Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2022-12-23 Thread phred

The layout for this screensaver was originally by T Cutting. Many years
ago I reworked it to my liking with some help from BoomX2. A couple of
weeks ago I wanted to tweak it a little more and got stuck. Once again
BoomX2 came to the rescue. 

I use these when my devices are off. One is for the Touch and one is for
the Radio. Time and date in the center. In the upper left is the current
weather condition. In the upper right and below the time on the right is
the forecast for today and the next four days. On the left side below
the time is the current temperature, along with current conditioni, Real
Feel (RF), High (or Low) temp for today/tonight, and the Precipitation
Probability (PP). 

On the bottom line are today's sunrise and sunset times. The line above
that shows the current Barometric Pressure (BP), Wind direction and
speed, and the Relative Humidity (RH).

My little contribution to the community for the help I've received and
things I've learned over the years.

Best wishes for a great 2023 to you all.

[I can't seem to make the size of the image any smaller.]


|Filename: 20221223_130724 (Resized).jpg|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2022-12-18 Thread phred

BoomX2 wrote: 
> I'm glad to hear you got this working on your system.
I'm glad that *you* got it working on my system.  :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2022-12-18 Thread phred

BoomX2 wrote: 
> You might check your server log for clues on why Custom Clock Helper
> isn't importing styles or applying changes you make.
I discovered the reason why the formatted reasons weren't importing.
Well, they were, but the were overwriting the existing since all I
changed was the -filename- and not the script name within the script. 

As for your tweak, once again my deepest thanks. It's working as
expected. I did have to adjust "Current" by another 3 pixels and the
current forecast by about 15 even though it will overlay on the time,
but I knew that would happen. It now shows what I tried to do. And I've
learned a couple of things for the next time I try to tweak a script.

Wishing you a great 2023.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2022-12-18 Thread phred

BoomX2 wrote: 
> Let me know if these work for you.
First off, I can't believe you had the original ones from 2018. -AND-
that you took the time now to update the Touch version. Thanks much.

As for testing them, I can't get them to import into the Custom Clock
Helper GUI. My originals are all one line (no line breaks) where yours
are structured. When I paste one of the new ones into the "Import" box
it does not appear in the list of styles. To better explain myself, here
are screenshots from Notepad++ showing the differences. Perhaps there's
a different method for importing yours. If they need to be copied to a
directory, please tell me the path to the stored styles.

Thanks again.

|Filename: Yours.jpg|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2022-12-17 Thread phred

BoomX2 wrote: 
> If you would post your modified Custom Clock Style file, I will take a
> look at it to see if something pops out at me.
The name of the original T Cutting's style was changed years ago when
you helped me originally. The name of the file I've been working with is
"Phred-BMX2-a 5 Day Color WC Weather Details - radio." My attempts to
modify it have been named "Phred-BMX2-b 5 Day Color WC Weather Details -
radio." Part of my failure was to assign it a position in Custom Clock
and then to enable it on the Radio. This is what happens when I don't
use something for a while.

Here is the code for the one I've been working on and can't seem to get
it right. Instead of the word "Now" (on the left side of the screen, I'm
trying to get's current condition of the weather. I've been
using Brief Forecast (%v) with period Covered (%y) being zero (for

The end goal here is to change "Now" to "Current" and have the forecast
directly below it. Or perhaps simply replace Now/Current with the
current condition.

Attached is what I started with and has no changes from where it's been
for years. I appreciate your help and your time.


|Filename: Phred-BMX2-a 5 Day Color WC Weather Details -  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2022-12-15 Thread phred

Using SDT 5-11-28 with LMS 8.2.1-1662271208 on Windows 10.

I've been using an SDT screensaver for quite some time and wanted to
make a small tweak to it today, but can't seem to get it to work as

I'm using the Custom Clock Helper GUI to make the change. 
I have the following to show the current condition:
(sdttext); 0;%y
(text): Now

I'm trying to replace the last line to show the brief forecast, so it
now appears as:
(sdtext): 0;%v

I click apply and it shows the changes have been saved. I restarted LMS
and once it's up and running, I power-cycled the radio. But it still
shows "Now". In an attempt to figure this out, I replaced the word "Now"
with the word "Currently" and restarted LMS and the Radio and "Now"
still appears. Might there be a cache somewhere that needs to be purged?
Otherwise I'm at a loss as to why the change isn't being picked up. 

For the record, this screensaver is a modification of T Cuttings that I
managed on my own until I ran into a small problem which BoomX2 helped
me solve. 

Thanks for any insight as to the error of my ways.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2022-03-07 Thread phred

BoomX2 wrote: 
> If you installed SDT automatically using the repository it should be
> located in this folder on a Win10 system.  
> C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Cache\InstalledPlugins\Plugins
> The Custom Clock *Helper* plugin will be in the same location.  Custom
> Clock is an applet and is located on your Radio and Touch players.
> Since it is still working on your Touch and not on your Radio, I
> recommend checking to confirm your Radio is still connected to your
> local LMS server.  It may be pointed to or disconnected
> from your network all together.

Thanks BoomX2. The Radio is connected to the network since I can receive
internet radio streams and my local media. Going to Extras on the Radio
shows Custom Clock, Information Browser, and Weather. On the Touch it
shows those three plus SDT. The information tab in the control panel
shows both devices. However, on the Touch when I expand SDT it never
connects. Yet the Touch also shows my local media and internet radio
streams. And it's showing the correct SDT screensavers (Off, and Now
Playing.) When I go to the Radio is there. 

Looking at the directory where SDT should be installed, I'm seeing
nothing. That's right - it's empty. I opened up the web control panel
and SDT was not listed in the active plugins. When I selected it from
the repository and clicked save, it would not install. Fortunately I
have the zip downloaded and copied the contents to the plugin directory
and restarted the server, and then the Radio and I'm back in business on
both devices.

This is not the first time you've helped me out of a jam, and I'm sure
it won't be the last. I appreciate your help.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2022-03-07 Thread phred

I've been seen some really odd behavior over the past 24 hours.

First there are some issues with LMS not scanning the media folders (see
This is still not resolved.)

I'm using SDT v5-11-21 on a Win10 PC. During the overnight, it stopped
displaying on my Radio, but is showing on my Touch. I restated LMS. I
restarted the Radio. Nothing. SDT does not appear in Extras. 

C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\prefs\plugin contains superdatetime.prefs and
customclockhelper.prefs (among others.) 

C:\Program Files (x86)\Squeezebox\server\Plugins is empty. Is this where
SDT and Custom Clock should be? 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2022-01-11 Thread phred

Apesbrain wrote: 
> I can't say that it will fix your issue, but there is little risk on
> Windows of updating to the latest version of LMS.
Well ... you saw that BoomX2 figured out the issue, but I had committed
to updating to LMS 8.2 anyway. I did and so far I don't see any issues.
Thanks again for suggesting I update.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2022-01-11 Thread phred

BoomX2 wrote: 
> Try navigating to Extras->SDT on either your Radio or Touch and see if
> you start seeing weather data after that.
That fixed it on both devices. 
Thanks for doing what you do to keep this project alive.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2022-01-11 Thread phred

Apesbrain wrote: 
> I can't say that it will fix your issue, but there is little risk on
> Windows of updating to the latest version of LMS.
Thanks. I've stayed with my current version for as long as I have since
I firmly believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Especially with
something like LMS where security patches aren't really necessary. I
also recall hearing some bad things about the earlier version of 8. But
I have downloaded 8.2 and will install it shortly and report back.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2022-01-11 Thread phred

Yesterday when this discussion started I reported not having any issue
with SDT. Perhaps I didn't realize it at the time, but it was in fact
not working. That was confirmed this morning when SDT showed 29 degrees
when it was actually 9. I was thankful that BoomX2 was working the
overnight shift :-) and an update had already been posted. I applied the
update and now neither my Radio nor my Touch are showing any data. 

