
I have a few IKC questions...

I'm monitoring client connections using 

IKC => 'monitor', 
        '*' => { 
                register => 'client_connect'

When a client connects, the 'client_connect' state gets called *three*
times, each time with a different kernel alias, which will be one of
something like

client_kernel_name (as set by the 'name' parameter of create_ikc_client)

Is this correct behavior?

Poking around, I've found I can always get the kernel ID by using 

(keys %{$sender->[OBJECT]->{self}{alias}})[0];

and the kernel name (again, as set by the create_ikc_client 'name') with


in the 'client_connect' state.

Then, when a client posts an event to the server, I can get the kernel
ID with


... all of which is a bit kludgy.  Is there a better way?  My ultimate
goal is to be able to figure out who's connecting to the server and
who's sending events to it, where 'who' is defined by the 'name'
parameter of client_ikc_client.


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