Re: [pmapper-users] search.xml

2008-01-15 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il martedì 15 gennaio 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 Hi, i'm working with pmapper3.2beta4 and i'm using postgis;
 i have a problem to use search.xml with
 type=suggest/option, i wrote in search.xml:

 searchitem name=civici description=civici_pg
 layer type=postgis name=civici
 field type=s name=descvia description=via
   definition type=suggest connectiontype=db
 sort=asc minlength=1 dependfld=descvia/

 When i make the search i have this error:
 Warning:  Suggest::require_once(DB.php)
 [function.Suggest-require-once]: failed to open stream: No
 such file or directory in
 on line 126
 Anybody could help me??

 thanks all!!

This error seems not related to p.mapper. 

Please check your PEAR installation.

As the message says, DB.php was not found.

DB.php is part of PEAR DB abstraction layer.


Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
Linux User# 167502

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Re: [pmapper-users] PHP error(s)

2007-11-26 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il lunedì 26 novembre 2007, Alessandro Pasotti ha scritto:

Sorry for the previous mail (I clicked too fast)

 Il lunedì 26 novembre 2007, Dave Nuttall ha scritto:
  On a CentOS-5 with either p.mapper-stable or p.mapper-dev/beta, the basic
  interface resolves but without any legend or primary map.

I just wanted to say that those errors are just warnings, not real errors 
and you can safely ignore them.

The problem is that if those warnings are outputted on screen they can break 
the application because the browser will interpret them as a part of the 

Try to set at the beginning of the scripts

error_reporting($errorlevel  ~E_NOTICE);

as explained here:

Or modify your php.ini globally to avoid notice and warnings.

Hope it helps.

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
Linux User# 167502

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
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Re: [pmapper-users] AGG problem? PasteImage function should only be used with GD images

2007-10-26 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il venerdì 26 ottobre 2007, Alessandro Pasotti ha scritto:
 Hi, I configured MS 5.0 with AGG and I now have this error with the print

 Fatal error: PasteImage function should only be used with GD images.
 in /srv/www/htdocs_ssl/vnlib/pmapper-dev/incphp/print/print.php on line 91

 I suspect it has something to do with using AGG as a rendering driver, is
 there any workaround for this ? (beside turning AGG off)

Well, I repond to myself...

Here is a workaround (but maybe is better to add a config.ini option to select 
this format)

My main format is AGG

NAME jpeg
MIMETYPE image/jpeg

NAME jpeg2
MIMETYPE image/jpeg

Then in print.php (line 72 or similar)

$sbarImg = $this-createScaleBar($printType, $imgDPI);
$refImg = $this-map-drawReferenceMap();

Then comment out 


from pdf and html switch and in 

 * Draw Scale Bar
function createScaleBar($printType, $imgDPI)

This works for me but it's an ugly quick fix.

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
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[pmapper-users] AGG problem? PasteImage function should only be used with GD images

2007-10-26 Thread Alessandro Pasotti

Hi, I configured MS 5.0 with AGG and I now have this error with the print 

Fatal error: PasteImage function should only be used with GD images. 
in /srv/www/htdocs_ssl/vnlib/pmapper-dev/incphp/print/print.php on line 91

I suspect it has something to do with using AGG as a rendering driver, is 
there any workaround for this ? (beside turning AGG off)

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
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Re: [pmapper-users] p.mapper and js compression

2007-10-25 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il mercoledì 24 ottobre 2007, Armin Burger ha scritto:
 I can put as default the compressed single files for javascript and
 javascript/jquery in the releases and put the uncompressed source files
 under a directory 'src'.

 Folks who are going to modify p.mapper JS files should probably be
 capable to use the compression method of their choice, including the
 p.mapper version.

This would be great.


Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
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Re: [pmapper-users] p.mapper and js compression

2007-10-24 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il mercoledì 24 ottobre 2007, Armin Burger ha scritto:
 I don't see exactly what the problems are. Compressing and putting
 everything in 1 big JS file (and all jQuery files without additional
 compression in 1 file) will increase the loading speed by some seconds, and
 compression via GZ or via Apache gzip helps additionally. So one can do it.

Personally I don't feel there is a problem, we are just discussing about how 
to improve p.mapper loading time.

So far it has proved to be an interesting topic.

Concerning the legend icons, a possible solution is  described here:

I agree that anybody can choose an independent solution, but if we (you 
included, of course) agree about a common solution, this could be implemented 
in the p.mapper distributions so that people with less hacking attitude 
could benefit from this.

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
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[pmapper-users] p.mapper and js compression

2007-10-23 Thread Alessandro Pasotti

I would like to share some thought about p.mapper loading times, I feel that 
having many uncompressed js files push up loading times significantly due to 
two main reasons:

1 - file size (188KB uncompressed)
2 - number of requests

Point 2 is browser dependant but AFAIK most browsers typically can handle no 
more than 2 (IE) http requests simultaneously.

I've come up with a solution that I'm using in many projects (mainly ajax) and 
tests in pmapper give good results.

This is what I've done:

# cd javascript
# for i in $(ls *.js); do mv $i $i.src; done 
# for i in $(ls *.js.src); do $i  pm.js ; done

This produces a single 95KB pm.js file that is loaded at startup.
additionally gzip gives a 27KB file.