The update was definitely applied as LMS Plugins is showing v5.11.18 and
I had restarted LMS. I have power cycled both devices. I have rebooted
the Windows PC where LMS lives. All that's displaying are the static
names of the variables. No data. Any suggestions? I'm using LMS 7.9.4 -
1603273368 which was fine up until yesterday's blackout.
Thanks. (Sorry for the large image. Couldn't find a way to thumbnail

|Filename: 20220111_080120.jpg  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2022-01-10 Thread phred

mbonsack wrote: 
> Just happened to me too.  Pasting the
> URL(,-yy.yy)
> into a browser 
> EDIT:  Looks like there is a 1-call limit (at 10 calls per minute)
> at "The Weather Company" -- now owned by IBM.  Looks like me and the
> other person have run into that...

Hmmm ... Back in the days of the WUnderground version of STD I acquired
their API for use with STD and ran into a maximum call limit. I changed
it to every 5 minutes and never ran into the warning again. Just
checking with current STD I'm also at a five minute refresh. (Does
anyone really need to check the weather or sports more than every five

For the record, both WUnderground and (The Weather Company)
are owned by IBM.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2022-01-10 Thread phred

Apesbrain wrote: 
> Sometime in the last hour SDT data stopped coming through for me
> (20815:4:US).  Seeing a lot of errors in log as below.  Is it working
> for others?
No errors in the log and no issues with data updating. 02135:4:US

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2021-04-08 Thread phred

bluetdi wrote: 
> No, you pay with your data. After you registered your PWS you get an ID
> and an API key to use in other apps. 
> You can use your old station ID for a new PWS also.
Thanks for clarifying.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2021-04-08 Thread phred

bluetdi wrote: 
> You may use a Personal Weather Station (PWS) and upload their data to
> Weatherunderground. Then SDT shows your data in a custom clock that you
> configured. It is also possible to use your own server for data, but
> this is complicated.
Does WeatherU require a paid API license in order to use a PWS? I'm not
exactly sure, but I know they changed something with the API and money,
which drove me away.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2021-01-05 Thread phred

Stingracer wrote: 
> Hi BoomX2,
> is there a way to delete an old style in CustomClock Helper? My old
> style is an import. There I could not change anything so I had to import
> a new one. 
Load the style you want to delete into CustomClock. Next to the 'Export'
box there is a check box which states "Restore to online version or
delete if only available locally."
So if the style you wish to delete is stored locally, it will be deleted
if you check that box and then 'Save Settings.'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2020-08-06 Thread phred

The issue is now resolved. SDT is showing data again.

The server log finally started showing a few entries from today and
among them I noticed it couldn't resolve the IP for all the repos I have
along with a couple of other things. I check that my DNS IPs were
correct (they were) and decided to reboot the PC. Once it came up I
restarted LMS and then power-cycled the Radio. Once it was up and
running the weather data appeared. 

I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I should've rebooted the Win10 box
where LMS lives when I first noticed the issue.

Thanks for the help BoomX2.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2020-08-06 Thread phred

BoomX2 - I really appreciate you patience and determination to get to
the bottom of this.

There are no entries whatsoever in the Server Log for yesterday Aug 5.
Even though I stopped and started LMS. There are two entries from


[20-08-06 01:47:08.4560] Slim::Utils::Cache::cleanup (203) Cache purge: 
cache - 7.00 sec
  [20-08-06 09:47:14.3986] Slim::Utils::Cache::cleanup (203) Cache purge: cache 
- 6.00 sec

I can't seem to control the order in which the screenshots appear, but
there are two grabs from the 'player' settings and three from the
'advanced' settings. 






|Filename: 1.jpg|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2020-08-05 Thread phred

BoomX2 wrote: 
> It looks like you restarted LMS after changing the SDT logging level to
> Info.
No - I never exited and/or restarted LMS during these attempts to get
the logs. Unless just applying the logging changes restarts LMS, I
didn't touch it.
So now I have checked the 'save settings for next restart', changed SDT
to INFO, clicked apply and exited LMS and restarted. I have confirmed
that advanced logging shows info for SDT. And after ten minutes there
are still no new entries in the log.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2020-08-05 Thread phred

BoomX2 wrote: 
> Set logging for SDT to Info level.   Wait ~10 minutes and post the last
> 10 minutes of your server log here.   
To my untrained eye, something funky is going on here. I starting info
logging on SDT at 21:05 local time. I have to assume that the timestamps
in the log are also local time. Yet there is nothing in the log after
19:07 local. And yes, I confirmed SDT logging is set to info.


[20-08-05 18:45:29.1586] main::main (205) Starting Logitech Media Server 
scanner (v7.9.3, 1584993250, Tue Mar 24 04:07:49 WEST 2020) perl 5.014001
  [20-08-05 18:45:29.3669] Slim::Schema::forceCommit (2143) Warning: Trying to 
commit transactions before DB is initialized!
  [20-08-05 18:45:35.2055] Slim::Music::Import::runImporter (511) Starting 
Slim::Media::MediaFolderScan scan
  [20-08-05 18:45:35.2062] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::rescan (180) 
Discovering audio files in \\11-NAS\Music_Files
  [20-08-05 19:07:10.6877] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (192) Start 
processing found tracks
  [20-08-05 19:07:10.6883] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (200) Connect 
do DB
  [20-08-05 19:07:10.6890] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (203) Get 
latest ID
  [20-08-05 19:07:10.6900] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (225) Delete 
temporary table if exists
  [20-08-05 19:07:10.6906] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (228) Re-build 
temporary table
  [20-08-05 19:07:10.8534] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (277) Get 
deleted tracks count
  [20-08-05 19:07:11.0365] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (284) Get new 
tracks count
  [20-08-05 19:07:11.0373] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (289) Get 
changed tracks count
  [20-08-05 19:07:11.1156] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (295) Removing 
deleted audio files (0)
  [20-08-05 19:07:11.1163] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (373) Scanning 
new audio files (19)
  [20-08-05 19:07:13.8865] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (453) 
Rescanning changed audio files (3)
  [20-08-05 19:07:13.9788] Carp::Clan::__ANON__ (216) Warning: 
DBIx::Class::ResultSet::single(): Query returned more than one row.  SQL that 
returns multiple rows is DEPRECATED for ->find and ->single at /Slim/ 
line 2280
  [20-08-05 19:07:14.0799] Carp::Clan::__ANON__ (216) Warning: 
DBIx::Class::ResultSet::single(): Query returned more than one row.  SQL that 
returns multiple rows is DEPRECATED for ->find and ->single at /Slim/ 
line 2280
  [20-08-05 19:07:14.1707] Carp::Clan::__ANON__ (216) Warning: 
DBIx::Class::ResultSet::single(): Query returned more than one row.  SQL that 
returns multiple rows is DEPRECATED for ->find and ->single at /Slim/ 
line 2280
  [20-08-05 19:07:14.3385] Slim::Music::Import::endImporter (643) Completed 
Slim::Media::MediaFolderScan Scan in 1299 seconds.
  [20-08-05 19:07:14.3394] Slim::Music::Import::runImporter (511) Starting 
Slim::Music::PlaylistFolderScan scan
  [20-08-05 19:07:14.3401] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::rescan (180) 
Discovering audio files in D:\Exported_Playlists
  [20-08-05 19:07:14.4091] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (192) Start 
processing found tracks
  [20-08-05 19:07:14.4097] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (200) Connect 
do DB
  [20-08-05 19:07:14.4102] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (203) Get 
latest ID
  [20-08-05 19:07:14.4109] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (225) Delete 
temporary table if exists
  [20-08-05 19:07:14.4114] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (228) Re-build 
temporary table
  [20-08-05 19:07:14.5332] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (277) Get 
deleted tracks count
  [20-08-05 19:07:14.7054] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (284) Get new 
tracks count
  [20-08-05 19:07:14.7060] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (289) Get 
changed tracks count
  [20-08-05 19:07:14.7068] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (295) Removing 
deleted audio files (0)
  [20-08-05 19:07:14.7071] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (373) Scanning 
new audio files (0)
  [20-08-05 19:07:14.7075] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (453) 
Rescanning changed audio files (0)
  [20-08-05 19:07:14.7079] Slim::Music::Import::endImporter (643) Completed 
Slim::Music::PlaylistFolderScan Scan in 0 seconds.
  [20-08-05 19:07:14.7094] Slim::Music::Import::runImporter (511) Starting 
Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin scan
  [20-08-05 19:07:14.7100] Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin::_rebuildIndex 
(413) Starting fulltext index build
  [20-08-05 19:07:14.7104] Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin::_rebuildIndex 
(417) Initialize fulltext table
  [20-08-05 19:07:14.8812] Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin::_rebuildIndex 
(430) Create fulltext index for tracks
  [20-08-05 19:07:26.5997] Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin::_rebuildIndex 
(440) Create fulltext index for albums
  [20-08-05 19:07:29.2402] Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin::_rebuildIndex 
(449) Create fulltext index for contributors

