Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2022-03-15 Thread vlgindeed

expectingtofly wrote: 
> No problem, I think its important to follow up reports of things like
> memory leaks.
> I've found an SD card I had with raspbian and LMS installed rather than
> picoreplayer which I usually use, this has a similar debian and perl
> version set up to you :
> Hostname: raspberrypi
> Server IP Address:
> Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
> Operating system: Debian - EN_GB - utf8
> Platform Architecture: armv7l-linux
> Perl Version: 5.28.1 - arm-linux-gnueabihf-thread-multi-64int
> Audio::Scan: 1.05
> IO::Socket::SSL: 2.060
> Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.58 (sqlite 3.22.0)
> It has a much more recent version of LMS on it (an 8.3 build).  I've
> given BBC Sounds live streams a long test on it, and again I can't
> detect any memory leak.   (there may have been some slight creep in
> memory footprint, but many many orders of magnitude less than the 2.5mb
> per minute you are experiencing!)
> I remember it was a bit of a pain to install LMS on it as I had to
> compile the LMS 'perl CPAN distribution'
> (
> myself.   
> So I suspect that is the source of the problem,  the CPAN that came with
> your 7.9.3 distribution of LMS.   I think upgrading your LMS to 8.2 or
> 8.3 will indeed solve the problem.  Also, the LMS improvements of 8.3
> over 7.9.3 really are worth having.
> If you don't use your raspberry pi for anything other than hosting LMS, 
> I do recommend simply installing picoreplayer on it instead, it makes
> installing LMS a simple few simple clicks with no messing about.
> I will set aside some time in the coming weeks to set up some perl
> memory leak debugging just in case there is something there that might
> not get cleaned up in certain circumstanced, just in case.  But I
> understand one has to work quite hard to create a memory leak in perl!

I managed to upgrade LMS to 8.2 today and test the plugin. I can confirm
that after 2 hours of testing both 2 grouped players and a single
player, all streaming Radio 2 Live from the plugin ==> no mem leak! I
saw some 2-3Mb fluctuations, but it generally held steady at the usual
130 or so Mb virt.

Many thx for taking the time, Stuart.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2022-03-07 Thread vlgindeed

expectingtofly wrote: 
> ...
> So I suspect that is the source of the problem,  the CPAN that came with
> your 7.9.3 distribution of LMS.   I think upgrading your LMS to 8.2 or
> 8.3 will indeed solve the problem.  Also, the LMS improvements of 8.3
> over 7.9.3 really are worth having.
> ...
Many thx for checking this out. I will try and find some time to upgrade
and let you know the outcome.

Thx, Scott.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2022-03-06 Thread vlgindeed

expectingtofly wrote: 
> Ok, thanks for the information.
> FYI I've been running 3 streams on LMS running on Picoreplayer for the
> past hour, and all is stable. So I am hoping there is no general issue. 
> I'd be interested to know if you enabled LMS on one of your
> picoreplayer's and tried BBC Sounds on there to see if you get the same
> memory leak issue.
> I'll try and recreate your debian install on a pi and try on that
> Yes, indeed :-)

:-) Appreciate the effort/lengths you’re going to. I had wondered about
it being an LMS issue and testing an upgrade - I think that would be
easier for me as I could clone the USB3 Sata disk I’m using for the rpi4
to backup, then try latest v8 LMS. 

One other thing to mention - I’m using the startup switch to isolate
from mysqueezebox - I forget the param name

Thx, Scott

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2022-03-06 Thread vlgindeed

expectingtofly wrote: 
> What other plugins do you have installed?   I'll try and recreate.

Thx v.much.  I removed BBC Sounds plugin for now ... other plugin
details below ... Btw, Bluetones fan?

Additional Browse Modes 1.0
Client Cleanup 1.0.0
Full text search 1.0.0
Group Players 0.15.0
Local Player 1.6.5
Material Skin 2.9.2
Planet Radio (Bauer Media) 0.0.3
Radio 1.0
RadioNet 2.1
Random Mix 1.0
Rescan Music Library 1.0
Save Playlist 1.0
Spotty 4.8.0
UPnP/DLNA bridge 1.82.2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2022-03-06 Thread vlgindeed

expectingtofly wrote: 
> Crikey!
> I've had one report before about a memory leak many months ago, but as
> hard as I tried I couldn't recreate.
> Just to clarify, do you get the memory leak only when you are playing
> synched players, or whenever you are playing live radio?