So we can go from 20 files 188KB to one file 27KB compressed and gzipped.

# cat
java -jar custom_rhino.jar -c $1 21

You can download custom_rhino.jar from here:

There are many other js compression techniques, but I prefer this one as it is 
less error prone.

The same could be done in jquery directory.
Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
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Re: [pmapper-users] Bug in xmlhttp.js

2007-10-13 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il venerdì 12 ottobre 2007, Armin Burger ha scritto:
 Thanks for the hint. I don't know any more why I used indexOf...

 I tried a jQuery-fied version like

 for (var l in layers) {
  $('#spxg_' +

 and it worked fine. If you can try if it also removes your problem than
 I will put that on the main code. It's probably possible to have it in a
 more elegant jQuery notation but I did not find anything better.

Yes, it works fine for me too.

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
Linux User# 167502

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[pmapper-users] Bug in xmlhttp.js

2007-10-12 Thread Alessandro Pasotti

Hi all,

I've run into a bug in function updateTocScale(tocurl), when I have two layers 
with a similar name the vis/unvis classes are not applied correctly:

I have two raster layers named

The check on line 161 (3.2beta1) 
if ( 'spxg_' + l) != -1) {

returns true for the second layer even when l is Satellite.

A quick fix is to do an exact comparison:

if ( == 'spxg_' + l) {

but I completely ignore why the check was like that, so probably my fix will 
not work in other situations.

Perhaps a match() function on the id would do a better job.

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
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Re: [pmapper-users] p.mapper and image pop-up link

2007-09-11 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il martedì 11 settembre 2007, Laura Poggio ha scritto:
 Dear list,
 I finally solved the basic problems and set up a working application
 thanks to p.mapper. It is really great that such a nice tool is available!.
 Now I have an other problem. I have a point layer (soil sites). I would
 like to link to each point an image showing the site itself.
 The ideal situation would be to have a thumbnail of the image as pop-up and
 when clicking on a link in the pop-up to have the full image. The format of
 the image does not mind, can be any graphical format or even pdf.
 I didn't find any information about how to do that. I have some code in PHP
 on how to link thumbnails and images (files), but I do not know how to link
 to p.mapper. The only possibility it came to my mind is to put the images
 in a database and to join the field to the point layer. Is that a real
 possibility to explore?


We've done something similar before, we decided to store images on the 
filesystem and save the image path (relative to the base storage folder) in 
the database.

You can retrieve this path as a normal attribute and create an hyperlink in 
p.mapper query results window without (almost) touching p.mapper code.

If you need something more fancy, you could create a custom tool, a js 
function to handle the tool and a small ajax responder that return the image 

There is a getxy example of such a function in the mailing list archives 
(about one or year ago, I think).

Since p.mapper use jQuery, you can also find a lot of nice plugins (lightbox 
effect for example) for image display.

Hope it helps.

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
Linux User# 167502

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
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pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] Layout with query results in result zone below map

2007-07-18 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il mercoledì 18 luglio 2007, Gambin Dejan ha scritto:
 Thanks Armin very much, that's what I needed...

 I have a question that is not critical to me but just as idea: would it
 be (simple enough) possible that infoZone is dynamic, so when I am not
 using query I have a bigger available space for my map and when I make a
 query, infoZone displays...and maybe after doing some kind of refresh
 or clear query, the map is returned without the infoZone?

Please take a look to this template, perhaps is similar to what you're trying 
to achieve:

Example: attribute search in Appalto_24 for Sottozona = GRA

Query results are overlayed over the map frame.

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
Linux User# 167502

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Re: [pmapper-users] Layout with query results in result zone below map

2007-07-18 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il mercoledì 18 luglio 2007, Gambin Dejan ha scritto:
 Thanks Alessandro. This is verya nice. How did you achieve it?

Basically, it uses jquery and use InfoZoneStyle = 4.

I had to modify a couple of files...

Instructions follow (I hope I didnt' forget anything):

-- javascript/layout.js line 165

// ABP: fade in
if (this.InfoZoneStyle == 4){
this.setParams(infoZone, 0, mapZoneH + this.NorthHeight + 
this.SouthHeight - this.InfoZoneHeight + this.MarginOuterHorizN + 
this.MarginInnerHoriz , infoZoneW + this.MarginOuterVertE + 
this.MarginOuterVertW, this.InfoZoneHeight);
} else {
this.setParams(infoZone, infoZoneL, mapZoneH + this.NorthHeight + 
this.MarginOuterHorizN + this.MarginInnerHoriz, infoZoneW, 

-- javascript/layout.js line 107

// ABP: 4 = JQUERY
var mapZoneH = (this.InfoZoneStyle == 4 ? innerElemH  : innerElemH - 

-- js_config.php

// Info Zone, eg. for query results
Layout.InfoZoneHeight = 100;
Layout.InfoZoneStyle  = 4; // 1: mapZone + east;  2: mapZone + west;  3: 
full width; 4: JQUERY; 5: hide

