Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Success: MusicIP and Spicefly Sugarcube running on Raspberry Pi

2020-11-10 Thread macpac


As I experienced network problems in a former installation, I decided to
set up MusicMagic Server from scratch with Max2Play on a Raspberry PI 4B
1GB with Debian Buster and LMS version 7.9.4. Following this guide I got
stuck while adding tracks to MusicMagic Server. Although all files were
fingerprinted and tagged before with the Windows version, only a rough
quarter of them is listed as 'mixable songs' but MusicIP import in LMS
is possible for all of these songs. Any suggestions are appreciated...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Success: MusicIP and Spicefly Sugarcube running on Raspberry Pi

2020-11-11 Thread macpac

Weller wrote: 
> I had the same problem. Clicking "Refresh Songs" did the trick for me.

No, that doesn't work for me. Neither deleting default.m3lib and adding
the music path again nor refreshing the songs changed a thing. This
morning all counters were on zero again. :eek:
So I entered the music path again and after scanning it said again:

Total songs 11,857
Mixable songs  2,927
Songs to validate   11,725

This is really strange as even the parts don't sum up!?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Success: MusicIP and Spicefly Sugarcube running on Raspberry Pi

2020-11-11 Thread macpac

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Do you have the same version of MusicIP installed on Windows and
> Max2Play? It shouldn't be an issue but you never know. 
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

It's 1.9 beta 6 on Windows and 1.8 for Linux but this wasn't an issue in
a former installation when almost all files were recognized by
MusicMagic Server.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Success: MusicIP and Spicefly Sugarcube running on Raspberry Pi

2020-11-11 Thread macpac

slartibartfast wrote: 
> You could open the default.m3lib file on the Pi system from the Windows
> machine and analyse the files. It should be fairly quick if the
> musicmagic tag is already present. 
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

I did it but it's hard for me to find a pattern in it. The MusicMagic
Server stats are confirmed within the Windows version and there are 3

132 files: analyzed 
around 3000 files: identified (to be verified) 
around 9000 files: to be analyzed

All of the analyzed files are new music files. I had "Archive analysis"
activated all the time before and I can still see the the tags
"MUSICMAGIC FINGERPRINT" and "MUSICMAGIC DATA" in all files (btw Windows
Media Player deletes these tag when making changes to the files :mad:).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Success: MusicIP and Spicefly Sugarcube running on Raspberry Pi

2020-11-12 Thread macpac

macpac wrote: 
> I did it but it's hard for me to find a pattern in it. The MusicMagic
> Server stats are confirmed within the Windows version and there are 3
> subcategories: 
> 132 files: analyzed 
> around 3000 files: identified (to be verified) 
> around 9000 files: to be analyzed
> All of the analyzed files are new music files. I had "Archive analysis"
> activated all the time before and I can still see the the tags
> "MUSICMAGIC FINGERPRINT" and "MUSICMAGIC DATA" in all files (btw Windows
> Media Player deletes these tag when making changes to the files :mad:).

Any ideas anyone how to proceed here with debugging?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Success: MusicIP and Spicefly Sugarcube running on Raspberry Pi

2020-11-13 Thread macpac

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I can't tell but did you try analysing the files again from the Windows
> machine over the network?
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

It says:
11,857 songs
11,856 analyzed / mixable
1 unanalyzable

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Success: MusicIP and Spicefly Sugarcube running on Raspberry Pi

2020-11-13 Thread macpac

slartibartfast wrote: 
> So everything is OK now. I seem to remember having the same issue years
> ago. Another tip for MusicIP, don't have a lot of text in the comments
> tag. That seems to cause corruption for some reason.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

No, you got me wrong. These were only the results of my music analysis
via the Windows version (MusicIP Mixer 1.96 beta 6). The analysis on my
raspberry with version 1.8 still gets reduced results for mixable songs.
I'll install 1.8 for Windows and check these files again...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Success: MusicIP and Spicefly Sugarcube running on Raspberry Pi

2020-11-13 Thread macpac

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I thought you tried analysing the files on the Pi from Windows over the
> network. You can do it by navigating to the Pi MusicIP library file on
> your Windows machine and double clicking it. Then analyse the files.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

Sorry, I don't get it. My setup is as follows:

(1) PC with Windows 10 and MusicIP Mixer 1.96 beta 6
(2) Raspberry Pi 4 (1GB) with MagicMusicServer 1.8 + USB-Drive with
music files (accessible via Samba)

Results of the scan of the music files with (1) over the network:
11,857 songs
11,856 analyzed / mixable
1 unanalyzable 

Results of the scan of the music files with (2):
Total songs11,857
Mixable songs  2,945
Songs to validate   11,725

Results of the default.m3lib of the MagicMusicServer installation on (2)
in MusicIP Mixer on (1):
132 files: analyzed
around 3000 files: identified (to be verified)
around 9000 files: to be analyzed

I hope this clarifies my current situation.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Success: MusicIP and Spicefly Sugarcube running on Raspberry Pi

2020-11-13 Thread macpac

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Ah so you did scan from Windows while the drive was attached to your Pi.
> I wonder if attaching the drive to the Windows machine for scanning
> would work differently. On my system I have a second drive which I
> attach to my Windows laptop to perform the MusicIP scan then copy them
> over the network to the drive on the Pi.
> I would try connecting the drive to the Windows machine for scanning
> then move it back to the Pi.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

It seems something is corrupting my music files on the way from
fingerprinting to being copied to the USB drive attached to the Pi. As I
didn't find a one-fits-all solution I normally use 'Windows Media
Player' as a library tool and for ratings, 'MusicBrainz Picard' and
'Mp3tag' to adjust tags and finally 'Nightingale' (fork of 'Songbird')
to copy only tracks being rated 4+ to the USB drive which also leads to
another folder structure. I really need to shorten that pipeline. Which
program(s) do you use?

