Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Community Firmware for Squeezebox Radio/Touch/Controller and LMS 8

2020-12-31 Thread dunk

dunk wrote: 
> yep thats enabled too

so it turns out the system wouldnt download the new firmware because i
had a and files in the updates

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Community Firmware for Squeezebox Radio/Touch/Controller and LMS 8

2020-12-29 Thread dunk

HeadBanger wrote: 
> Check that you have also enabled the community firmware download under
> the advanced settings and have not just installed the app.
> HB

yep thats enabled too

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Community Firmware for Squeezebox Radio/Touch/Controller and LMS 8

2020-12-28 Thread dunk

unfortunately my system is refusing to download (or even try) the new

i have LMS 8.1.0 working correctly, the new firmware plugin enabled, the
software updates enabled and logging of firmware set to debug, but the
log shows no signs of any firmware or baby downloads at all
my radios are definately pointing at my LMS server

any suggestions? i could manually add the files as and if someone can point me where to download them but
id rather get this working properly

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Synchronise line in input?

2020-07-01 Thread dunk

bpa wrote: 
> This seem to be a squeezlite issue and something for a separate thread.
> Maybe permissions or wrong use of audio devices (e.g. Pulseaudio and
> Alsa devices mixed)  What do you mean "virtual"  - are the squeezlites
> running in separate VMs  ?
> Cost is the issue.  May need to be creative - cheap or 2nd hand DAC &
> old 2nd hand RPi1or 2 may be enough.

its a linux install that uses 2 x 7.1 usb sound cards to create 16 mono
virtual sound cards and runs upto 16 squeezelite instances as players
(no VMs), along with my 10 real hardware players to integrate into
loxone home automation - unfortunately i cant fiddle with the setup as
its a complete product and tends to break easily

i used to have a wired line-in phono cable working with a single sound
card but the 2nd card seems to stop any wavin working - it just gives me
silence, and now the record player cant be near the other end of the
phono cable due to a change in house use hence the streaming solution

ill have a play with a spare dac/rpi

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Synchronise line in input?

2020-06-29 Thread dunk

my lms server is running on a pc next to the multi-room amp in a
cupboard and isnt anywhere physical that i can link to using line-in and
waveinput (which i cant get working reliably anyway as it always breaks
with 2 analog inputs from usb soundcards which are required for my
multiple virtual squeezelite players)

so im left with a solution that is local to the record player - with a
analog line-in that can send out a stream eg mp3 via wired or wireless
ethernet that the  lms server can connect to

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Synchronise line in input?

2020-06-29 Thread dunk

i was hoping to play the output of a record player (inbuilt phono
preamp, analog line output) using LMS but the record player is too far
no wires
no bluetooth stream
plenty of network (wired and wireless)

i was happy with a small commerical streamer box that has line in and an
mp3 url stream to play, but never found one at a reasonable price

delay getting started doesnt matter as long as it keeps on streaming
through the pauses whilst vinyl is changed

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Synchronise line in input?

2020-06-22 Thread dunk

exactly what ive been looking for - can you give some details/a guide?

d6jg wrote: 
> I don’t think you can sync the pCP line in IIRC but you definitely can
> with WavInput.
> I use a different method altogether - the server is too far away from
> where I want the line in - I use a Pi with Liquidsoap and Icecast and
> then “tune in” on LMS to its url

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-02-18 Thread dunk

the url taking you straight to a player is not working now, it returns
"404 Not Found: .html" with 1.4 and 1.41
eg,  where
office is a player name

it gets redirected on the browser line to:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] LMS-lite certified Smart Home skill for Alexa

2020-01-31 Thread dunk

new amazon/alexa account successfully linked via ngrok shows a very
short request result with no player found29233

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] LMS-lite certified Smart Home skill for Alexa