-- xmlxttp.js

 * Get query results and display them by parsing the JSON result string
function getQueryResult(qurl, params) {
type: POST,
url: qurl,
data: params,
dataType: json,
success: function(response){
var mode = response.mode;
var queryResult = response.queryResult;

if (mode != 'iquery') {
if (PMap.infoWin == 'window') {
} else {
//if (PMap.infoWin == 'frame')
writeQResult(queryResult, PMap.infoWin);
// ABP: show
if(Layout.InfoZoneStyle == 4){
$('#infoZone').fadeTo(fast, 0.9);
href=javascript:void(0); onclick=$(\'#infoZone\').fadeOut();return 
false;img src=images/close.gif border=0 /anbsp;');
} else {
// Display result in DIV and postion it correctly

-- javascript/pminit.js line 75

// ABP:
if(Layout.InfoZoneStyle == 4){

-- javascript/pmjson.js
 * Return HTML for no results found in query
function returnNoResultHtml(infoWin) {
// ABP: close button
var h = 'table class=restable cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0';
if (infoWin == 'window'){
h += 'td' + localeList['noRecords'] + '/td';
h += 'tda href=javascript:this.close();img align=right 
src=images/close.gif border=0 /a/td';
} else if(Layout.InfoZoneStyle == 4) {
h += 'tda href=javascript:void(0); 
onclick=$(\'#infoZone\').fadeOut();return false;img align=left 
src=images/close.gif border=0 /a' + localeList['noRecords'] + '/td';
} else {
h += 'td' + localeList['noRecords'] + '/td';
h += '/tr/table';
return h;

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
Linux User# 167502

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Re: [pmapper-users] x_select.php being called twice in a row

2007-07-02 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il sabato 30 giugno 2007, Armin Burger ha scritto:
 Hi Alessandro,

 One can put the select menu also over the map, so it's more visible.
 Modifications of this sort as well as animations are typically part of
 customizations. There is rarely one golden way how to achieve a goal.
 Some like animations, some don't.

Tahnks for the suggestion, I will try to move the select on a more visible 

 if one starts with dis/enabling buttons, then where to start and where
 to stop? One could disable also zoomin/out when max/min reached,
 back/fwd button when history exceeded, also identify and tooltips just
 if there are queryable layers. This would require a full set of update
 mechanisms and their definition. And at the end I wonder if it is more
 confusing if half of the buttons are disabled at the beginning...

Is this not the normal way the GUIs works?
But I understand it requires a lot of work.

 The double call is - as Walter discovered - related to a double call
 both via onmousedown and onclick. The reason for having this was related
 to usage consistency. This was years in the past so I just recall
 vaguely that there was a potential problem with a user clicking on a
 button and moving in or out, and then active button and tool mode could
 have been different. The workaround with double call removed this and I
 kept it.

So, do you think is dangerous to apply the Walter's patch and it could lead to 

 In your case where you want to draw attention to something happening,
 maybe a double animation draws even more attention ;-)

Yes, I can live with it.

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
Linux User# 167502

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Re: [pmapper-users] x_select.php being called twice in a row

2007-07-02 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il sabato 30 giugno 2007, Armin Burger ha scritto:
 It's possible even though most of ajax calls should be fast enough
 without needing this. Maybe it's useful for select/identify 

Yes, this is exactly where I think it is more useful.
I also don't notice delays when testing locally, but on the remote server, 
sometimes those actions take a long ( 1 sec) time, users could think it 
doesn't work.

 that can 
 take a bit longer. However, I had to watch gmail carefully to see what
 you meant, I never noticed this before...

Google is *fast* :)

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
Linux User# 167502

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[pmapper-users] Measure tool persistent lines

2007-07-02 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
One customer asked me he wants to print the shapes he draws through the 
measure tool.

I've implemented a quick hack to the tool that when the user press s saves 
the shape into a session var.

Shapes are then treated like a custom layer and hence printed on PDF and 
normal HTML prints.

Multiple shapes can be saved (and all af them are persistent).

Clcking the reload button clears all the shapes.

Anybody interested in this feature?

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
Linux User# 167502

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Re: [pmapper-users] Measure tool persistent lines

2007-07-02 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il lunedì 02 luglio 2007, Walter Lorenzetti ha scritto:
 Hi Alessandro,

 I'm interested in this feature...
 I wanted implement a feature like this but... I didn't have more time to
 develop this...

 also some customers ask me this feature!

 so do you have a online pmapper application to show?

It's still in development, but you can try it here:

I did not test on browsers other than FF, please test it on explorer 6 and 7 
if you can.

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
Linux User# 167502

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[pmapper-users] Another small RFE

2007-07-02 Thread Alessandro Pasotti

always on usability: the attribute search select box is reset to option[0] 
every time the user changes the value.

This way the information about which layer is being searched is lost.

I changed the code to keep the selected layer name (not to reset the selected 
value to 0).

I would like to see it in pmapper trunk.

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
Linux User# 167502

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Re: [pmapper-users] x_select.php being called twice in a row

2007-06-29 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il giovedì 28 giugno 2007, Armin Burger ha scritto:
 At least in the current version 3.1 this seems not to be the case. It
 does not hurt very much to have it called twice, though...

I'm addressing usability, trying to improve it, and one of the problem I've 
seen is that users don't notice that the select tool is bound to a 
particular layer because the select control is very small. Another problem 
arises when no queryable layers are active, the user should be warned somehow 
that cannot use the select tool in those cases (maybe disable the tool?).

So I've added a warning message in the select DIV in case no options for the 
select are returned in x_select.php , and a simple slideIn animation to draw 
user attention to the select DIV area.

