Re: memory (session) leaks in perl

2006-08-23 Thread Nick Williams

Firstly, thanks for the in-depth reply! Some thoughts interleaved below...

Rocco Caputo wrote:

On Aug 22, 2006, at 14:06, Nick Williams wrote:

Rocco Caputo wrote:

Do you have a use case where it's impossible to do something  under  
the new behavior?  I'm working under the assumption that a  session  
can always find a way to call sig(YOUR_SIGNAL_HERE =  undef) when  
it's ready to be destroyed.

When it's ready to be destroyed is the key. The new behaviour  
means that sessions need to track that themselves and (in effect)  
manage their own reference counting independent of POE's. Before,  
they could just rely on POE to let them know via _stop. Now, _stop  
is no longer called unless the session clears the sig first. This  is 
just a catch-22. And it leaves a race condition whereby the  session 
exists but has declared it no longer wants the signal.

Sessions already do need to manage their reference counts, at least  
in the sense that they won't exit until they stop watching for  
events.  Signal events are just another kind of event, and the  
semantics were a bit exceptional for some good reasons that don't  
necessarily apply anymore.

If I understand the catch-22 correctly, it's that a session can't  
clear its signal watchers from _stop because those  watchers prevent  
_stop from executing.  If that's the case, I'd like to point out that  
it's not very useful to clear any resources from _stop to begin  
with.  POE will automatically reclaim its resources from the session  
after _stop returns, so any explicit POE cleanup in _stop is an  
expensive no-op.

In my existing code, I'm not cleaning up POE resources - it's *my* 
resources I'm cleaning up in _stop. The point is that _stop no longer 
gets called because of the signal handlers, so I can no longer use _stop 
as a garbage cleanup mechanism similar to DESTROY, since I will by 
definition always have to know when the session is going to be 
destructed (in order to remove signal handlers) and therefore _stop 
becomes superfluous.

To be fair regarding discussions on this list, Jonathan Steinert   
announced the intent to make sig() hold sessions alive in his 19   
October 2005 message titled Nastiness, and wrapping up signal   
reforms.  I replied that day with:

Big change.  I don't mind this; the old semantics of not holding  
a  reference count were tied to _signal, which delivered signals   
without sessions explicitly asking for them.  _signal is gone  
now,  so we can tie the explicit interest of sig() into a  
reference count  to keep the session alive.

Nobody else responded.  17 days later I replied with a public go-  
ahead to make the change.

Yes, I realise that there was this discussion previously. However,  
speaking purely for myself, I didn't understand the impact of this  
at the time, since I wasn't cognizant of the internals of session  
reference counting at the time. Now I've looked at this, and I  can't 
see how the new implementation makes sense.

I can understand how the implementation might be confusing.  The  
released versions since last December have flaws, especially  
regarding reference counting.  In fact I recently committed fixes for  
them while portability testing some of Benjamin Smith's new tests.

My issue is that that the bugzilla that Jonathan was attempting to  
fix is just trivial to fix using existing POE mechanisms of  aliases, 
since there's an easy point at which you know you want to  start the 
persistence of the session, and there's a well-defined  point at 
which you can release the persistence. However, by making  the 
behaviour of persistence implicit within signals, there is  simply no 
way to achieve the opposite effect (automatic garbage  collection). 
The user (the application) must decide at which point  it has no more 
work to do and at that point it can then clear the  signal. And only 
then will POE do it's garbage collection and call  back to the 
application. This just doesn't make sense. Especially  when you 
compare signals in POE with signals in other dispatchers.  Having a 
handler configured for a signal should not make that  process 

The point that persistence shouldn't be tied to signals for  
flexibility's sake is the start of a slippery slope.  What would then  
stop us from asserting that some timers should not imply  
persistence?  Input timeouts, for example.  They don't contribute to  
a session's lifespan since they're only relevant as long as there's  
an I/O watcher.  Why then should delay() keep sessions alive?

We're really talking semantics. A delay says (i.e. is documented as) 
call me back at time T (in effect). The time will always happen (by 
definition). So, it makes sense with those semantics that the session 
should stay alive until at least time T.  However a signal (by 
definition) might never happen.

One solution might be to expand the Kernel's APIs for different  
semantic variants of each watcher.  The 

Re: memory (session) leaks in perl

2006-08-22 Thread Rocco Caputo
Do you have a use case where it's impossible to do something under  
the new behavior?  I'm working under the assumption that a session  
can always find a way to call sig(YOUR_SIGNAL_HERE = undef) when  
it's ready to be destroyed.