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2020-08-05 Thread phred

BoomX2 wrote: 
> The entries from just before your relocation and those from yesterday
> look like your LMS server can not reach the internet.   The entry in
> your log file related to the repo.xml file should not matter since you
> already have SDT loaded on your system.  However, it also points to an
> internet connection problem.  Are you able to connect to any online
> audio streams to confirm LMS has access to the internet?
I should note that I've been able to listen to live radio streams since
plugging in the Radio. I just checked Pandora (how the hell do they play
The Beatles "Hard Day's Night" under the 50s Blues genre?) and I
connected immediately.

So LMS is indeed getting to the Internet. It seems to only be SDT that
can't capture the weather data.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2020-08-04 Thread phred

BoomX2 wrote: 
> What version of SDT plugin do you have loaded?   Does your server log
> provide any clues?  If not, set logging for SDT to Info.  Wait ~10
> minutes and post your server log here.
SDT v5.11.1
There are a good number of these from just before I shut down for the
relocation move:

  [20-07-28 15:29:24.9020] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotErrorViaHTTP 
(6468) error getting,-71.21
  [20-07-28 15:29:24.9022] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotErrorViaHTTP 
(6469) Couldn't resolve IP address for:

And even more of these from yesterday:
> [20-08-03 16:32:24.4397] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotErrorViaHTTP
> (6468) error getting
> [20-08-03 16:32:24.4399] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotErrorViaHTTP
> (6469) Couldn't resolve IP address for:
> [20-08-03 16:32:28.0802] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1255) Warning:
> [16:32:28.0801] EV: error in callback (ignoring): pack_sockaddr: invalid
> host at /AnyEvent/ line 1114

And finally this one from today that might be part of the issue:
> [20-08-04 13:23:01.2588] Slim::Networking::Repositories::__ANON__ (146)
> Failed to fetch
> Connect
> timed out: Bad file descriptor

Which caused me to look at the additional repositories and found these
two entries:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2020-08-04 Thread phred

I just moved my residence and except for the IP from my ISP, everything
is exactly the same as before the move.

I'm setting up my Radio (Touch to follow once I find which carton it's
in) and it finds and plays my music and my "favorites." My screensavers
however, are not working as previously. I have a Now Playing and a When
Off Custom Clock. The When Off screensaver shows the time and the static
info from the Custom Clock template but there is no weather data

Suggestions most welcome.

LMS v7.9.3 - 1584993250 running on a Win10 box.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2020-05-07 Thread phred

@BoomX2- it might be a good idea to lock this thread since the new one
thread is now active.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2020-05-06 Thread phred

BoomX2 wrote: 
> This thread is for ongoing community support of the SuperDateTime (SDT)
> screensaver plugin originally created by Greg Brown (@GoCubs).
> Original SDT thread:
> I began supporting SDT in December 2014 when Greg Brown's job took him
> out of country and he was no longer able to maintain it.
@BoomX2- Thanks for all the work you've done with this project. It's the
main reason for me keeping my Touch and Radio alive.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2019-11-04 Thread phred

BoomX2 wrote: 
> The SDT plugin defaults to 60614:4:US if the identifier is
> blank or not in the correct format.  See code below.  It is possibly the
> station identifier was inadvertently altered when making
> another setting change to SDT.
Thanks - somewhere along the line the identifier got changed. Perhaps
when I moved LMS to a different PC. All is good now.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2019-10-30 Thread phred

On both my Touch and my Radio, the current weather from SuperDateTime
v5.9.56 hasn't changed since late yesterday afternoon. It's showing the
same temperature now as it did last night. And the temp has definitely
changed. Also the next four day's forecasts are very different than what
I'm seeing on the website.

I have power-cycled both devices. I have stopped and restarted LMS. I
have rebooted the Win10 machine where LMS lives. No changes in current
temp, nor the forecasts.

It's almost like has changed the identifier. Or
isn't transmitting any new data. Despite the fact that their site shows
data that is closer to reality.

Looking in the server log starting on Oct 26, I see this:
[19-10-26 18:56:05.9408] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotWeatherNow
(3549) Unknown Barometer Trend Status!!!  Code = 4
[19-10-26 18:56:05.9410] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotWeatherNow
(3550) Barometer Trend Description = Falling Rapidly
[19-10-26 19:11:36.9706] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotWeatherNow
(3549) Unknown Barometer Trend Status!!!  Code = 4
[19-10-26 19:11:36.9709] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotWeatherNow
(3550) Barometer Trend Description = Falling Rapidly
[19-10-27 04:35:22.8107] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotWeatherNow
(3546) BaroTrend Code = 3 Baro Trend Description: Rising Rapidly

And that last line repeats until 08:00 on Oct 27. 
The only more recent entry is when I stopped and restarted LMS today.

So my questions are these:
1- where can I find/confirm the identifier?
2- what is going on here?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2019-10-06 Thread phred

BoomX2 wrote: 
> Basic WU info can still be retrieved if the WU station you have entered
> on the settings page is active.   If you clear the WU station ID on the
> settings page the messages in the log will go away.
Thanks BoomX2. I'm almost embarrassed that I didn't think of the
solution myself.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2019-10-06 Thread phred

I, like many others, made the switch to the version quite
some time ago. And it has been, and continues to work well. However, I
looked at the server log today and see this error which appears hundreds
of times starting near the end of August:
[19-10-06 08:31:19.3592] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotWunderground
(3690) Warning: Weather Underground Station 49132a62b947a527 is not
returning any data.

Can someone suggest why it's still reaching out to WU and the WU version
has been removed?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2019-09-28 Thread phred

I'm looking for a little help with troubleshooting a custom clock
screensaver that was displaying and now isn't. LMS is on a Windows 10
box and I have a few custom clocks set up and assigned slots. Using a
Radio, I see the screensaver in question and it is selected for Now
Playing. But it doesn't display. Nor do any of the stock screensavers
for Now Playing. When I set the saver I want to use for Now Playing as
the Off screensaver, it displays properly. When I set the saver I use
for Off as the Now Playing saver, it doesn't display. Nothing will
display as a Now Playing saver except for the default. So it appears my
custom clock files are good and the issue is with Now Playing. 

Ideas? Suggestions? Fixes?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2019-01-19 Thread phred

bluetdi wrote: 
> Is SDT by tcutting still working? I recently changed to by
> BoomX2 because WU announced to close their API at the end of 2018.
Can't answer your question since I too switched over to the
version based on WU's API ending. 