2020-01-30 Thread dunk

philchillbill wrote: 
> I have a beta skill that takes the MAC address totally out of the
> equation in defining endpointId. For the hell of it, it also populates
> the additionalAttributes object Amazon recently added to Discovery. The
> MAC address is now held in an endpoint cookie instead of in the
> endpointID so is still available to use as playerid for jsonrpc. Your
> endpointId is now a sha256 hash of a concatenation of a hash of your
> auth0 token and the player name, so if you dont change your player name
> then the endpointId will be constant.
> Paul, can I send you a beta invite to test if it solves your problem?
> You'll need to disable LMS-lite, delete all your players as shown in the
> Alexa app or website, and link the beta skill instead (it's called
> 'Squeeze' as a tryout name, same skill logo). If it solves the issue,
> I'll push the code to the live skill.

can i try this beta as well?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] LMS-lite certified Smart Home skill for Alexa

2020-01-29 Thread dunk

philchillbill wrote: 
> No I don't because that's all administered by Amazon and relates to
> people's Alexa accounts. That's why it only affects some people and not
> others - they have (apparently) some unseen clutter built up in their
> accounts. I'm not letting go though, as I want to get to the bottom of
> this. But the average response time on the Dev forums is 8 days for
> Alexa :(
> You can clear out all your old crud by going to
> [or, etc] on a computer (it doesn't
> work on a mobile device in the App). Then, select the "Smart Home" tab,
> then "Devices." Scroll all the way to the bottom, and select "Forget
> All." If you then say 'Alexa, discover devices' you should start afresh.
> Is this what you tried yesterday?

i forgot everything using alexa in a browser then rediscovered, still
didnt find any players at all as the squeezelite players are enabled so
the problem is still there with a 'cleared out' alexa account

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] LMS-lite certified Smart Home skill for Alexa

2020-01-28 Thread dunk

philchillbill wrote: 
> This is so strange. There's absolutely no difference in my reporting
> player details during discovery for various types of players. Every
> device has a friendlyName and an endpointId that are derived from the
> 'players ?' response from your LMS. The endpointId includes the MAC
> address of the player so that when you request Alexa to control a
> player, the incoming directive from Amazon containing the endpointId
> allows me to deduce which player to control (in the jsonrpc interface,
> players are identified by MAC address). For some reason, Amazon does not
> like the presence of your player's MAC addresses showing *anywhere* in
> the discovery response. There's no logical explanation for this and also
> no feedback as to why the response is ignored. In a smart home skill, a
> directive comes in to the skill, the skills responds to it and that's it
> - there's no error response returned if the skill response is rejected.
> The recent small change I made to the code adds a hash to the endpointId
> that's unique to your account, just in case there was an endpointId
> collision due to a MAC address collision with another user of the skill.
> That means that the MAC address should no longer be an issue.
> Do you have any other smart home skills in use? There's a 300 device
> limit per Amazon account - you're hardly hitting that are you?

the only skills I have enabled are your full lms skill and 1home
(formerly voxior) which controls my loxone installation - very few
devices are enabled with the voxior (only 19) so not much at all

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] LMS-lite certified Smart Home skill for Alexa

2020-01-26 Thread dunk

philchillbill wrote: 
> I presume because you repowered the dodgy players again? If they're off,
> the rest should still be discoverable. Any of them being on causes the
> issue (still). I now officially have no idea why this is
> happening.:confused:

yes i tested it with all the squeezelite players enabled - as before it
discovers all the real logitech hardware players without problems if all
the squeezelite players are disabled but even a single squeezelite
player stops the whole scan

unfortunately the only room i want to use alexa voice control is one
that has no choice but to use a squeezelite player :mad:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] LMS-lite certified Smart Home skill for Alexa

2020-01-26 Thread dunk

i disabled the skill, forgot all devices in alexa, re-enabled/linked the
skill and rescan - no lms devices found at all unfortunately

philchillbill wrote: 
> Maybe disabling the skill and re-enabling would help, given that that
> will clear out all your old account data.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] LMS-lite certified Smart Home skill for Alexa

2020-01-26 Thread dunk

thanks but unfortunately it still didnt work

philchillbill wrote: 
> OK, I changed the reported 'connections' MAC address too. It's supposed
> to be optional but who knows with Amazon. See if that helps now.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] LMS-lite certified Smart Home skill for Alexa

