Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2009-01-09 Thread bsc001

Hello, I'm new to Squeezebox & the forums.  I've been playing around
with this plugin, and I think it's really great.   My problem is that
I'm using a SB Boom, and the WeatherTime display seems oriented for the
other SB devices.

Are plugins difficult to program?   Would it be a lot of work to add
Boom support so the screen layout doesn't truncate the time display?  I
love the weather feature, but I'm using the Boom as the main clock in my
room, so a truncated time display is problematic.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] MusicInfoSCR 4.3 - now with theOriginal Boom Booklet Layout

2009-01-09 Thread bsc001

I'm using the v4.3.7 via extension downloader, and there is no
MusicInformationScreen tab anywhere on the settings tab.   I've looked
through every screen, pulldown, etc., and just can't find it.   Was
this a problem a few months ago?   Any chance the new version of
SqueezeCenter broke this again?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2009-01-17 Thread bsc001

martin.rehfeld;386143 Wrote: 
> I can only suggest playing with the date/time related setup options.
> Would there be enough space to display the time only?

Unfortunately, the BOOM can't even display the time correctly.   I have
no idea how to find the pixel width, but I can tell you that when you
look at the word "TODAY" (above the time), we can only see 1 pixel of
the "Y".  So, looking at the time of 12:30, about 1/3 of the "3" is
cutoff, and the "0" is completely off the screen.   Nothing else (i.e.
date) after that displays.

It looks like the device itself doesn't understand it's limits.   If
you turn-off Squeezecenter, the "Cannot connect to SqueezeCenter"
message is cropped (we lose 1/3 of the "e" and then the full "r" of
that message).  It's a great little device, but I have no idea why they
made the display so narrow.  There is plenty of space on either side
that they could have used :(

Is there any way to play around with the icon strings, font size, or
anything else to make the Boom work?  There is a fair amount of empty
space between the temp/precip readings and the start of the time
display.   If nothing else, it'd be great to be able to at least
display the time. 

Thanks for any suggestions!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2009-01-20 Thread bsc001

BOOM support.   From what I can tell, the problem with trying to make
this great application work with the Boom is that it relies upon the
native Time support from the device, including the standard line 1 & 2
for the time/forecast display.  Combined with the very narrow size of
the Boom window (approx. 150 to 160 pixels), this offers limited
options to get the time/date/forecast to display correctly.

I've been working on some enhancements to the main plugin to provide
Boom functionality.   Basically, I've moved the standard line 1 & 2
displays off to the right so they truncate off the boom screen.  I then
do some tweaking to the spacing, and re-use the custom 5x7 character set
to display the time, date, precip, wind, and forecast onto the small
Boom window.   The time/date/forecast font is the same size as the
other weather stats, so it doesn't jump out at you the way it does on
the other devices--but that's a small price to pay (to me).   Also, the
time is now updated on the weather refresh rate, so if the refresh rate
is set a high, the time will lag until the next refresh.The two
screens (one with forecast, one with wind/precip) alternate every
15seconds. Assuming Boom owners are ok with this (and the
alternative is that it doesn't work for us), I've been testing against
SqueezeSoft and our Boom at home, and I think I've got some simple code
additions that can provide Boom support without affecting the
functionality for all the other devices.

There's one main snipped of code, but a couple other modifications are
necessary:   need to display an alternate logo on startup, need to
modify the gxwidth when a Boom is detected, need to add a colon to the
5x7 character set.   If it weren't for these little changes, it would
be an easy piece of code to publish in the forums here for scrutiny.

What's the best way to propose these changes?  Is there a location for
the latest version of source code I could get, then make the code
changes and propose the modified code?  Or, is there some better way?  
I really like the now-working WeatherTime plugin on my Boom, would like
to offer that to my fellow Boom owners. 

I've attached two images showing what the BOOM screen will look like
with these modifications.


|Filename: BOOM2.bmp|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2009-01-21 Thread bsc001

Thanks both for the feedback.I'm completely with you on non-bloated
code. the tweaks necessary to support the BOOM are small:

1) Use $client->isa("Slim::Player::Boom") to identify Boom, and do all
the following inside a "if ( $client->isa("Slim::Player::Boom") ) "
2) Adjust gxwidth to move the standard timeline display to the right
3) Add a ":" to the custom 5x7 character set, so the time can display
4) Tweak retrieveWeather function:
- Capture both wind & precip info (instead of one or the other) 
- Minor string formatting (mostly stripping extra spaces) for
weather strings
- Draw text to different locations, store forecast/wind/precip to
5) Add date/time display to tictac (not retrieveWeather) -- good call
on this,  I was wrong to put this in the retrieveWeather section

Again, thanks for the suggestions.   I'll make the modifications to the
latest code, and then offer it up for scrutiny.

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