How-to solve our money and banking problems

2009-03-25 Thread martycarbone

From: /

Two ways (A  B) to solve our Money and Banking problems and perhaps
pay for everyone’s Medical Insurance and Social Security as well ...

 A quote from history that emphasizes the power of leverage: “Give me
a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall
move the world.” --  Archimedes.

There is a glossary following this plan

A) Give me a State-chartered Narrow Bank with a Zero Reserve Rule and
a place to sit and I shall create all the money this country can use
B) Give me a State-chartered Narrow Bank with any Reserve Rule and an
unlimited supply of stockholders and a place to sit and I shall create
all the money this country can use gracefully.

1. There are only two factors that control the amount of money a bank
can lend -- (a) is the sum of the amount of capital invested in the
bank, plus the transactional deposits of its customers and (b) is the
Required Reserve as a percentage of the loans.

2. If capital is increased enough -- or the reserve is reduced enough,
the lending allowed will approach infinity.

3. In both cases the narrow charter is important: It must force the
bank managers to follow sensible rules and refrain from doing strange
things other than narrowly controlled lending.

4. It is a simple matter to write such a charter. I think such a
charter can be patented in the interest of the common good and
assigned to the public at large.

5. Charters are the routine way banks are permitted to operate.

6. England, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, and Sweden have a zero
reserve requirement.

7. If the loans are used to create wealth equal in value (at market
prices) to the amount of the loans -- there will be no inflation. We
think this is plain common sense describing a situation where money
and wealth are balanced. But beware, many economists and experts think
this is economic heresy. They dogmatically argue that the creation of
any new money is inflationary.

8. If, on top of this, if the Federal government sells bonds (yielding
-- say 6%) to individuals and invests the proceeds of those bonds to
buy stock in the banks, I think the income on the bonds would easily
pay for all of our medical insurance and social-security benefits.

9. The downside leverage in the fractional reserve system is all that
is needed to keep the banks prudent as long as banks are prohibited
from selling their loans to third parties.

10. Comments? Questions?
end of plan ---

Supplementary Information:

In the case at hand, the banks will be only allowed to lend money (a)
under a 10% reserve rule to (b) well qualified borrowers with (c)
adequate collateral and (d) a reasonable plan to create wealth with
the loan money where the value of the wealth created in dollars will
be more that the dollar value of the loan.

If the banks are run as frugally as possible, the banks will generate
an enormous profit -- something like 35% on the invested capital in
the bank. In order to make sure that this profit is not squandered by
the managers of the bank, the charters should tightly control what can
and what can’t be done with the profits. In my view the return to the
bank stockholders should be 6% on their invested capital and the other
29% should be used for the common national good -- primarily Medical
and Social Security Insurance.

Martin Carbone / 5123 Don Rodolfo Drive / Carlsbad, CA 9201 / Tel:
760-603-1910 /

Glossary -- we believe the following glossary defines the terms that
might not be familiar to the reader.

1   State-chartered bank -- A bank that is operating under a State
Charter. Most banks in the United States are operating under a State

2   Charter -- A written document, issued by the State, by which an
institution such as a bank is created and its rights and privileges

3   Reserve Rule -- The State or Federal rule that specifies the
percentage of loans a bank must keep in reserve. See Section 19(b) -
(2) - (of the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT) where the following is written
“RESERVE REQUIREMENTS.--(A)  Each depository institution shall
maintain reserves against its transaction accounts as the Board may
prescribe by regulation solely for the purpose of implementing
monetary policy-- (i)  a ratio of not greater than 3 percent (and
which may be zero) in [sic] for that portion of its total transaction
accounts of $25,000,000 or less ...  “ See

4   Narrow Charter -- A charter that restricts the allowed bank services
to a very few, tightly controlled services. We are specifically
suggesting that we now focus on banks that will be making 4% home

5   Transaction account -- An account that records a bank’s deposits on
the banks books. The following is from 

US lawmaker: Obama budget makes US worse than Cuba

2009-03-25 Thread Ohio mark

 President Barack Obama's 3.55-trillion-dollar budget plan will leave
the United States with a worse budget deficit than Cuba, a leading
Republican critic warned Tuesday.

This creates for us a higher deficit than Cuba's. This is not the
kind of position we want to put the United States in, Republican
Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told reporters.

Other Republican critics of Obama's spending policies, including his
nearly 800-billion-dollar economic stimulus package, have variously
warned that he risks turning the country into Argentina, France,
Germany, or Zimbabwe.

 Asked for the figures underpinning the charge, a McConnell aide
pointed to a report from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office
that warned the US budget deficit for fiscal year 2009, ending
September 30, would swell to 13.1 percent of Gross Domestic Product.

Cuba's deficit in 2008 was 4.1 percent of GDP using the official
exchange rate, or 1.57 percent using another measure of total national
output, according to the CIA.

According to official Cuban government figures, Cuba's projected
deficit in 2009 will run to 5.6 percent of GDP, less than the 6.7
percent it reached in 2008.
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Midland Texas Councilman ejected from radio talk show

2009-03-25 Thread Ohio mark

T. B. Bechtel, a part-time City Councilman from Midland, TX, was asked
on a local live radio talk show, just what he thought of the
allegations of torture of the Iraqi prisoners.

His reply prompted his ejection from the studio, but to thunderous
applause from the audience.

‘If hooking up an Iraqi prisoner’s balls to a car’s battery cables
will save one Texas GI’s life, then I have just three things to say:

‘Red is positive,
Black is negative,
Make sure his balls are wet.’
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Re: Midland Texas Councilman ejected from radio talk show

2009-03-25 Thread Travis
He got that right.  give him a medal.

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 5:43 AM, Ohio mark marsupialm...@sbcglobal.netwrote:

 T. B. Bechtel, a part-time City Councilman from Midland, TX, was asked
 on a local live radio talk show, just what he thought of the
 allegations of torture of the Iraqi prisoners.

 His reply prompted his ejection from the studio, but to thunderous
 applause from the audience.

‘If hooking up an Iraqi prisoner’s balls to a car’s battery cables
 will save one Texas GI’s life, then I have just three things to say:

‘Red is positive,
Black is negative,
Make sure his balls are wet.’


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OBAMA'S BROWNSHIRTS: We're looking for supporters, We're not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we have an army.

2009-03-25 Thread Travis
From: *Travis*
Date: Tue, Mar 24, 2009
Subject:  OBAMA'S BROWNSHIRTS: We're looking for supporters, We're not
looking for a fight. That will come later, when we have an army.

 Tuesday, March 24, 2009 OBAMA'S BROWNSHIRTS: We're looking for
supporters, We're not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we
have an army.

We are going to grow our foreign service, open consulates that have been
shuttered and double the size of the Peace Corps by 2011 to renew our
diplomacy, said Obama*. We cannot to continue to rely only on our military
in order to achieve the national security objectives that we have set. We
have got to have a civilian national security force that is just as
powerful, just as strong, just as well funded. *Barack Hussein

Here it is from Obama's army.. as promised. Now they are bullying and
intimidating folks into supporting the bankruptcy and handover of America to
our natural enemies.
Obama volunteers hunt budget support in Birmingham, Alabama grassroots
Birmingham News (hat tip MQK)

*Volunteers fanned out across the Birmingham area and Alabama Saturday to
pump up enthusiasm for President Barack Obama's budget proposal in much the
same way they did to win over voters during the presidential campaign. *

About 30 volunteers in Birmingham canvassed shopping areas and other
high-traffic locations to talk about the need for health care reform, an
education overhaul and environmentally friendly energy development.

*If we don't change these three things in the next 10 to 15 years, America
is over as we know it, Chris DeHaven, told the group of volunteers before
they went their separate ways. *

Obama's plan faces criticism from Republicans and others who say it's too
expensive. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office released a report
Friday saying Obama's agenda would cause huge budget deficits, *forcing the
country to borrow $9.3 trillion in the next decade. *

Those who gathered at Kelly Ingram Park in downtown Birmingham were urged to
enlist others who share Obama's vision and to stay away from trying to
convert naysayers.

*We're looking for supporters, said DeHaven of Hoover, one of the event's
organizers. We're not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we
have an army. *

The volunteers are part of Organizing for America, the same grassroots,
national network credited in large part with Obama's quick rise from
obscurity to president. Birmingham and 11 other sites statewide were part of
a national push this weekend by Organizing for America to trumpet Obama's
spending proposal.

Across the metro area, volunteers gave their opinions about why Obama's plan
is good for the country's future. Then they asked those willing to sign a
pledge of support for the budget. Supporters' e-mail addresses and other
contact information were collected, to keep people engaged and to recruit
more volunteers.

Leanne Townsend of Hoover also helped organize Saturday's event. She has
been a member of the Obama grassroots network since March 2007.

Our group in Birmingham has been very involved, Townsend said. We're
still very energetic. We all worked so hard during the campaign. We can't
just stop.

* *His book *Defeating the Totalitarian
Von Campe.

*The main preoccupation of my parents during the Nazi years was to save us
children from Nazi indoctrination, says Hilmar von Campe. *At 10 years old,
like every other child, he had to enter the Hitler Youth and at 18 he was
conscripted into the army. He was a gunner in a tank in the Yugoslavian
theatre fighting the Soviet army, became in 1945 a prisoner of war of the
Communist Tito government and in the same year staged a sensational escape
crossing seven borders. His reports about the Nazi years and the war are a
lesson of history as he brings facts unknown to most Americans. He describes
why it came about, his own moral responsibility and how his life changed.
The Nazi system, like any other totalitarian system, he says, is based on
lies. *Lies are at the root of the problem in the world. You can't defeat
them with money or armies but only with the truth. Hilmar compares
developments in American society and in the world today with what happened
in pre-Nazi Germany and warns America to turn away now from the destructive
ideological path we are on.

Vus machstu 

*Atlas Shrugs: NAZI YOUTH - OBAMA

H.R. 1388: Obamas Youth Brigade Conscripts Would Be Prohibited from Organizing or Engaging in Protests or Participating in a Variety of Religious Activities

2009-03-25 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: Tue, Mar 24, 2009
Subject: H.R. 1388: Obamas Youth Brigade Conscripts Would Be Prohibited from
Organizing or Engaging in Protests or Participating in a Variety of
Religious Activities

AKA the Obamunist Youth Corps


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Were all screwed, government to buy condoms from China

2009-03-25 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: Wed, Mar 25, 2009
Subject: Were all screwed, government to buy condoms from China


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Computer Virus Time Bomb Could Go Off April 1 - Conficker Virus Homeland Security News

2009-03-25 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: Wed, Mar 25, 2009
Subject: Computer Virus Time Bomb Could Go Off April 1 - Conficker Virus
Homeland Security News


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Re: A China Owned America. Does China's gifts under the tree mean the streets and soup lines for home owners?

2009-03-25 Thread Keith In Tampa
I am familiar with the theories of the trilateralists, the Bilderbergers,
and especially the Council on Foreign Relations, which is nothing more than
a think tank, no different than the CATO Institute, (with the exception of
its membership.)

Having said that, I am more than concerned, and have no explanation for
these comments made by U.S. National Security Advisor James Jones, on
February 9, 2009:

 Remarks by National Security Adviser Jones at 45th Munich Conference on
Security Policy

Published February 8, 2009

  Speaker:  James L. Jones

 *U.S. National Security Adviser Jones gave these remarks at the 45th Munich
Conference on Security Policy at the Hotel Bayerischer Hof on February 8,

Thank you for that wonderful tribute to Henry Kissinger yesterday.
Congratulations. As the most recent National Security Advisor of the United
States, I take my daily orders from Dr. Kissinger, filtered down through
Generaal Brent Scowcroft and Sandy Berger, who is also here. We have a chain
of command in the National Security Council that exists today.

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 1:03 AM, Travis wrote:

 Doc:  I am very familiar with the Trilateralists.  also the CFR,
 Bilderbergwrs, and the Club of Rome.  In case you have forgotten those 3.
 And you might remember it was Jim Tucker that infiltrated the Bilderberger's
 meetings.  I worked for LL, remember?

 On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 11:56 PM, Doc Holliday 

 And you think China would continue to be humble about it? Even a worm
 will turn. And of course you wouldn't have a fucking clue what the
 trilateral commission is about; would you?


 On Mar 24, 7:55 am, Travis wrote:
  Best bet is to let the chicoms buy as much debt as they can and then
  rescind it all.
  On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 4:41 AM, Doc Holliday 
   Obama's trillions of upcoming debt plus the Fed's new trillions
   of additional buy-out of
   risky financial debt adds up to TENS OF TRILLIONS more debt a decade
   from now is admitted
   by all.  But what is unexpected is that after all these new
   were announced, the Chinese
   ambassador just assured the U.S. publicly that China will continue
   to buy U.S. Treasury Bonds
   as part of its foreign financial policy.  How lucky can Americans
   be?  An Asian Santa Claus
   to help us out of all our difficulties?

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Re: OBAMA'S BROWNSHIRTS: We're looking for supporters, We're not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we have an army.

2009-03-25 Thread trizzle4truth


On Mar 25, 5:54 am, Travis wrote:
 From: *Travis*
 Date: Tue, Mar 24, 2009
 Subject:  OBAMA'S BROWNSHIRTS: We're looking for supporters, We're not
 looking for a fight. That will come later, when we have an army.

  Tuesday, March 24, 2009 OBAMA'S BROWNSHIRTS: We're looking for
 supporters, We're not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we
 have an army.

 We are going to grow our foreign service, open consulates that have been
 shuttered and double the size of the Peace Corps by 2011 to renew our
 diplomacy, said Obama*. We cannot to continue to rely only on our military
 in order to achieve the national security objectives that we have set. We
 have got to have a civilian national security force that is just as
 powerful, just as strong, just as well funded. *Barack Hussein

 Here it is from Obama's army.. as promised. Now they are bullying and
 intimidating folks into supporting the bankruptcy and handover of America to
 our natural enemies.
 Obama volunteers hunt budget support in Birmingham, Alabama grassroots
 Birmingham News (hat tip MQK)

 *Volunteers fanned out across the Birmingham area and Alabama Saturday to
 pump up enthusiasm for President Barack Obama's budget proposal in much the
 same way they did to win over voters during the presidential campaign. *

 About 30 volunteers in Birmingham canvassed shopping areas and other
 high-traffic locations to talk about the need for health care reform, an
 education overhaul and environmentally friendly energy development.

 *If we don't change these three things in the next 10 to 15 years, America
 is over as we know it, Chris DeHaven, told the group of volunteers before
 they went their separate ways. *

 Obama's plan faces criticism from Republicans and others who say it's too
 expensive. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office released a report
 Friday saying Obama's agenda would cause huge budget deficits, *forcing the
 country to borrow $9.3 trillion in the next decade. *

 Those who gathered at Kelly Ingram Park in downtown Birmingham were urged to
 enlist others who share Obama's vision and to stay away from trying to
 convert naysayers.

 *We're looking for supporters, said DeHaven of Hoover, one of the event's
 organizers. We're not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we
 have an army. *

 The volunteers are part of Organizing for America, the same grassroots,
 national network credited in large part with Obama's quick rise from
 obscurity to president. Birmingham and 11 other sites statewide were part of
 a national push this weekend by Organizing for America to trumpet Obama's
 spending proposal.

 Across the metro area, volunteers gave their opinions about why Obama's plan
 is good for the country's future. Then they asked those willing to sign a
 pledge of support for the budget. Supporters' e-mail addresses and other
 contact information were collected, to keep people engaged and to recruit
 more volunteers.