Sorry for the long explanation, but if x_select is called twice, the animation 
also play twice, and this is not so nice.

Anyway, if you are sure 3.1 doesn't call x_select twice I will run diff 
against it on all js files and see if some critical parts have changed.

Perhaps we should join our efforts in order to improve pmapper usability, I 
don't think it need heavy refactorying, just a few small enhancements.


Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
Linux User# 167502

This email is sponsored by DB2 Express
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Re: [pmapper-users] x_select.php being called twice in a row

2007-06-29 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il venerdì 29 giugno 2007, Alessandro Pasotti ha scritto:

 Perhaps we should join our efforts in order to improve pmapper usability, I
 don't think it need heavy refactorying, just a few small enhancements.

I forgot to mention that it would be also nice having a sort of 
progress/spinner icon that shows up when an ajax call is in action, just to 
notify the user that something is happening in the background, something like 
the red Loading... box in gmail.

I don't know jquery very well, but at least with prototype it should'nt be 
that hard to do.

What do you think about it?

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
Linux User# 167502

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Re: [pmapper-users] x_select.php being called twice in a row

2007-06-29 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il giovedì 28 giugno 2007, Armin Burger ha scritto:
 At least in the current version 3.1 this seems not to be the case. It
 does not hurt very much to have it called twice, though...
 'x_select.php' is also called when 'select' is the active tool and you
 zoom in, out, change layers.

I've updated
xmlhttp.js, mapserv.js and pmjson.js to the 3.1.0 version
but the double call to x_select.php is still in, further investigation 
indicates that the double call happens only when I click on the select and 
auto_identify buttons but not when I switch on/off the layers in the toc, in 
this latter case just one call is fired.

Does anybody have a live demo of the 3.1.0 release that I can test?

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
Linux User# 167502

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Re: [pmapper-users] x_select.php being called twice in a row

2007-06-29 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il venerdì 29 giugno 2007, Walter Lorenzetti ha scritto:
 Hi Alessandro,


Thanks Walter!

I can confirm that x_select.php is called twice in your demo too.

Activate firebug and press select button.

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
Linux User# 167502

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[pmapper-users] x_select.php being called twice in a row

2007-06-28 Thread Alessandro Pasotti

I noticed in FF with firebug (but it happens also with firebug disabled) that 
when I press the select button x_select.php is called twice in a row.

Anybody knows why it happens?

I'm working on an heavily modified pmapper svn two months old.

Thanks in advance.
Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
Linux User# 167502

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Re: [pmapper-users] Excluding layers from Identify

2007-06-19 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il martedì 19 giugno 2007, Pietro Laranci ha scritto:
 Hi all, this is my first question, how can I say to pmapper to use the
 identify function (the ?) only with certain layers and not with all the
 turned on ones?

I believe you should comment out TEMPLATE in the mapfile for layers you don't 
want to query.

This is more related to mapserver than pmapper, but I know it's impossibile to 
know this unless you know the answer itself :)

I guess it's for historical reason (CGI age) that the template layer field 
indicates if the layer is queryable (and which template handles the query 
results), it's a couple of years now that everybody 
puts void dummy, fake and such in the template field just to indicate 
if a user can query that layer.

This should hopefully change someday, it is really confusing.

Hope it helps.
Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
Linux User# 167502

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Re: [pmapper-users] Links to external adresses at custom.js

2007-06-13 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il mercoledì 13 giugno 2007, Christian Braun ha scritto:
 Thanks for your answer,but I want to extend the two functions for the
 category and layers with a static link to a meta data base. Nothing that
 is to complex.

 function showCategoryInfo(cat) {
   alert('Info about category: ' + cat);

 function showGroupInfo(group) {
 alert('Info about group: ' + group);

 cheers, Christian

You can use exactly the same system I described for openHyperLinks.

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
Linux User# 167502

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[pmapper-users] field values returned by iquery

2007-05-15 Thread Alessandro Pasotti

I'm not sure about the intended behaviour of this function in case of defined 
RESULT_HYPERLINK, imagine this use case:

   DESCRIPTION  Particelle catastali
   RESULT_HEADERS   Particella,GID
   RESULT_HYPERLINK particella||Apri scheda particella,gid||Rif. 

This works as expected in search and query mode, but when using iquery, the 
hyperlink strings are shown instead of the real field values.

I don't know if this is the expected beahviour, if this is the case, I propose 
to change it in order to show the real values when in iquery mode since in 
this mode there is no click-able hyperlink in the iquery result window.

To change this, is sufficient to add a check for $this-mode != 'iquery' in 
printFieldValues() and import $this-mode value in Query subclasses from 
the parent class (BTW this value is stored in $_SESSION) since constructor is 
not called in derived classes.


Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
Linux User# 167502

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Re: [pmapper-users] Empty field values in query result

2007-04-11 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il 11:16, mercoledì 11 aprile 2007, Gambin Dejan ha scritto:

 This is driving me crazy! Query by point returns no value and everything
 else is set (shape, field name, number of results, etc). Just the line:

 $fldValue = $qShape-values[$fldName];

 returns nothing. Does anyone have a clue?

It's hard to say what could be the reason, but did you check the case 
(upper-lower-mixed etc.) of $fldName ?

I remember having problems with DBFs.

