Thank you in advance!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: AirPlay Bridge = integrate AirPlay devices with LMS (squeeze2raop)

2022-10-04 Thread Tigo

philippe_44 wrote: 
> So I think I've found the answer and that will have to apply to all my
> plugins that use my mdns broadcast and this will be complicated,
> probably. The idea is that in mdns, the response to a requestor is
> normally through a broadcast, but the requestor can set a flag to ask
> for an unicast response. I think that when IGMP snooping is activated,
> my broadcast responses don't transverse hubs/routers (after a while,
> that's the nature of IGMP snooping) and that's how we get stuck. Now it
> means that I have to modify that library to send a series of unicast
> responses...

Thanks for all your work Philippe (Paul too). I have high hopes that the
issue you identified is related to my mdns-troubles too (see a few posts
up). I'll patiently await your progress. Until then, with workarounds
I'll keep those players goin', day after day. Love it, thanks again!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: AirPlay Bridge = integrate AirPlay devices with LMS (squeeze2raop)

2022-09-22 Thread Tigo

Hi all,

I have an issue with the AirPlay Bridge that I did not encounter in the
past. Devices do no longer show up in my clients after shutdown and
restart. This happens for my Denon (as in the output below), but also
for other players such as a Libratone speaker. 

ONLY when I refresh the bridge from the settings page
(squeeze2raop-x86-64-static, or non-satic for that matter, doesn't make
a difference) or when I click on "Save settings" in the AirPlay Bridge
configuration, the devices reappear immediately.

Sometimes, when I fire up the soundsystem, the Denon or Libratone is
visible for a second, literally, and then it disappears again in the
player menu (I use material skin; default skin is all the same).

I worked through this forum, have fiddled about with every possible mDNS
setting, IMPG-snooping, other multicast-settings, basically every router
setting, even tried another router, bypassed the switches in my network
(after trying every setting they offer), bypassed firewalls, changed
cables ... And of course every setting in the Bridge itself, erased the
config file and began from scratch ... no joy. 

The log output says something's going on with mDNSSearchCallback, but
again, I tink I really tinkered all of that. I guess it  must have to do
with the brigde after all; saving settings or restarting the bridge et
voila, it works. It is only a very clumsy routine to do this for every
start of my system. Or is there a way to automate clicking the
restart-button - perhaps a json call?

When I do not 'forget' the players after its shutdown (-1 setting for
remove timeout), the players of course remain visible in the skin and
they CAN most of the time be controlled some time after a restart of the
Denon or another player. Some other times they remain silent. 

I find it strange that no setting in router, switch, server or whatever
solves my problem. Maybe someone here has the brightest idea? Any help
is much appreciated!


  [12:08:43.799709] AddRaopDevice:883 [0xbd4e40]: adding renderer 
  [12:08:43.801022] raopcl_create:735 [0x7fcce40125a0]: using PCM coding
  [12:08:43.806977] output_raop_thread_init:126 [0xb79800]: init output raop
  [12:08:43.807094] output_init_common:290 allocating 1764000
  [12:08:43.807322] mDNSsearchCallback:630 [0xbd4e40]: removing renderer 
  [12:08:43.807394] slimproto_close:907 [0xb79800] slimproto stop for 
  [12:08:43.808750] slimproto:835 squeezelite [0xb79800] <=> player [0xbd4e40]
  [12:08:43.808832] slimproto:836 [0xb79800] connecting to
  [12:08:44.009958] DelRaopDevice:978 [0xbd4e40]: Raop device stopped
  [12:14:58.796806] AddRaopDevice:883 [0xbd4e40]: adding renderer 
  [12:14:58.798611] raopcl_create:735 [0x7f32a40093b0]: using PCM coding
  [12:14:58.802412] output_raop_thread_init:126 [0xb79800]: init output raop
  [12:14:58.802595] output_init_common:290 allocating 1764000
  [12:14:58.990224] slimproto:835 squeezelite [0xb79800] <=> player [0xbd4e40]
  [12:14:58.990358] slimproto:836 [0xb79800] connecting to
  [12:14:58.990790] slimproto:866 [0xb79800] connected
  [12:14:58.990981] sendHELO:118 [0xb79800] cap: 
  [12:14:58.996306] PlayerThread:562 [0xbd4e40]: processing off

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