[pmwiki-users] SaveAttributes and performance

2007-12-06 Thread Hans
I have been running some performance tests using StopWatch()
with Fox processing multiple files. I noticed that the line in the
pmwiki.php SaveAttributes function

$html = MarkupToHTML($pagename,$text);

is causing the overall process time to more than double.
As a test I used Fox to rewrite and save in a different group multiple
With it Fox processed the 95 pages of PmWiki group in 27 sec,
by commenting the line this time was reduced to 12.6 sec.

Question: why is this call to MarkupToHTML in function SaveAttributes?
It seems to do nothing, but I may be wrong there!
Is it safe to remove it?
Is it safe to remove it at least when processing other pages?


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] ZAPdoc site working?

2007-12-06 Thread Benoit Dutilleul
Dear all,

Sorry for the delay. I have seen a couple of messages related to zapdoc
lately but I got other issues that required my attention and work.
I have updated the ZAPDoc site so that visitors can see the snippet sources.
I will do my best to maintain the ZAP documentation but any help would be
warmly welcome.

Kind regards from the Netherlands,


2007/12/6, Ingersoll, Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 FYI -

While I still cannot see any snippet source of the ZAP pages at
 http://zapdoc.web-farm.org/ I figured out how to get it.  8-)  Just go to
 http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/ZAP?from=Cookbook.Acme and download
 zapdocsnew.zip.  Put the files in the archive into your wiki.ddirectory.  
 They're all prefixed with ZAP which should really help
 identifying them should you decide to remove them.

Then add the line [[ZAPSupport.HomePage]] to any PmWiki page and you'll
 have access to the snippets and many other useful ZAP information.

 - Nelson

 PS - May seem trivially easy to some; and it is.  The rest of us,
  overwhelmed with jargon, can use all the help in the world
  learning how to get around in PmWiki and its recipes.

 pmwiki-users mailing list

pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] putenv() error in config.php

2007-12-06 Thread Ingersoll, Nelson

   I am using the exact same PmWiki in two servers.  One is served under 
Slackware and the other on my WinXP PC.  The Slackware system is a LAMP system. 
 I'm running UniformServer on my PC.  When I visit the wiki on Slackware I see 
no errors.  When visiting the wiki on my PC I see this error message.  
Warning: putenv() [function.putenv]: Safe Mode warning: Cannot set environment 
variable 'TZ' - it's not in the allowed list in C:\home\PmWiki\local\config.php 
on line 26.  It is displayed at the top of the page and each subsequent page.  

   The line(s), shown below, causing the problem are recommended in default 
config.php.  I'm guessing something is amiss in my UniformServer setup.   Does 
anyone have any experience which might help me figure out what I might change 
to correct this error?

$TimeFmt = '%B %d, %Y, at %I:%M %p %Z';

- Nelson

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] putenv() error in config.php

2007-12-06 Thread Hans
Thursday, December 6, 2007, 3:55:53 PM, Ingersoll, Nelson wrote:

 visiting the wiki on my PC I see this error message.  Warning: putenv()
 [function.putenv]: Safe Mode warning: Cannot set environment variable 'TZ' - 
 it's not
 in the allowed list in C:\home\PmWiki\local\config.php on line 26.

turn safe mode off for your server.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] putenv() error in config.php

2007-12-06 Thread Hans
Thursday, December 6, 2007, 3:55:53 PM, Ingersoll, Nelson wrote:

The line(s), shown below, causing the problem are recommended in default 
 config.php.  I'm
 guessing something is amiss in my UniformServer setup.   Does anyone have any 
 which might help me figure out what I might change to correct this error?

and if for some reason you need safe mode, you could add TZ to the
allowed strings for safe mode, in your server's php.ini file:

safe_mode_allowed_env_vars = PHP_,TZ

(adds TZ as a a prefix to the default PHP_)


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] including the contents of a php file on a wiki page

2007-12-06 Thread Hans
Tuesday, December 4, 2007, 6:25:59 PM, Peter  Melodye Bowers wrote:

 Again, I'm interested both in the security ramifications as well as any
 thoughts how to get non-eval'd source included onto a page...