Also try to error_log() everything returned in the result loop and examine the 

Hope it helps.
Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
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Re: [pmapper-users] Empty field values in query result

2007-04-11 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il 11:55, mercoledì 11 aprile 2007, Gambin Dejan ha scritto:
 I checked, the field name is in UPPERCASE. I have examined the content and
 evrything is fine except this line that returns nothing. $qShape and
 $fldName variables are fine as I can see. $qShape is returned by:

 $qShape = $this-qLayer-getShape($qRes-tileindex,$qRes-shapeindex); ...
 $qRes-tileindex  and $qRes-shapeindex are also valid

 This is really wierd


error_log(print_r($qShape-values, true));

not a nice output but you can figure out how the fetched values looks like.

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
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Re: [pmapper-users] Empty field values in query result

2007-04-11 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il 12:06, mercoledì 11 aprile 2007, Gambin Dejan ha scritto:
 Thanks Alessandro,

 I found the problem after opening the dbf file with the hex editor. I found
 that field names have trailing spaces, so for example field named ID is
 shown as ID but in fact it is ID followed by 8 spaces. I didn't see this
 before. Now I have to find a way to workaround this if possible...

Yes, I've seen this before, it's probably a conversion error while exporting 
into SHP from other GIS tools.

Some perl one liner or opening with OpenOffice and trim the field names should 
do the trick.

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
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[pmapper-users] Categories and groups

2007-03-28 Thread Alessandro Pasotti

I like and use the use categories pmapper feature, I'm thinking about how 
this feature could be linked to mapserver's mapfile GROUP field.

Mapserver define and use groups, but pmapper (optionally) use its own category 
sistem, is it possible/useful try to unify the two systems?

This could be a benefit by cutting another configuration step in pmapper.

There could be a way to (optionally) auto-configure categories taking them 
from mapfile groups.

Any opinion?

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
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Re: [pmapper-users] New pmapper site is online

2007-03-23 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il 19:52, giovedì 22 marzo 2007, Armin Burger ha scritto:
 Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
Some technical info:
  Raster map is 1.5GB GEOTIFF with internal tiles and overviews
  Resource and itineraries vectors are in POSTGIS tables, the latter being
  an arc-node M2M network
  Other vectors are in shapefile format, some of them are quite heavy:
  level curves are over 700MB.
  Hardware is double XEON 3GHz with 4GB RAM and SCSI disk.
  Performaces are lower than I expected, this is mainly due to the huge
  raster and POSTGIS vectors being slow despite proper indexing. This is
  the reason why most layers are off by default.

 One reason for bad performance could be the use of Mapserver 4.10. At
 least with huge imagery and output as Jpeg it can take much more time
 than with MS 4.8. I discovered that recently, but I had no time to
 further investigate in that.

Thanks Armin, I find the discussions about performance optimization very 
interesting and every suggestion is welcome.

The output is PNG24 (RGB) so maybe this is not the issue, or mapserver 4.10 is 
also slower on PNG?

 1.5 GB Tiff is not very much for imagery, satellite datasets often have
 up to 2 GB for single files. With overviews they are displayed very
 efficiently. A problem could just be if the images are split up into
 lots of small files. Then it helps to merge them into bigger chunks of
 up to a few 100's MB each.

It is one single GEOTIFF 24bit file with internal overviews an tiles.

 The display of contour lines can be very slow if you have some lines
 that are extremely 'long'. They need to be read completely even if just
 some parts are displayed. For that it helps splitting the lines into
 smaller chunks, e.g. with an intersection applied to it using a regular
 polygon grid as overlay.

This is probably one of the main reasons, I will try splitting the curves.

 The only time I found PostGIS data very slow was when I defined the
 re-projection in the data tag for PostGIS, thus letting PostGIS do the
 projection transformation. Re-projection inside Mapserver was up to 10
 times faster.

Not my case, projection is homogeneous so no need for reprojection.

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
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Re: [pmapper-users] New suggest function

2007-03-23 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il 19:39, giovedì 22 marzo 2007, Armin Burger ha scritto:

 What you ask for is possible with the current code, one has to specify
 the dBase file (usually the dbf part of a shapefile), 

In my case it is a mapinfo file (not my choice :( ), I don't think the DBF 
will work (without conversion, but this would mean forcing the customer to do 
this conversion and another file upload each time the mapinfo file changes, 
this upload is done from the customer with a GUI at the moment).

Don't you think that a more abstract function based on mapscript (that can 
read all its supported file formats) could do the trick for most mapserver 
supported file types?

I volunteer to write this function if you think it is worth.

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
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[pmapper-users] New suggest function

2007-03-22 Thread Alessandro Pasotti

I noticed a new suggest functionality in search.php, I didn't understand yet 
how it works, but it seems that values can be retrieved from various sources.

Is it possible to retrieve values reading unique values of a column in the 
layer ?

If not, do you think it make sense to implement it?

I'm thinking about adding 

* Read unique values from a given layer column
function getOptionsFromLayerColumn($layer, $column, $encoding, $sort){

in search.php.

This would require passing a reference to the actual map, that is currently 
missing from class XML_search.

Any hint?

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
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Re: [pmapper-users] MAXSCALE and Identify

2007-03-21 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il 21:58, lunedì 19 marzo 2007, Armin Burger ha scritto:
 I think the patch from Alessandro will work for several zoom functions,
 but not for all. E.g. not for zoom via a rectangle (zoombox) on the map.