 Leanne Townsend of Hoover also helped organize Saturday's event. She has
 been a member of the Obama grassroots network since March 2007.

 Our group in Birmingham has been very involved, Townsend said. We're
 still very energetic. We all worked so hard during the campaign. We can't
 just stop.

 * *His book *Defeating the Totalitarian
 Von Campe.

 *The main preoccupation of my parents during the Nazi years was to save us
 children from Nazi indoctrination, says Hilmar von Campe. *At 10 years old,
 like every other child, he had to enter the Hitler Youth and at 18 he was
 conscripted into the army. He was a gunner in a tank in the Yugoslavian
 theatre fighting the Soviet army, became in 1945 a prisoner of war of the
 Communist Tito government and in the same year staged a sensational escape
 crossing seven borders. His reports about the Nazi years and the war are a
 lesson of history as he brings facts unknown to most Americans. He describes
 why it came about, his own moral responsibility and how his life changed.
 The Nazi system, like any other totalitarian system, he says, is based on
 lies. *Lies are at the root of the problem in the world. You can't defeat
 them with money or armies but only with the truth. Hilmar compares
 developments in American society and in the world today with what happened
 in pre-Nazi Germany and warns America to turn away now from the destructive
 ideological path we are on.

 Vus machstu 

 *Atlas Shrugs: NAZI YOUTH - OBAMA


2009-03-25 Thread trizzle4truth

WATCH The Obama Deception here:

~The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys
the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the
American people.

The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of
the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con
the American people into accepting global slavery.

We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Order’s plans.
It’s not about Left or Right: it’s about a One World Government. The
international banks plan to loot the people of the United States and
turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation.

Covered in this film: who Obama works for, what lies he has told, and
his real agenda. If you want to know the facts and cut through all the
hype, this is the film for you.

Watch the Obama Deception and learn how:

Obama is continuing the process of transforming America into something
that resembles Nazi Germany, with forced National Service, domestic
civilian spies, warrantless wiretaps, the destruction of the Second
Amendment, FEMA camps and Martial Law.

Obama’s handlers are openly announcing the creation of a new Bank of
the World that will dominate every nation on earth through carbon
taxes and military force.
International bankers purposefully engineered the worldwide financial
meltdown to bankrupt the nations of the planet and bring in World

Obama plans to loot the middle class, destroy pensions and federalize
the states so that the population is completely dependent on the
Central Government.

The Elite are using Obama to pacify the public so they can usher in
the North American Union by stealth, launch a new Cold War and
continue the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.
The information contained in this film is vital to the future of the
Republic and to freedom worldwide. President Barack Obama is only the
tool of a larger agenda.

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Discussion on new-world-order

2009-03-25 Thread trizzle4truth

WATCH The Obama Deception here:

The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys
the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the
American people.

The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of
the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con
the American people into accepting global slavery.

We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Order’s plans.
It’s not about Left or Right: it’s about a One World Government. The
international banks plan to loot the people of the United States and
turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation.

Covered in this film: who Obama works for, what lies he has told, and
his real agenda. If you want to know the facts and cut through all the
hype, this is the film for you.

Watch the Obama Deception and learn how:

Obama is continuing the process of transforming America into something
that resembles Nazi Germany, with forced National Service, domestic
civilian spies, warrantless wiretaps, the destruction of the Second
Amendment, FEMA camps and Martial Law.
Obama’s handlers are openly announcing the creation of a new Bank of
the World that will dominate every nation on earth through carbon
taxes and military force.
International bankers purposefully engineered the worldwide financial
meltdown to bankrupt the nations of the planet and bring in World
Obama plans to loot the middle class, destroy pensions and federalize
the states so that the population is completely dependent on the
Central Government.
The Elite are using Obama to pacify the public so they can usher in
the North American Union by stealth, launch a new Cold War and
continue the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.
The information contained in this film is vital to the future of the
Republic and to freedom worldwide. President Barack Obama is only the
tool of a larger agenda.

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Discussion on member-pages

2009-03-25 Thread trizzle4truth


Group name: The Obama Deception Movie Forum

Description WATCH The Obama Deception:

Covered in this film: who Obama works for, what lies he has told, and
his real agenda. If you want to know the facts and cut through all the
hype, this is the film for you.

WATCH The Obama Deception:

Covered in this film: who Obama works for, what lies he has told, and
his real agenda. If you want to know the facts and cut through all the
hype, this is the film for you.

Public website None
Get a promotion box for your website

Group address Current web address:
Current email address:

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States Rebellion Pending

2009-03-25 Thread M.A. Johnson

States Rebellion Pending
Walter E. Williams
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Our Colonial ancestors petitioned and pleaded with King George III to get
his boot off their necks. He ignored their pleas, and in 1776, they
rightfully declared unilateral independence and went to war. Today it's
the same story except Congress is the one usurping the rights of the
people and the states, making King George's actions look mild in
comparison. Our constitutional ignorance -- perhaps contempt, coupled
with the fact that we've become a nation of wimps, sissies and
supplicants -- has made us easy prey for Washington's tyrannical forces.
But that might be changing a bit. There are rumblings of a long overdue
re-emergence of Americans' characteristic spirit of rebellion.
Eight state legislatures have introduced resolutions declaring state
sovereignty under the Ninth and 10th amendments to the U.S. Constitution;
they include Arizona, Hawaii, Montana, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire,
Oklahoma and Washington. There's speculation that they will be joined by
Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana,
Kansas, Nevada, Maine and Pennsylvania. 
You might ask, Isn't the 10th Amendment that no-good states' rights
amendment that Dixie governors, such as George Wallace and Orval Faubus,
used to thwart school desegregation and black civil rights? That's
the kind of constitutional disrespect and ignorance that big-government
proponents, whether they're liberals or conservatives, want you to have.
The reason is that they want Washington to have total control over our
lives. The Founders tried to limit that power with the 10th Amendment,
which reads: The powers not delegated to the United States by the
Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the
States respectively, or to the people. 
New Hampshire's 10th Amendment resolution typifies others and, in part,
reads: That the several States composing the United States of
America, are not united on the principle of unlimited submission to their
General (federal) Government; but that, by a compact under the style and
title of a Constitution for the United States, and of amendments thereto,
they constituted a General Government for special purposes, delegated to
that government certain definite powers, reserving, each State to itself,
the residuary mass of right to their own self-government; and that
whensoever the General Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts
are unauthoritative, void, and of no force. Put simply, these 10th
Amendment resolutions insist that the states and their people are the
masters and that Congress and the White House are the servants. Put yet
another way, Washington is a creature of the states, not the other way
Congress and the White House will laugh off these state resolutions.
State legislatures must take measures that put some teeth into their 10th
Amendment resolutions. Congress will simply threaten a state, for
example, with a cutoff of highway construction funds if it doesn't obey a
congressional mandate, such as those that require seat belt laws or that
lower the legal blood-alcohol level to .08 for drivers. States might take
a lead explored by Colorado. 
In 1994, the Colorado Legislature passed a 10th Amendment resolution and
later introduced a bill titled State Sovereignty Act. Had the
State Sovereignty Act passed both houses of the legislature, it would
have required all people liable for any federal tax that's a component of
the highway users fund, such as a gasoline tax, to remit those taxes
directly to the Colorado Department of Revenue. The money would have been
deposited in an escrow account called the Federal Tax Fund
and remitted monthly to the IRS, along with a list of payees and
respective amounts paid. If Congress imposed sanctions on Colorado for
failure to obey an unconstitutional mandate and penalized the state by
withholding funds due, say $5 million for highway construction, the State
Sovereignty Act would have prohibited the state treasurer from remitting
any funds in the escrow account to the IRS. Instead, Colorado would have
imposed a $5 million surcharge on the Federal Tax Fund account to
continue the highway construction. 
The eight state legislatures that have enacted 10th Amendment resolutions
deserve our praise, but their next step is to give them teeth.
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Lost Lust

2009-03-25 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: 2009/3/25
Subject: Lost Lust


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Remember these guys? Interesting people

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

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Quite a guy!!

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

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Barney Frank embarrasses himself again

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson 

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What do these people think will happen when they go into forbidden territory?

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

  Minister: Guide may have led American journalists into North Korea

By Hyung-Jin Kim and Kwant-Tae Kim

Associated Press

Posted: 03/25/2009 07:45:47 AM PDT

SEOUL, South Korea --- Two American journalists being held by North 
Korea may have been led across the border from China by a guide 
promising them exclusive footage of human trafficking or drug deals, an 
activist who helped organize their trip said today.

The Rev. Chun Ki-won says he repeatedly warned Laura Ling and Euna Lee 
by phone not to stray into North Korean territory in the days before 
their March 17 detention.

Chun, who said he helped arrange their trip to China to report on North 
Korean refugees living in border towns, said the reporters kept in close 
contact, calling him twice daily. They followed his advice to the word, 
and never mentioned wanting to sneak into North Korea, he said.

They didn't tell me about it in advance, he told The Associated Press, 
showing a reporter e-mail exchanges with Lee. They were not supposed to 
go there.

The guide and a third American, cameraman Mitch Koss, reportedly escaped 
arrest last week but were detained by Chinese border guards. Koss has 
left the country, China's Foreign Ministry said Tuesday. His whereabouts 
Wednesday were unclear.

The three journalists work for former Vice President Al Gore's San 
Francisco-based Current TV.

The reporters' detentions come at a sensitive time, with Pyongyang 
planning to fire a satellite into space in early April. Washington and 
its allies have warned the North that a launch will draw international 

North Korea has


assured Washington the Americans are being treated well, the State 
Department said Tuesday, without providing details about their condition 
or progress in any negotiations for their release.

A South Korean newspaper said the two were undergoing intense 
interrogation at a military guesthouse in Pyongyang's outskirts for 
alleged espionage and for crossing the border illegally. The Unification 
Ministry said conviction on espionage charges carries a punishment of at 
least five years in prison.

Past detentions have required international intervention. In 1996, New 
Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, then a congressman, went to North Korea to 
help secure the release of an American detained for three months on 
spying charges. In 1994, he helped arrange the freedom of a U.S. soldier 
whose helicopter had strayed into North Korea.

One South Korean who ended up in the North after going for a dip in the 
Tumen River that divides China and North Korea described weeks of 
interrogation on accusations of illegally intruding before he was 
expelled to China.

Novelist Kim Ha-gee told the AP he couldn't resist trying to swim to 
North Korea in 1996, and ended up face-to-face with border guards. Kim 
said he was taken to a military prison for interrogation he described as 
physically and verbally abusive, with one investigator kicking him in 
the side.

A day later, he was taken to an inn in the northeastern city of 
Hoeryong, where agents questioned him about his motives.

The atmosphere was not good during the interrogation, and one of 
investigators kept banging the table, Kim recalled by telephone from 
the southern city of Busan. He said interrogators seated him on a chair 
and tied his hands with a belt.

The investigators divided up their roles: One play bad cop, the other 
good cop.

The 'bad' investigator threatened me with jail if I continued to demand 
repatriation to South Korea while the 'good' investigator tried to 
persuade me to live in Pyongyang by tempting me with new shoes.

The North Koreans told Kim, who has a wife and two children in the 
South, to get married in the North.

Kim said he staged a hunger strike for about 10 days. After about 15 
days of interrogation, he was sent to China and eventually returned to 
South Korea.

Chun said his heart goes out to the reporters' families, with whom he 
spoke by telephone during a recent trip to the U.S, describing the 
conversations as tearful.

I feel really sorry for them, he said. I'm sorry for their families.

Chun, who heads the Seoul-based Durihana Mission, a Christian group that 
helps defectors from North Korea, said the women contacted him about 
three months ago asking for help organizing a trip to report on North 
Korean defectors living in Chinese border towns.

Ling, Lee and Koss flew to Seoul first to get his help arranging 
interviews with North Korean defectors in China, he said.

The three got into China on March 13 and conducted several interviews 
with defectors, with Lee calling about twice a day to report on their 
whereabouts, he said. Their last phone conversation was the morning of 
March 17.

Thanks for being part of PoliticalForum 

Re: Discussion on new-world-order

2009-03-25 Thread Doc Holliday

Another piece of the  puzzle: to wit

Prohibition will work great injury to the cause of temperance. It is a
species of intemperance within itself, for it goes beyond the bounds
of reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by
legislation, and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A
Prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our
government was founded.
- Abraham Lincoln: Speech in the Illinois House of Representatives,
Dec 18, 1840.

To Wit:

 Posted on Tue, Mar. 17, 2009
Obama's open to military help for Mexico; experts urge caution
McClatchy Newspapers

As the Pentagon eyes a bigger role in Mexico's drug war, the
military's efforts to open the door to a new relationship with its
southern neighbor risk alienating the Mexican military, which has long
had a strained relationship with its counterpart, experts said.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates has called for improved relations with
the Mexican military in response to escalating drug violence along the
Mexican border and in Mexico. On Meet the Press earlier this month,
the secretary said: I think we are beginning to be in a position to
help the Mexicans more than we have in the past. Some of the old
biases against cooperation between our militaries and so on, I think,
are being set aside.

Most experts, however, say any military role should be limited to
sharing intelligence or training Mexican troops, and even defense
officials privately concede their effort to increase their role in
Mexico is confusing Mexicans and even other U.S. agencies.

It's a mistake to say that the United States is going to address this
problem of security in Mexico by increasing the Pentagon's role, said
Armand B. Peschard-Sverdrup, a senior associate with the Center for
Strategic and International Studies. It only would perpetuate the
dysfunctional relationship between the two countries.

During a trip designed to expand U.S. Mexican-military relations, Adm.
Michael Mullen, the highest-ranking U.S. military officer, visited the
graves of American troops who died during the Mexican-American War
just as Gates did during his first visit in August.

Although the solemn gesture appeared innocuous, Mexico observers say
the visit undercut the military's message that U.S.-Mexican military
tensions were a thing of the past.

Why remind Mexicans of the war? The Mexican military is already
highly suspect of U.S. intentions and the war is still fresh in their
minds, Peschard-Sverdrup said. Yes, Mullen was well-intentioned, but
he goes to pay homage to Americans who died, not realizing in a sense
that he's also reinforcing the concerns that many in Mexico -
especially the Mexican military - have that the U.S. military will
try to dominate its land once again.

Critics said the military also has not helped its efforts with a
recent U.S. Joint Forces Command report that concluded that Mexico and
Pakistan were the world's two states most likely to fail.

It's ridiculous comparing the Mexico situation to Pakistan, said
Raul Benitez, a professor at the National Autonomous University of
Mexico who specializes in military and national security issues.

Benitez said the report demonstrated that the military's view of
Mexico was black and white and he questioned why the administration
chose to send a military official before Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton or Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano traveled
there. As a result, Mullen became the first administration official to
brief President Barack Obama on Mexico.

On the Mexican side, the military has taken on an unprecedented role
in fighting the drug cartels. President Felipe Calderon has dispatched
troops to hot spots throughout the country to try to contain the
violence. Drug cartel leaders have hit back with widespread
kidnappings, murders and beheadings. The death toll since last year:

The U.S. has tried to help Mexico contain the violence by launching
the Merida Initiative, an anti-crime aid measure that's expected to
total $1.4 billion over three years. Under the initiative, the
Pentagon is providing five helicopters, a maritime surveillance
aircraft and handheld ion scanners, as well as personal protective
equipment, rigid hull inflatable boats and night-vision devices. In
addition, the Defense Department trained 150 Mexican officers from
October 2006 to September 2007. Last year, Mexico and the United
States signed an agreement to share intelligence.

