Ciekawe, czy trzeba to bedzie tlumaczyc Panu K. na polski.
Moze mu wyjdzie z tego dobry donos :)

Zig Rybak

[p. Wilhelm Glowacki]

>These typically enough by now, consisted not of German, but Poles and
>Lithuanians, supplemented by two training battalions of the Waffen-SS.
>Stroop eventualy either killed or arrested for extermination every Jew left
>in the place than he burned the Ghetto to the ground.[...]"
>Tytul: "SS and Gestapo rule by terror"
>Autor: Roger Manvell advised by Heinrich Fraenkel
>Wydania: I-sze w 1969. Cytowane wyd IV-te z 1976/strony 134-5/
>Wydawca: Ballantine
>ISBN O-345-24990-9-250

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