[political-research] The Pakistani Smoking Gun of 9/11

2007-05-20 Thread Sean McBride
 Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: The Pakistani Smoking
Gun of 9/11 via OpEdNews - OpEdNews.Com Progressive, Tough Liberal News
and Opinion on May 21, 2007 Follow the money, no? Not this time.
Glaring evidence of a cover-up surrounding the financing of the
September 11th attacks. Do you really want to know?
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Re: [political-research] Hoenlein says US elite being 'poisoned' against Israel - Jerusalem Post

2007-05-20 Thread Albert Underwood
You wrote:
>>Emphasizing universal American values is more effective, and the right thing 
>>to do, in my opinion.  I don't see much of a future for ethnic nationalism in 
>>the world<<

Yet this is the early 21st century, and we are a multicultural society. Faith 
in the melting pot may be well founded, but  how much of culture and history 
should be erased in the effort? True multiculturalism -- the situation on the 
ground here in the US -- loses ground to internationalism when the cultural 
significance of human struggle is swept away.

Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  
Stephen Walt is definitely not Jewish according to my best information; 
possibly neither Walt nor Mearsheimer is Jewish:
"Political science professors John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, who are not 
Jewish, caused a sensation when they argued in a paper last year that a 
powerful Jewish lobby prevents criticism of Israel from entering public debate 
in the United States."
I don't think Arab-Americans should be held to any different or higher standard 
than other American ethnic groups with regard to indulging in the politics of 
ethnic self-interest and self-promotion, but the reality of the situation is 
that pro-Israel propaganda outlets in the United States have so seriously (and 
unfairly) damaged the image of Arabs in general that  Arab-Americans would 
probably be wise not to lean too heavily on identity politics when pressing 
their case with regard to Mideast politics.  Emphasizing universal American 
values is more effective, and the right thing to do, in my opinion.  I don't 
see much of a future for ethnic nationalism in the world -- this is one of 
several reasons why I think Zionism as an ideology has a questionable future -- 
it's a messianic ethnic nationalist movement which, predictably, is polarizing 
the world against itself, after the manner of *all* messianic ethnic 
nationalist movements.  (This isn't a uniquely Jewish dynamic --
 it's a universal human behavioral pattern.)

I've never hesitated to criticize some Jews and some Jewish groups with the 
frankest possible language.  I just happen to think it's important not to 
permit those criticisms to be misused by anti-Semites who have it in for the 
Jews -- all Jews.  There are many real and  dangerous anti-Semites out there 
who are sharpening their knives for the Jews.  They need to be beaten down 
(rhetorically, in open debate), not provided with ammunition to get on with 
their genocidal schemes.

Albert Underwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  
I use an algorithm similar to your semantic crosstabulation to analyze his 
associations and activities. Walt has Jewish credentials in academia: his 
position, lecture circuit, access to publishers are very similar to the 
credentials of persons like Naomi Klein,  Norman Finkelstein, Alan Dershowitz, 
and others. 

Thank you for clearing up the misidentification of Springsteen as Jewish. 
Springsteen has Jewish credentials in the music industry, similar to the kinds 
that Klein et all have in publishing and academia.

My interest in Edward Abboud is that he is the only Arab-American writer in US 
history to write about Israel's impact on the US. For a country claiming fealty 
to First Amendment rights of free speech and underlying tenets of democracy, 
such as open debate, his absence can only be seen as suppression. 

 To assume that Arab-Americans opposed to Israeli damage to US society and 
culture are 'Arab nationalists' puts a foreign spin on the one ethnic grouping 
in the country that is suffering from the results of the 911 witch hunt 
currently in progress in the US that is pirmarily targeting them, their 
businesses, families, activities. This is an American problem, not an Arab one. 

It's really long  beyond time to worry if some Jews will get offended by some 
comments. Forcing one's writinng into a mould to avoid censors serves as 
self-censorship.  The concern is to be accurate in observations.

Yes, the article you cited was excellent.

Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  On what grounds do you claim that 
Stephen Walt is Jewish?  I don't believe he is.  You also falsely claimed that 
Bruce Springsteen (who is Roman Catholic) was Jewish.  Don't you take the 
trouble to verify these claims before you make them?