However, congressional Republicans chastised the Pentagon last week
for not making Mexico a bigger priority. Adding to the pressure, the
Texas governor called on the administration to send the National Guard
or military troops to the border. Last week, Obama said he'd be open
to considering such requests, but emphasized that he didn't want to
militarize the border region.

We're going to examine whether and if National Guard deployments
would make sense and under what circumstances they 

Re: Discussion on new-world-order

2009-03-25 Thread Keith In Tampa
Hey Doc!

Did you see the article I posted from the CFR, regarding Jim Jones, and his
statement about Kissenger, Berger and Scowcroft??  What are your thoughts
(or any other member's take) on such a statement??


Thank you for that wonderful tribute to Henry Kissinger yesterday.
Congratulations. As the most recent National Security Advisor of the United
States, I take my daily orders from Dr. Kissinger, filtered down through
Generaal Brent Scowcroft and Sandy Berger, who is also here. We have a chain
of command in the National Security Council that exists today.

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 11:55 AM, Doc Holliday dokholli...@bellsouth.netwrote:

 Another piece of the  puzzle: to wit

 Prohibition will work great injury to the cause of temperance. It is a
 species of intemperance within itself, for it goes beyond the bounds
 of reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by
 legislation, and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A
 Prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our
 government was founded.
 - Abraham Lincoln: Speech in the Illinois House of Representatives,
 Dec 18, 1840.

 To Wit:

  Posted on Tue, Mar. 17, 2009
 Obama's open to military help for Mexico; experts urge caution
 McClatchy Newspapers

 As the Pentagon eyes a bigger role in Mexico's drug war, the
 military's efforts to open the door to a new relationship with its
 southern neighbor risk alienating the Mexican military, which has long
 had a strained relationship with its counterpart, experts said.

 Defense Secretary Robert Gates has called for improved relations with
 the Mexican military in response to escalating drug violence along the
 Mexican border and in Mexico. On Meet the Press earlier this month,
 the secretary said: I think we are beginning to be in a position to
 help the Mexicans more than we have in the past. Some of the old
 biases against cooperation between our militaries and so on, I think,
 are being set aside.

 Most experts, however, say any military role should be limited to
 sharing intelligence or training Mexican troops, and even defense
 officials privately concede their effort to increase their role in
 Mexico is confusing Mexicans and even other U.S. agencies.

 It's a mistake to say that the United States is going to address this
 problem of security in Mexico by increasing the Pentagon's role, said
 Armand B. Peschard-Sverdrup, a senior associate with the Center for
 Strategic and International Studies. It only would perpetuate the
 dysfunctional relationship between the two countries.

 During a trip designed to expand U.S. Mexican-military relations, Adm.
 Michael Mullen, the highest-ranking U.S. military officer, visited the
 graves of American troops who died during the Mexican-American War
 just as Gates did during his first visit in August.

 Although the solemn gesture appeared innocuous, Mexico observers say
 the visit undercut the military's message that U.S.-Mexican military
 tensions were a thing of the past.

 Why remind Mexicans of the war? The Mexican military is already
 highly suspect of U.S. intentions and the war is still fresh in their
 minds, Peschard-Sverdrup said. Yes, Mullen was well-intentioned, but
 he goes to pay homage to Americans who died, not realizing in a sense
 that he's also reinforcing the concerns that many in Mexico -
 especially the Mexican military - have that the U.S. military will
 try to dominate its land once again.

 Critics said the military also has not helped its efforts with a
 recent U.S. Joint Forces Command report that concluded that Mexico and
 Pakistan were the world's two states most likely to fail.

 It's ridiculous comparing the Mexico situation to Pakistan, said
 Raul Benitez, a professor at the National Autonomous University of
 Mexico who specializes in military and national security issues.

 Benitez said the report demonstrated that the military's view of
 Mexico was black and white and he questioned why the administration
 chose to send a military official before Secretary of State Hillary
 Clinton or Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano traveled
 there. As a result, Mullen became the first administration official to
 brief President Barack Obama on Mexico.

 On the Mexican side, the military has taken on an unprecedented role
 in fighting the drug cartels. President Felipe Calderon has dispatched
 troops to hot spots throughout the country to try to contain the
 violence. Drug cartel leaders have hit back with widespread
 kidnappings, murders and beheadings. The death toll since last year:

 The U.S. has tried to help Mexico contain the violence by launching
 the Merida Initiative, an anti-crime aid measure that's expected to
 total $1.4 billion over three years. Under the initiative, the
 Pentagon is 

Are they nuts?????

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

March 25, 2009, 9:38 am

M.T.A. Increases Fares and Cuts Services

By William Neuman
AND Jennifer 8. Lee

Updated, 11:40 a.m. | 
The board of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority voted Wednesday
morning to enact a series of fare hikes and service cutbacks needed to
keep the transit system from going broke.
The vote was broken largely into three parts: fare hikes, toll
increases and service cutbacks. After hearing from the public and the
board members, the board approved each by a vote of 12 to 1.

This is your last chance or forever hold your peace, said H. Dale
Hemmerdinger, the chairman of the board, right before the final vote.
The lone dissenting member in each vote was Norman I. Seabrook,
president of the 9500-member New York City Correction Officers
Benevolent Association.
Board members called the combination of fare increases and slashing
bus, subway and commuter rail cuts a disaster but said they could no
longer wait for lawmakers in Albany to rescue them.
The fare hikes on the subway and buses, including an increase in the
base subway and bus fare to $2.50, from $2, will take effect May 31.
Commuter rail fares will increase June 1. Tolls on the authoritys
bridges and tunnels will also go up, with the increase taking effect in
The service cuts are far reaching. They include the elimination of
35 bus routes and two subway lines, the W and Z. Off-peak and weekend
subway, bus and commuter rail service will also be cut back.
The authoritys board had hoped for a different outcome. 
Gov. David A. Paterson and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver have
championed a
financial rescue plan for the authority that would have prevented the
service cuts and allowed a much smaller fare increase. 
That plan
[pdf], put forth by Richard Ravitch, a former authority chairman, would
have funneled new revenues to the authority by creating a new tax on
payrolls and tolls on the East River and Harlem River bridges. But
several Democrats in the state Senate opposed the bridge tolls and
blocked the rescue package.
Its truly sad that a few individuals can hold all these brave
individuals hostage, Mr. Hemmerdinger said when the meeting started.
Officials in Albany have said they still hold out hope that a
compromise can be reached in the coming weeks. But the authority said
it had to go through with the Wednesday vote to give itself time to
plan and implement the fare and service changes.
If lawmakers do eventually pass a rescue package, authority
officials say they may be able to stop the changes before they take
City Room filed blog updates from this mornings meeting, below:

11:15 a.m. |  Members
of Metropolitan Transportation Authority board have been discussing the
fare hikes in advance of the final vote.
So far, the wide-ranging discussion from the public and the board
members has referenced A.I.G.s $169 million in bonuses, Bernard Madoff
and Shakespeares Julius Caesar.
Elliot G. Sander, executive director of the M.T.A., acknowledged the
burden of a spending binge earlier in the decade, noting that a capital
improvements made between 2000 and 2004 were put on a credit card.

Those debt payments, combined with the economic crisis, continued to
ravage the M.T.A.s budget, he said, noting that M.T.A.s projected
real estate tax revenues were already $120 million behind projections
so far this year.
 10:30 a.m. |  The
Metropolitan Transportation Authority hearing on the fare hikes has
been under way since 9:30 a.m. A vote is expected. Its a true crisis
that cannot be solved by ourselves without causing great pain to the
riding public, said H. Dale Hemmerdinger, the chairman of the board,
at the beginning of the meeting.
Then he opened the microphone to a parade of more than a dozen
speakers, including City Council members, M.T.A. employees and public
transit advocates.

David I.
Weperin, a city councilman who chairs the Finance Committee,
criticized the increases for their burden on the middle class. 
He pushed for alternative revenue approaches, such as aggressive
advertising strategies like increasing rates or selling the space on
the back of MetroCards to advertisers. 
Mr. Weprin urged the agency to look beyond the state government for
help. Instead of acting for Albany to act, we should also be pursuing
help from the federal government, he said.
Others used the opportunity to vent about the broader financial
crisis. John Ferretti, a conductor on the No. 1 line who helps publish The Revolutionary
Transit Worker bulletin, noted that the M.T.A. was burdened by debt
that had been incurred with the encouragement of Wall Street companies.
He said the increases would take money out of the pockets of
workers to save the funds of parasitic financiers and bankers.
a longtime activist and civil liberties lawyer, tried to depict the
board as out of touch with average New Yorkers, asking, I am curious
how many of you use the trains or buses regularly? 
When some responded, he said, I hope that 

Re: A China Owned America. Does China's gifts under the tree mean the streets and soup lines for home owners?

2009-03-25 Thread Doc Holliday

China calls for new reserve currency

By Jamil Anderlini in Beijing

Published: March 23 2009 12:16 | Last updated: March 24 2009 00:06

China’s central bank on Monday proposed replacing the US dollar as the
international reserve currency with a new global system controlled by
the International Monetary Fund.

In an essay posted on the People’s Bank of China’s website, Zhou
Xiaochuan, the central bank’s governor, said the goal would be to
create a reserve currency “that is disconnected from individual
nations and is able to remain stable in the long run, thus removing
the inherent deficiencies caused by using credit-based national

Analysts said the proposal was an indication of Beijing’s fears that
actions being taken to save the domestic US economy would have a
negative impact on China.

“This is a clear sign that China, as the largest holder of US dollar
financial assets, is concerned about the potential inflationary risk
of the US Federal Reserve printing money,” said Qu Hongbin, chief
China economist for HSBC.

Although Mr Zhou did not mention the US dollar, the essay gave a
pointed critique of the current dollar-dominated monetary system.

“The outbreak of the [current] crisis and its spillover to the entire
world reflected the inherent vulnerabilities and systemic risks in the
existing international monetary system,” Mr Zhou wrote.

China has little choice but to hold the bulk of its $2,000bn of
foreign exchange reserves in US dollars, and this is unlikely to
change in the near future.

To replace the current system, Mr Zhou suggested expanding the role of
special drawing rights, which were introduced by the IMF in 1969 to
support the Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate regime but became less
relevant once that collapsed in the 1970s.

Today, the value of SDRs is based on a basket of four currencies – the
US dollar, yen, euro and sterling – and they are used largely as a
unit of account by the IMF and some other international organisations.

China’s proposal would expand the basket of currencies forming the
basis of SDR valuation to all major economies and set up a settlement
system between SDRs and other currencies so they could be used in
international trade and financial transactions.

Countries would entrust a portion of their SDR reserves to the IMF to
manage collectively on their behalf and SDRs would gradually replace
existing reserve currencies.

Mr Zhou said the proposal would require “extraordinary political
vision and courage” and acknowledged a debt to John Maynard Keynes,
who made a similar suggestion in the 1940s.end snip

The Moscow Times » Issue 4105 » Business
At G20, Kremlin to Pitch New Currency
17 March 2009By Ira Iosebashvili / The Moscow TimesThe Kremlin
published its priorities Monday for an upcoming meeting of the G20,
calling for the creation of a supranational reserve currency to be
issued by international institutions as part of a reform of the global
financial system.

The International Monetary Fund should investigate the possible
creation of a new reserve currency, widening the list of reserve
currencies or using its already existing Special Drawing Rights, or
SDRs, as a superreserve currency accepted by the whole of the
international community, the Kremlin said in a statement issued on
its web site.

The SDR is an international reserve asset, created by the IMF in 1969
to supplement the existing official reserves of member countries.

The Kremlin has persistently criticized the dollar's status as the
dominant global reserve currency and has lowered its own dollar
holdings in the last few years. Both President Dmitry Medvedev and
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin have repeatedly called for the ruble to
be used as a regional reserve currency, although the idea has received
little support outside of Russia.

Analysts said the new Kremlin proposal would elicit little excitement
among the G20 members.

This is all in the realm of fantasy, said Sergei Perminov, chief
strategist at Rye, Man and Gore. There was a situation that resembled
what they are talking about. It was called the gold standard, and it
ended very badly.

Alternatives to the dollar are still hard to find, he said.

The Kremlin's call for a common currency is not the first in recent
days. Speaking at an economic conference in Astana, Kazakhstan, last
week, Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev proposed a global currency
called the acmetal -- a conflation of the words acme and

He also suggested that the Eurasian Economic Community, a loose group
of five former Soviet republics including Kazakhstan and Russia, adopt
a single noncash currency -- the yevraz -- to insulate itself from the
global economic crisis.

The suggestions received a lukewarm response from Foreign Minister
Sergei Lavrov on Saturday.

Nazarbayev's proposal did, however, garner support from at least one
prominent source -- 

[Fwd: Interesting]

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

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Fair-Housing Fascism

2009-03-25 Thread M.A. Johnson

Fair-Housing Fascism
by George C. Leef, Posted
March 25, 2009
This article originally appeared in the November 2008 edition
of Freedom Daily 
In his recent book, Liberal Fascism, Jonah Goldberg argues that
most of the “liberal” political agenda is fascistic, in the true meaning
of the word. Fascism is a system based on the use of governmental
directives to control private property. Whereas communists simply
confiscate private property ­ particularly what they call “the means of
production” ­ fascists let the owners keep title, but bring their
property under increasing government domination through rules and
regulations. Goldberg’s indisputable argument is that the same thing is
going on in the United States. 
Liberals hate being called fascists because “fascist” is the epithet they
often hurl at those who oppose their authoritarian ideas. Too bad. Let’s
be adults and call things by their proper names. Ever since the New Deal,
much of U.S. law has been intended to take freedom away from property
owners and, in pursuit of notions such as “social justice,” make them
subject to numerous political and bureaucratic dictates. Goldberg is
right. It’s fascism. 
One of the areas where this has occurred is in housing. Anyone who sells
or rents housing has to obey a host of regulations, including so-called
fair-housing statutes, which make it illegal to do anything that could be
construed as “discrimination.” If a seller or lessor has any preferences
with regard to buyers or tenants, he had better not act on them, or else
face serious penalties. 
I happen to be one of the members of the North Carolina Advisory
Commission on Civil Rights, and recently the issue of fair-housing law
enforcement came up. The commission was reviewing a report on the
relative merits of enforcement by the federal government’s Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and local fair-housing agencies. To
the astonishment of at least one other member of the commission, I said
that I was philosophically opposed to fair-housing laws, but saw no harm
in going ahead with the comparative analysis. That commission member’s
astonishment manifested itself in an immediate reply by email in which he
likened me to some of history’s most unsavory characters. That was
written prior to my explanation why I was opposed. Shoot first, ask
questions later ­ if at all. 
So what is wrong with fair-housing legislation? Isn’t it bad to deny a
house or apartment to someone just because of his race or some other
characteristic over which he may have no control? How can members of
minority groups find decent housing and improve their lives if property
owners are free to say, “Your kind ain’t welcome” and turn them away?