Last I heard on the WU forum was that the end of the API was pushed back
to mid-February. Or perhaps the end of the month. Lots of developers are
screaming that the 'new' API hasn't been released yet. Boy I miss the WU
site. It was great when it was run from the University in Michigan, got
worse when bought them, and got worse still when both were
both by IBM.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2019-01-18 Thread phred

expectingtofly wrote: 
> Do you mean this one? :
I do indeed. Thanks very much.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2019-01-18 Thread phred

Does anyone know where I can track down the URL for the sleepicon for
use in a Custom Clock layout as displayed in the default layout for 'Now
Playing' on a Touch or Radio?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2018-12-30 Thread phred

tcutting wrote: 
> phred-
> As for the various icons, they are still posted on sourceforge at
> "; but
> there may be an issue with how SourceForge lets you access them - it
> seems to always now invoke a download manager which may break the way
> these icons are grabbed by CustomClock.
Thanks. The icons appear to be working now.

> As for the LastFM - does your CustomClock screen description have a
> section which is like:
>   {
>   "posx": "5",
>   "order": "0",
>   "visibilitygroup": "CoverArt",
>   "songinfomodule": "lastfmartistimages",
>   "width": "150",
>   "visibilityorder": "2",
>   "posy": "55",
>   "visibilitytime": "20",
>   "interval": "10",
>   "itemtype": "songinfoicon",
>   "height": "150"
>   },
> That's the piece which is  trying to access lastFM.
I've once again searched through the code and can't find any mention of
'CoverArt', 'lastfmartistimages', etc from your quoted code.
'Visibilitygroup' appears five times, but it's empty as in
That being the case, I would assume it's not the attempt to call LastFM
that's causing the delay. Any other ideas?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2018-12-29 Thread phred

tcutting wrote: 
> One problem may be that LastFM doesn't provide the album artwork any
> more.
That makes sense. Is there any way for me to remove the call to LastFM
from the code? I've done a search with a text editor and don't see a
reference to it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2018-12-29 Thread phred

tcutting wrote: 
> I am posting the version of "PlayWithCoverAndClock" I use for my radio -
> It utilizes the LastFM artwork in addition to the album art to make a
> more interesting display.  I don't recall if you need to install any
> other plugins to make this work...
> I've noticed that the graphic files I posted don't always get loaded -
> if there are graphics missing (e.g., wireless icon, play/pause
> indicator), you can try clearing the cache on your device (it's in the
> settings, wherever the custom clock settings are, I believe under
> screen/screensavers/custom clock settings).
Took me quite a while, but I finally located your ZIP for the 'theme.'
Thanks for your work on this. It's working almost flawlessly on my Radio
with LMS 7.9.2 on a Windows 7 box. However it takes a long (LONG!) time
to load. A good thirty seconds and sometimes longer. Any idea why, or
what can be done to shorten the time until it displays?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2018-10-22 Thread phred

BoomX2 wrote: 
> In the meantime I've pasted the 2 subroutines from the file
> that stiff the data into the macro variables.  They are pretty easy to
> read to figure out what variables give you what data.
Thanks very much for posting this. It'sl certainly helpful.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2018-10-21 Thread phred

PasTim wrote: 
> Are these values documented anywhere?
I really wish they were. Perhaps BoomX2 can point us in the right
In the meantime, there's this guide to Custom Clock Helper that has just
about everything except the weather variables:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2018-10-21 Thread phred

korto wrote: 
> Thank you for the quick reply. 
> Still I need to change the temperature forecasts :( 
> What values should be changed?
Are you asking how to change the temperature from F to C in the upcoming
days' forecasts?
If so, it's pretty much the same. Look for %t and replace it with %T.
You could also export the json and load into a text editor (i.e.
Notepad+) and do a search and replace. If you do it that way, you should
save a copy of the original before you make the changes. That makes it
much easier to get back to the original if you make a mistake.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2018-10-21 Thread phred

korto wrote: 
> How do I change ºF to ºC ???
Glad to hear you like the theme. I couldn't have done it without the
help of its original creator tcutting. And the help of BoomX2 for
figuring out a problem I was having with displaying the days.

Changing F to C is as simple as changing %t to %T. 

Note that settings for SDT are in two places on LMS. Firstly under the
Plugins tab and then on the Player tab. With the latter, you must use
the dropdown to get to the SDT settings. This page will also show you
some of the available variables that can be used in Custom Clock Helper.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2018-10-15 Thread phred

BoomX2 wrote: 
> I also made an attempt to mimic more closely what you started with in
> your WU version.  The file named " Phred-BMX2-a 5 Day Color WC Weather
> Details - radio.txt" starts the rotating forecasts with either "Today"
> or "Tonight" depending on the time of day.  Then it proceeds through the
> next 4 days.  
While they're both great, I'm opting to use the second one
(Phred-BMX2-a) since as you said, it is closer to what I originally had
with the WU version of SDT.

Again, thanks. Enjoy your virtual beer/wine and wear those gold stars

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2018-10-15 Thread phred

chris49 wrote: 
> I'm looking forward to trying BoomX2's most recent scripts on my 2 SBRs.
> How can I preview them on a Windows 10 PC?
I'm pretty sure you can't. You'll have to download them and import them
to LMS using Custom Clock Helper and then select to view on the Radio.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2018-10-15 Thread phred

BoomX2 wrote: 
> I've updated your radio CCH file to match what I did on the touch
> version.  It is attached in the file named "Phred-BMX2 5 Day Color WC
> Weather Details - radio.txt"
> I also made an attempt to mimic more closely what you started with in
> your WU version.  The file named " Phred-BMX2-a 5 Day Color WC Weather
> Details - radio.txt" starts the rotating forecasts with either "Today"
> or "Tonight" depending on the time of day. 

Thanks very much for doing both of these. I'll be able to check them out
later today. But in the meantime, since you don't/won't take donations,
please help yourself to a couple of gold stars from the petty cash box.
Also a couple of pints of virtual beer and/or wine.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2018-10-13 Thread phred

BoomX2 wrote: 
> Glad you got it working.  I can edit the radio version tomorrow if you
> like the way it works on the Touch. 
If you really don't mind doing it, that would be wonderful. I've been
taking a look at the differences and having a bit of trouble with it.
Tomorrow, the next day, whenever you can get to it. Thanks.

> PS - Pretty sure I'm part of that club.
It seems to be growing by leaps and bounds. I'm glad to be publicly
added to the roster.

Hmmm ... I just clicked on the 'donate' button on your SDT plugin and it
looks like it would go to Greg Brown and I'd like it to go to you. Any
way to make a small donation in appreciation of your help here and for

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2018-10-13 Thread phred

PasTim wrote: 
> So you've joined our club? ;)
"I wouldn't want to join any club that would have me as a member." 
Groucho Marx

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2018-10-13 Thread phred

BoomX2 wrote: 
> I just deleted all other copies, downloaded what I submitted in post
> #614 above, and imported it again.  It worked.  
> So I'm not sure what the issue is on your system.   It might be cached
> somewhere in your LMS system or Touch.  Try deleting it and making sure
> it doesn't show up on the touch and then import it again.
Well, I figured it out. Apparently there is an idiot sitting at my

Thanks to PasTim I went looking through the settings on the Touch and
noticed that the screensaver for Custom Clock was still set to the
original template. Once I changed it to the new Phred-BMX2 template all
is well.

Sorry for dragging you around the block, BoomX2. And thanks very much to

Now to change the Radio settings to match the Touch and then I can go
take a very long walk.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2018-10-13 Thread phred

BoomX2 wrote: 
> Sorry about that.  So you can see the differences I tweaked the name. 
> Look for Phred-BMX2 in the beginning of the name when selecting it in
> the custom clock app.
Yes, I noticed that and that's what I imported. Then I selected it in
Custom Clock Helper, applied and power-cycled the Touch. No change.

> Or you can delete "- BMX2" from the name in the text file and it will
> overwrite yours on your server. 
And I just tried this with the same result - no changes appearing on the
Touch. I even tried restarting the Win 7 box where LMS lives. 