To be fair regarding discussions on this list, Jonathan Steinert  
announced the intent to make sig() hold sessions alive in his 19  
October 2005 message titled Nastiness, and wrapping up signal  
reforms.  I replied that day with:

Big change.  I don't mind this; the old semantics of not holding a  
reference count were tied to _signal, which delivered signals  
without sessions explicitly asking for them.  _signal is gone now,  
so we can tie the explicit interest of sig() into a reference count  
to keep the session alive.

Nobody else responded.  17 days later I replied with a public go- 
ahead to make the change.

Rocco Caputo - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Aug 21, 2006, at 09:58, Nick Williams wrote:

There appears to be a lack of opinion on this issue. Would it be  
therefore reasonable to backout the signal change in POE? Or can  
anyone suggest a way around the problem?



On Wed, 2 Aug 2006, Mathieu Longtin wrote:

It was my understanding that a session would stay alive as
long as it has child sessions. Did that behavior change?

No, this is not down to a child session - AFAIK, the behaviour  
there has

not changed.

I'm in agreement with Nick here. If a session is stritly
waiting for a child session to finish, then have it call

$_[KERNEL]-wait_for_child($session, state, @args);

wait_for_child would add a link back to the current
session, the same way set_delay does.

The issue is not wait_for_child, it's wait_for_signal (which doesn't
exist). The original problem report was that people were confused by
setting up a signal handler for UIDESTROY didn't make the session
persistent. That is standard signal semantics and the persistence
could've easily been changed by using aliases.

The new behaviour in POE (as of .3202) is that when placing a signal
handler on a session, e.g.
$kernel-sig('uidestroy', 'do_something');
that will now increment the reference count of the session and  

make that session persistent until the signal handler is deleted via
something (and note, not within the _stop event, since we don't  
get that




--- Nick Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So, I've found the reason that recent releases of POE
cause me to get
memory leaks - I know others have had problems also, so I
wanted to get
an open discussion of what I'm being bitten by and
possible ways to
workaround this.

It turns out for me that my sessions aren't being garbage
collected. In
general, my POE system doesn't *require* the _stop event
to be processed
and so I never noticed this. However, peeking into the
system shows a
large number of sessions and I can see that none of the
_stop events
have been called.

This is because of the change:

 2005-11-07 06:59:07 (r1852) by hachi
 poe/lib/POE/Resource/ M;
poe/lib/POE/Resource/ M

   Change signal watchers so they keep sessions

   WARNING: This is a major semantics change in POE.
It has the
   potential to make code 'hang' in places where it
formerly did not.

   This change is necessary so sessions expressing
an interest in SIG
   CH?LD do not die prematurely. (There is a planned
mandatory warning
   for reaped children that were not being watched.)
This change fixes
   RT 15215.

The problem with this change is that if I set up a signal
handler for
something innocuous (e.g. to handle DIE, or one of my
signals), this means that the session will do everything
except be garbage collected. I think the intention of
this change is
reasonable, but to make it the default behavior for all
possible signals
is a bit keen. If I put in place a handler for a signal,
it does NOT
mean that I want to WAIT for the signal, it usually means
that the
signal shouldn't even happen, but that I'm putting in
place a handler
*in-case* it happens. It certainly shouldn't make my
session persistent!

I'm not sure of the best way of fixing this. Possibly
enhancing the
API to have an explicity waitforsig() and maybesig()?
(That's half
tongue-in-cheek, but is actually one of the better
solutions). In terms
of normal API, a sig handler shouldn't block, so I
would expect the
sig() behaviour to follow that paradigm...

Thoughts, anyone?


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Re: memory (session) leaks in perl

2006-08-22 Thread Nick Williams

Rocco Caputo wrote:

Do you have a use case where it's impossible to do something under  
the new behavior?  I'm working under the assumption that a session  
can always find a way to call sig(YOUR_SIGNAL_HERE = undef) when  
it's ready to be destroyed.

When it's ready to be destroyed is the key. The new behaviour means 
that sessions need to track that themselves and (in effect) manage their 
own reference counting independent of POE's. Before, they could just 
rely on POE to let them know via _stop. Now, _stop is no longer called 
unless the session clears the sig first. This is just a catch-22. And it 
leaves a race condition whereby the session exists but has declared it 
no longer wants the signal.