Like so many other fascist controls, this one is based on both bad
philosophy and bad economics. I’ll start with the philosophy. 
Morality and freedom
Many of the worst injustices of history have stemmed from the
proclivity of governments to treat some of their citizens differently
than they treat others. In medieval times, the trouble was that a very
small number of people (the nobility) had rights and privileges no one
else had. In modern times, it’s mostly the opposite ­ certain small
groups are treated much worse than everyone else. In the United States,
that meant that blacks and Indians were not accorded the same rights as
other citizens. 
The guiding star of the “civil-rights” movement going back to the 1920s
was that the government should stop playing favorites and respect the
equal rights of all. With that idea, I completely concur. All persons
have the same set of rights revolving around the fundamental rights of
life, liberty, and property. What it boils down to is that each person is
entitled to live his life as he chooses, so long as he doesn’t infringe
on the equal rights of others. That is why the infamous Jim Crow laws
were wrong. They coercively interfered with the rights of blacks and
whites alike. 
Consider the Louisiana law challenged in Plessy v. Ferguson. It
required railroad companies to seat black customers only in segregated
coaches. That was a violation of the rights of black citizens, who were
denied the right to freely contract with another party for
accommodations, and also a violation of the rights of railroad owners,
who were deprived of freedom of contract regarding their property.
Finally, it violated the rights of freedom of association of white
customers who may have wanted to ride with blacks. This was fascism
predating Mussolini by decades. 
The element of race was incidental to the moral wrong. Some people were
deprived of rights and treated differently by law. It’s wrong to do that
on the basis of race, but just as wrong for any other reason.
Fair-housing laws suffer from the same defect as Jim Crow. Here’s why.

Among the rights everyone has is the right to liberty of contract.
Because a contract requires mutual consent, everyone has the right to
seek to enter into a contract with another, but it 

When it comes to Massachusetts you really can't make this stuff up

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

 Massachusetts Democrats 
 They're not even pretending
to care anymore.

Marian Walsh (D-West Roxbury) will take a pay cut after she triggered a
firestorm of outrage on Beacon Hill when Gov. Deval Patrick appointed
her to a vacant $175,000-a-year job.
Walsh plans to take $120,000 a year instead.

if that's any less offensive to the hard-working people of
Massachusetts who are struggling just to make ends meet and put food on
the table for their families.

Only in the deluded minds of the most reality-detached politicians does
offering some hack politician a low
six-figure, do-nothing job completely atone for the sin of originally
offering said hack a high
six-figure, do-nothing job.

I don't know how Massachusetts has managed to keep itself from burning
to the ground over the last twelve years with no one filling that
crucial position.

But, wait. As usual, there's more to the story.

Because the first two paragraphs weren't enough of a joke, apparently.

Hoping to renew faith in his
reformer image,
the governor will also announce a public review of salary and benefits
of senior managers at quasi-independent agencies, according to an
administration source.

An image that exists only on
the retinas of his most devoted, and Hopenchange-addicted followers,
people who actually thought (and, likely still think) they were voting
for someone who cares about them. Sound familiar?

Herald disclosed last week that Patrick is pushing hefty $26,000 raises
for sheriffs in two low-crime island resorts. The paper also reported
that the cash-strapped Turnpike slipped two $100,000 staffers onto its
payroll, while failing to lay off any toll takers as the governor had

In case you were wondering what it looks like when you try to stuff ten
pounds of "reform" into a five pound bag.

The move comes as the governor is proposing toll hikes and
gas-tax hikes in an effort to pay off the Big Dig debt.

God the voters in Massachusetts listened to their intellectually and
morally superior overlords on Beacon Hill and voted to keep
their income tax
in place. Had that ballot question passed, the state would have had no
choice but to increase taxes and tolls to make up for the lost...

...never mind. 

posted by Bruce | Permalink | 
(6) | 
(0) | HOME 


  So, what do YOU have to say?

not even pretending to care anymore.
Why should they? They own the state. There's no effective opposition
anymore. There never will be, either, because they control the voting
machines too. Massachusetts is a lost cause.
   wolfwalker | 03.24.09 - 7:33 pm | #

saddened to think that this type of crap is destined for NH eventually.
   Ross | 03.24.09 - 7:52 pm | #

I'll be dead and buried before that cancer is allowed to infect and
destroy this state.
   Bruce | Homepage | 03.24.09 -
7:59 pm | #

should they? They own the state. There's no effective opposition
anymore. There never will be, either, because they control the voting
machines too. Massachusetts is a lost cause.
I agree. I honestly think there can be no reform in MA. Ever... There
is too large a segment of the population that is effectively dependent
on gov't services. They would never vote to reduce their own
Bruce, it's kind of funny. I picked up a game called Supreme Commander
2020. It was put out a few yrs ago before the economic collapse. The
plot is eerie. The US dollar collapses and a series of believable
global events causes the US to fracture and each state becomes an
independent country. It's based on Civilization. I got this game JUST
to be NH and just to declare war on MA. Anyhow, fun game.
   Jon Bibeau | Homepage
| 03.25.09 - 7:44 am | #

in other news, New Hampshire just voted to make it illegal to
text-message while driving.
Because, you know, they don't really mean it when they say "Live free
or die"...
   Jay G. | Homepage |
03.25.09 - 10:09 am | #

Mass, not to add fool to the fire, but since it's such a blue
state, would it hurt to offload Ohio's useless Democrats, such as
Cleveland's own Gerald McFall, or Dennis Kucinich on you guys?
   Cappy | Homepage | 03.25.09 - 10:44
am | #



THis could get interesting - also check at the bottom for the links of the Lisbon Treaty for the EU

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

European Union|24.03.2009

Czech Prime Minister Says He'll Quit After Losing Vote of Confidence

des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Topolanek says he'll step

The Czech government has collapsed
after Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek
lost a vote of confidence in parliament. It's unknown what Topolanek's
planned resignation will mean for the Czech European Union presidency.

It was a close vote. But four renegade Czech lawmakers abandoned
Topolanek on Tuesday, March 24, toppling the ruling coalition. It was
the fourth time Topolanek had faced a vote of confidence in his two
years in office.
Topolanek was able to secure only 96 votes in the 200-seat lower
house after failing to win over the renegade lawmakers in last-minute
Topolanek confirmed that he plans to resign.
"I will behave exactly in line with the constitution," Reuters news
agency quoted him as saying.
The constitution says the government must resign after losing a vote
of confidence.
Topolaneks right-wing Civic Democrats (ODS) ruled together with the
Christian Democrats and the Green party. Yet Topolanek relied on the
support of several independent members of parliament, who had defected
from the ruling coalition, to give him a majority.
EUpresidency uncertain
des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Czech
President Vaclav Klaus will be tasked with finding a successor
Czech President Vaclav Klaus will now look for a parliamentarian
with enough support to form a new government. If three attempts to form
a government fail, early elections will be called.
Before the vote, Social Democrats had said they wanted to see
Topolanek's government stay on to complete the six-month rotating EU
presidency, which the Czech Republic holds until the end of June.
Social Democrat chief Jiri Paroubek reiterated that stance after the
vote, sayingit was "natural that the government would stay until the
end of the EU presidency" on June 30, AFP reported.
Topolanek has said his party would like to have early elections this
summer. The opposition Social Democrats want elections to be held in
Unusual, but not unprecedented
Achange in
governmentwould complicate the Czech EU presidency, Topolanek said
after the no confidence vote.

"I believe it can
complicate our negotiating power ... partners in Europe have grown used
to us negotiating hard. In this sense it can happen that our position
will be weakened," he told reporters.

US President Barack
Obama is scheduled to visit Prague next week for talks with Czech and
European leaders. While the situation of a government changing during
its six-month European Union presidency is unusual, it isnt

In 1996, Italys
center-left coalition under Romano Prodi took over from Lamberto Dini's
centre-right government following a legislative election. And in 1993,
Denmark began its EU presidency with a change in leadership when Poul
Schlueter's conservatives were replaced by Social Democrats under Poul
Nyrup Rasmussen.

Lativa in crisis

The Czech Republic
has been less affected than some eastern European countries by the
global financial crisis. Financial turmoil has brought down leaders in
bothHungary and Latvia already this year.

Latvia's new prime
minister, Valdis Dombrovskis, who was sworn in just a few weeks ago,
said on Monday that he might have to ask for a fresh loan from
international lenders to see his country through the crisis.

Hungary's Prime
Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany has offered to step aside to allow someone
new to tackle the country's financial problems. The ruling coalition
plans to announce a replacement by the end ofthe week.


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DW-WORLD: Reluctant Czech Lawmakers Pass
European Treaty

The European Union's stalled reform pact, the Lisbon Treaty, has
cleared the first hurdle in the Czech Republic's parliament. But the
treaty still has plenty of obstacles left before it is approved.

DW-WORLD: Czech Presidency Considers Extra
EU Economic Crisis Summit
France and the Czech presidency of the European Union are calling for
EU leaders to hold talks the end of February to coordinate the bloc's
response to the economic crisis. (09.02.2009)

DW-WORLD: Europe Gets a Taste of Czech Art
Hoax and Self-mockery 
art installation commissioned by the Czech Republic to mark its EU
presidency has caused a scandal for lampooning national stereotypes and
embarrassed Prague by turning out to be a hoax by a Czech artist.



Good one - and he does make some very good points

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

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More buyers' remorse - sort of

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

*Three Washington Post Columnists, Three Negative Assessments:  *Richard 
Cohen sees many problems in Washington --- and blames them on Nancy 

It is still early, not even two-thirds of the way through the
vaunted 100 days, and we are all admonished not to make judgments or
dire predictions.  Yet enough has been done so that, without fear
that history will someday mock me, I can state that Nancy Pelosi is
off to one hell of a start.  The president, alas, is a different story.

The tale of two political figures was written one day last week when
Pelosi went down into the well of the House and pitched the bill to
heavily tax the bad people at AIG who received big bonuses.  Using
the tax code to exact punishment for political reasons is both bad
policy and bad law -- why not put gun-shop owners and cigarette
manufacturers in the 100 percent bracket? -- but it hurtled through
Pelosi's branch of the government with nary a hearing and few
discouraging words, and only the mildest suggestion from the
president that the bill was really a dumb idea. 

And that's not the only dumb idea Pelosi has pushed through the House.

Anne Applebaum thinks the efforts to reset
relations with other nations, notably Russia, are foolish.

I do realize that these are early days.  The traditional, deadly
struggle between the State Department and the National Security
Council for influence is only just getting underway, and the
president has other things on his mind.  But the gift of a reset
button, however translated, was a not a good beginning.  If this
administration thinks it can transform America's relationships with
Russia or anyone else with the flick of a switch and a change of
rhetoric, it is living in a virtual reality, not a real one. 

Virtual realities can be fun, but there are almost always penalties for 
acting as if we lived in one --- especially in foreign affairs.

George Will doesn't limit his criticism to Pelosi, or to Hillary Clinton 
and the State Department.   Instead, he argues that both the 
administration and the Democratically-controlled Congress are ignoring 
our laws and the Constitution

This is but a partial list of recent lawlessness, situational
constitutionalism and institutional derangement.  Such political
malfeasance is pertinent to the financial meltdown as the
administration, desperately seeking confidence, tries to stabilize
the economy by vastly enlarging government's role in it. 

(Cohen and Applebaum voted for Obama, Will did not.)

Put together, these three assessments are devastating, even though Cohen 
has not caught on yet to the fact that Obama is not a reformer, and 
never has been one.  Applebaum has the best description of the 
underlying fault; Clinton, Obama, and Pelosi are not living in the real 
world, a world in which nations have histories that can not be reset, 
constitutions and laws that can not be ignored, and financial problems 
that can not be solved simply by giving more power to the federal 
officials who did so much to create those problems.

One final, sobering thought:  We are accustomed to discounting campaign 
rhetoric, accustomed to assuming that politicians do not believe much 
of what they say during a campaign.  But we must, from time to time, 
consider the possibility, however unpleasant, that campaigners believe 
much of what they say.  Clinton, Obama, and Pelosi may have believed the 
attacks they made on George W. Bush, who they depicted as both 
misinformed and misguided.  That would explain why they seem to think 
that they can simply replace Bush and reset things to make them right.

(Jimmy Carter seemed to have a similar misunderstanding when he took 
office in 1977.  During his years as president, he learned he was wrong 
about some things, for instance, the Soviet threat.  But the nation and 
the world paid a high price for his lessons. )
- 9:08 AM, 24 March 2009

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Busy for years with the Stupid tag

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Obama to Special Olympics: Drop Dead
 The One is sticking to his guns on limiting the
deduction for charitable donations -
essentially sticking a finger into the eye of the donor base.

Mr. President, are you -- thank you. Thank you, Mr. President. Are you
reconsidering your plan to cut the interest rate deduction for
mortgages and for charities? And do you regret having proposed that in
the first place?
OBAMA: No, I think it's -- I think it's the
right thing to do, where we've got to make some difficult choices.
Here's what we did with respect to tax policy.
What we said was
that, over the last decade, the average worker, the average family have
seen their wages and incomes flat. Even in times where supposedly we
were in the middle of an economic boom, as a practical matter, their
incomes didn't go up. And so, well, we said, "Let's give them a tax
cut. Let's give them some relief, some help, 95 percent of American
Now, for the top 5 percent, they're the ones who
typically saw huge gains in their income. I -- I fall in that category.
And what we've said is, for those folks, let's not renew the Bush tax
cuts, so let's go back to the rates that existed back in -- during the
Clinton era, when wealthy people were still wealthy and doing just
fine, and let's look at the -- the level at which people can itemize
their deductions.
And what we've said is: Let's go back to the
rate that existed under Ronald Reagan. People are still going to be
able to make charitable contributions. It just means, if you give $100
and you're in this tax bracket, at a certain point, instead of being
able to write off 36 percent or 39 percent, you're writing off 28
Now, if it's really a charitable contribution, I'm
assuming that that shouldn't be the determining factor as to whether
you're giving that $100 to the homeless shelter down the street.
so this provision would affect about 1 percent of the American people.
They would still get deductions. It's just that they wouldn't be able
to write off 39 percent.
In that sense, what it would do is it
would equalize -- when I give $100, I'd get the same amount of
deduction as when some -- a bus driver who's making $50,000 a year, or
$40,000 a year, gives that same $100. Right now, he gets 28 percent --
he gets to write off 28 percent. I get to write off 39 percent. I don't
think that's fair.
So I think this was a good idea. I think it
is a realistic way for us to raise some revenue from people who've
benefited enormously over the last several years.


Ego-in-Chief is essentially saying he knows better than the charities
themselves how to raise money and how they will be affected by his tax
increase on their donor base. He's saying he knows the charity large
donor bases better than the charity fund raisers who know their largest
donors personally.

What the EiC apparently hasn't figured out is
that although that provision affects about 1 percent of the American
people, that 1 percent of donors represents a HELL of a lot more than 1
percent of charitable donations.

The difference comes directly
out of much needed programs for the widows, orphans, the poor, the
environment, and a whole host of causes... and yes, the Special

Atlas to EiC: I'm getting some mighty twitchy shoulder muscles, if you
know what I'm saying.

Splash, out


(It's gonna be a busy for years for the 'stupid' tag, I'm afraid.)
Labels: economy, Obama,

ENTER THE NET] posted by Jason : 08:31 EST, Wednesday, March
25, 2009 2 transmissions this net

Breathtaking indeed.

Another battle in the war on prosperity, aka class warfare.