This is very odd. Any other suggestions?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2018-10-13 Thread phred

BoomX2 wrote: 
> Try this one. 
I can live with the changes you made, but I can't see any changes. It's
possible I'm importing it incorrectly. I copied your text file and
pasted into "import' in Custom Clock Helper. (Which is how I've imported
every other layout.) Then clicked 'apply' and even restarted the Touch.
But it still displaying the unchanged version.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2018-10-12 Thread phred

BoomX2 wrote: 
> Actually if you could send me the Touch version it would help.  I have
> both a radio and touch, but the Touch is in a better location for me to
> tinker. 
I've attached the Touch version for your tinkering pleasure. 

Paying more attention to the actual forecast being returned for d1 and
d2, they are also off by a day. And in case it helps, I'm running LMS
7.9.2 - 1533559127 on a Window 7 box.

|Filename: Phred 5 Day Color WC Weather Details - |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2018-10-11 Thread phred

BoomX2 wrote: 
> Sure.  It will probably be a couple days before I can spend much time on
> it.
Great - I'm just happy someone else can take a look at it.

> Does the section with the Friday date rotate through other dates?  You
> want it to start with today instead of tomorrow? 
Yes, exactly. Five days of forecasts. And the weather icon at the upper
right rotates in sync with the forecast day. Except right now the first
two days (today and tomorrow) don't match up.

As I stated in my OP, I feel that it's Erland's Custom Clock Helper app
that is the issue, but the timing is such that it happened when I
switched from weatherunderground to I would've reached out
to Erland, but it appears he hasn't been online lately. Also, his Wiki
has been timing out for the past three days, which is when I thought to
give his docs on the Custom Clock applet a look. 

In case it helps with troubleshooting, I also use a very similar
template on my Touch and it's showing the same inconsistency. 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2018-10-11 Thread phred

BoomX2 wrote: 
> Can you post a pic of your screen?
Sure can! Note that "Thu Oct 11" at the top center is correct. As is
"Today" on the upper right under the weather icon. But under the right
side of the time, "Friday Oct 12" is tomorrow.

Thanks for taking a stab at this.

|Filename: 20181011_212213.jpg  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2018-10-11 Thread phred

A little further testing confirms that while today is Thursday Oct 11,
the variable "d1:%_3 %_4" is showing as Friday Oct 12. And the variable
"d2:%_3 %_4" is showing as Saturday Oct 13. Variables d3, d4, and d5 are
showing as they should. Needless to say (but I will anyway) this is
quite frustrating.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2018-10-10 Thread phred

chris49 wrote: 
> Further to my earlier questions:
> >   > 
  - Day1-3 seem to show as Day2-4. Why?
  > > > 
I'm having a similar issue. I've been running SuperDateTime
(WeatherUnderground version) for a number of years. Due to WU's plan to
abandon the API, I have switched to the version. Made a few
changes to the variables (temperature, humidity, pressure, etc.) in my
Custom Clock template about a week or two ago. But changed nothing
dealing with the days. Today I noticed that the weather icon (sdticon)
and the text under it are for "today" but the forecast shows as

I've attached the radio template in case someone wants to take a look
and offer a suggestion. The section I'm having the issue with is the
weather icon/text (sdticon & sdttext) at the upper right doesn't match
the right side below the time which scrolls through the forecast for
today, tomw, the next day, the day after that, and the day after day.
For a five day forecast. But the first two of the cycle (today and
tomorrow) don't match with the weather icon.

Thanks for the help.

|Filename: Phred 5 Day Color WC Weather Details - |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2018-09-21 Thread phred

BoomX2 wrote: 
> Try removing the WU SDT repository.  It has a higher version number and
> is probably preventing the version from showing up. 
Thanks much BoomX2! That did the trick.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2018-09-21 Thread phred

I've been using the WU version of SDT for quite a while, but I'm hearing
that the WU API is going away at the end of the year. Therefore I want
to give the version a try. I'm running LMS 7.9.2 -
1533559127 on a Windows 7 box with a Radio and a Touch. Using the web
interface, I have added the repo and unchecked SDT under
active plugins. I then applied and restarted the server. 

Now the WU SDT is gone from the active plugins list and it shows in the version repository. And while the version
repository exists, it is empty. Which makes it impossible to add it.

I have checked the path to the plugin, which I'm pretty sure is
C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Cache\InstalledPlugins\ and there is no longer
an SDT directory.

LMS has been restarted a few times and still no shows in the

Looking for a little help in getting this working.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2016-10-14 Thread phred

sbellon wrote: 
> However, after a few hours I got an email from Wunderground that my
> allowed number of API calls has been used up and one of my raindrops has
> been used. As a consequence I reduced the update interval from 5 to 15.
> But the same thing happened the next day. So I reduced to 60. As it
> happened even on the third day, I reduced to 6000 - thinking that
> perhaps it's in seconds and not minutes.
I've been using the WU version of SDT since before Greg took over and it
clearly states 'minutes' for the refresh interval field. So 5 or 10 is
what you should enter there. Anything more than ten will put you over

> > The plan you are registered for is Stratus - Developer, granting you
> 500 calls per day with 10 calls per minute limit for all of the features
> in the Stratus package. To upgrade your plan go to: 
> >
> > Details: exceededcalls: calls: 509 (of 500)
> > Time: Thu, Oct 13, 2016 20:30 EDT
> What can I do about it? What did I configure wrongly?
I have mine set for a 5 minute refresh rate and barely hit 250 calls a
day and here's what September looked like:

|Filename: 2016-10-14_08-51-52.jpg  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2016-09-17 Thread phred

tcutting wrote: 
> I checked the link for that missing logo - I did indeed point it to
> (  I see the
> logo ok from my own settings screen (in Chrome browser), as well as from
> the URL.  I wouldn't worry about not seeing the logo, but it's a little
> strange it's not showing correctly for you.
And it's back in my settings screen today. Last night (after posting) I
thought it might be due to my ad blocker, but that was not the case. And
today the logo is back. So maybe it was WU issue. Either way, thanks for
looking into it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2016-09-16 Thread phred

tcutting wrote: 
> Should be just the WU logo as you said.  Don't recall if that page
> points to a locally-stored logo image, or links to something on
>  I can look at it this weekend.
> The T's for using the weather underground API specifies using their
> logo... this was the only practical place I could put it ;-)

Like I said, it's not causing any issues, so you can take your time with
looking into it. But after all the work you've done on reviving this
plugin, I'd hate to see WU shut you down for a T violation. :-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2016-09-16 Thread phred

Running LMS 7.9.0-1473501469 on Win7 with SDT 2.10.24. I'm seeing this
in the settings page in Firefox and IE. I'm pretty sure it's just the WU
logo, but I can't remember with 100% certainty. Whatever it is, it's not
causing any problems with data retrieval.


|Filename: 2016-09-16_12-14-08.jpg  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2016-03-05 Thread phred

tcutting wrote: 
> I have incorporated suggestion to update the moon phase icons with
> transparent backgrounds.  I was using the images available from
>, but I was able to find a nice set of compatible moon
> phase images which have now been incorporated.
Nice touch!  Thanks.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2015-12-11 Thread phred

I'm using SDT 5.10.18 (T. Cutting's version) and I happened to look in
my server log today and noticed these entries - going back at least to
the beginning of December.  Could've been before that, but I was culling
old entries from the log and pared it back to Dec 1.  Just updated LMS
today from 7.8.1-1449436296 to 7.9.0-1449746132


  [15-12-09 21:23:16.1169] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotErrorViaHTTP 
(6894) error getting
  [15-12-09 21:23:16.1171] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotErrorViaHTTP 
(6895) Couldn't resolve IP address for:
  [15-12-09 21:23:16.1173] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotErrorViaHTTP 
(6899) Network error count reached during getMoonData.