Here is a markup and function for showing file content without
evaluation. No attempt is made to ask for any read authorisation.
You could show any file on your system.

Markup('showsource', 'directives', /\\(:showsource\\s?(.*?)\\s*?:\\)/e,

function ShowSource($filename) {
$text = htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($filename));
return pre class='escaped'.Keep($text)./pre;


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] including the contents of a php file on a wiki page

2007-12-06 Thread Hans
PS: forgot to say:

use markup (:showsource filename:)
 (:showsource cookbook/anyfile.php:)

the path is relativ to the pmwiki script.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] New Skin -- Blix

2007-12-06 Thread St�phane Heckel

DaveG wrote :


 Hope you like it! More coming in another three weeks...

very smart !

I have issues to make it work with IE6.:
- right menu appears at the bottom of the page
- page is not centered (left positioned)

Is this known issues ?



pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] Avoid repetition in pagelists?

2007-12-06 Thread Benoit Dutilleul
Dear all,

I am using a pagelist entry with the option Group=group1,group2 to display a
customized RecentChanges list to the users of my site. The 2 groups are
related to each other because group1 is used to store ZAP variables related
to the content stored in group2 pages. Thus, for a group1.namex page, there
is always a group2.namex page as well.

Now, sometimes, my users make a change in a page namey that affects
group1.namey and immediately after, they edit group2.namey. Therefore, in my
recent changes pages, I have 2 entries for namey. I am looking for a way to
avoid that.

Would anybody have an idea to do that?
Kind regards,

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] pmwiki-users Digest, Vol 30, Issue 16

2007-12-06 Thread Peter Melodye Bowers
 From: TSgt Marshall Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [pmwiki-users] Debugging help?
 (:if equal $:dateOfEntryMM 01:)
   (:MMOf6MoAnniv: 07:)
   (:Of6MoAnniv: {(math '{$:dateOfEntry} + 0')}:)
 (:if equal $:dateOfEntryMM 12:)
   (:MMOf6MoAnniv: 06:)
   (:Of6MoAnniv: {(math '{$:dateOfEntry} + 1')}:)

Quoting from http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/PageTextVariables

ConditionalMarkup does not work with page text variables or include
other pages. 

Page text variables don't honor (:if:). This is the same way that doing
(:include OtherPage#section:) doesn't look to see if [[#section]] is inside
of an (:if:)...(:ifend:) construct of some sort.

I put some text in each of the (:if...:) ... (:ifend:) to visually SEE what
was happening and it looks like NONE of them were evaluating to true.  When
I changed them by putting curly braces around the PTV like so:

(:if equal {$:dateOfEntryMM} 05:)

(quotes not necessary, but less ambiguous, at least to me)
Then I at least got my text to display in the appropriate spot.  So I think
there was a syntactical problem, but the larger issue is that PTVs don't
play nicely with conditionals...

Just for a lark I changed the lines
(:MMOf6MoAnniv: XX:) 
:MMOf6MoAnniv: XX
And then instead of EVERY definition being evaluated it appears that NONE of
them get evaluated and you end up with a blank variable at the end.  So
apparently the hidden directive and the definition list work differently,
but neither of them play nicely with the conditionals (as documented).


pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] Looking for Working xToDo

2007-12-06 Thread David Fionda
Hello All
Was on the site and saw a great cookbook recipe for my PMWIki project
management needs..xToDo
The developer has not kept up with it and the code on the cookbook page is a
couple of years old.
Does anyone have an updated recipe? I see that someone named Peter K.H.
Gragert made some changes and has it working
Any help would be appreciated.. Thanks!
David J. Fionda
Chief Learning Officer
Want to learn more about the technologies and best practices shaping the
future of training and collaborative learning? Visit our blog at
http://training20.net http://training20.net/  or subscribe
to receive automatic updates via e mail.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] New Skin -- Blix

2007-12-06 Thread DaveG

 very smart !

 I have issues to make it work with IE6.:
 - right menu appears at the bottom of the page
 - page is not centered (left positioned)
I suspect those two are linked.

 Is this known issues ?
They are now :), thanks for letting me know. I'll see if I can get a fix 
out over the weekend.

  ~ ~ David

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