Anyway, I connected the USB drive to my PC and scanned the files with
MusicIP (Status: all files except one mixable, as mentioned before).
Then I forced MusicIP to archive the analysis within the files again.
The result with MusicMagicServer on the Pi now already looks better:

Total songs  11,857
Mixable songs  10,569
Songs to validate   1,514

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Success: MusicIP and Spicefly Sugarcube running on Raspberry Pi

2020-12-02 Thread macpac

frankd wrote: 
> Here my experience also in line with CParker:
> 1) Do not reuse a database you have created with a newer windows version
> on your raspberry pi with an older version of the program on the pi (we
> have only 1.8 there).
> 2) Best is that you let your pi create its own database version (which
> you can edit later with the 1.8 windows version), do not copy your
> database to the pi
> 3) Make sure that your windows MusicIP really embeds the fingerprints
> into all MP3s, I had sometimes hiccups in the past. Easy to check with
> MP3Tag as Slartibartfast already proposed
> 4) Once you are sure that your pi has access to the files with embedded
> MusicIP tags, let your raspberry pi create a new database and scan all
> files again. As long as the files contain your MusicIP fingerprints this
> should be pretty fast. 
> 5) Once you have a Pi created database, you can edit it with the 1.8
> version of MusicIP on Windows, adding filters and more but make a
> backup before...
> Cheers,
> Frank

Thanks, slartibartfast, cparker and frankd for all your feedback! Using
the 1.8 Windows version was key to getting the MusicIP fingerprints
identified on my Raspberry. It seems that every change to any tag in a
mp3 file leads to MusicIP listing the file as not being analyzed.
Changes made with MusicBrainz Picard Tagger 2.5.2 led to mp3tag listing
these files as "!BAD ID3v2".

So, I had to reanalyze a lot of files again and again. Looking at the
there are now multiple versions of these tags in my files!? Anyway it

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Sugarcube - Settings clarification

2021-04-18 Thread macpac

Hi there,

a slightly related topic: Where can I permanently fix the value for
MusicIP Request No. of Tracks (Number of Tracks to Request from
MusicIP)? I have it set to '100' because TrackStat filter out a lot of
songs after a while. Every time I restart LMS this value is set back to
Probably there is a setting file where I can change this standard


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Sugarcube - Settings clarification

2021-04-21 Thread macpac

cparker wrote: 
> Hi Magnus,
> The maximum number of requested tracks was limited to 30 due to CPU
> constraints back in the day, I've now uplifted this to 100 as of Version
> 5.25
> Best Regards

Great, thank you Charles!

As you are quite active again with updates recently, I'd like to suggest
you an additional feature:

In contrast to MusicIP playlists, Spicefly SugarCube only offers the
possibility to add one song after another. Also with very restrictive
settings for Mix Style and Mix Variety this leads to a dynamic mix but
sometimes I'd like to stick to a more similar type of music or call it
"genre". To be honest, I don't know how genres have to be defined for
MusicIP. I have many files that have multiple genres in the tag and
obviously they are not recognized individually by the system. Moreover,
there is no reliable source for genre tagging in the web anymore (e.g.
like was). So, I thought you might add the possibility to add
more than one file after another, e.g. up to 5 songs which rank high in
the list of songs that are recommended by MusicIP. The basis for
determing similarity could also be more than only the last song if that
is feasible within the framework. I'd really appreciate if you could
work this out because I really like the coherency of MusicIP playlists.
End of wishlist. 🤭

Best regards,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Sugarcube - Settings clarification

2021-04-25 Thread macpac

cparker wrote: 
> Take a look at filters, its a very powerful feature you can virtually
> slice your library, stack genres together and/or artists or various
> combinations.  Then just select the filter in SugarCube to use.
> More detail here;

Well, yes, this is a way I could choose but as mentioned, meanwhile my
audio files are tagged quite poorly. By the way in which tag are ratings
stored by MusicIP?

Anyway, the problem with SugarCube + filter would then still be that the
next song is always chosen in reference to only the one listened to
before, right?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Sugarcube - Settings clarification

2021-04-27 Thread macpac

cparker wrote: 
> You can use "MusicIP Vintage Mode" setting, if you want multiple tracks
> loaded rather than one by one, its towards the bottom of the LMS GUI ->
> Player -> Spicefly SugarCube Page

I tried it but all your nice features do not apply to that mode: No
blocking of recently played artists, albums and tracks and no reference
to TrackStats :( 
I wish there could be the best of "both worlds". Is it a difficult
process to add more than one track from the ordered row that already

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