[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: SuperDateTime - no output to screen

2006-10-23 Thread verbatone

Could the problem be that you're not using the SuperDateTime plugin
that's for SS 6.5?  If you're using an old version of the plugin, the
plugin fails and pretty much crashes SS, causing the screen to be
blank.  Just a thought, sometimes it's the simple things.


verbatone's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3556
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] IR Blaster Question to control S link

2007-01-08 Thread verbatone

I have a Sony preamp that has the stupid Sony S link control on the rear
of the unit.  Sadly I really like the preamp or I would just ditch it
for something else.  But I do like it and now I'd like to automate its
powering on and off.  So I looked into controlling the unit through the
S link, which seems to be the same digital signaling as the IR, except
there's no carrier frequency.  So I'm wondering if I set the line:

38400 ==> 26.042 uS

from the plugin to: my $MODULATION = 0..., if this will then just
output the bit stream that I want.  I guess I could hook up an
oscilloscope and see, but wanted to check here to see if anyone has any
experience or suggestions.  Thanks!


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: IR Blaster Question to control S link

2007-01-09 Thread verbatone

Thanks for the reply and link.  I know now what was confusing me.  The
forums I was reading had people using the IR signal to generate Control
S and the folks were stripping the carrier from code to verify the
correct codes, but it does appear there is a difference.  

I see two solutions:

1. I can add a transistor inverter pretty easily.
2. I can invert the codes in the remote control file.

The problem I can see is whether or not the carrier is going to affect
the Control S and whether I can filter it simply enough if it is
causing a problem.  Thanks.


verbatone's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3556
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Trackstat web interface problem

2007-01-31 Thread verbatone

I installed the TrackStat plugin and now when I try to access virtually
any of the "browse" options throught the web interface I get a blank
panel.  The right hand side (where the playlist and transport controlls
are) functions normally.  This is using the default web skin.   The only
"browse" option that works is the "favorites" browse menu.  I read
through erland's wiki page and I didn't notice anything that would be
causing a problem, but obviously there is an issue.  If I uncheck the
TrackStat in the plugins menu, the problem still remains until I
restart slimserver.  Once I restart, everythings back to normal until I
check TrackStat in the plugin menu again.

Browsing throught the squeezebox is fine, no problems.

I don't know if it has anything to do with my mysql database, which is
external, but I'm looking to use the internal slim mysql as documented
here: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32312

ubuntu server
slimserver 6.5.1

Any idea of what the problem is.  erland has too many cool plugins that
I want to check out.


verbatone's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3556
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32314

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Trackstat web interface problem

2007-01-31 Thread verbatone

erland, thanks for the reply.  I've attached a screenshot of the page
when the problem occurs (literally no information on the left panel). 
I initially found the problem at work where I use a windows machine,
and checked both IE and firefox with the same result.  The screenshot
is from my Ubuntu linux machine running firefox as well.  Hope this
helps.  Thanks again.

|Filename: Screenshot.jpg   |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2340|


verbatone's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3556
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32314

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Trackstat web interface problem

2007-02-01 Thread verbatone

Here is the output from the console
> Loaded module: [Plugins::TrackStat::Plugin] ok!
> 2007-01-31 22:21:19.9263 Couldn't open:
> /usr/share/slimserver/Plugins/TrackStat/SQL/mysql/dbcreate.sql : No
> such file or directory
> 2007-01-31 22:21:19.9330 Couldn't open:
> /usr/share/slimserver/Plugins/TrackStat/SQL/mysql/dbupgrade_history.sql
> : No such file or directory
> 2007-01-31 22:21:19.9352 Couldn't open:
> /usr/share/slimserver/Plugins/TrackStat/SQL/mysql/dbupgrade_musicbrainz.sql
> : No such file or directory
> 2007-01-31 22:21:19.9371 Couldn't open:
> /usr/share/slimserver/Plugins/TrackStat/SQL/mysql/dbupgrade_added.sql :
> No such file or directory
> 2007-01-31 22:21:20.1634 Database error: Table
> 'slimserver.track_statistics' doesn't exist
> 2007-01-31 22:21:20.1654 Database error: Table
> 'slimserver.track_statistics' doesn't exist
> 2007-01-31 22:21:20.1672 Database error: Table
> 'slimserver.track_history' doesn't exist
> 2007-01-31 22:21:20.7497 Database error: Table
> 'slimserver.track_statistics' doesn't exist
> 2007-01-31 22:21:20.7524 Database error: Table
> 'slimserver.track_statistics' doesn't exist
> 2007-01-31 22:21:20.7549 Database error: Table
> 'slimserver.track_statistics' doesn't exist
> 2007-01-31 22:21:20.7571 Database error: Table
> 'slimserver.track_statistics' doesn't exist
> 2007-01-31 22:21:20.7597 Database error: Table
> 'slimserver.track_statistics' doesn't exist
> 2007-01-31 22:21:20.7620 Database error: Table
> 'slimserver.track_statistics' doesn't exist
> 2007-01-31 22:21:20.7642 Database error: Table
> 'slimserver.track_statistics' doesn't exist
> 2007-01-31 22:21:20.7666 Database error: Table
> 'slimserver.track_history' doesn't exist
> 2007-01-31 22:21:20.7689 Database error: Table
> 'slimserver.track_history' doesn't exist
> 2007-01-31 22:21:20.7714 Database error: Table
> 'slimserver.track_history' doesn't exist
> 2007-01-31 22:21:20.7737 Database error: Table
> 'slimserver.track_history' doesn't exist