To be fair regarding discussions on this list, Jonathan Steinert  
announced the intent to make sig() hold sessions alive in his 19  
October 2005 message titled Nastiness, and wrapping up signal  
reforms.  I replied that day with:

Big change.  I don't mind this; the old semantics of not holding a  
reference count were tied to _signal, which delivered signals  
without sessions explicitly asking for them.  _signal is gone now,  
so we can tie the explicit interest of sig() into a reference count  
to keep the session alive.

Nobody else responded.  17 days later I replied with a public go- 
ahead to make the change.

Yes, I realise that there was this discussion previously. However, 
speaking purely for myself, I didn't understand the impact of this at 
the time, since I wasn't cognizant of the internals of session reference 
counting at the time. Now I've looked at this, and I can't see how the 
new implementation makes sense.

My issue is that that the bugzilla that Jonathan was attempting to fix 
is just trivial to fix using existing POE mechanisms of aliases, since 
there's an easy point at which you know you want to start the 
persistence of the session, and there's a well-defined point at which 
you can release the persistence. However, by making the behaviour of 
persistence implicit within signals, there is simply no way to achieve 
the opposite effect (automatic garbage collection). The user (the 
application) must decide at which point it has no more work to do and at 
that point it can then clear the signal. And only then will POE do it's 
garbage collection and call back to the application. This just doesn't 
make sense. Especially when you compare signals in POE with signals in 
other dispatchers. Having a handler configured for a signal should not 
make that process persistent.

Maybe I'm thinking about it wrong. To me, explicit interest of sig() 
does not mean to me that I (this session) want to stay around until that 
sig, it means to me that it's merely putting in place a handler IN CASE 
of that sig. It's a really really important distinction. With the huge 
differentiator that the latter behaviour of 'in-case-of-handlers' CANNOT 
be achieved in the new POE signal world without careful application 
coding and ignoring any of the benefits of POE's internal garbage 

As a compromise, I've also proposed implicitly that maybe we should have 
a new function wait_for_sig() as well as just sig(), so that we can make 
the difference in semantics explicit to users. I don't mind which way 
around the functions and semantics are achieved, so long as there is a 
way of doing this.


Re: memory (session) leaks in perl

2006-08-22 Thread Mathieu Longtin
Its not impossible, its just more trouble to terminate a
session. POE suffers from poor huffman encoding as it is,
adding more obligatory code to do simple things makes it
worse. Now I have to put a line to register the signal, one
to deregister it, and a stop state, just to make sure I
deregister the signal, and I have to make sure all
terminating states yield to stop instead of just not
yielding when terminating.

Except for the UI_DESTROYED, how many signals do sessions
really wait for before terminating, as opposed to using
them informationaly?

Maybe have a call to stop the current session:


The session stops, no question asked, lose all the aliases,
all the signals, all the postback/callback become invalid,
etc... and _stop gets called, not necessarily in that


--- Rocco Caputo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Do you have a use case where it's impossible to do
 something under  
 the new behavior?  I'm working under the assumption that
 a session  
 can always find a way to call sig(YOUR_SIGNAL_HERE =
 undef) when  
 it's ready to be destroyed.
 To be fair regarding discussions on this list, Jonathan
 announced the intent to make sig() hold sessions alive in
 his 19  
 October 2005 message titled Nastiness, and wrapping up
 reforms.  I replied that day with:
  Big change.  I don't mind this; the old semantics of
 not holding a  
  reference count were tied to _signal, which delivered
  without sessions explicitly asking for them.  _signal
 is gone now,  
  so we can tie the explicit interest of sig() into a
 reference count  
  to keep the session alive.
 Nobody else responded.  17 days later I replied with a
 public go- 
 ahead to make the change.
 Rocco Caputo - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Aug 21, 2006, at 09:58, Nick Williams wrote:
  There appears to be a lack of opinion on this issue.
 Would it be  
  therefore reasonable to backout the signal change in
 POE? Or can  
  anyone suggest a way around the problem?
  On Wed, 2 Aug 2006, Mathieu Longtin wrote:
  It was my understanding that a session would stay
 alive as
  long as it has child sessions. Did that behavior
  No, this is not down to a child session - AFAIK, the
  there has
  not changed.
  I'm in agreement with Nick here. If a session is
  waiting for a child session to finish, then have it
  $_[KERNEL]-wait_for_child($session, state, @args);
  wait_for_child would add a link back to the current
  session, the same way set_delay does.
  The issue is not wait_for_child, it's wait_for_signal
 (which doesn't
  exist). The original problem report was that people
 were confused by
  setting up a signal handler for UIDESTROY didn't make
 the session
  persistent. That is standard signal semantics and the
  could've easily been changed by using aliases.
  The new behaviour in POE (as of .3202) is that when
 placing a signal
  handler on a session, e.g.
 $kernel-sig('uidestroy', 'do_something');
  that will now increment the reference count of the
 session and  
  make that session persistent until the signal handler
 is deleted via
  something (and note, not within the _stop event, since
 we don't  
  get that
  --- Nick Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  So, I've found the reason that recent releases of
  cause me to get
  memory leaks - I know others have had problems also,
 so I
  wanted to get
  an open discussion of what I'm being bitten by and
  possible ways to
  workaround this.
  It turns out for me that my sessions aren't being
  collected. In
  general, my POE system doesn't *require* the _stop
  to be processed
  and so I never noticed this. However, peeking into
  system shows a
  large number of sessions and I can see that none of
  _stop events
  have been called.
  This is because of the change:
   2005-11-07 06:59:07 (r1852) by hachi
   poe/lib/POE/Resource/ M;
  poe/lib/POE/Resource/ M
 Change signal watchers so they keep sessions
 WARNING: This is a major semantics change in
  It has the
 potential to make code 'hang' in places where
  formerly did not.
 This change is necessary so sessions
  an interest in SIG
 CH?LD do not die prematurely. (There is a
  mandatory warning
 for reaped children that were not being
  This change fixes
 RT 15215.
  The problem with this change is that if I set up a
  handler for
  something innocuous (e.g. to handle DIE, or one of
  signals), this means that the session will do
  except be garbage collected. I think the intention
  this change is
  reasonable, but to make it the default 