Yes, Armin you're right,
here is the patch for zoombox:

Insert after

// ABP: check scale
$x_pix = ($pix_maxx + $pix_minx) / 2;
$y_pix = ($pix_maxy + $pix_miny) / 2;
$xy_pix = ms_newPointObj();
$xy_pix-setXY($x_pix, $y_pix);
$minscale = $this-map-web-minscale;
$zoom_factor = $this-mapwidth / ($pix_maxx - $pix_minx);
if($zoom_factor  1){
$zoom_factor = - 1 / $zoom_factor;
$new_scale =  ($zoom_factor  0) ? $this-old_geo_scale / 
$zoom_factor : $this-old_geo_scale * ( - $zoom_factor);
//error_log($new_scale  $minscale);
if($zoom_factor != 1  $this-old_geo_scale  $new_scale  
return $this-map-zoomscale($minscale + 0.1, $xy_pix, 
$this-mapwidth, $this-mapheight, $this-geoext0, $this-maxextent);
// ABP: End

Also a small fix to the previous zoompoint patch:

Insert after

// ABP: check scale
$minscale = $this-map-web-minscale;
$new_scale =  ($this-zoom_factor  0) ? $this-old_geo_scale / 
$this-zoom_factor : $this-old_geo_scale * ( - $this-zoom_factor);
if($this-zoom_factor != 1  $this-old_geo_scale  $new_scale  
return $this-map-zoomscale($minscale + 0.1, $xy_pix, 
$this-mapwidth, $this-mapheight, $this-geoext0, $this-maxextent);

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
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[pmapper-users] New pmapper site is online

2007-03-21 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Hello everybody,

I'm pleased to announce that a new p.mapper powered site is online.

I wish to thank everybody here on this list, and of course particularly Armin 
for making pmapper so great and for qualified assistance when needed.

Hey, I was forgotting the address :)

A link to pmapper site is in the credits page reachable from all page 
footers (sorry that the customer did'nt like links in the pmapper window).

There is also a very simple help page for pmapper accessible from the upper 
right side in pmapper window, I don't remember if the latest pmapper version 
has one, in any case if somebody wants to use it, he is free to do so. Or 
maybe this page could be integrated in the pmapper trunk (Italian only ATM 
but it will be translated in a few european languages).

the site is not yet finished as far as contents and translations are 
concerned, but the webgis is more or less stable even if a little bit slow.

Enjoy the itineraries in the Italian lake district, believe me: this is a 
very nice place for holidays!
Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
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Re: [pmapper-users] question on HYPERLINK

2007-03-17 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il 21:44, venerdì 16 marzo 2007, Gaston Izaguirre ha scritto:
 Hi all,

 Is there any possibility to use two RESULT_HYPERLINK fields to construct
 only one URL to be open as an hypelink from an infoWindow?

 E.g. defining something like:
 textid,id,vid,latitude,longitude,vel,sent,fecha RESULT_HEADERS
   RESULT_HYPERLINK   latitude,longitude ???

 in the metadata section of an VRT OGR layer, to get an URL with both
 latitude and longitude fields values in it.

 My intention is to create (in custom.js?) a link to open a google maps
 window with the map centered in this latitude and longitude values:'latitude,longitude'

 Somebody has made something similar?

Yes, I normally alter function parseJSON(jsonstr, infoWin) in pmjson.js and 
pass over the whole record to custom.js

This work fine, once you have the whole data record in custom.js you can just 
redirect to wherever you want.

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
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Re: [pmapper-users] MAXSCALE and Identify

2007-03-16 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il 11:18, venerdì 16 marzo 2007, Armin Burger ha scritto:
 The easiest way to solve this problem without any code modifications (I'm
 tired of permanently applying workarounds for Mapscript bugs...) is to set
 the MINSCALE to 4999 (or 4999.999) if you want to have a maximum (or
 minimum in MS logic) scale of 5000 used for the slider. I do not see any
 drawbacks for this setting.

Neither I do, but it simply is'nt enough.

Setting scale to MINSCALE -1 does'nt solve the problem for me.

BTW this is definitely a mapscript bug so we all hope they will fix it, in the 
meantime I'm not asking to integrate my patch in p.mapper, just posted it 
here in case somebody else run into this problem.

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
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Re: [pmapper-users] query by point on point layers after window resize

2007-03-12 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il 21:52, venerdì 24 novembre 2006, Armin Burger ha scritto:
 you could write both pixel and geo coordinates to the status bar or a
 DIV and see if the values you get are the ones expected and plausible.
 And also display the map width/height after resize (eg. in a div or via


 Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
  I'm experiencing the following problem: I use identify on a point layer
  and it works ok just after opening the webgis, but after a window resize
  it does'nt work anymore.
  It seems like it'sending wrong image coordinates, any hint on how to
  debug this?
  Thanks in advance.


I investigated this problem some more and I discovered that the image 
coordinates and extent are correct but map scale is not calculated correctly 
by mapscript.

It seems that explicitely setting map size and calling preparequery 
recalculate scale correctly:


$this-map-setSize($this-mapwidth, $this-mapheight);

I'm not 100% sure this solve the issue, because it happens somewhat 
erratically if you zoom in or out after resizing or maximizing the window.