So then I check on the directory error and found the "SQL" was actually
"sql" which obviously was causing a problem.  Fixing that I'm now

> Loaded module: [Plugins::TrackStat::Plugin] ok!
> 2007-01-31 22:26:49.5316 TrackStat::Storage: No urlIndex index found in
> track_statistics, creating index...
> 2007-01-31 22:26:49.5610 TrackStat::Storage: No musicbrainzIndex index
> found in track_statistics, creating index...
> 2007-01-31 22:26:49.6560 TrackStat::Storage: No urlIndex index found in
> track_history, creating index...
> 2007-01-31 22:26:49.6847 TrackStat::Storage: No musicbrainzIndex index
> found in track_history, creating index...

So it looks like the TrackStat plugin is now working as I can rate the
songs by holding 1-5 via the remote, but the web interface is still
broken.  Same image as above.

In the log.txt I see this

> 2007-01-31 22:40:29.5228 ERROR: file error -
> plugins/TrackStat/mixerlink65.html: not found
> 2007-01-31 22:40:40.9572 ERROR: file error -
> plugins/TrackStat/index.html: not found

Which appears to be true, I have neither of these files, and as well I
have no "plugins" directory (lowercase p).  Thanks again!


verbatone's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3556
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32314

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Trackstat web interface problem

2007-02-01 Thread verbatone

Good night, another blunder on my part!  I installed this plugin from
work, where I have SSH file transfers easily setup to a VFAT drive on
my linux box.  Something about the VFAT format is forcing all capital
directory names to lowercase.  I've seen this before on this drive and
haven't figured out how to solve that issue.  SO, when I copied it to
the VFAT drive it named "SQL" -> "sql", "HTML" -> "html", "EN" -> "en",
etc.  So after fixing all of those, it's working again and I see the TS
in the browse window.  Thanks for your help erland, it actually helped
solve this problem.  All's well, now I just have to watch out for that
VFAT all caps issue with any other plugins.


verbatone's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3556
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32314

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] (X_/_Y) as well as (X_OF_Y)

2007-03-25 Thread verbatone

Mr. Herger,

Would it be possible to have a different format from (X of Y) in the
interest of space saving on the SB screen?  The two spaces and "of" use
four characters total.  If the format was (X/Y) (no spaces) you gain
back three characters of space.  This isn't really that big of a deal,
but would be something i'd be interested in. Thanks.


verbatone's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3556
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (X_/_Y) as well as (X_OF_Y)

2007-03-28 Thread verbatone


Thanks, this works great!  

This along with the "TRACKNUM." tag gives me everything I could hope
for.  Awesome plugin.  Thanks again!


verbatone's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3556
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=33908

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Trackstat question or request

2007-06-14 Thread verbatone

The plugin is great!  But there's one thing that bothers me, which has
to do with reissued CDs these days.  All of the bonus tracks on a CD
can really lower the overall rating of an "album" since generally
they're alternate takes or something like that.

I would say 80% of the time they're fluff which I don't rate very high,
so the overall rating of an otherwise great album gets affected.  Is
there a way to overcome this?  I tried using the "unrate" option, but
this just resets it back to "6" (in my case scaling 1-10).

If there nothing that currently can do this, generally I would like to
request a feature which rates an album by the rated tracks, and not the
unrated tracks.  I realize that if you only rate one song on a album,
that would be the whole album's rating.  But there may be other ideas
which would be better.


verbatone's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3556
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=36128

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Can Someone Help Me Find A Plugin That Does This....

2007-09-27 Thread verbatone

I don't think there's a plugin which will accomplish what you want to

You want to link two songs together based on the fact that they were
performed as a medley.  

A good example is the Beatles - Sun King -> Mean Mr. Mustard ->
Polythene Pam -> She Came Into... off Abbey Road.

I don't think I know of any tags which will accomplish this, nor a
plugin that can use this information in random playback.

As a work around, some rippers will allow you to rip sections as a
continuous file, and then the songs would be fundamentally linked
together.  Although, I not sure if there'd be times when you only want
to listen to one part of the medley.


verbatone's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3556
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=38715

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CDplayer plugin

2008-05-07 Thread verbatone

Looks like some good work!  Any plans to support non-SC-host cd drives?


verbatone's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3556
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CDplayer plugin

2008-05-07 Thread verbatone

I'm using ubuntu server edition on a server which runs SC, I also run
ubuntu 8.04 on a laptop which is what I usually use for computing.  The
server is not that accessible as it's on a shelf in the garage.

I guess I read the first post as needing to use the CD drive on the
same machine that runs SC, if this isn't the case, I'll give it a go.


verbatone's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3556
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=47288

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