Re: memory (session) leaks in perl

2006-08-21 Thread Nick Williams
There appears to be a lack of opinion on this issue. Would it be 
therefore reasonable to backout the signal change in POE? Or can anyone 
suggest a way around the problem?



On Wed, 2 Aug 2006, Mathieu Longtin wrote:


It was my understanding that a session would stay alive as
long as it has child sessions. Did that behavior change?

No, this is not down to a child session - AFAIK, the behaviour there has
not changed.


I'm in agreement with Nick here. If a session is stritly
waiting for a child session to finish, then have it call

$_[KERNEL]-wait_for_child($session, state, @args);

wait_for_child would add a link back to the current
session, the same way set_delay does.

The issue is not wait_for_child, it's wait_for_signal (which doesn't
exist). The original problem report was that people were confused by
setting up a signal handler for UIDESTROY didn't make the session
persistent. That is standard signal semantics and the persistence
could've easily been changed by using aliases.

The new behaviour in POE (as of .3202) is that when placing a signal
handler on a session, e.g.
$kernel-sig('uidestroy', 'do_something');
that will now increment the reference count of the session and therefore
make that session persistent until the signal handler is deleted via
something (and note, not within the _stop event, since we don't get that




--- Nick Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


So, I've found the reason that recent releases of POE
cause me to get
memory leaks - I know others have had problems also, so I
wanted to get
an open discussion of what I'm being bitten by and
possible ways to
workaround this.

It turns out for me that my sessions aren't being garbage
collected. In
general, my POE system doesn't *require* the _stop event
to be processed
and so I never noticed this. However, peeking into the
system shows a
large number of sessions and I can see that none of the
_stop events
have been called.

This is because of the change:

 2005-11-07 06:59:07 (r1852) by hachi
 poe/lib/POE/Resource/ M;
poe/lib/POE/Resource/ M

   Change signal watchers so they keep sessions

   WARNING: This is a major semantics change in POE.
It has the
   potential to make code 'hang' in places where it
formerly did not.

   This change is necessary so sessions expressing
an interest in SIG
   CH?LD do not die prematurely. (There is a planned
mandatory warning
   for reaped children that were not being watched.)
This change fixes
   RT 15215.

The problem with this change is that if I set up a signal
handler for
something innocuous (e.g. to handle DIE, or one of my
signals), this means that the session will do everything
except be garbage collected. I think the intention of
this change is
reasonable, but to make it the default behavior for all
possible signals
is a bit keen. If I put in place a handler for a signal,
it does NOT
mean that I want to WAIT for the signal, it usually means
that the
signal shouldn't even happen, but that I'm putting in
place a handler
*in-case* it happens. It certainly shouldn't make my
session persistent!

I'm not sure of the best way of fixing this. Possibly
enhancing the
API to have an explicity waitforsig() and maybesig()?
(That's half
tongue-in-cheek, but is actually one of the better
solutions). In terms
of normal API, a sig handler shouldn't block, so I
would expect the
sig() behaviour to follow that paradigm...