Here working with
MapServer version 4.10.0

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
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[pmapper-users] [ANNOUNCEMENT] Mapstorer p.mapper plugin released

2007-03-07 Thread Alessandro Pasotti

I've commited into mapstorer svn a new plugin that allows automatic 
configuration of p.mapper webgis 2.1.1 from mapstorer maps (an independent 
installation of p.mapper 2.1.1 is required).

Although the current version of .pmapper use different configuration files, it 
should not be too difficult to update the plugin for the current p.mapper 

This plugin adds the following features:

* Pmapper configuration
* Automatic reference map

This plugin handles p.mapper 2.1.1 .ini configuration file. It also adds a 
trigger on mapstorer export mapfile function that will keep p.mapper .ini 
file and mapfile in sync.

Do not forget to export the mapfile and restart p.mapper to activate the new 

Configuration files for p.mapper are saved on a mapfile base: the mapfile name 
({MAPFILE_NAME}) is used as a base for creating configuration directory 
(called project in p.mapper slang).

The p.mapper .ini file will be saved as config_{MAPFILE_NAME}.ini and the 
custom js and php files are saved in config/{MAPFILE_NAME}/ directory. These 
directories must be writeable by the web server user.

Warning: switching off layer queryability could provoke loss of data in case 
you have set up a real template file path for the layer, in such case, the 
content of the TEMPLATE field will be cancelled.

Warning: enabling automatic reference map creation, will overwrite existing 
reference maps whenever you update map object record.

Warning: this plugin is ALPHA quality code (works for me), and is not 

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
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[pmapper-users] missing js file in info.phtml?

2007-03-06 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Hi, I see an 404 in error logs

in info.phtml, jqpmapper.js seem to be missing from my pmapper installation

script type=text/javascript src=javascript/jquery/jqpmapper.js/script
[Tue Mar 06 12:00:10 2007] [error] [client **] File does not 
exist: /*/vnlib/pmapper-dev/javascript/jquery/jqpmapper.js, referer: 

Any hint?

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
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[pmapper-users] Problem with zoomQuery and no matches

2007-03-01 Thread Alessandro Pasotti

There seems to be a problem with zoomQuery when no features match the query 
parameter: in this case the map extent is set to wrong values and mapscript 
issue a warning that breaks parsing of ajax response.

Of course it should be possible to set php error_reporting to none, but I feel 
there could be a better way.

I propose a patch to initmap.php that don't (re)set map extent in case no 
match the query parameter.

The best option IMHO would be to warn the user with an alert window that say 
something like Sorry, your query returned no data, setting map to full 
extent or something like that.

This is the patch:

Insert after

// Check if we have at least one result
return map.phtml;

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
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[pmapper-users] blank names in groups/layers

2007-02-06 Thread Alessandro Pasotti

Why is not possible to use blanks in layer/group names in p.mapper?

Is there a way to overcome this limitation?

I would be happy to provide a patch if this doesn't require a major rewrite of 

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
Linux User# 167502

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Re: [pmapper-users] blank in names of groups/layers

2007-02-06 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il 17:53, martedì 6 febbraio 2007, Armin Burger ha scritto:
 Because group names (as well as categories) are used as part of variables
 in Javascript, etc.

 I personally don't see any reason why one would need blanks for
 groups/layers. Just consider them as sort of variables, they also do not
 allow blanks. So I have no intention to change that because I don't see a
 problem with the current situation.

Thanks for your quick answer, I'm not asking you to change this, I'm just 
asking if you think it is difficult to do.

I understand that you don't need this, I feel this could solve a problem *I* 

How to display in pmapper complex layer/group names without using underscores?

Maybe you can suggest me a workaround.

Thanks in advance.
Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
Linux User# 167502

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Re: [pmapper-users] Vector Digitizing

2007-01-30 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il 22:08, lunedì 29 gennaio 2007, luca marletta ha scritto:
 On 1/29/07, ivan mincik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I think FIST project has editing capabilities.
  what about to copy some ideas from it?

 I don't really understand why transform a web client into a
 workstation gis. Maybe some simple editing features but actually I
 never used them and none of my clients ask for them.
 I provide to my clients Open-Jump or qGis and they find them appropriate.
 Web gis is for delivery information not for create it or maybe someone
 needs multi remote editing on the same shape or postgis tables?

Right, but definitely the new plugin system Armin is working on will ease the 
development of new features.

Personally, I added point digitizing to pmapper for some customers, but this 
is much simpler compared to poly/lines editing.

BTW a broader support for editing in pmapper would be an interesting 

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
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[pmapper-users] Highlight complex features

2006-12-05 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
) {
$mapMaxExt['minx'] = $shpMinx;
$mapMaxExt['miny'] = $shpMiny;
$mapMaxExt['maxx'] = $shpMaxx;
$mapMaxExt['maxy'] = $shpMaxy;

$_SESSION['mapMaxExt'] = $mapMaxExt;

// Add highlight feature if defined in URL parameters
if ($highlFeature) {
// ABP: add all shapes
// $resultlayers[$zoomLayer] = array($qShpIdx);
$resultlayers[$zoomLayer] = $qShpIdxArray;
$_SESSION[resultlayers] = $resultlayers;

// Return URL
$searchString = mode=mapzoom_type=zoomextentextent= . 
$shpMinx .+. $shpMiny .+. $shpMaxx .+. $shpMaxy . 
($highlFeature ? resultlayer=$zoomLayer+$qShpIdx : );
$mapInitURL = map.phtml?$searchString;

return $mapInitURL;

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
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[pmapper-users] queery by point on point layers after window resize

2006-11-24 Thread Alessandro Pasotti

I'm experiencing the following problem: I use identify on a point layer and it 
works ok just after opening the webgis, but after a window resize it does'nt 
work anymore.

