[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: SlimCD updated

2005-11-02 Thread acacia

It seems my Win98 box can't run AlienBBC due to lack of named pipe
support on that OS so I've started looking at a slimcd install. 

Looks very cool - thanks!

One question - do you know of any minimum hardware requirements for
successfully running AlienBBC with SlimServer from a slimcd  install?

I'm looking at trying to use a Celeron 266MHz processor with 96MB RAM -
I'm guessing this might be underpowered?

Thanks again...

plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: SlimCD updated

2005-11-02 Thread Michael Herger

One question - do you know of any minimum hardware requirements for
successfully running AlienBBC with SlimServer from a slimcd  install?

I can't give any serious indication. I once run it on a P/200 with 64MB  
RAM. It would start, would even play (at 100% cpu load), but a.) very  
flaky and b.) memory would soon fill up. Remember that logs, database and  
everything is held in a ramdisk, using precious memory.

Best you can do is run it in non-graphical mode. From the lilo prompt  
(boot screen) type dsl 2 to boot into text mode. This saves a little  

I'm looking at trying to use a Celeron 266MHz processor with 96MB RAM -
I'm guessing this might be underpowered?

Good guess :-). But just run it and do the test! It won't touch your  
existing system, it doesn't cost anything. And you'll soon see whether  
it's usable or not.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: SlimCD updated

2005-10-31 Thread Michael Herger

I am sorry to ruin your weekend. I appreciate all your efforts.

Don't worry about my weekend! I gave up friday night. And then I spent an  
extraordinarily beautiful late autumn day in the alps. Not ruined at all!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: SlimCD updated

2005-10-30 Thread Michael Herger

I copied over Cyberbit.ttf to the Graphics folder. It does not work.
Debug message is the following:

Trying to load GD Library for TTF support: not ok!
Error while trying to load GD Library: Can't locate loadable object for
module GD in @INC

Yep. That's exactly the point where I'm stuck. I tried to find a suitable  
module and even compile it myself. But I failed even the latter :-(. I  
spent a few hours - and gave up for the moment, I'm sorry.

BTW CyberBit fonts are free for non-commercial use. It should be okay
to add them to SlimCD.

There were too many (R)s and (TM)s on that page to make me believe this  
:-). But it would have been easy enough to write a script which downloads  
the trial version of code2000 on demand. But the GD problem...



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: SlimCD updated

2005-10-30 Thread shvejk

Yep. That's exactly the point where I'm stuck. I tried to find a
module and even compile it myself. But I failed even the latter :-(. I

spent a few hours - and gave up for the moment, I'm sorry.

Hi Michael,
I am sorry to ruin your weekend. I appreciate all your efforts.
Thank you!

plugins mailing list

[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: SlimCD updated

2005-10-29 Thread shvejk

Hmm... The main problem are licensing issues. The fonts aren't
available for free distribution.
You probably have one of those fonts (very likely Arial). It then
should be easy enough to copy it to the slimserver's Graphics folder.

I copied over Cyberbit.ttf to the Graphics folder. It does not work.
Debug message is the following:

Trying to load GD Library for TTF support: not ok!
Error while trying to load GD Library: Can't locate loadable object for
module GD in @INC

BTW CyberBit fonts are free for non-commercial use. It should be okay
to add them to SlimCD.


plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: SlimCD updated

2005-10-27 Thread Michael Herger

BTW Does SimCD support Unicode and Wake On Lan?

If you mean Unicode on the display - I don't think so as (lack of need for  
this) I've never installed any fonts. I'll have a look at it. Might be  

As for WOL - I don't know! I'm not sure whether the underlying linux base  
does support it. But as it is held really lean, I doubt it. And I didn't  
find any information about it on the damnsmalllinux.org forums, neither.



Help translate SlimServer by using the
SlimString Translation Helper (http://www.herger.net/slim/)

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: SlimCD updated

2005-10-26 Thread shvejk

Great! That's the news I was looking for. Thanks alot.

BTW Does SimCD support Unicode and Wake On Lan?


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