When you promote Edward Abboud, are you promoting yourself?  Are you Edward 
Abboud?  And are you speaking as an Arab nationalist?  Attacks on Israel coming 
from the Arab nationalist perspective, especially  if they are tinged with even 
a hint of animosity towards Jews in general, will never gain much traction in 
the United States and will instead probably backfire, creating sympathy for 
Israel and animosity towards Israel's Arab adversaries.   The only critique of 
Israel that will ever carry any weight in the United States is one which is 
driven by a love

[political-research] Saul Anuzis Withdraws Petition to Boot Ron Paul from Debates

2007-05-20 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
"I initiated the petition because I am a Zionist thug and I am also in the 
pocket of AIPAC, just like Mayor Giuliani and most other loud-mouthed 
Republicans in the Zionist Occupied US Government and Congress," Anuzis 


Saul Anuzis Withdraws Petition to Boot Ron Paul from Debates
Written by Felix Minderbinder

Not an AIPAC stooge 
ANN ARBOR (AP) - Michigan Republican National Committee Chairman Saul Anuzis 
has reacted to public outrage and withdrawn his petition to kick Congressman 
Ron Paul out of the Republican presidential debates. He issued the following 

"After consulting with my fellow RNC members who pressured me to withdraw my 
petition aimed solely at removing Congressman Paul from the Republican 
presidential debates, I have done so since the public outrage was such that I 
feared a lynching," he said.

"I initiated the petition because I am a Zionist thug and I am also in the 
pocket of AIPAC, just like Mayor Giuliani and most other loud-mouthed 
Republicans in the Zionist Occupied US Government and Congress," Anuzis 
continued. "As such we are traitors to America and we should all leave the US 
and head for Israel."

"We see Ron Paul as a threat because he is not in AIPAC's pocket, and he 
advocates democracy and he has also always opposed the illegal, corrupt and 
immoral Iraq war. He even opposes a war against Iran! He also doesn't like the 
way that Israel continues to steal Palestinian land and murder Arabs! Israel 
was founded to steal Palestinian land! Can you believe it?"

"An open mind like Ron Paul's could also expose the fact that 9-11 was actually 
a 'false flag' operation staged by Mossad and the CIA, which the Bush 
Administration and Giuliani are well aware of."

"Yet I continue to advocate that we should censure, restrict and deny the right 
to Free Speech to Ron Paul," Anuzis said.

"Congressman Paul's controversial statements about the United State and who's 
to blame for 9-11, combined with the splendid reaction of Mayor Giuliani and 
then my own heated reaction, stole the spotlight from the bigger point I really 
wanted to make and still think is important - continuing these 'debates' as 
they are currently structured is not to our benefit, nor to our candidates, not 
to our party, nor to the country."

"Fox and CNN continue to do an excellent job in censoring Ron Paul since they 
are controlled by Israeli interests," he added.

"Thus I still want Ron Paul kicked out of the debates since he is a true 
American patriot and the only hope for the Republican Party. The American 
public know this. Paul is simply not one of the many Zionist traitors like 
myself, Giuliani, and the Bush Administration puppets," Anuzis concluded. 

[political-research] Libertarian-Neocon Denounces Ron Paul

2007-05-20 Thread Sean McBride
Jeff Jacoby -- yet another bogus libertarian, a chameolon, a
shapeshifter, for whom ideologies are mere instruments of psychological
compulsions and disorders. He is unable to conceal effectively his core
obsession. The neocons are having a nervous breakdown about the success
of Ron Paul in the polls. At this point they probably hate him even
more than they hate Jimmy Carter and Zbigniew Brzezinski. It's all
about the hate and the endless parade of blood enemies...

Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Libertarian-Neocon
Denounces Ron Paul via LewRockwell.com Blog by Lew Rockwell on May 20,
2007 Jeff Jacoby, who claims to have libertarian tendencies, is a
warmonger. Here he goes after Ron Paul, in yet another example of how
worried the warfare-staters are about his speaking the simple truth. By
the way, Jeff: of course, FDR...
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