It seems like it'sending wrong image coordinates, any hint on how to debug 

Thanks in advance.
Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
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[pmapper-users] zoom to point and buffer problem

2006-11-22 Thread Alessandro Pasotti

this is a problem in ver. 2 and 3 with point layers:

when I open the map with
zoomLayer=my_point_layer[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@0

The server issue a
Fatal error: i[MapServer Error]: setExtent(): Given map extent is invalid. 
Check that it is in the form: minx, miny, maxx, maxy

That's because the extent is set to the point itself (that obviously has no 

I thought that the pointBuffer was applied here too, but it isn't.

Are there any workaround or maybe a patch in initmap.php applying pointBuffer 
to the extent is a better solution in this case?

// Apply buffer (in units of features)
//$buffer = 2;   //  ADAPT VALUE 

// ABP: set buffer for points
if ($this-qLayerType == 0) {
$buffer = $_SESSION[pointBuffer];
} else {
$buffer = 0.05 * ((($mExtMaxx - $mExtMinx) + ($mExtMaxy - 
$mExtMiny)) / 2);

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
Linux User# 167502

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[pmapper-users] config.ini question in pmapper 2.1.1

2006-10-21 Thread Alessandro Pasotti

there is a minor issue in config.ini


; ALL groups displayed in TOC in this order
; - without definition, the order from map file will be taken.
; - separated with commas
; === MANDATORY ===

It is not clear to me if the field is mandatory why the comment says that 
there is a case without definition, is this really mandatory or there is 
some automatic default?

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
Linux User# 167502

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[pmapper-users] new pmapper project

2006-10-17 Thread Alessandro Pasotti

I'm starting another brand new pmapper project, shall I start with the latest 
pmapper 2.1.1 from sf or is there a SVN version that worth testing?

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - Open Solutions for the Net Age
Linux User# 167502

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[Pmapper-users] First set up of pmapper

2006-04-06 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il 16:36, gioved? 6 aprile 2006, Luca Casagrande ha scritto:
 Ciao Alessandro,
 solved also here with some symlinks, but i don't like them...
 Wich is the right way? With _48 or without?

I don't know what right could mean in this context, it's up to you.

BTW I love symlinks :)

Alessandro Pasotti
Linux User #167502

[Pmapper-users] How to restrict queryable layers?

2006-04-04 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il 15:21, marted? 4 aprile 2006, Armin Burger ha scritto:
 then don't specify a TEMPLATE for this layer in the map file.

Thank you, 

this is exactly what I wanted.

Alessandro Pasotti
Linux User #167502

[Pmapper-users] bug in pmapper 1.2.0?

2006-03-17 Thread Alessandro Pasotti

I've spent a few hours trying to understand this strange behaviour:

I have 1 test layer (and hence only 1 test group), almost everything was set 
to defaults.

Procedure in firefox:

- Clicking on the checkbox in the toc unchecks it and refresh the map with no 
layers loades (map is blank), as expected
- Clicking again on the checkbox, reloads the map but DO NOT LOAD ANY LAYER.

This happens because in javascript/mapserver.js line 336

for (var i=0; iparent.tocFrame.document.layerform.groupscbx.length; i++) 

parent.tocFrame.document.layerform.groupscbx.length is undefined if there is 
just one htmlinput element.

Adding an if check solved the problem for me:

function getLayers() {
var layerstring = groups=;
for (var i=0; iparent.tocFrame.document.layerform.groupscbx.length; i++) 
if (parent.tocFrame.document.layerform.groupscbx[i].checked == 
true) {
layerstring += 
} else {
  if (parent.tocFrame.document.layerform.groupscbx.checked == true){
layerstring += parent.tocFrame.document.layerform.groupscbx.value+'+';

layerstring = layerstring.substr(0, layerstring.length - 1);
return layerstring;

Alessandro Pasotti
ICQ# 245871392
Linux User #167502

[Pmapper-users] Possible contributions

2006-01-23 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il 16:20, luned? 23 gennaio 2006, Silke Reimer ha scritto:
 Hi Armin and all the other p.mapper users,

 - full support for gettext instead of the p.mapper internal way to
   define text strings.

This would be great! 

I really hope Armin will accept this contribution.

I use gettext for all my multilanguage projects and I also will need a gettext 
patch for pmapper integration.

Many thanks.

Alessandro Pasotti
ICQ# 245871392
Linux User #167502

[Pmapper-users] Possible contributions

2006-01-23 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
Il 18:26, luned? 23 gennaio 2006, Armin Burger ha scritto:
 I will probably define a function like '_p()' that is used in the code
 instead of '_()' to do all the translation of annotations etc. You can
 then either use the supplied internal function of p.mapper or map it to
 the gettext _() function like

 function _p($string)
  return _($string);

I think this is a perfect solution.

Many thanks.

Alessandro Pasotti
ICQ# 245871392
Linux User #167502