Hi José:

Are you talking about the dialog container of the layerinfo plugin?
If so, you are changing the values in the right file (layerinfo.js located
in the following
folder: C:\ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper-4.3.X\plugins\layerinfo\)
I had a look at this file and the first lines look like this:


    dlgOptions: {width:595, height:520, left:25, top:130, resizeable:true,
newsize:false, container:'pmDlgContainer'},

When I changed the width and height in this file, the modifications worked
out fine (after refreshing the page).
I don't understand where the error comes from, it should work the way you
did it.
However, it might be a cookie-related problem.
Did you disable the use of cookies in "C:\ms4w\Apache\cgi-bin\php.ini"?
If not, it could be the reason why you can't see the changes you made in
To disable cookies, you need to change "session.use_cookies = 1" to
"session.use_cookies = 0" in php.ini (around line 1400).
Hope this was helpful!

Best regards,

2015-07-03 10:48 GMT+02:00 jose mvm <jose.ma...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> How can i resize the dialog container?
> I tried to change settings in the layerinfo.js file
>      - dlgOptions: {width:300, height:200, resizeable:true, newsize:false,
> container:'pmDlgContainer'},
> I tried also identify, through the firebug inspector, where i could change
> the size but I couldn't understand...
>      - <div id="pmDlgContainer" class="jqmDialog jqmID1" style="z-index:
> 99;
> height: 200px; width: 300px; display: block; opacity: 100;">
> Can anyone help me, please?
> Thank you in advance
> Best Regards
> José
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://pmapper-users-p-mapper-users-mailing-list.993774.n3.nabble.com/layerinfo-plugin-dialog-container-tp4025776.html
> Sent from the pmapper-users -- p.mapper users mailing list mailing list
> archive at Nabble.com.
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