Yeah - I checked grouped players, sync only players and a single player.
The problem (rate of leak) is worse with grouped than with single
player. For group of 2 picoreplayers it was 25mb per 10mins and for
single player it was around 12mb per 10mins ... maybe that’s a
correlation, not sure .. I checked over a 30min period. I am only
playing live radio through plugin atm.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2022-03-06 Thread vlgindeed

Firstly - thank you to all those who give of their time to help support
us continuing to use this product stack.

I’m new to using this plugin and typically have been using 1
picorePlayer v6.00 with LMS 7.9.3 on rpi4 1Gb, to listen to  live Radio
2 successfully - usually for a couple of hours at a time. Plugin version
is 2.23.2. Yesterday I used 2 picoreplayers in a group using the group
player plugin, again for live radio 2. This time - after 4.5 hours
playing, the stream stopped and I was unable to bring material up in a
browser - connection refused. Checking the rpi4, squeeze box server
process was not running.

I checked dmesg and found that the oom_reaper had killed
squeezeboxserver pid - around 675mb usage. There was little to go on in
the server log but I did not have any log settings above defaults. I
then restarted squeezeboxserver and watched memory usage in top whilst I
re-listened to radio 2 live via the plugin. Memory footprint increases
around 2.5mb per minute - which ties in with the 4.5 hours usage and
675mb max before oom_reaper steps in.

I compared with other radio streams using aac and mp3 and memory
footprint remains static. Same for streaming local flac and mp3 files.

I’d appreciate any insights/thoughts - this plugin is great, but with
the apparent mem leak, scuppered.

Thx, Scott

Version: 7.9.3 - 1578994763 @ Tue Jan 14 11:08:56 CET 2020
Hostname: rpi4-lms
Server IP Address:
Operating system: Debian - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: armv7l-linux
Perl Version: 5.28.1 - arm-linux-gnueabihf-thread-multi-64int
Audio::Scan: 1.02
IO::Socket::SSL: 2.060
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.58 (sqlite 3.22.0)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2020-05-17 Thread vlgindeed

rgdawson wrote: 
> I believe others have experienced something like this.  I know the
> squeezelite-win.exe player also uses portaudio code, which is why I use
> it to provide the list of devices.  My code essential duplicates what
> squeezelite-win does.  I guess there are some devices that make it barf.
> I'm glad you sorted it out.
> R Greg Dawson

Thx for the update - yes I had summized something similar after reading
a post on a microphone causing different issues.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2020-05-16 Thread vlgindeed

portaudio doesn't like my Elgato hdmi video/sound capture device.
Unplugged it, latest version worked straight away.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2020-05-16 Thread vlgindeed

dolodobendan wrote: 
> Uninstall all SLX versions you have installed (Store and other). Reboot
> your PC. Install again via Store.

Thx for suggestion. I thought I had tried that already, but repeated to
be sure. Unfortunately I get the same result as originally reported -
APPCRASH with portaudio_x64.dll as faulting module. Any other
suggestions please?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2020-05-16 Thread vlgindeed

Hi - hoping I get some help with latest download from Windows Store.

I had been running an old version  (2.1.9) and wanted to upgrade. I did
so via Windows Store, but Squeezelite-X failed to start. I did some
searching on portaudio_x64.dll but could not find much. I tried
downloading the manual installer for various versions going back to
2.5.9 (both 32bit and 64 bit), but all fail with similar crash in same
portaudio dll (32bit and 64bit).

I am running windows 10.0.18362 and LMS 7.9.2 on rpi4. My previous 2.1.9
install was working (all be it very slow to start, which prompted

Event Viewer shows following crash info:

Faulting application name: SqueezeliteX.exe, version:, time
stamp: 0x5eb59bb1
Faulting module name: portaudio_x64.dll, version:, time stamp:
Exception code: 0x4015
Fault offset: 0x0002d3e2
Faulting process id: 0xadc
Faulting application start time: 0x01d62b6959a7b198
Faulting application path: C:\Program
Faulting module path: C:\Program
Report Id: be40f3d5-9ce5-43d6-9d33-125e9d10074e
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID: SqueezeliteX

Any help appreciated.

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