Not sure to understand...

You should chose between:
- pmapper 4.2 and postgis <= 1.5
- pmapper dev (try this: and 
postgis >= 2. But careful, this is not a DEVELOPMENT version!
- search en replace every xmin by ST_xmin, etc like here: in you pmapper install and 
use postgis >= 2

Le 09/10/2012 09:08, miguel miguelito a écrit :
> Hi Thomas Thanks for your reply.
> Use pmapper-4.2.0-MS4W. it recommends you, maybe need to change 
> operating system, postgis.
> --- El *mar, 9/10/12, Thomas RAFFIN /<>/* escribió:
>     De: Thomas RAFFIN <>
>     Asunto: Re: [pmapper-users] search for....... Warning:
>     pg_numrows() expects parameter 1
>     Para:
>     Fecha: martes, 9 de octubre, 2012 01:30
>     Hi,
>     With postgis 2, you need a recent pmapper. What version are you using
>     please?
>     Thomas
>     Le 08/10/2012 20:18, miguel miguelito a écrit :
>     > Hello
>     > Friends'm on the verge of madness happens that the search for
>     ... fails, use win7, ms4w_3.0.6, postgis 2 data tables are drawn
>     on the pmapper, pear install MDB2.
>     > HolaAmigos estoy al borde de la locura sucede que el buscar
>     por... no da resultado, uso win7, ms4w_3.0.6, postgis 2, los datos
>     de tablas se dibujan en el pmapper, instale el pear MDB2.
>     > config_default.xml-------------------------<searchlist
>     version="1.0"> <dataroot>$</dataroot> <searchitem name="sectores"
>     description="sectores">            <layer type="postgis"
>     name="sectores"> <field type="n" name="cod_sector" alias="momo"
>     description="Sector"  wildcard="0" > </field>            </layer>
>     </searchitem>
>     >          <searchitem name="vias1" description="VIAa">       
>     <layer type="postgis" name="vias1">            <field type="s"
>     name="descrip" description="via" wildcard="0">          
>     <definition type="suggest" connectiontype="db" sort="asc"> <dsn
>     encoding="UTF-8">pgsql://postgres:123456@localhost/catas</dsn>    
>                   <sql>SELECT DISTINCT descrip FROM vias1 WHERE
>     descrip ='[search]'</sql>           </definition> </field>       
>     </layer> </searchitem>
>     >      </searchlist>
>     > map file-----------LAYER    NAME 'vias1'    TYPE LINE    DUMP
>     true    TEMPLATE fooOnlyForWMSGetFeatureInfo  EXTENT 383230.235738
>     8242604.834650 400453.717167 8252242.309691 CONNECTIONTYPE
>     postgis    CONNECTION "dbname='catas' host=localhost port=5432
>     user='postgres' password='123456' sslmode=disable"    DATA 'geom
>     FROM "vias1" USING UNIQUE gid USING srid=4326'    METADATA    
>     "LAYER_ENCODING" "UTF-8"         "DESCRIPTION" "vias1"     
>     "RESULT_FIELDS" "descrip" "RESULT_HEADERS" "Descripcion"     
>     "ows_title" "vias1"    END    #STATUS DEFAULT    #METADATA    #
>     'ows_title' 'vias1'    #END    STATUS OFF TRANSPARENCY 100   
>     PROJECTION    'proj=longlat' 'datum=WGS84'    'no_defs'    END   
>     CLASS       NAME 'vias1'        STYLE         WIDTH 0.91         
>     COLOR 229 149 93       END    END  END
>     >
>     > LOG ERROR DE APACHE--------------------------------------[Mon
>     Oct 08 12:02:24 2012] [error] [client] Incorrect setting
>     for 'error_log' in 'php.ini'. Set to a valid file name., referer:
>     http://localhost/pmapper/map_default.phtml[Mon Oct 08 12:02:24
>     2012] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  pg_query():  in
>     C:\\ms4w\\apps\\pmapper\\pmapper-4.2.0\\incphp\\query\\squery.php
>     on line 712, referer:
>     http://localhost/pmapper/map_default.phtml[Mon Oct 08 12:02:24
>     2012] [error] [client] P.MAPPER: PG Query error for :
>     SELECT gid, , referer:
>     http://localhost/pmapper/map_default.phtml[Mon Oct 08 12:02:24
>     2012] [error] [client]                    
>     xmin(box3d(geom)), , referer:
>     http://localhost/pmapper/map_default.phtml[Mon Oct 08 12:02:24
>     2012] [error] [client]                    
>     ymin(box3d(geom)), , referer:
>     http://localhost/pmapper/map_default.phtml[Mon Oct 08 12:02:24
>     2012] [error]
>     >   [client] xmax(box3d(geom)), , referer:
>     http://localhost/pmapper/map_default.phtml[Mon Oct 08 12:02:24
>     2012] [error] [client]                    
>     ymax(box3d(geom)), , referer:
>     http://localhost/pmapper/map_default.phtml[Mon Oct 08 12:02:24
>     2012] [error] [client]                     descrip ,
>     referer: http://localhost/pmapper/map_default.phtml[Mon Oct 08
>     12:02:24 2012] [error] [client]                FROM
>     "vias1" , referer: http://localhost/pmapper/map_default.phtml[Mon
>     Oct 08 12:02:24 2012] [error] [client]              
>     WHERE   descrip ILIKE '%JR.APACHETA%' , referer:
>     http://localhost/pmapper/map_default.phtml[Mon Oct 08 12:02:24
>     2012] [error] [client]               LIMIT 301, referer:
>     http://localhost/pmapper/map_default.phtml[Mon Oct 08 12:02:24
>     2012] [error] [client
>     >] PHP Warning:  pg_numrows() expects parameter 1 to
>     be resource, boolean given in
>     C:\\ms4w\\apps\\pmapper\\pmapper-4.2.0\\incphp\\query\\squery.php
>     on line 716, referer: http://localhost/pmapper/map_default.phtml
>     >
>     > Saludos Miguel Cisneros
>     >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     > Don't let slow site performance ruin your business. Deploy New
>     Relic APM
>     > Deploy New Relic app performance management and know exactly
>     > what is happening inside your Ruby, Python, PHP, Java, and .NET app
>     > Try New Relic at no cost today and get our sweet Data Nerd shirt
>     too!
>     >
>     > _______________________________________________
>     > pmapper-users mailing list
>     >
>     </mc/compose?>
>     >
>     >
>     >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     Don't let slow site performance ruin your business. Deploy New
>     Relic APM
>     Deploy New Relic app performance management and know exactly
>     what is happening inside your Ruby, Python, PHP, Java, and .NET app
>     Try New Relic at no cost today and get our sweet Data Nerd shirt too!
>     _______________________________________________
>     pmapper-users mailing list
>     </mc/compose?>

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