Oboring thinks 'rich' folks won't change their behavior, huh? Anyone
get the tag number from the turnip truck this moron fell off of?
# posted by Jay
Season : 9:39 AM

  To heck
with going "John Galt", I wanna know when it is time to go "Jack Bauer".
# posted by I R A Darth Aggie : 10:34 AM

a Comment 

Re: This will be interesting to see what is going to happen in California

2009-03-25 Thread plainolamerican

CA could resolve their unemployment problem by simply deporting
illegal alien/criminal/invaders

either enforce your laws or stop whining

On Mar 25, 10:16 am, dick thompson wrote:
   State's economy to see longer recession

 By Pete Carey­%20to%20see%20longer%20recession

 Mercury News­%20to%20see%20longer%20recession

 Posted: 03/25/2009 01:00:00 AM PDT

 Economic crisis

     * Full coverage of the economic crisis, including special reports
       and databases


     * UPDATED: See if your California company is planning layoffs in
     * Unemployment rate by county

 California is in for a lengthy downturn, with the jobless rate hitting
 nearly 12 percent this year and next, one of the state's most respected
 economic forecasting groups warned Tuesday.

 The state's recession will be deeper and longer than we previously
 thought, economists with UCLA's Anderson Forecast predicted.

 The outlook for the state's faltering economy is bad on several fronts,
 the economists said: Taxable sales will decline this year, personal
 income will contract slightly, and unemployment is only going to get
 worse. A return to growth won't come until next year.

 California has been hit harder than many states during the national
 downturn, starting with a huge wave of foreclosures spreading to other
 sectors of the economy and leading to an unemployment rate among the
 nation's highest. And Silicon Valley hasn't escaped, as a sharp drop in
 exports has begun to hit the export-heavy region's tech companies.

 The latest quarterly report from Anderson offers little good news and is
 somewhat grimmer on California's prospects than the panel's last two
 quarterly forecasts. But it sees a break in the downward trend by the
 end of the year and a slow economic recovery beginning in 2010.

 The forecasters said the state's unemployment rate will reach 11.7
 percent this fall, and 11.9 percent in the second quarter of 2010.
 Unemployment will average 11 percent this year and 11.7 percent next
 year, they said.

 A separate study by

 the University of the Pacific, also released Tuesday, predicted the
 jobless rate will reach 12 percent by the end of this year, with
 double-digit unemployment continuing through 2011.

 California is in the midst of its worst recession since the 1930s,
 said Jeff Michael, director of University of the Pacific's Business
 Forecasting Center. The state will lose nearly a million jobs before it
 ends, and no area of the economy is being spared.

 Behind the state's troubles is a collapse in consumer demand that began
 last fall, said Jerry Nickelsburg, a UCLA economist. We had a housing
 downturn for two years and we didn't have a recession, he said. But the
 events of September's market crash and dire warnings from government
 officials created an enormous amount of fear in American households
 that caused consumer demand to contract, Nickelsburg said.

 We need to have a good financial sector, but we need to get it without
 scaring everybody half to death, added Edward Leamer, UCLA forecast

 Nationally, a tepid recovery is forecast to begin in 2010, though the
 U.S. economy should bottom out sometime in the fall, said UCLA economist
 David Shulman.

 The UCLA panel said that even with the economy
 growing in 2011, it won't generate enough jobs to drive the unemployment
 rate below double digits until 2012.

 The toll of the bubble and recession in California so far:

 # Nearly 280,000 jobs were lost in January alone, a majority most likely
 in construction and manufacturing.
 # All appreciation in home prices since early 2004 has been lost to the
 bursting of the housing bubble.
 # Exports have crashed, particularly of durable manufactured goods ---
 that is, goods that last like cars, machinery, appliances, computers and
 electronics. Exports are now lower than at any time since the beginning
 of 2006, and most of California's trading partners are also in recession.
 # Commercial construction has sharply dropped, as developers and companies
 have canceled projects because of the weak economy or have been unable
 to secure financing because of banks' reluctance to lend.

 One key to revival is the sector that started the economic tailspin:
 housing. Though housing markets have yet to bottom out, by this fall,
 California's housing industry will be building fewer houses than its

Re: This will be interesting to see what is going to happen in California

2009-03-25 Thread plainolamerican

Obama is right behond Pelosi in her attempt to stop ICE raids
she says they're unAmerican

some people need killin'

On Mar 25, 12:46 pm, dick thompson wrote:
 Exactly.  Why else do you have the laws on the books.  If something is
 illegal either enforce it or get rid of the law.

 plainolamerican wrote:
  CA could resolve their unemployment problem by simply deporting
  illegal alien/criminal/invaders

  either enforce your laws or stop whining

  On Mar 25, 10:16 am, dick thompson wrote:

    State's economy to see longer recession

  By Pete Carey­­%20to%20see%20longer%20recession

  Mercury News­­%20to%20see%20longer%20recession

  Posted: 03/25/2009 01:00:00 AM PDT

  Economic crisis

      * Full coverage of the economic crisis, including special reports
        and databases


      * UPDATED: See if your California company is planning layoffs in
      * Unemployment rate by county

  California is in for a lengthy downturn, with the jobless rate hitting
  nearly 12 percent this year and next, one of the state's most respected
  economic forecasting groups warned Tuesday.

  The state's recession will be deeper and longer than we previously
  thought, economists with UCLA's Anderson Forecast predicted.

  The outlook for the state's faltering economy is bad on several fronts,
  the economists said: Taxable sales will decline this year, personal
  income will contract slightly, and unemployment is only going to get
  worse. A return to growth won't come until next year.

  California has been hit harder than many states during the national
  downturn, starting with a huge wave of foreclosures spreading to other
  sectors of the economy and leading to an unemployment rate among the
  nation's highest. And Silicon Valley hasn't escaped, as a sharp drop in
  exports has begun to hit the export-heavy region's tech companies.

  The latest quarterly report from Anderson offers little good news and is
  somewhat grimmer on California's prospects than the panel's last two
  quarterly forecasts. But it sees a break in the downward trend by the
  end of the year and a slow economic recovery beginning in 2010.

  The forecasters said the state's unemployment rate will reach 11.7
  percent this fall, and 11.9 percent in the second quarter of 2010.
  Unemployment will average 11 percent this year and 11.7 percent next
  year, they said.

  A separate study by

  the University of the Pacific, also released Tuesday, predicted the
  jobless rate will reach 12 percent by the end of this year, with
  double-digit unemployment continuing through 2011.

  California is in the midst of its worst recession since the 1930s,
  said Jeff Michael, director of University of the Pacific's Business
  Forecasting Center. The state will lose nearly a million jobs before it
  ends, and no area of the economy is being spared.

  Behind the state's troubles is a collapse in consumer demand that began
  last fall, said Jerry Nickelsburg, a UCLA economist. We had a housing
  downturn for two years and we didn't have a recession, he said. But the
  events of September's market crash and dire warnings from government
  officials created an enormous amount of fear in American households
  that caused consumer demand to contract, Nickelsburg said.

  We need to have a good financial sector, but we need to get it without
  scaring everybody half to death, added Edward Leamer, UCLA forecast

  Nationally, a tepid recovery is forecast to begin in 2010, though the
  U.S. economy should bottom out sometime in the fall, said UCLA economist
  David Shulman.

  The UCLA panel said that even with the economy
  growing in 2011, it won't generate enough jobs to drive the unemployment
  rate below double digits until 2012.

  The toll of the bubble and recession in California so far:

  # Nearly 280,000 jobs were lost in January alone, a majority most likely
  in construction and manufacturing.
  # All appreciation in home prices since early 2004 has been lost to the
  bursting of the housing bubble.
  # Exports have crashed, particularly of durable manufactured goods ---
  that is, goods that last like cars, machinery, appliances, computers and
  electronics. Exports are now lower than at any time since the beginning
  of 2006, and most of California's trading partners are also in recession.
  # Commercial 

Re: This will be interesting to see what is going to happen in California

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson
Exactly.  Why else do you have the laws on the books.  If something is 
illegal either enforce it or get rid of the law.

plainolamerican wrote:
 CA could resolve their unemployment problem by simply deporting
 illegal alien/criminal/invaders

 either enforce your laws or stop whining

 On Mar 25, 10:16 am, dick thompson wrote:
   State's economy to see longer recession

 By Pete Carey­%20to%20see%20longer%20recession

 Mercury News­%20to%20see%20longer%20recession

 Posted: 03/25/2009 01:00:00 AM PDT

 Economic crisis

 * Full coverage of the economic crisis, including special reports
   and databases


 * UPDATED: See if your California company is planning layoffs in
 * Unemployment rate by county

 California is in for a lengthy downturn, with the jobless rate hitting
 nearly 12 percent this year and next, one of the state's most respected
 economic forecasting groups warned Tuesday.

 The state's recession will be deeper and longer than we previously
 thought, economists with UCLA's Anderson Forecast predicted.

 The outlook for the state's faltering economy is bad on several fronts,
 the economists said: Taxable sales will decline this year, personal
 income will contract slightly, and unemployment is only going to get
 worse. A return to growth won't come until next year.

 California has been hit harder than many states during the national
 downturn, starting with a huge wave of foreclosures spreading to other
 sectors of the economy and leading to an unemployment rate among the
 nation's highest. And Silicon Valley hasn't escaped, as a sharp drop in
 exports has begun to hit the export-heavy region's tech companies.

 The latest quarterly report from Anderson offers little good news and is
 somewhat grimmer on California's prospects than the panel's last two
 quarterly forecasts. But it sees a break in the downward trend by the
 end of the year and a slow economic recovery beginning in 2010.

 The forecasters said the state's unemployment rate will reach 11.7
 percent this fall, and 11.9 percent in the second quarter of 2010.
 Unemployment will average 11 percent this year and 11.7 percent next
 year, they said.

 A separate study by

 the University of the Pacific, also released Tuesday, predicted the
 jobless rate will reach 12 percent by the end of this year, with
 double-digit unemployment continuing through 2011.

 California is in the midst of its worst recession since the 1930s,
 said Jeff Michael, director of University of the Pacific's Business
 Forecasting Center. The state will lose nearly a million jobs before it
 ends, and no area of the economy is being spared.

 Behind the state's troubles is a collapse in consumer demand that began
 last fall, said Jerry Nickelsburg, a UCLA economist. We had a housing
 downturn for two years and we didn't have a recession, he said. But the
 events of September's market crash and dire warnings from government
 officials created an enormous amount of fear in American households
 that caused consumer demand to contract, Nickelsburg said.

 We need to have a good financial sector, but we need to get it without
 scaring everybody half to death, added Edward Leamer, UCLA forecast

 Nationally, a tepid recovery is forecast to begin in 2010, though the
 U.S. economy should bottom out sometime in the fall, said UCLA economist
 David Shulman.

 The UCLA panel said that even with the economy
 growing in 2011, it won't generate enough jobs to drive the unemployment
 rate below double digits until 2012.

 The toll of the bubble and recession in California so far:

 # Nearly 280,000 jobs were lost in January alone, a majority most likely
 in construction and manufacturing.
 # All appreciation in home prices since early 2004 has been lost to the
 bursting of the housing bubble.
 # Exports have crashed, particularly of durable manufactured goods ---
 that is, goods that last like cars, machinery, appliances, computers and
 electronics. Exports are now lower than at any time since the beginning
 of 2006, and most of California's trading partners are also in recession.
 # Commercial construction has sharply dropped, as developers and companies
 have canceled projects because of the weak economy or have been unable
 to secure financing because of banks' reluctance to lend.

 One key to revival is the sector that started the economic tailspin:

Re: It's Time to Panic

2009-03-25 Thread Daniel Seigler

travis, you are right, congress DOES deserve MOST of the blame...but
not THIS Congress, or even the last Rpublican Congress, but the
Congress of around 1913, which 'legitimized' the Federal Reserve
Bank.  It is MY understanding that the Federal reserve Bank was set up
to AVOID economic crashes.  forget the fact that shortly AFTER it was
set up, the FIRST crash happened.  IMO, the ONLY way out of this
crisis is through return to a monetary system BACKED by PHYSICAL
assets, not debt.

On Mar 24, 9:18 pm, Travis wrote:
 congress gets 98% of the blame. aand the whole mess has been mismanages from
 the getgo.

 On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 7:55 PM, Jim Willis wrote:

  You are correct! Were the tax on capital gains removed, corporate
  taxes abolished and the tax on dividends expunged we would see
  manufacturing swarm into this country. After all; look to our southern
  states. They are dotted with foreign car manufacturers as it is much
  cheaper to produce a product as close to the consumer as possible.
  Those pesky shipping costs reduce a corporations bottom line. Yet;
  since we have the second highest corporate tax rates in the world we
  have established an unfriendly manufacturing environment. These things
  are ignored by Barry and his administration prompting my conclusion
  that he must want to destroy this economy. Still; good points all. I
  would only point out that Jimmy, the Carter didn't bury the economy
  overnight. Obama is just getting started. Thanks for the input...

  On Mar 24, 7:37 pm, Keith In Tampa wrote:
   Interesting perspective, and time will tell if you are correct.Or

   I would point out, that all of us have lived in worse timesSee
   Jimma Carter, when inflation was in double digits, when interest
   rates, (including the prime rate) was in double digits, and
   unemployment was in double digits.   None of that has happened to
   date, even with wacko left, socialist-elitist extremists at the

   Nope, I don't think we are there yet.  One nasty little dirty bomb, or
   another plane into a skyscraper, and watch everyone forget the
   economic debacle going on right now.  Just as important, if the
   government wanted to create a dynamo economy, all they would have to
   do, is get rid of the capital gains taxes, and adopt the Fair Tax
   Amendment/Legislation.You would see the American economy thrive,
   and the dollar whip the crap out of the Euro in a matter of hours.

   On Mar 24, 8:27 pm, Jim Willis

That tectonic tremble you felt yesterday was the nuclear option
employed by the Federal Reserve in their latest attempt to save our
economy. Not bloody likely mate! Here’s the funny part, at least from
my QWERTY keyboard. According to my watch, Mickey’s big hand said we
began a depression about ten minutes ago. So… welcome to it folks; the
last one standing needs to turn the lights out.

Now I know there are those doubting Thomases’s out there who, “from
behind their rose colored glasses” might point out the lack of food
lines, tent cities, and Wall Street window jumpers. To that end
grasshopper I would countenance patience; for it will come.

You see; what we’ve got here is a failure to communicate or to
understand the most basic of economic principals. In November of 2008
this juggernaut to ruin might have been assuaged. Yet; it is far, far
too late for that now.

The depression upon us doesn’t look like a depression; “yet” because
the Fed keeps printing money and Treasury tax cheat Tim, “A.K.A. Eddie
Haskell” keeps flooding insolvent banks with boatloads of money, hot
off the presses.

Even China smells rat and has halted the buying of our debt; causing
the Federal Reserve to monetize our ballooning deficit. In English
that means; the treasury gives ink and paper to the Federal Reserve.
Then, the minions of Ben Bernake use those supplies to print
$trillions of dollars. Now…stay with me here; after the Fed dries
these newly printed bills on huge clotheslines they bundle them up and
ship them off to the treasury, ostensibly to purchase our expanding
debt and keep Obama Inc. in business.