Thoughts, anyone?



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Re: memory (session) leaks in perl

2006-08-21 Thread Mathieu Longtin
I'm with you on the wait_for_signal. 

However, I note that there is very little traffic on this
mailing list, not even a announcement of the last two POE

So, I wonder if POE discussions are all on some other
mailing list, or stritly on IRC at this point.


--- Nick Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There appears to be a lack of opinion on this issue.
 Would it be 
 therefore reasonable to backout the signal change in POE?
 Or can anyone 
 suggest a way around the problem?
 On Wed, 2 Aug 2006, Mathieu Longtin wrote:
 It was my understanding that a session would stay alive
 long as it has child sessions. Did that behavior
 No, this is not down to a child session - AFAIK, the
 behaviour there has
 not changed.
 I'm in agreement with Nick here. If a session is
 waiting for a child session to finish, then have it
 $_[KERNEL]-wait_for_child($session, state, @args);
 wait_for_child would add a link back to the current
 session, the same way set_delay does.
 The issue is not wait_for_child, it's wait_for_signal
 (which doesn't
 exist). The original problem report was that people were
 confused by
 setting up a signal handler for UIDESTROY didn't make
 the session
 persistent. That is standard signal semantics and the
 could've easily been changed by using aliases.
 The new behaviour in POE (as of .3202) is that when
 placing a signal
 handler on a session, e.g.
  $kernel-sig('uidestroy', 'do_something');
 that will now increment the reference count of the
 session and therefore
 make that session persistent until the signal handler is
 deleted via
 something (and note, not within the _stop event, since
 we don't get that
 --- Nick Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 So, I've found the reason that recent releases of POE
 cause me to get
 memory leaks - I know others have had problems also,
 so I
 wanted to get
 an open discussion of what I'm being bitten by and
 possible ways to
 workaround this.
 It turns out for me that my sessions aren't being
 collected. In
 general, my POE system doesn't *require* the _stop
 to be processed
 and so I never noticed this. However, peeking into the
 system shows a
 large number of sessions and I can see that none of
 _stop events
 have been called.
 This is because of the change:
   2005-11-07 06:59:07 (r1852) by hachi
   poe/lib/POE/Resource/ M;
 poe/lib/POE/Resource/ M
 Change signal watchers so they keep sessions
 WARNING: This is a major semantics change in
 It has the
 potential to make code 'hang' in places where
 formerly did not.
 This change is necessary so sessions
 an interest in SIG
 CH?LD do not die prematurely. (There is a
 mandatory warning
 for reaped children that were not being
 This change fixes
 RT 15215.
 The problem with this change is that if I set up a
 handler for
 something innocuous (e.g. to handle DIE, or one of my
 signals), this means that the session will do
 except be garbage collected. I think the intention of
 this change is
 reasonable, but to make it the default behavior for
 possible signals
 is a bit keen. If I put in place a handler for a
 it does NOT
 mean that I want to WAIT for the signal, it usually
 that the
 signal shouldn't even happen, but that I'm putting in
 place a handler
 *in-case* it happens. It certainly shouldn't make my
 session persistent!
 I'm not sure of the best way of fixing this.
 enhancing the
 API to have an explicity waitforsig() and maybesig()?
 (That's half
 tongue-in-cheek, but is actually one of the better
 solutions). In terms
 of normal API, a sig handler shouldn't block, so I
 would expect the
 sig() behaviour to follow that paradigm...
 Thoughts, anyone?
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 Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
 protection around

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: memory (session) leaks in perl

2006-08-03 Thread Nick . Williams
On Wed, 2 Aug 2006, Mathieu Longtin wrote:

 It was my understanding that a session would stay alive as
 long as it has child sessions. Did that behavior change?

No, this is not down to a child session - AFAIK, the behaviour there has
not changed.

 I'm in agreement with Nick here. If a session is stritly
 waiting for a child session to finish, then have it call

 $_[KERNEL]-wait_for_child($session, state, @args);

 wait_for_child would add a link back to the current
 session, the same way set_delay does.

The issue is not wait_for_child, it's wait_for_signal (which doesn't
exist). The original problem report was that people were confused by
setting up a signal handler for UIDESTROY didn't make the session
persistent. That is standard signal semantics and the persistence
could've easily been changed by using aliases.