Nothing seems amiss.  The time displays correctly on my Touch and Radio.
And I haven't yet displayed Moon info on either device.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2015-09-09 Thread phred

BoomX2 wrote: 
> Make sure that you don't have any sports teams selected on the advanced
> settings page except for baseball.
Okay, that's a start.  I did indeed have one team in each of MLB, NFL,
NBA, and NHL.  I removed all but MLB and will keep an eye on the temp
today to see what happens.  Is this a known problem?  I looked over the
past few pages of the forum topic and didn't see any reference to it.

As for the debug log, what I pasted above was definitely not debug.  It
seems the no temp update started around Sep 1.  I have attached a zip of
the log from Sep 1 through this morning and I see SDT issues there, but
not sure what they mean.  

I'll report back later today with a status update after removing the
three sports leagues.


|Filename: LMS Server Log Sep 1 - Sep |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2015-09-08 Thread phred

Your version of SDT has been working quite nicely for quite some time. 
However, over the past few days I've noticed that the temperature is not
updating automatically.  If I manually turn off, and then on, my Touch
and/or my Radio, the temperature updates.  SDT is set to update every 5
minutes and iit seems to be happening.  Except for the temperature.  I
first noticed this with version 5.10.12.  I never used 5.10.13 and today
I saw that 5.10.14 was available.  I installed it but the problem still
exists.  I have exited and restarted LMS, but that does nothing to solve
the problem.  

When the problem was first noticed, I was using LMS 7.8.1-1432793217.  I
updated that to 7.8.1-1441189259 and again, it doesn't resolve the
issue.  I turned on debug logging and I'm seeing this:


[15-09-08 21:25:08.7771] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::stuckMonitor 
(4862) Plugin appears to be stuck.  Forcing refresh...
  [15-09-08 21:25:14.0708] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (147) Error: 
Select task failed calling Slim::Networking::Async::HTTP::_http_read_body: 
Can't call method "content_list" on an undefined value at 
 line 6077.
  ; fh=Slim::Networking::Async::Socket::HTTP=GLOB(0xcfa901c)
  [15-09-08 21:45:11.7970] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::stuckMonitor (4862) 
Plugin appears to be stuck.  Forcing refresh...
  [15-09-08 21:45:16.0818] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (147) Error: 
Select task failed calling Slim::Networking::Async::HTTP::_http_read_body: 
Can't call method "content_list" on an undefined value at 
 line 6077.
  ; fh=Slim::Networking::Async::Socket::HTTP=GLOB(0xac2f9f4)
  [15-09-08 22:05:14.8095] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::stuckMonitor (4862) 
Plugin appears to be stuck.  Forcing refresh...
  [15-09-08 22:05:19.1653] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (147) Error: 
Select task failed calling Slim::Networking::Async::HTTP::_http_read_body: 
Can't call method "content_list" on an undefined value at 
 line 6077.
  ; fh=Slim::Networking::Async::Socket::HTTP=GLOB(0xa0041c4)

Any idea what's going on?  And more importantly, how can I get it


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2015-03-11 Thread phred

tcutting wrote: 
 I've been monitoring my wunderground query stats since the change. I've
 changed my refresh down to 5 minutes (was 10), and my total calls/day
 are about right - I'm seeing about 214 (a little short of the 288/day),
 and the maximum calls/minute have gone down from 2 to 1, as expected.
Yes, I confirm.  Max calls are down to one.  Total calls per day for the
last two days were 236 and 232.  Also short of the projected 288, but
certainly not a big deal.  With an every five minute refresh rate, I'm
quite happy with the way things are working.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2015-03-08 Thread phred

tcutting wrote: 
 It looks you may have found a bug. I haven't seen the issue because my
 refresh is set to 10 minutes.  Looking at my log, it looks like it's
 querying wunderground twice for most queries - not sure why. My stats on
 wunderground show about 230/day, which is more than what it should be
 (6x/hour s/b 144/day).
 Suggest for now you reduce your data refresh interval. If I find the
 problem, I'll update and post on the forum.
I'm not sure it's a bug, but it's something.  I have the refresh rate
set for 5 minutes and my WU stats are showing about 475/day.  I have
-never- hit 500 since I changed my refresh from every 10 minutes to
every 5 minutes.  But - at every 5 minutes, I calculate 12 hits/hour x
24 hours equals 288.  I'm way over 288, so something is going on.

|Filename: 2015-03-08_14-35-49.jpg  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2015-03-08 Thread phred

tcutting wrote: 
 I believe I've found the issue. I've posted a new version to the
 Also available directly at:
What was issue?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2015-03-08 Thread phred

tcutting wrote: 
 The plugin was effectively calling the getWunderground two different
So by rights I should see the number of hits cut in half.  And be closer
to the calculated 288.  Nice.
Thanks for the quick fix.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2015-01-06 Thread phred

tcutting wrote: 
 Is there an option to turn off automatic updates of plugins?
Hmmm ... at the bottom of the Plugins page there is a checkable box
update plugins automatically
One would think if the box were unchecked, the plugin would not update.

@chippy - can you confirm that this option is not selected?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2015-01-05 Thread phred

You should probably stop and exit LMS -before- you unzip/overwrite the
files.  And then just overwrite as there's no need to uninstall.
What version of SDT are you using?  There are now two versions - one by
BoomX2 and one by tcutting.  Both of which have version numbers higher
than Greg's last version so LMS shouldn't be grabbing Greg's at all. 
Even if his repository is still active on the Plugins tab.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-27 Thread phred

extremus669 wrote: 
 Thanks tcutting.  Confirmed working on Squeezebox Radio with LMS 7.7.5. 
 btw, the DONATE button seems to be going to another email address...?
There are -two- donate buttons on the SDT settings page.  The first one
is to tcutting, and says donate to tcutting.  The second one says
Donate to original developer:  greg brown via PayPal.  Greg created
SDT.  tcutting brought it back to life once hit the crapper
in late November 2014.  If you're using a version of SDT 5.10.x and wish
to donate, tcutting is the person who should get the credit.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-26 Thread phred

tcutting wrote: 
 # Several minor formatting cleanups suggested - shortened wind
 direction, feels-like rounded to integer.
Some nice tweaking on this release.  I'm wondering if on the next
go-round, you could round the wind speed to an integer.  Currently it
shows x.x and the .x is always zero.  I'm guessing because WU doesn't
supply the decimal.  Screen space is really limited on my Radio and
eliminating the .0 would be very helpful.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-20 Thread phred

Hopefully this will be my final question for some time as between
BoomX2, tcutting, and bluetdi my issues with SDT since the
meltdown have just about all be resolved.
So here's the thing:  Using tcutting's version (latest being 5.10.5) if
I set the SDT Icon Set to local  the icons appear on both my Touch and
my Radio.  However, when set to any of the WU Icon Sets, the icons only
appear on the Radio.  No icons appear on the Touch.  This is somewhat
baffling to me as the data is being fed to both devices from one LMS. 
How/Why would it treat the two devices differently?

FWIW, I'm running LMS 7.8.1 - 1416307957 @ Thu Nov 20 03:04:48 CUT 2014
on a Windows XP box.  

Any clues would be really helpful.

Thanks again to everyone who contributed to breathing life back into

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-19 Thread phred

tcutting wrote: 
 My ISP discontinued the personal web pages... that's where these images
 were posted.  I don't have them hosted on-line (didn't even remember
 that's how they were accessed). I have the images (attached)
I can't save or copy the attached images.  But if I find my own via
Google, if I save them in the LMS directory under a folder called Icons,
can they be accessed via the 'url.actice' field in CCH?  For example: 
Do you recall what pixel size the icons should be?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-19 Thread phred

tcutting wrote: 
 From the log you sent me, it really looks like you are running an OLDER
 version of SDT (maybe 5.10.3?).  Make sure you install the right version
 - maybe re-download from the forum?
Well, I gotta tell you, I feel like a real idiot.  I looked at the LMS
plugins tab (why didn't I think to do that before?) and saw that SDT was
indeed 5.10.3.  The odd thing is that the zip I was using said 5.10.5. 
So I downloaded again from the forum, installed, set the station
identifier for Alice Springs Australia, where the time was 04:53, and I
have my night icons.