To date the Federal Reserve has added about $10 Trillion dollars to
its balance sheet or to simplify; they are robbing Peter to pay Paul
and as everyone knows that results in a sore Peter. Hey; you’d be mad

Still; that’s not the best part. Eddie Haskell, “A.K.A. Turbo Tax Tim”
has unveiled his plan to remove the toxic assets on Wall Street. At
the center of this scam is his, “public/private” partnership to
purchase these assets and make the banking industry whole again. Timmy
intends to, “loan” companies up to one $trillion dollars to purchase
these dog derivatives, yet; 

Re: It's Time to Panic

2009-03-25 Thread plainolamerican

On Mar 25, 1:46 pm, Daniel Seigler wrote:
 travis, you are right, congress DOES deserve MOST of the blame...but
 not THIS Congress, or even the last Rpublican Congress, but the
 Congress of around 1913, which 'legitimized' the Federal Reserve
 Bank.  It is MY understanding that the Federal reserve Bank was set up
 to AVOID economic crashes.  forget the fact that shortly AFTER it was
 set up, the FIRST crash happened.  IMO, the ONLY way out of this
 crisis is through return to a monetary system BACKED by PHYSICAL
 assets, not debt.

 On Mar 24, 9:18 pm, Travis wrote:

  congress gets 98% of the blame. aand the whole mess has been mismanages from
  the getgo.

  On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 7:55 PM, Jim Willis wrote:

   You are correct! Were the tax on capital gains removed, corporate
   taxes abolished and the tax on dividends expunged we would see
   manufacturing swarm into this country. After all; look to our southern
   states. They are dotted with foreign car manufacturers as it is much
   cheaper to produce a product as close to the consumer as possible.
   Those pesky shipping costs reduce a corporations bottom line. Yet;
   since we have the second highest corporate tax rates in the world we
   have established an unfriendly manufacturing environment. These things
   are ignored by Barry and his administration prompting my conclusion
   that he must want to destroy this economy. Still; good points all. I
   would only point out that Jimmy, the Carter didn't bury the economy
   overnight. Obama is just getting started. Thanks for the input...

   On Mar 24, 7:37 pm, Keith In Tampa wrote:
Interesting perspective, and time will tell if you are correct.Or

I would point out, that all of us have lived in worse timesSee
Jimma Carter, when inflation was in double digits, when interest
rates, (including the prime rate) was in double digits, and
unemployment was in double digits.   None of that has happened to
date, even with wacko left, socialist-elitist extremists at the

Nope, I don't think we are there yet.  One nasty little dirty bomb, or
another plane into a skyscraper, and watch everyone forget the
economic debacle going on right now.  Just as important, if the
government wanted to create a dynamo economy, all they would have to
do, is get rid of the capital gains taxes, and adopt the Fair Tax
Amendment/Legislation.You would see the American economy thrive,
and the dollar whip the crap out of the Euro in a matter of hours.

On Mar 24, 8:27 pm, Jim Willis

 That tectonic tremble you felt yesterday was the nuclear option
 employed by the Federal Reserve in their latest attempt to save our
 economy. Not bloody likely mate! Here’s the funny part, at least from
 my QWERTY keyboard. According to my watch, Mickey’s big hand said we
 began a depression about ten minutes ago. So… welcome to it folks; the
 last one standing needs to turn the lights out.

 Now I know there are those doubting Thomases’s out there who, “from
 behind their rose colored glasses” might point out the lack of food
 lines, tent cities, and Wall Street window jumpers. To that end
 grasshopper I would countenance patience; for it will come.

 You see; what we’ve got here is a failure to communicate or to
 understand the most basic of economic principals. In November of 2008
 this juggernaut to ruin might have been assuaged. Yet; it is far, far
 too late for that now.

 The depression upon us doesn’t look like a depression; “yet” because
 the Fed keeps printing money and Treasury tax cheat Tim, “A.K.A. Eddie
 Haskell” keeps flooding insolvent banks with boatloads of money, hot
 off the presses.

 Even China smells rat and has halted the buying of our debt; causing
 the Federal Reserve to monetize our ballooning deficit. In English
 that means; the treasury gives ink and paper to the Federal Reserve.
 Then, the minions of Ben Bernake use those supplies to print
 $trillions of dollars. Now…stay with me here; after the Fed dries
 these newly printed bills on huge clotheslines they bundle them up and
 ship them off to the treasury, ostensibly to purchase our expanding
 debt and keep Obama Inc. in business.

 To date the Federal Reserve has added about $10 Trillion dollars to
 its balance sheet or to simplify; they are robbing Peter to pay Paul
 and as everyone knows that results in a sore Peter. Hey; you’d be mad

 Still; that’s not the best part. Eddie Haskell, “A.K.A. Turbo Tax Tim”
 has unveiled his plan to remove the toxic assets on Wall Street. At
 the center of this scam is his, 

Congresswoman congrats Gators

2009-03-25 Thread Cold Water
Corrine Brown Congratulates the Florida Gators! Good job America! Keep voting 
Democrat I am sure people like Mrs. Brown will take good care of us!

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A message from a Palestinian Professor

2009-03-25 Thread jgg1000a

to some of the thug on the American Left...   We have had some of
these posters on this forum...  The Professor is right in that they
are about promoting the freedom to disseminate hatred and
violence..  And of course all who oppose them are called  war-mongers
that they see when they look into a mirror...

 What is happening on the U.S. campuses is not about supporting the 
 Palestinians as much as it is about promoting hatred for the Jewish state. 
 It is not really about ending the “occupation” as much as it is about 
 ending the existence of Israel.

Many of the Palestinian Authority and Hamas officials I talk to in the
context of my work as a journalist sound much more pragmatic than most
of the anti-Israel, “pro-Palestinian” folks on the campuses.

Over the past 15 years, much has been written and said about the fact
that Palestinian school textbooks don’t promote peace and coexistence
and that the Palestinian media often publishes anti-Israel material.

While this may be true, there is no ignoring the fact that the anti-
Israel campaign on U.S. campuses is not less dangerous. What is
happening on these campuses is not in the frame of freedom of speech.
Instead, it is the freedom to disseminate hatred and violence. As
such, we should not be surprised if the next generation of jihadists
comes not from the Gaza Strip or the mountains and mosques of Pakistan
and Afghanistan, but from university campuses across the U.S.
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2009-03-25 Thread plainolamerican

I'll keep my guns and money and you keep the change.

On Mar 25, 2:43 pm, Cold Water wrote:
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Re: More buyers' remorse - sort of

2009-03-25 Thread rigsy03

Obama is different than Carter and his voters  have other incentives-
his race and class hatreds building up. I think even wealthy Democrats
feel being a Liberal is a badge of honor that covers a multitude of
sins and omissions- and ignorance. They will stick to Obama like they
stuck to Clinton and will give him two terms out of pity because the
economy, foreign policy, basic issues and rights are so effed up- and
he's too bright to fail, they think. It will take a great rude
awakening to garner back votes for Republicans/ Conservatives. Most of
the younger voters have no notion of what constitutes a Conservative
because they haven't seen it or lived it.

On Mar 25, 12:14�pm, dick thompson wrote:
 *Three Washington Post Columnists, Three Negative Assessments: �*Richard
 Cohen sees many problems in Washington --- and blames them on Nancy

 � � It is still early, not even two-thirds of the way through the
 � � vaunted 100 days, and we are all admonished not to make judgments or
 � � dire predictions. �Yet enough has been done so that, without fear
 � � that history will someday mock me, I can state that Nancy Pelosi is
 � � off to one hell of a start. �The president, alas, is a different story.

 � � The tale of two political figures was written one day last week when
 � � Pelosi went down into the well of the House and pitched the bill to
 � � heavily tax the bad people at AIG who received big bonuses. �Using
 � � the tax code to exact punishment for political reasons is both bad
 � � policy and bad law -- why not put gun-shop owners and cigarette
 � � manufacturers in the 100 percent bracket? -- but it hurtled through
 � � Pelosi's branch of the government with nary a hearing and few
 � � discouraging words, and only the mildest suggestion from the
 � � president that the bill was really a dumb idea.

 And that's not the only dumb idea Pelosi has pushed through the House.

 Anne Applebaum thinks the efforts to reset
 relations with other nations, notably Russia, are foolish.

 � � I do realize that these are early days. �The traditional, deadly
 � � struggle between the State Department and the National Security
 � � Council for influence is only just getting underway, and the
 � � president has other things on his mind. �But the gift of a reset
 � � button, however translated, was a not a good beginning. �If this
 � � administration thinks it can transform America's relationships with
 � � Russia or anyone else with the flick of a switch and a change of
 � � rhetoric, it is living in a virtual reality, not a real one.

 Virtual realities can be fun, but there are almost always penalties for
 acting as if we lived in one --- especially in foreign affairs.

 George Will doesn't limit his criticism to Pelosi, or to Hillary Clinton
 and the State Department. � Instead, he argues that both the
 administration and the Democratically-controlled Congress are ignoring
 our laws and the Constitution

 � � This is but a partial list of recent lawlessness, situational
 � � constitutionalism and institutional derangement. �Such political
 � � malfeasance is pertinent to the financial meltdown as the
 � � administration, desperately seeking confidence, tries to stabilize
 � � the economy by vastly enlarging government's role in it.

 (Cohen and Applebaum voted for Obama, Will did not.)

 Put together, these three assessments are devastating, even though Cohen
 has not caught on yet to the fact that Obama is not a reformer, and
 never has been one. �Applebaum has the best description of the
 underlying fault; Clinton, Obama, and Pelosi are not living in the real
 world, a world in which nations have histories that can not be reset,
 constitutions and laws that can not be ignored, and financial problems
 that can not be solved simply by giving more power to the federal
 officials who did so much to create those problems.

 One final, sobering thought: �We are accustomed to discounting campaign
 rhetoric, accustomed to assuming that politicians do not believe much
 of what they say during a campaign. �But we must, from time to time,
 consider the possibility, however unpleasant, that campaigners believe
 much of what they say. �Clinton, Obama, and Pelosi may have believed the
 attacks they made on George W. Bush, who they depicted as both
 misinformed and misguided. �That would explain why they seem to think
 that they can simply replace Bush and reset things to make them right.

 (Jimmy Carter seemed to have a similar misunderstanding when he took
 office in 1977. �During his years as president, he learned he was wrong
 about some things, for instance, the Soviet threat. �But the nation and
 the world paid a high price for his lessons. )
 - 9:08 AM, 24 March 2009

Re: Congresswoman congrats Gators

2009-03-25 Thread Keith In Tampa
UhmI haven't opened the link, but I am almost positive I know what
this is, (someone sent it to me by e-mail a couple of days ago) and I am not
only speechless, I am just downright embarassed.

Go Gators!!

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 3:41 PM, Cold Water wrote:

 Corrine Brown Congratulates the Florida Gators! Good job America! Keep
 voting Democrat I am sure people like Mrs. Brown will take good care of us!


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inline: Gator-HeadAnimate.gif


2009-03-25 Thread Keith In Tampa
LOL!!  That's great CW!!  Thanks for sharing!!

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Re: A message from a Palestinian Professor

2009-03-25 Thread rigsy03

I think there was/is anti-Semitism in America because Jewish
immigrants were such a success. Everywhere and about everything! Then,
the Christians had a bone to pick  for centuries. My (former) Liberal
friends are quite artful at smothering their anti-Semitism socially
because they need Jews to defend them in Court, donate money to their
causes and charities, teach them and their children, increase their
wealth, so on an so forth. I wrote a younger man for several years and
was sad when he gave up on the Palestinians but after a while I have
given up on them also- unlike my (former) Liberal friends who consider
them victims just like the Blacks in America. And Hillary has now
decided we are the reason for drug cartels in Mexico. Amazing!

On Mar 25, 2:49 pm, jgg1000a wrote:
 to some of the thug on the American Left...   We have had some of
 these posters on this forum...  The Professor is right in that they
 are about promoting the freedom to disseminate hatred and
 violence..  And of course all who oppose them are called  war-mongers
 that they see when they look into a mirror...

  What is happening on the U.S. campuses is not about supporting the 
  Palestinians as much as it is about promoting hatred for the Jewish 
  state. It is not really about ending the “occupation” as much as it is 
  about ending the existence of Israel.

 Many of the Palestinian Authority and Hamas officials I talk to in the
 context of my work as a journalist sound much more pragmatic than most
 of the anti-Israel, “pro-Palestinian” folks on the campuses.

 Over the past 15 years, much has been written and said about the fact
 that Palestinian school textbooks don’t promote peace and coexistence
 and that the Palestinian media often publishes anti-Israel material.

 While this may be true, there is no ignoring the fact that the anti-
 Israel campaign on U.S. campuses is not less dangerous. What is
 happening on these campuses is not in the frame of freedom of speech.
 Instead, it is the freedom to disseminate hatred and violence. As
 such, we should not be surprised if the next generation of jihadists
 comes not from the Gaza Strip or the mountains and mosques of Pakistan
 and Afghanistan, but from university campuses across the U.S.
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Even Time noticed Obama's Clintonian redefinitions, just like 1984

2009-03-25 Thread jgg1000a

Just as Clinton COULD not have had sex due to an unconventional
definition of is, Obama's deficit spending is to justified by
redefining recovery...  Transparent this is not...

 But last night, Obama adopted a different meaning for the word. Suddenly, 
 recovery did not just mean an end to the immediate recession. The budget 
 I submitted to Congress will build our economic recovery on a stronger 
 foundation so that we don't face another crisis like this 10 or 20 years 
 from now, he said in a sentence so difficult to unpack that it reads as if 
 it had been written by lawyers. (Does he mean build upon the recovery? Or 
 build under the recovery?) Later, he completed the transformation with this 
 line: That's why this budget is inseparable from this recovery: because it 
 is what lays the foundation for a secure and lasting prosperity.

Suddenly the time horizon had shifted. Recovery now meant the
nation's long-term economic and fiscal stability. As politics, it was
a masterful move, but as a practical matter it would surely make
George Orwell wince.
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2009-03-25 Thread rigsy03

The teleprompter must be off to the left? Last night they went with a
52 plasma screen in the center so Obama could remember his lines for
a press conference (!) and try to look the lens of a camera in the eye
and Americans would think they had a President who looked like he was
looking them in the eye but really, he was looking at the lens of a
On Mar 25, 2:43�pm, Cold Water wrote:
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Catholic Notre Dame Will Award Pro-Abortion Obama an Honorary Law Degree

2009-03-25 Thread Keith In Tampa
*Subject:* RE: Catholic Notre Dame Will Award Pro-Abortion Obama an Honorary
Law Degree

 Deacons and Brothers in Formation,

Here is a great example of a hero of our Church. This morning after daily
Mass Father Cooney read this letter and I felt moved to share it with all of
you. This Bishop is unwilling to stand and be a part of something that is
clearly against our faith. Please join me in supporting Bishop John D'Arcy
for the fortitude and wisdom he is showing in making this stand.  Clearly a
David vs. Goliath scenario, but he is not backing down. I am also trying to
track down Mary Ann Glendon, from the Bishop's statement, to give her

We all could take a page from Bishop D'Arcy's book, and stand up when we see
clearly when the teachings of the Catholic Church are being ignored or
disregarded. I know I will!

Through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,


Below is the link to the letter Bishop D'Arcy has prayers
are with him!

Here is a copy of his letter:

Concerning President Barack Obama speaking at Notre Dame graduation,
receiving honorary law degree

March 24, 2009

On Friday, March 21, Father John Jenkins, CSC, phoned to inform me that
President Obama had accepted his invitation to speak to the graduating class
at Notre Dame and receive an honorary degree. We spoke shortly before the
announcement was made public at the White House press briefing. It was the
first time that I had been informed that Notre Dame had issued this

President Obama has recently reaffirmed, and has now placed in public
policy, his long-stated unwillingness to hold human life as sacred. While
claiming to separate politics from science, he has in fact separated science
from ethics and has brought the American government, for the first time in
history, into supporting direct destruction of innocent human life.