The new behaviour in POE (as of .3202) is that when placing a signal
handler on a session, e.g.
$kernel-sig('uidestroy', 'do_something');
that will now increment the reference count of the session and therefore
make that session persistent until the signal handler is deleted via
something (and note, not within the _stop event, since we don't get that



 --- Nick Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  So, I've found the reason that recent releases of POE
  cause me to get
  memory leaks - I know others have had problems also, so I
  wanted to get
  an open discussion of what I'm being bitten by and
  possible ways to
  workaround this.
  It turns out for me that my sessions aren't being garbage
  collected. In
  general, my POE system doesn't *require* the _stop event
  to be processed
  and so I never noticed this. However, peeking into the
  system shows a
  large number of sessions and I can see that none of the
  _stop events
  have been called.
  This is because of the change:
2005-11-07 06:59:07 (r1852) by hachi
poe/lib/POE/Resource/ M;
  poe/lib/POE/Resource/ M
  Change signal watchers so they keep sessions
  WARNING: This is a major semantics change in POE.
  It has the
  potential to make code 'hang' in places where it
  formerly did not.
  This change is necessary so sessions expressing
  an interest in SIG
  CH?LD do not die prematurely. (There is a planned
  mandatory warning
  for reaped children that were not being watched.)
  This change fixes
  RT 15215.
  The problem with this change is that if I set up a signal
  handler for
  something innocuous (e.g. to handle DIE, or one of my
  signals), this means that the session will do everything
  except be garbage collected. I think the intention of
  this change is
  reasonable, but to make it the default behavior for all
  possible signals
  is a bit keen. If I put in place a handler for a signal,
  it does NOT
  mean that I want to WAIT for the signal, it usually means
  that the
  signal shouldn't even happen, but that I'm putting in
  place a handler
  *in-case* it happens. It certainly shouldn't make my
  session persistent!
  I'm not sure of the best way of fixing this. Possibly
  enhancing the
  API to have an explicity waitforsig() and maybesig()?
  (That's half
  tongue-in-cheek, but is actually one of the better
  solutions). In terms
  of normal API, a sig handler shouldn't block, so I
  would expect the
  sig() behaviour to follow that paradigm...
  Thoughts, anyone?

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 Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Re: memory (session) leaks in perl

2006-08-02 Thread Mathieu Longtin
It was my understanding that a session would stay alive as
long as it has child sessions. Did that behavior change?

I'm in agreement with Nick here. If a session is stritly
waiting for a child session to finish, then have it call

$_[KERNEL]-wait_for_child($session, state, @args);

wait_for_child would add a link back to the current
session, the same way set_delay does.


--- Nick Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So, I've found the reason that recent releases of POE
 cause me to get 
 memory leaks - I know others have had problems also, so I
 wanted to get 
 an open discussion of what I'm being bitten by and
 possible ways to 
 workaround this.
 It turns out for me that my sessions aren't being garbage
 collected. In 
 general, my POE system doesn't *require* the _stop event
 to be processed 
 and so I never noticed this. However, peeking into the
 system shows a 
 large number of sessions and I can see that none of the
 _stop events 
 have been called.
 This is because of the change:
   2005-11-07 06:59:07 (r1852) by hachi
   poe/lib/POE/Resource/ M;
 poe/lib/POE/Resource/ M
 Change signal watchers so they keep sessions

 WARNING: This is a major semantics change in POE.
 It has the
 potential to make code 'hang' in places where it
 formerly did not.

 This change is necessary so sessions expressing
 an interest in SIG
 CH?LD do not die prematurely. (There is a planned
 mandatory warning
 for reaped children that were not being watched.)
 This change fixes
 RT 15215.
 The problem with this change is that if I set up a signal
 handler for 
 something innocuous (e.g. to handle DIE, or one of my
 signals), this means that the session will do everything
 except be garbage collected. I think the intention of
 this change is 
 reasonable, but to make it the default behavior for all
 possible signals 
 is a bit keen. If I put in place a handler for a signal,
 it does NOT 
 mean that I want to WAIT for the signal, it usually means
 that the 
 signal shouldn't even happen, but that I'm putting in
 place a handler 
 *in-case* it happens. It certainly shouldn't make my
 session persistent!
 I'm not sure of the best way of fixing this. Possibly
 enhancing the 
 API to have an explicity waitforsig() and maybesig()?
 (That's half 
 tongue-in-cheek, but is actually one of the better
 solutions). In terms 
 of normal API, a sig handler shouldn't block, so I
 would expect the 
 sig() behaviour to follow that paradigm...
 Thoughts, anyone?

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