I'm really sorry for the run-around I caused you, but thanks for
spotting the error of my ways.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-19 Thread phred

tcutting wrote: 
 Did you try right clicking on the images, and save image as... ?
G ... yes, in Firefox, and it didn't have the 'save as' option.  But
I was now able to save them with IE.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-19 Thread phred

tcutting wrote: 
 I'm glad you got it figured out.
You're the one who figured it out.

 BTW, Alice Springs seems like a pretty obscure place to check the
I wanted to check a place where it was night-time.  What surprised me
was that there were five or six PWS's listed for Alice Springs.

Thanks again.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-18 Thread phred

These links, from one of your CCH skins, don't appear to be valid any

Do they live somewhere else now?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-16 Thread phred

tcutting wrote: 
 That is strange. I am looking at my Touch right now, and it's 8:34PM and
 showing a night icon.
 You could try changing the logging for SuperDateTime to debug - I added
 a lot of debug logging so I could make sure it's doing what I expect.
 Could you possibly be pointing to a different weather station?  I
 changed the logic to read the time from the weather query rather than
 the local time your server is showing, in case someone wants to select a
 weather station at another location in a different time zone.
First of all, that's a really nice touch changing the logic to read the
time from the query rather than local.  It enabled me to test the night
icons here in the daytime by entering a weather code for Hawaii.  And
with v 5.10.5, I do not get them.  I stop LMS and exit from it. 
Overwrote 5.10.4 with 5.10.5 and restarted LMS.  Power-cycled the Radio
and the Touch, and Hawaii, at 03:14 is showing a sun icon.

I cleared the server log and restarted.  Searching for Daily ICON URL
brings up absolutely nothing.  Yet searching for it on 5.10.4 shows all
occurances, including those with nt_.  I did notice some SDT-generated
errors in the log.  I don't know it they have anything to do with no
showing night icons, but it's all I can find.  These appear only in
5.10.5 and not 5.10.4:
Line 4: [14-12-16 09:14:59.7178] Slim::Utils::Strings::string (490)
Line 38: [14-12-16 09:14:59.7187] Slim::Utils::Strings::string (490)
Line 72: [14-12-16 09:14:59.7194] Slim::Utils::Strings::string (490)
Line 106: [14-12-16 09:14:59.7201] Slim::Utils::Strings::string (490)
Line 140: [14-12-16 09:14:59.7207] Slim::Utils::Strings::string (490)
Error: missing string
Line 174: [14-12-16 09:14:59.7214] Slim::Utils::Strings::string (490)
Line 208: [14-12-16 09:14:59.7221] Slim::Utils::Strings::string (490)
Line 242: [14-12-16 09:14:59.7227] Slim::Utils::Strings::string (490)
Line 276: [14-12-16 09:14:59.7234] Slim::Utils::Strings::string (490)
Line 310: [14-12-16 09:14:59.7241] Slim::Utils::Strings::string (490)
Error: missing string
Line 344: [14-12-16 09:14:59.7248] Slim::Utils::Strings::string (490)
Line 378: [14-12-16 09:14:59.7254] Slim::Utils::Strings::string (490)
Line 412: [14-12-16 09:14:59.7261] Slim::Utils::Strings::string (490)

I also noticed that the Display String Abbreviations are missing on the
SDT set-up page:

For the time being, I'm going back to 5.10.4 but am quite willing to
help you track this down.  Thanks.

|Filename: 5.10.5.jpg   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-16 Thread phred

tcutting wrote: 
 Try replacing the strings.txt file from the previous version. I will be
 out of town for a couple of days and won't be able to help much.
I know you're out of town for a bit, but I wanted to update the issue. 
Replacing the 5.10.5 strings.txt with that from 5.10.4 gives me back the
night icons.  However, the missing string errors mentioned in my
previous post still exist.  As does the missing Display String
Abbreviations text from the SDT setup page.  Even more odd, is that when
looking at the current debug log, there is no occurrance of the word
ICON nor of any reference to nt_.  But I -have- the night icons
showing for Perth Australia where it's 01:28 now.  I'm content to leave
things as they are now.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-16 Thread phred

tcutting wrote: 
 Try replacing the strings.txt file from the previous version. I will be
 out of town for a couple of days and won't be able to help much.
I know you're out of town for a bit, but I wanted to update the issue.
Replacing the 5.10.5 strings.txt with that from 5.10.4 doesn't reinstate
the night icons.  And there is no mention of them in the log.  Also the
Display String Abbreviation looks no different than it did in my earlier
post - #3090.  And the error log shows the same 'missing string' errors
as mentioned in that post.  So for the time being, I'm back to 5.10.4
complete.  And it's working fine, including night icons.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-15 Thread phred

bluetdi wrote: 
 have an overlay with a questionmark. What does it mean considering the
I haven't seen the question mark on the local icons, but WU uses it on
'rain' and 'snow' to indicate that there's a -chance- of rain.  Or snow.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-15 Thread phred

tcutting wrote: 
 I think what you want is possible.
 The SuperDateTime plugin provides effectively 3 different period sets
 of weather information (not including the long weather forecast, which
 is seperate, and I'm not sure if that's currently supported through the
 Custom Clock / Custom Clock Helper apps.
 There is the current conditions - current temperature, humidity, etc.
 There are the near term forecasts: C is for currently, 1, 2
 and 3 are for the next few periods. These could be (1) TODAY, (2)
 The  D1 - D10 are for the 10-day forecast and yes, are for day 1
 through day 10.
 Hope that helps.
I'd just like to add, for jallison's benefit, that D1 is the -current-

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-15 Thread phred

jallison wrote: 
 Also, I'd like to have some simple text below the icon showing projected
 high and low for that forecast period. Is that possible?
 - Jeff
I use D1 through D5 to give me a rotating five days of forecasts.  By
using H %_5 / L %_7 for each Dx, I get the output of H 42 / L 21 but
setting it set up and positioned properly is really a matter of trial
and error.  I'd suggest taking a look at an existing skin in CCH, such
as OffClockSaver SDT Weather Fahrenheit, which is what I based my skin
on.  Export a copy of the original skin.  Place the Touch next to your
computer and one at a time, change the color of the different elements. 
Click APPLY after each change, which will refresh the display on the
Touch, and you'll see what element does what. It may take some time to
accomplish what you want.  I'm still tweaking mine after three-plus
years of use.  Hope this is easier to understand than it was to write.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-15 Thread phred

tcutting wrote: 
 This version (5.10.5) takes a cut at implementing the long weather
 forecasts which were not present in the previous 5.10.x (weather
 underground API) versions.
@tcutting - seems like the local night icons have disappeared in this
latest version.  10:29pm and clear, but the current icon is full sun. 
Going back to 5.10.4 restores the night icons.16973

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-12 Thread phred

tcutting wrote: 
 I've made some fairly significant changes to the weather underground
 API-based version.
 # 5.10.4  12/11/14Significant modifications to the near-term forecasts
 -  more like earlier versions of SDT
Great job!!  Another three hours or so and I'll be able to see the
'night' icons.  Thanks so much for all the improvements you've made to

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-08 Thread phred

bluetdi wrote: 
 This might solve your issuue. The switch is set to Yes on my SDT
 settings page since beginning, so I was not aware of it. Give it a last
Thanks for finding yet another untried solution.  But yet again, it
didn't work.  

I have the Touch next to the Radio at this point, and as I change from
local icon to WU icon in SDT, I can see that it takes 2-5 seconds to
change on the Radio.  The Touch only changes when I power-cycle it.  But
the Touch change is only from local to nothing, or nothing to local.  It
still doesn't show the WU icons.  I even let it sit overnight set to WU
icons in hopes that when I woke up they would have magically appeared. 
But no.