This will be the 25th Notre Dame graduation during my time as bishop. After
much prayer, I have decided not to attend the graduation. I wish no
disrespect to our president, I pray for him and wish him well. I have always
revered the Office of the Presidency. But a bishop must teach the Catholic
faith “in season and out of season,” and he teaches not only by his words —
but by his actions.

My decision is not an attack on anyone, but is in defense of the truth about
human life.

I have in mind also the statement of the U.S. Catholic Bishops in 2004. “The
Catholic community and Catholic institutions should not honor those who act
in defiance of our fundamental moral principles. They should not be given
awards, honors or platforms which would suggest support for their actions.”
Indeed, the measure of any Catholic institution is not only what it stands
for, but also what it will not stand for.

I have spoken with Professor Mary Ann Glendon, who is to receive the Laetare
Medal. I have known her for many years and hold her in high esteem. We are
both teachers, but in different ways. I have encouraged her to accept this
award and take the opportunity such an award gives her to teach.

Even as I continue to ponder in prayer these events, which many have found
shocking, so must Notre Dame. Indeed, as a Catholic University, Notre Dame
must ask itself, if by this decision it has chosen prestige over truth.

Tomorrow, we celebrate as Catholics the moment when our Lord and Savior,
Jesus Christ, became a child in the womb of his most holy mother. Let us ask
Our Lady to intercede for the university named in her honor, that it may
recommit itself to the primacy of truth over prestige.

Bishop John Michael D'Arcy

* *

*Sent:* Monday, March 23, 2009 6:24 PM
*To:* ;
*Subject:* Catholic Notre Dame Will Award Pro-Abortion Obama an Honorary Law

*Here's a couple of articles, that will make you sick. What is this world
coming to?*

*If you want to read the full article, the website is below each

*Catholic Notre Dame Will Award Pro-Abortion Obama an Honorary Law
( *- The University of Notre Dame announced on Friday that it
will award President Barack Obama an honorary law degree and that Obama will
give the principal address at the university’s May 17th commencement
ceremony. Obama supports abortion on demand, government funding of abortion,
government funding of stem cell research that kills human embryos, legally
granting same-sex unions all the rights and privileges of marriage, and
repealing the federal Defense of Marriage Act.


*Undercover Agent Used Passport Obtained With Fraudulent IDs to Pass Through
(* – Carrying a fake New York birth certificate and a phony
Florida driver’s license, an investigator walked into a Maryland post office
in December to 

Re: Even Time noticed Obama's Clintonian redefinitions, just like 1984

2009-03-25 Thread rigsy03

And persistence translated to patience by MSM. Obama needs two
days, we now know, to figure out what he is talking about! :-)

On Mar 25, 3:36�pm, jgg1000a wrote:
 Just as Clinton COULD not have had sex due to an unconventional
 definition of is, Obama's deficit spending is to justified by
 redefining recovery... �Transparent this is not...

  But last night, Obama adopted a different meaning for the word. Suddenly, 
  recovery did not just mean an end to the immediate recession. The 
  budget I submitted to Congress will build our economic recovery on a 
  stronger foundation so that we don't face another crisis like this 10 or 
  20 years from now, he said in a sentence so difficult to unpack that it 
  reads as if it had been written by lawyers. (Does he mean build upon the 
  recovery? Or build under the recovery?) Later, he completed the 
  transformation with this line: That's why this budget is inseparable 
  from this recovery: because it is what lays the foundation for a secure 
  and lasting prosperity.

 Suddenly the time horizon had shifted. Recovery now meant the
 nation's long-term economic and fiscal stability. As politics, it was
 a masterful move, but as a practical matter it would surely make
 George Orwell wince.
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Mark Levin's Tyranny and Liberty

2009-03-25 Thread Travis
  From:  Travis

Note:  Tyranny and Liberty  Is #1 on's bestseller list


From: Mike Dougherty
Subject:  Mark Levin's Tyranny and Liberty
Date: Tuesday, March 24, 2009,

  This book is getting a lot of attention. Mr. Levin's radio show, when I
get a chance to hear it, is just a gem. It's so hard to get, I'm tempted to
be a subscription member. He's a short bio from Wikipedia, followed by
remarks from Rush Limbaugh today:

 - - - - 

Early years

Levin earned his B.A. and J.D. at Temple University.

Professional career

Commencing in 1981, Levin served as advisor to several members of President
Ronald Reagan's Cabinet, eventually becoming associate director of
presidential personnel and ultimately Chief of Staff to Attorney General
Edwin Meese. He has practiced law in the private sector, and is president of
the Landmark Legal Foundation in Leesburg, Virginia. His radio career began
in 2002 as a Sunday afternoon host on WABC. In the fall of 2003, his show
filled the 6-8 p.m. (ET) timeslot. As of February 2, 2009, his show was
expanded to three hours, to take the 6-9 p.m (ET) timeslot.

In 2001, the American Conservative Union gave Levin its Ronald Reagan Award.
Member of Phi Beta Kappa, an honor society for students in liberal arts and

 - - - -

http://www.rushlimb home/daily/ site_032409/ content/01125110

RUSH: You know, our friend Mark Levin, I was with him during the whole
18-month process of him writing his book Liberty and Tyranny. Liberty and
Tyranny was released yesterday. He's going to be on the program in this hour
tomorrow. Liberty and Tyranny is a conservative manifesto and it is
brilliantly written, because while it is constitutional, it is easily
understandable, it is a page-turner as a novel is, and you don't find books
like this that can make that claim. It is now number one at Amazon. It is
now number one at Barnes  Noble. It is now number one at every national
place you can buy books. I get e-mails from people all the time, Rush,
Rush, what would you suggest as a reading list that I can go get and
understand conservatism, or that I could give to somebody else who doesn't
understand it? You don't need a reading list. You need a book. You need
this one. I would recommend you getting this book for yourself and buying
extra copies to give away. Liberty and Tyranny. It is by Mark Levin. He'll
be here tomorrow.

There are a few people who are out there fighting for our liberty. I'm one
of them; Sean Hannity is another, Levin, a bunch of them out there, and we
are being characterized as mean and angry, and we are being characterized as
people who just say no to Obama. The nice, smooth, suave, debonair,
yuk-it-up guys are the ones taking away our liberty. They are the ones who
are usurping the Constitution and assaulting capitalism and individual
liberty and freedom on a daily basis. You see, blunt, tough talk often is
what you get from honest people. Smooth, evasive straw man arguments emanate
from dishonest people. Now, unfortunately that's confusing to the governed
because of their ignorance and the fact that their emotions are easily

Now, Mark Levin, who is he? He's a legal scholar. He's a constitutional
scholar. He runs the Landmark Legal Foundation. He was chief of staff for Ed
Meese when he was attorney general in the Reagan administration. Mark Levin
is a bare knuckles fighter for freedom. The left labels him mean and angry,
while Obama is labeled as compassionate and reasonable and engaging, while
fighting to snatch liberty from people at every turn with a heart that is as
cold as ice. So we've got Levin's book, Liberty and Tyranny, it embraces
liberty. It's out. It is number one wherever books are sold. Obama's plans,
they're also out. They're taking it away. You can read them every day in the
Washington Post, open the New York Times on Sunday, the Washington Post
today, executive pay limitations, not just on TARP bailout companies, but
all companies. Geithner wants to be able to take over any company that he
wants to be able to take over.

The Barack Obama take-freedom- and-liberty- away from people plan is out
there, and it's published in the newspapers every day, it's on ABC, CBS,
NBC, MSNBC, CNN every day and every night. Mark Levin's book is also out,
embracing liberty. There is an epic struggle that is underway, public sector
versus private sector, collectivism versus the individual, liberty versus
tyranny, good versus evil. You can sum all this up by saying there's an epic
struggle underway, good versus evil. Our country has mislabeled scholars,
journalists, late-night funny guys and Washingtonian wizards of smart, spew
a relentless stream of propaganda smearing the people who fight for liberty.
They label freedom fighters as the bad 

BACON DELIGHTS: A few more items Muslim cashiers will refuse to handle

2009-03-25 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: Wed, Mar 25, 2009
Subject: BACON DELIGHTS: A few more items Muslim cashiers will refuse to


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2009-03-25 Thread Keith In Tampa
And my sincerest apologies for that most embarassing oversight..Make the
count, 600,009!!!

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 5:23 PM, Cold Water wrote:

  *No problem.  I found it to be highly insulting you didn't include me in
 the list of people wanting to see that birth certificate.*
 - Original Message - *From:* Keith In
 *Sent:* Wednesday, March 25, 2009 04:12
 *Subject:* Re: CHANGE!

 LOL!!  That's great CW!!  Thanks for sharing!!


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2009-03-25 Thread Cold Water
You can add my libertarian sister too!  LOL!!!

- Original Message - 
From: Keith In Tampa 
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 05:37
Subject: Re: CHANGE!

And my sincerest apologies for that most embarassing oversight..Make the 
count, 600,009!!!

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 5:23 PM, Cold Water wrote:

  No problem.  I found it to be highly insulting you didn't include me in the 
list of people wanting to see that birth certificate.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Keith In Tampa 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 04:12
  Subject: Re: CHANGE!

  LOL!!  That's great CW!!  Thanks for sharing!!

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Re: Congresswoman congrats Gators

2009-03-25 Thread Cold Water
LOLOLOLOL  Hurricane Jaguar does have a certain ring to it.

- Original Message - 
From: Keith In Tampa 
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 05:35
Subject: Re: Congresswoman congrats Gators


It's spelled and pronounced, Ya'll.   We do not say You'uns or We'uns 
down hereIn general, despite the Honorable Congresswoman Brown from 
Gerrymander, Florida, we have a pretty good grasp of the Queen's English.

With regard to Ms. Brown, (who advocated that we start naming Hurricanes with 
African-American names, like Shaquelea, or Lexus, Jaguar, etc.,) here are a 
few more interesting facts regarding Ms. Brown's stellar career:

Ms. Brown received a Communications/Speech degree from Edward Waters College in 

After the 1990 census, the Florida legislature gerrymandered out a new Third 
Congressional District in the northern part of the state. This district was 
designed to enclose an African-American majority within its boundaries. A 
horseshoe-shaped district touching on predominantly African-American 
neighborhoods in Jacksonville, Gainesville, Orlando, and Ocala...

Controversy???  Ehics???
Controversy has followed Brown since the start of her national political 
career, from her actions while a state legislator.[7] The Florida Ethics 
Commission fined Brown $5,000 for using legislative employees as dual employees 
of her travel business.[7]

A few weeks after becoming a member of the U.S. House in 1993, the Federal 
Elections Commission began investigating her. Her former campaign treasurer 
quit and said Brown had neglected to take action against an aide who had 
committed forgery, forging the treasurer's signature on her financial 
documents. The staffer alleged to have forged the treasurer's signature stayed 
with Brown and as of 1998 was her chief of staff.[7] In 1996, there was another 
investigation concerning charges that Brown improperly received and spent a 
$10,000 check from a secret account used for money laundering by National 
Baptist Convention leader Henry Lyons.[2] The Negress admitted receiving the 
check but denied she had used the money improperly.[2] She was accused of not 
reporting the check or reporting who she received the money from. Brown said 
that she had taken the check and converted it into another check made out to 
Pameron Bus Tours to pay for transportation to a rally she organized in 
Tallahassee. She said that she didn't have to report the money because the 
rally was to protest the reorganization of her district lines, and she did not 
use it for herself.[2] If the $10,000 gift had been reported, it would have 
exceeded the $1,000 individual donation limit.[2]

Brown had had previous dealings with Lyons; in 1992, her campaign paid $5,000, 
allegedly for a computer, to a company owned by Lyons. The company had shut 
down six years earlier.[7] Her office once arranged for Lyons to buy several 
airline tickets at the government discount rate.[7] Under Congressional rules, 
only members of Congress and their staffers are allowed to take this rate.[7]

On February 25, 2004 Brown referred to the George W. Bush administration as a 
racist bunch of white men in a meeting with senior State Department 
officials and members of Congress.[8] Assistant Secretary of State Roger 
Noriega, a Mexican American, said that he deeply resented being called a 
racist and branded a white man. Brown replied to Noriega and Cuban-American 
Representative Lincoln Diaz-Balart that you all look alike to me.[citation 
needed] Brown later apologized for her statements, but still contends that 
President Bush's involvement in the 2004 Haiti Rebellion was racist.[citation 
needed] On November 3, 2008, while attending a Barack Obama rally in 
Jacksonville, Brown was interviewed by two college journalists about her 
comments concerning George W. Bush, and whether he should be impeached. Brown 
had no comment about her previous statements and was quoted as saying, it 
won't matter soon.[citation needed]

Ethics involving daughter
On June 9, 1998, the Congressional Accountability Project filed an ethics 
complaint against Brown. The Project called for the U.S. House Committee on 
Standards of Official Conduct to investigate several violations of House Rule 
10.[9] One of the complaints was that Brown's daughter Shantrel, a lawyer who 
worked for the Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, had received a 
$50,000 Lexus LS 400 automobile as a gift from an agent of a Gambian 
millionaire named Foutanga Sissoko. Sissoko, a friend of Congresswoman Brown, 
had been imprisoned in Miami after pleading guilty to charges of bribing a 
customs officer. Brown had worked to secure his release, pressuring U.S. 
Attorney General Janet Reno to deport Sissoko back to his homeland as an 
alternative to continued incarceration. The Project held this violated the 
House gift rule, but Brown denied she had acted improperly. The congressional 


2009-03-25 Thread Travis
Anybody know what the hell is going on here?  (I have a sneaky suspicion)

From: Travis
Subject: FYI
Date: Wednesday, March 25, 2009, 3:37 PM


Feeling the pinch at the grocery store? Make dinner for $10 or


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2009-03-25 Thread Travis
Loved it.  Stole to send out.  thanks

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 2:43 PM, Cold Water wrote:



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[Fwd: We really can't have a agency of this Federal Govt. Go Broke... Can We??????????]

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

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---End Message---

global warming? yeah right...Blizzard whips northern Plains; travel difficult

2009-03-25 Thread Ohio mark

Wind-blown snow whipped across the northern Plains on Tuesday, closing
major highways, before a powerful storm that had stalled over western
Nebraska and South Dakota moved northeastward.

In Montana, the Army National Guard dispatched two helicopters to help
locate motorists stranded by a snowstorm in the southeastern part of
the state.

We do know we have some motorists out there, but we don't know where.
So we have a serious situation, said Charity Watt Levis, a
spokeswoman for the Montana Department of Transportation.

 Crews rescued stranded motorists, including a family of three, that
had been trapped on a highway in northeast Wyoming.

Up to 30 inches of snow had piled up in South Dakota's rugged Black
Hills, and the storm system also had generated tornadoes.

The blowing snow cut visibility and piled in drifts as high as 4 feet
in parts of Wyoming.

We have wind gusts to 62 mph at Valentine this morning, said
National Weather Service meteorologist Clifford Cole in North Platte,

A wind gust was clocked at 90 mph in Perkins County, S.D., on Tuesday,
and Hettinger in southwestern North Dakota measured a gust to 55 mph.

The weather service posted blizzard warnings Tuesday for western
sections of South Dakota and Nebraska, eastern Wyoming and the
southeast corner of Montana.

Much of western South Dakota was shut down Tuesday for a second day,
with Interstate 90 closed from Chamberlain to Gillette, Wyo., a
distance of 345 miles, and the South Dakota Transportation Department
advised against travel in most of the region.