2020-01-26 Thread dunk

thanks for the update, 

unfortunately the squeezelite players didnt show up - i tried a couple
of times and checked the ngrok output (they are visible and running

philchillbill wrote: 
> OK, the modified discovery code is live and should now handle
> non-Logitech players automatically. Don't disable or re-link or
> whatever, just say "Alexa, discover devices" and hopefully all 20 of
> your players will now show up.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] LMS-lite certified Smart Home skill for Alexa

2020-01-25 Thread dunk

unfortunately the mac addressess for the virtual players are assigned by
the musicserver4lox server and i cant change them - pity!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] LMS-lite certified Smart Home skill for Alexa

2020-01-25 Thread dunk

the software players are powered down and dont appear in the user or
settings ui of lms

just ran another scan and all the real players have now showed up -
thanks, i must have run the alexa scan too soon after stopping the
virtual players

perhaps your proposed software changes will fix the issue?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] LMS-lite certified Smart Home skill for Alexa

2020-01-25 Thread dunk

when i say turned off, they are powered down and dont appear in the LMS
at all

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] LMS-lite certified Smart Home skill for Alexa

2020-01-25 Thread dunk

i turned off all the squeezelite  players (musicserver4lox) and
rescanned - it still didnt find a single player!

where is the locale located? the amazon account has the primary address
in the uk which is correct

philchillbill wrote: 
> The discovery JSON I return is much much bigger. But I have other skills
> that return way more data than yours and that works fine, so I doubt if
> the length is the problem. In retrospect, that reference to 24KB was
> likely for responses other than discovery responses.
> What locale are you setup for with Amazon?
> EDIT: I think it's related to duplicated endpointIDs being caused by
> your MAC addresses. You have several MusicServer4Lox-Player types which
> seem to be spoofing a MAC address. If you decouple those 8 players and
> rediscover, does it work then? If It does, I can do a simple code change
> that will prevent this being an issue moving forward, but that would
> require everybody to rediscover. Not a big deal as no unlink/link
> needed, just saying 'Discover Devices'. Let me know.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] LMS-lite certified Smart Home skill for Alexa

2020-01-18 Thread dunk

no faked mac addresses that i know of and nothing but characters and -

cant be the size of the json,  with 16 players it returns 4861 bytes
according to the ngrok :4040 portal

8 of the players are copies of squeezelite though

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] LMS-lite certified Smart Home skill for Alexa

2020-01-18 Thread dunk

thanks for the comments

ive tried the following:

logged out of the account - logged in on another computer
i removed 2 of the players and searched - nothing found at all
forgot all devices and searched - just the existing devices but no LMS


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] LMS-lite certified Smart Home skill for Alexa

2020-01-17 Thread dunk

i cant get the lite to find any players on my system

the tunnel is up and the full blown version works
the ngrok inspection window shows the query found 20 players, but none
show up in a browser or the alexa app - ive logged out of both, relogged
in and searched again, it always shows 20 players found in ngrok but
nothing in the smart home section of alexa

any ideas?29085

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2019-12-15 Thread dunk

im really struggling to get the skill to do anything for me

all's connected, linked via ngrok and subscribed, but almost all
requests result in amazon music trying to play and if a command does go
to the skill it sees all commands as a 'favourite' and asks me which
favourite to play, or it cant find a favourite with that name.

even simple commands like stop or pause are ignored - its sometimes
slightly better if i ask alexa to open media server, then wait unti she
asks me for a media server command

any ideas/suggestions?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: WaveInput for Linux

2018-05-03 Thread dunk

i found i could get usb input working easily and reliably with 1 card
and wavin, but whenever i add a second usb audio card then neither of
the usb cards will work using wavin reliably.Sometimes i can see the
input bars moving on the audio mixer, but never hear the audio

pulling one of the usb audio cards restores the wavin functionality of
the remaining card

very frustrating

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: Alexa voice control (development thread)

2017-12-28 Thread dunk

if you have loxone, you can install some basic controls for your lms
zone into loxone, and use the voxior skill to control loxone - eg play,
pause, volume up etc etc. voxior is relatively expensive, but should
give you control of loxone not just lms via google and amazon
simultaneously with ios to come soon

vixior seems to be 1/2 price at the moment - around £100 for 3 years.

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