Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Ubuntu and Spotify (Help me Triode!)

2013-11-17 Thread jayjanssen

Triode wrote: 
> I can't reproduce this - can you try a few self tests and record what
> they and the log say in each case.  There are two streaming tests as
> part of the self test - 1 is from spotify but not to the player, second
> is from spotify and then onto the player.

I did a self test and am attaching a zip of the complete log as well as
a screen shot of my settings and the test result.

|Filename: |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Ubuntu and Spotify (Help me Triode!)

2013-11-12 Thread jayjanssen

Triode wrote: 
> Which ubuntu version are you running - server or desktop - what network
> interfaces?  I may need to try a VM running this to see if I can see a
> problem.

Ubuntu 13.10 desktop

$ ifconfig
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr bc:5f:f4:47:cf:b6
inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::be5f:f4ff:fe47:cfb6/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:7836723 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:7444585 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:8736941141 (8.7 GB)  TX bytes:5021645992 (5.0 GB)

Basically just a single NIC.  Iptables is clear:

$ sudo -i iptables -L -v
[sudo] password for jayj:
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 2778K packets, 2042M bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source  

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source  

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 3777K packets, 4423M bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source  

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Ubuntu and Spotify (Help me Triode!)

2013-11-12 Thread jayjanssen
mes: 2048
[18:23:55.352572] _streambuf_canwrite:320 player: 0 can't write error:
Resource temporarily unavailable 11
[18:23:55.352588] music_delivery:517 returning without writing - can't
[18:23:55.352601] music_delivery:525 streamed frames: 49152 can't write:
18 rate: 45218 / 44100
[18:23:55.550924] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
[18:23:55.551074] _streambuf_canwrite:337 player: 0 wrote 132 stored
[18:23:55.551095] _streambuf_canwrite:353 state BUFFERING -> STREAMING

Sometimes it will drop down and then go up again,  but eventually we
always seem to end up at (I think this might be a different attempt at
playing a song):

[18:24:10.749820] _streambuf_canwrite:337 player: 0 wrote 2469 stored
[18:24:10.749845] _streambuf_canwrite:353 state BUFFERING -> STREAMING
[18:24:10.750190] _streambuf_write:274 player: 0 wrote 1726 new bytes of
1726 min 1726
[18:24:10.750234] music_delivery:577 streamed frames: 507904 can't
write: 188 rate: 43325 / 44100
[18:24:10.750999] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
[18:24:10.751308] _streambuf_write:274 player: 0 wrote 1698 new bytes of
1698 min 1698
[18:24:10.751544] _streambuf_write:274 player: 0 wrote 1679 new bytes of
1679 min 1679
[18:24:10.751579] music_delivery:577 streamed frames: 509952 can't
write: 188 rate: 43496 / 44100
[18:24:10.752704] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
[18:24:10.753078] _streambuf_write:274 player: 0 wrote 1188 new bytes of
1650 min 1188
[18:24:10.753110] _streambuf_write:285 storing remaining 462 bytes
[18:24:10.753128] _streambuf_write:286 state STREAMING -> BUFFERING
[18:24:10.753356] _streambuf_write:294 storing all 1670 bytes, newsize:
[18:24:10.753421] _streambuf_write:295 state BUFFERING -> BUFFERING
[18:24:10.753448] music_delivery:577 streamed frames: 512000 can't
write: 188 rate: 43663 / 44100
[18:24:10.754097] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
[18:24:10.754133] _streambuf_canwrite:337 player: 0 wrote 2132 stored
[18:24:10.754154] _streambuf_canwrite:353 state BUFFERING -> STREAMING
[18:24:10.754461] _streambuf_write:274 player: 0 wrote 788 new bytes of
1680 min 788
[18:24:10.754494] _streambuf_write:285 storing remaining 892 bytes
[18:24:10.754512] _streambuf_write:286 state STREAMING -> BUFFERING
[18:24:10.754740] _streambuf_write:294 storing all 1671 bytes, newsize:
[18:24:10.754765] _streambuf_write:295 state BUFFERING -> BUFFERING
[18:24:10.754786] music_delivery:577 streamed frames: 514048 can't
write: 188 rate: 43834 / 44100

Once I'm consistently below 44100, I get skips.  After a while it will
give up and relog into spotify (and restart the whole track):

18:24:34.949990] music_delivery:525 streamed frames: 1394688 can't
write: 424 rate: 38824 / 44100
[18:24:34.950009] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
[18:24:34.950030] _streambuf_canwrite:320 player: 0 can't write error:
Resource temporarily unavailable 11
[18:24:34.950050] music_delivery:517 returning without writing - can't
[18:24:34.950067] music_delivery:525 streamed frames: 1394688 can't
write: 425 rate: 38824 / 44100
[18:24:35.046243] main:539 new connection
[18:24:35.047173] main:591 req: relogin res: (null) par: (null) prot:
HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
[18:24:35.047308] main:1585 relogin requested
[18:24:35.047567] main:1614 resetting streambuf
[18:24:35.047627] _streambuf_reset:84 state BUFFERING -> IDLE
[18:24:36.586000] main:539 new connection
[18:24:36.587104] main:591 req: stream.flc res:
spotify:track:5NfMQx9PC78r3ehFx137k6 par:
player=00%3A04%3A20%3A1f%3A4b%3A1a&start=0&sync=1&id=3 pr
ot: SPOTSTREAM/1.0 auth: (null)
[18:24:36.587161] main:617 waiting for logout to complete
[18:24:37.587309] main:617 waiting for logout to complete
[18:24:37.590953] logged_out:60 logged out
[18:24:38.592467] main:670 relogging in as user: jayjanssen
[18:24:38.595353] log_message:80 log: 23:24:38.595 I [ap:1766]
Connecting to AP
[18:24:38.596315] logged_in:53 logged in
[18:24:38.661709] log_message:80 log: 23:24:38.661 I [ap:1224] Connected
to AP:
[18:24:39.596613] main:781 newstream connection from
[18:24:39.596709] main:817 streamid: 0 newid: 3 type: FLAC
[18:24:39.596732] main:854 streambuf_newstream
[18:24:39.596755] streambuf_newstream:143 newstream st_fd: 0
[18:24:39.596784] set_sndbuf:227 setsockopt: asked for 32768 got 65536
[18:24:39.596802] streambuf_newstream:150 state IDLE -> READY

I'd be happy to drop in some debugging version of the spotify library if
it helps get more diagnostic data.

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