Hi all,

pmapper 4.3 (Plainlayout4 / swap legend tab)
mapserver 6.2
php 5.3.3-7
Debian server

Trying this plugin into the pmapper default demo.

config_default.xml has been modified following the instructions of the
readme file. (copy/paste without modification)

No additional options are being used (no buttons, no styles, ..). When the
plugin is actived, 2 select boxes are added on top of the map.

Works fine with themes, layers are selected accordingly to what is
specified in the themesAndViews.xml file.

When I try a view, the map refreshes itself with the right layer
(countries), but the extent is not taken into account.
Here is what I've set:


I don't see any error being reported.

Firebug shows the following POSTs:

*-> parameters: selected=view_test and type=view
*-> response: {"transparencies":{"countries":70},"extent":"4000000 2500000
4350000 2750000","reload":"1"}*

It looks like the extent is read but not passed on as a parameter.

*POST http://pmapper430/incphp/xajax/x_load.php?&zoom_type=zoompoint*

As you can see, the 'zoompoint' type is chosen.

So I tried to modify the  'if (extent)' test in tav.js (line 373) to 'if
(!(typeof extent == "undefined"))'.
Then I got the following
*POST http://

'zoomextent' is now selected, but when looking at its response:
*Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'MapScriptException' with message
'mapObj::setExtent() expects parameter 1 to be double
mapObj->setExtent('null', NULL, NULL, NULL)*

There is indeed no extent in the parameters of this POST.

Where should I look to set the extent as a parameter?

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