I must say that I've used the local icons for two-plus years and I'm
used to them.  But the WU icons are somewhat nicer.  Oh well...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-08 Thread phred

tcutting wrote: 
 I hope to post my latest updates soon. I added some additional local
 icons, and added the code to select the local night icons.  After
 trying some of the WU icons, I think I still prefer the local ones, but
 wanted to see the night icons.
Local night!  Nice.  Perhaps now I won't try so hard to get the WU set
working on the touch.  Although the tinkerer in me would really like to
figure out why my Touch is different than all the others.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-08 Thread phred

Loom wrote: 
 I'm using the latest plugin from TCutting, and I'm wondering if
 Sunrise/Sunset times are supposed to work?
 %s and %S doesn't give *any* data at all. It just stays blank ...
I'm using it on my Touch and my Radio and I've got correct data.  I
assume you have a WU API Key.  Is your location set correctly?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-08 Thread phred

Loom wrote: 
 Location is correct, in aswell as in WU.
 I somehow missed the procedure with the API-key.
 Where can I get one and how is it used? Sorry for sounding a little
 dumb, just found this thread after several years of hazzle-free use ;)
Let's back up a bit ... there are now -two- apps for SuperDateTime.  One
is by tcutting, which only uses data from Weather Underground.  The
other is from BoomX2 and he has restored SDT
back to it's former self, and I believe has added a few enhancements. 
Best thing to do is to go back about 200 posts or so and start reading.

If you have tcutting's latest version installed, and want to stay with
it, then go here first: and
apply for the free API Key.  Select 'Cumulus' and 'Developer.'  Once you
have the key, you need to go to SDT settings on LMS and enter it.  Also
make sure you enter the WU (location) Identifer after you enter your
key.  I think that's it.  If not, post again with details.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-08 Thread phred

Loom wrote: 
 Thanks very much.
 Got the key, but I cannot figure out where to enter it.
 WU station is entered and working good. But no idea where to enter the
 api-key ..
 EDIT: Ouch! Never mind, I used BoomX2's version by accident ..
 @TCutting  BoomX2: Ever thought about teaming up and maintaining a
 single version? This might get confusing in the long run ..

Glad to hear you've got it working.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-08 Thread phred

Loom wrote: 
 Thanks very much.
 Got the key, but I cannot figure out where to enter it.
 WU station is entered and working good. But no idea where to enter the
 api-key ..
 EDIT: Ouch! Never mind, I used BoomX2's version by accident ..
 @TCutting  BoomX2: Ever thought about teaming up and maintaining a
 single version? This might get confusing in the long run ..
Glad to hear you've got it working.

Loom wrote: 
 Which brings me right to my next question:
 Sunrise  sunset times are working great now, but how to switch from
 AM/PM to 24 hour format ?
 And are these sunrise/sunset times provided by WU or Since
 there is only a WU identifier available, is gone with
Both and WU provide sunrise/sunset.  You said you're using
tcutting's version, as am I, and I have %s and %S working just fine.  If
your existing skin has the sun variables in it, they should be showing.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-08 Thread phred

tcutting wrote: 
 Do you know if it ONLY spells it out for north, east, south, and west?
I'm seeing NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST.  All other directs are show
abbreviated.  NE, NNW, ENE, etc.  I'm pretty it was this way before the
recent crap-out.  And I was using WU's %j then, and now.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-07 Thread phred

bluetdi wrote: 
 I experienced a similiar issue as yours with icons when trying out the
 BoomX2 plugin. Not all (local) icons showed up at my Off-screen though I
 waited quite a long time, flushed the CustomClock cache, started LMS and
 powered up the Touch again. But when I used a different display-skin
 they were there!
 So I would try the above mentioned steps and also make a completeley new
 skin with only one item: stdicon for current day, width 200/height 200,
 logotype=forecastIconURLSmall. You should see the unscaled local icon
 and when you switch to the WU-icons after a few moments the scaled icon.
 Don´t forget to save the setting when switching the icon type on SDT
 settings page!
 We will here from you.
Great suggestions there.  Thanks bluetdi!  I will try them shortly and
then report back.  The one thing I'm not certain of is how the clear the
CCH cache and/or where it's located.  Is it done from within LMS?  Or is
it just a matter of deleting a file?  If the latter, where is the file
and what is it's name?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-07 Thread phred

bluetdi wrote: 
 Nor LMS or deleting files. CCH clear cache is located in the Touch at
 Settings/Display/Screensaver/Custom Clock Settings/Clear Cache/ -. When
 the cache is flushed, the Clear Cache item is gone. Good luck.
Cleared the CCH cache, stopped LMS, powered off Touch, started LMS,
powered on Touch, no change.
Created SDTICON (only) skin as you suggested.  Set SDT to use WU icon
set 4.  No icon shows.  Tried other WU icon sets with nothing showing. 
Tried local icon and it shows.
Would you mind testing my SDTICON (only) skin (attached) and let me know
what you get?

|Filename: SDTICON -  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-07 Thread phred

bluetdi wrote: 
 Nor LMS or deleting files. CCH clear cache is located in the Touch at
 Settings/Display/Screensaver/Custom Clock Settings/Clear Cache/ -. When
 the cache is flushed, the Clear Cache item is gone. Good luck.
Cleared the CCH cache, stopped LMS, powered off Touch, started LMS,
powered on Touch, no change.
Created SDTICON (only) skin as you suggested.  Set SDT to use WU icon
set 4.  No icon shows.  Tried other WU icon sets with nothing showing. 
Tried local icon and it shows.
Would you mind testing my SDTICON (only) skin (attached) and let me know
what you get?

|Filename: SDTICON -  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-07 Thread phred

bluetdi wrote: 
 Well, I tested it:
Thanks for doing that.  And including the pix really gets me depressed. 
It's working for you (and apparently everyone else.) 

 Back to my settings and now going to bed. Sorry, I do not understand
 what is going wrong at your Touch. :confused:
I'm more confused than you are.  Hopefully erland will respond to my
post in the CCH topic and we can figure it out.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-06 Thread phred

Using tcutting's latest SDT 5.10.3 with WU icons.  On my Radio, the WU
icon appears just fine, but on the Touch it doesn't appear.  Doesn't
matter which icon set I use, or how I size or position it.  It just
doesn't show.  The local icon shows fine on both devices.  Is anyone
else experiencing this?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-06 Thread phred

bluetdi wrote: 
 No, I don´t experience this. They show up on the Touch and Radio. Maybe
 you have to wait a moment for them to be loaded.
I've waited more than a moment.  I even did a power cycle and it just
doesn't appear.  I've tried other WU icon sets with the same result.

tcutting wrote: 
 What clock are you using on Touch?  I can see all icon types on Touch
 using SDT Weather Fahrenheit.
 I did modify the height of the first icon using the CC Helper because
 the smaller WU icon looked funny.
Hmmm ... same problem using SDT Weather Fahrenheit.  Local shows; WU
doesn't.  I usually use a self-modified version of your OffClockSaver
SDT Weather Fahrenheit.  I created Touch and Radio versions.  I just
tried the unmodified version and it is not showing the WU icon.  FWIW,
I'm only using the icon for the current conditions.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-06 Thread phred

tcutting wrote: 
 If you turn on debug logging for sdt you can see what it's putting in
 for URL for each icon.
When pasting the icon URLs from the log into the browser, the correct
icon is returned.  
[14-12-06 11:29:30.2136] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotWunderground
(3164) Daily ICON URL for CURRENT (-1) is
So we know the data is good.  Unfortunately.
I then looked for differences in Custom Clock Helper between the radio
variables and the touch variables.  Both devices have the SDTICON set to
-1 C for the period covered.  Which is 'current.'  And as indicated
before, the local icon shows correctly.  I just repositioned the local
icon so that it displayed roughly in the center of the screen.  Changed
to WU icon and it just doesn't show up anywhere.  
Any other suggestions before I give up for the time being and settle for
the local icons? 
Thanks again.

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