Visibility was so poor that the South Dakota Department of
Transportation pulled snowplows off the roads.
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Interesting to see how this one gets handled - the way the NYT has it worded is strange

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson



  The Global-Warming Heretic
How did Freeman Dyson, the revered scientist and intellectual, wind up
opposing those who care most about global warming? 


Arts Advocates are Encouraged

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

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Betcha they do

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

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[Fwd: Best of the Web Today - March 25, 2009]

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson
The one on the non-profit newspapers raises a good question.  How do 
they keep political endorsements if they are non-profits?

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  Online Journal E-Mail Center  March 25, 2009 -- 4:44 p.m. 

See all of today's editorials and op-eds, video interviews and commentary on Opinion Journal. FORMAT TODAY'S COLUMN FOR PRINTING

Down the Cardin Path
The dangers of nonprofit status for newspapers.
 With troubled industries from Wall Street to Detroit lining up for federal bailouts, we suppose it was inevitable that someone would come up with a plan to bail out the news business. Sen. Benjamin Cardin, a Maryland Democrat, yesterday "introduced legislation that would allow newspapers to become non-profit organizations in an effort to help the faltering industry survive," declares a Cardin press release:
The Newspaper Revitalization Act would allow newspapers to operate as non-profits, if they choose, under 501(c)(3) status for educational purposes, similar to public broadcasting. Under this arrangement, newspapers would not be allowed to make political endorsements, but would be allowed to freely report on all issues, including political campaigns. Advertising and subscription revenue would be tax exempt and contributions to support coverage or operations could be tax deductible.
There is both less and more to Cardin's plan than is described here. Although his bill would expressly permit nonprofits to publish newspapers, there is nothing under current law to prevent them from doing so. The Christian Science Monitor reported in 2008 on some that already do, including the Monitor itself. The only major substantive change in the Cardin bill is a provision that would allow nonprofit newspapers to sell commercial ad space free of charge, provided that at least as much space is allotted for editorial content as for ads.
The danger of the Cardin bill lies in the restrictions that already apply to nonprofits--a concern one media lawyer voices in an interview with Southern Maryland Online:
"I think it really puts the role of censor or critic with the IRS," said George Rahdert, legal counsel for the St. Petersburg Times. "So the IRS would be able to say, 'This isn't fair or critical reporting.'"
The Florida newspaper was donated to the Poynter Institute, a nonprofit school for journalists. The Times still pays taxes on its profits, so it has no governmental restrictions on what it can print.
Cardin acknowledges the one hard prohibition that applies to nonprofit publications: that against formal political endorsements. This column has no brief for newspaper endorsements, which have always struck us as a rather quaint practice (although they do often enough provide amusing fodder for us that we'd be sorry to see them disappear).

James Taranto on nonprofit newspapers.

But Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code would prevent more than just formal endorsements. It requires that "no substantial part of the activities" of a nonprofit consist in "carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting, to influence legislation" and that a nonprofit "does not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office."
Taken at face value, this would seem to put a newspaper's nonprofit status at risk not only if it published an unsigned editorial endorsing a candidate, but also if it published a signed column doing the same. It would also seem to bar editorials or columns urging Congress to approve or reject specific legislation. Interpreted more restrictively, it could be taken to bar any sort of commentary on pending legislation. Even the column you are now reading could be construed as an attempt "to influence legislation."
That last example is probably a reductio ad absurdum. We have some experience writing for nonprofit publications, and our sense is that what we are writing now would be kosher under the prevailing interpretation of the Internal Revenue Code. But we know from instructions we have received when writing for nonprofits that the chilling effect of Section 501(c)3's restrictions goes beyond formal institutional endorsements of candidates.
In particular, writers for nonprofit publications are advised to avoid the appearance of partisanship. That's often sound advice journalistically, but sometimes political parties deserve praise--or, especially, criticism. It would diminish freedom of the press for newspapers 

Interesting and true from my experience working on Wall St

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson 

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2009-03-25 Thread Keith In Tampa
Troublesome, to say the least..

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 6:03 PM, Travis wrote:

 Anybody know what the hell is going on here?  (I have a sneaky suspicion)

 From: Travis
 Subject: FYI
 Date: Wednesday, March 25, 2009, 3:37 PM


 Feeling the pinch at the grocery store? Make dinner for $10 or 



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Re: For those who think global warning is a myth..

2009-03-25 Thread J.C.

lol...THIEF!  I see you stealing stuff from the other board.

On Mar 25, 4:39 pm, Keith In Tampa wrote:
 For those who think global warning is a myth...

 You are correct, it is!!


 This paper
 debunks the entire man-made global warming myth at its source - the
 fact that no one has (or can) prove there is a “Greenhouse Effect”. It
 is a fascinating read and notes how real green houses warm up by
 heating the trapped air which cannot be cooled by convection (hot air
 rises, cool air drops in to take up the heat being absorbed by the

 The IPCC green house theory (which is proven to be false) relies on a
 radiation imbalance between the Sun and the reflecting/emitting Earth.
 It assumes visible light comes in, is absorbed by the ground, etc, and
 then heat radiation (infrared) is transmitted out. It assumes
 (wrongly) that infrared cannot escape the glass or atmosphere and that
 is how heat builds up (not because the air cannot be refreshed).

 The paper is especially illuminating in its discussion on a car
 getting hot in the sun on the inside, while the ground and air right
 outside the car doesn’t. If radiation was the real mechanism (as all
 the priests at the Church of Al Gore/IPCC claim) then there would not
 be so much warming ‘inside’ relative to the outside.

 In fact, the paper notes an experiment where a “salt house” was
 developed (because salt does pass infrared as easily as visible light)
 and it was shown both the ’salt and ‘glass’ houses warmed at the same
 rate, even though there was no trapping of the infrared radiation in
 the salt house.

 In fact, the salt house warmed more and faster - because of one
 monumental mistake made by the entire man-made global warming
 community! The priests of IPCC assume the sun generates more visible
 light than infrared, and it is the infrared radiation from the earth
 which is heating the atmosphere. They assume the heat from the Earth
 is trapped because the atmosphere captures the infrared but passes the

 But the reality is the Sun produces radiation in the following bands
 and percentages based on black-body radiation models (used to model
 suns): Ultraviolet (UV) - 10%, visible light 44.8%, Infrared (IR)
 45.2%! The Sun produces more energy in the IR than in the visible.
 Those same atmospheric molecules absorbing the Earth’s IR is also
 absorbing the Sun’s IR - and guess which IR source is orders of
 magnitude larger? Does the Earth glow and shed light to planets across
 this solar system?

 This really is just a stunning point. The Green House effect would
 have to work both ways. If trapped IR radiation by CO2 (which only
 accounts for 7% of the so called green house gases) is the driver
 behind global warming then it should be taking off like a rocket given
 how much IR is coming from the Sun. The Sun is an IR generator that
 dwarfs whatever heat is coming from the Earth’s surface. But we all
 know the CO2 has been rising the last ten years and the temperature
 has been dropping. What gives?

 I find it completely dumbfounding that the IPCC and others never
 proved their IR radiation imbalance theories. Not once! In fact, the
 paper lists a string of smart sounding but incoherent and wrong
 statements about how green houses work and the atmosphere. In a
 shining example of getting so complicated in the their thinking they
 misses the obvious is this one:

     Claim: The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere lets the radiation of
 the Sun, whose maximum lies in the visible light, go through
 completely, while on the other hand it absorbs a part of the heat
 radiation emitted by the Earth into space because of its larger
 wavelength. This leads to higher near-surface air temperatures.”

     Disproof: The first statement is incorrect since the obviously non-
 neglible infrared part of the incoming solar radiation [ajstrata: the
 45.2% of the solar radiation] is being absorbed (cf. Section 2.2). The
 second statement is falsied by referring to a counterexample known to
 every housewife: The water pot on the stove. Without water filled in,
 the bottom of the pot will soon become glowing red. Water is an
 excellent absorber of infrared radiation. However, with water filled
 in, the bottom of the pot will be substantially colder.

 The boiling water example is brilliant in its simplicity and ability
 connect to just about anyone. The heat from the Earth’s surface is
 carried away by the air which rises and drops the heat off in the
 upper atmosphere and into space. Just like the water in the pot. Heat
 is not dissipated by radiation, it is by conduction to the air and
 then convection of the air to remove the heat.

 So it seems the entire Global Warming ’science’ is built upon science
 fiction assumptions that defy the real laws of physics! They’ll grant
 a PhD to just about anyone these 

Re: For those who think global warning is a myth..

2009-03-25 Thread Keith In Tampa
UhmWho???  Me?


I actually made the picture attachment, and researched the quote from
Brother Al!!

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 6:58 PM, J.C. wrote:

 lol...THIEF!  I see you stealing stuff from the other board.

 On Mar 25, 4:39 pm, Keith In Tampa wrote:
  For those who think global warning is a myth...
  You are correct, it is!!
  This paper
   debunks the entire man-made global warming myth at its source - the
  fact that no one has (or can) prove there is a “Greenhouse Effect”. It
  is a fascinating read and notes how real green houses warm up by
  heating the trapped air which cannot be cooled by convection (hot air
  rises, cool air drops in to take up the heat being absorbed by the
  The IPCC green house theory (which is proven to be false) relies on a
  radiation imbalance between the Sun and the reflecting/emitting Earth.
  It assumes visible light comes in, is absorbed by the ground, etc, and
  then heat radiation (infrared) is transmitted out. It assumes
  (wrongly) that infrared cannot escape the glass or atmosphere and that
  is how heat builds up (not because the air cannot be refreshed).
  The paper is especially illuminating in its discussion on a car
  getting hot in the sun on the inside, while the ground and air right
  outside the car doesn’t. If radiation was the real mechanism (as all
  the priests at the Church of Al Gore/IPCC claim) then there would not
  be so much warming ‘inside’ relative to the outside.
  In fact, the paper notes an experiment where a “salt house” was
  developed (because salt does pass infrared as easily as visible light)
  and it was shown both the ’salt and ‘glass’ houses warmed at the same
  rate, even though there was no trapping of the infrared radiation in
  the salt house.
  In fact, the salt house warmed more and faster - because of one
  monumental mistake made by the entire man-made global warming
  community! The priests of IPCC assume the sun generates more visible
  light than infrared, and it is the infrared radiation from the earth
  which is heating the atmosphere. They assume the heat from the Earth
  is trapped because the atmosphere captures the infrared but passes the
  But the reality is the Sun produces radiation in the following bands
  and percentages based on black-body radiation models (used to model
  suns): Ultraviolet (UV) - 10%, visible light 44.8%, Infrared (IR)
  45.2%! The Sun produces more energy in the IR than in the visible.
  Those same atmospheric molecules absorbing the Earth’s IR is also
  absorbing the Sun’s IR - and guess which IR source is orders of
  magnitude larger? Does the Earth glow and shed light to planets across
  this solar system?
  This really is just a stunning point. The Green House effect would
  have to work both ways. If trapped IR radiation by CO2 (which only
  accounts for 7% of the so called green house gases) is the driver
  behind global warming then it should be taking off like a rocket given
  how much IR is coming from the Sun. The Sun is an IR generator that
  dwarfs whatever heat is coming from the Earth’s surface. But we all
  know the CO2 has been rising the last ten years and the temperature
  has been dropping. What gives?
  I find it completely dumbfounding that the IPCC and others never
  proved their IR radiation imbalance theories. Not once! In fact, the
  paper lists a string of smart sounding but incoherent and wrong
  statements about how green houses work and the atmosphere. In a
  shining example of getting so complicated in the their thinking they
  misses the obvious is this one:
  Claim: The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere lets the radiation of
  the Sun, whose maximum lies in the visible light, go through
  completely, while on the other hand it absorbs a part of the heat
  radiation emitted by the Earth into space because of its larger
  wavelength. This leads to higher near-surface air temperatures.”
  Disproof: The first statement is incorrect since the obviously non-
  neglible infrared part of the incoming solar radiation [ajstrata: the
  45.2% of the solar radiation] is being absorbed (cf. Section 2.2). The
  second statement is falsied by referring to a counterexample known to
  every housewife: The water pot on the stove. Without water filled in,
  the bottom of the pot will soon become glowing red. Water is an
  excellent absorber of infrared radiation. However, with water filled
  in, the bottom of the pot will be substantially colder.
  The boiling water example is brilliant in its simplicity and ability
  connect to just about anyone. The heat from the Earth’s surface is
  carried away by the air which rises and drops the heat off in the
  upper atmosphere and into space. Just like the water in the pot. Heat
  is not 


2009-03-25 Thread Perplexed

That reminds me of one I saved...

On Mar 25, 3:43 pm, Cold Water wrote:

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Re: For those who think global warning is a myth..

2009-03-25 Thread J.C.

I know; I read your post on the other side.

You bored?  I have some reading material for you.

On Mar 25, 5:03 pm, Keith In Tampa wrote:
 UhmWho???  Me?


 I actually made the picture attachment, and researched the quote from
 Brother Al!!

 On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 6:58 PM, J.C. wrote:

  lol...THIEF!  I see you stealing stuff from the other board.

  On Mar 25, 4:39 pm, Keith In Tampa wrote:
   For those who think global warning is a myth...

   You are correct, it is!!


   This paper
    debunks the entire man-made global warming myth at its source - the
   fact that no one has (or can) prove there is a “Greenhouse Effect”. It
   is a fascinating read and notes how real green houses warm up by
   heating the trapped air which cannot be cooled by convection (hot air
   rises, cool air drops in to take up the heat being absorbed by the

   The IPCC green house theory (which is proven to be false) relies on a
   radiation imbalance between the Sun and the reflecting/emitting Earth.
   It assumes visible light comes in, is absorbed by the ground, etc, and
   then heat radiation (infrared) is transmitted out. It assumes
   (wrongly) that infrared cannot escape the glass or atmosphere and that
   is how heat builds up (not because the air cannot be refreshed).

   The paper is especially illuminating in its discussion on a car
   getting hot in the sun on the inside, while the ground and air right
   outside the car doesn’t. If radiation was the real mechanism (as all
   the priests at the Church of Al Gore/IPCC claim) then there would not
   be so much warming ‘inside’ relative to the outside.

   In fact, the paper notes an experiment where a “salt house” was
   developed (because salt does pass infrared as easily as visible light)
   and it was shown both the ’salt and ‘glass’ houses warmed at the same
   rate, even though there was no trapping of the infrared radiation in
   the salt house.

   In fact, the salt house warmed more and faster - because of one
   monumental mistake made by the entire man-made global warming
   community! The priests of IPCC assume the sun generates more visible
   light than infrared, and it is the infrared radiation from the earth
   which is heating the atmosphere. They assume the heat from the Earth
   is trapped because the atmosphere captures the infrared but passes the

   But the reality is the Sun produces radiation in the following bands
   and percentages based on black-body radiation models (used to model
   suns): Ultraviolet (UV) - 10%, visible light 44.8%, Infrared (IR)
   45.2%! The Sun produces more energy in the IR than in the visible.
   Those same atmospheric molecules absorbing the Earth’s IR is also
   absorbing the Sun’s IR - and guess which IR source is orders of
   magnitude larger? Does the Earth glow and shed light to planets across
   this solar system?

   This really is just a stunning point. The Green House effect would
   have to work both ways. If trapped IR radiation by CO2 (which only
   accounts for 7% of the so called green house gases) is the driver
   behind global warming then it should be taking off like a rocket given
   how much IR is coming from the Sun. The Sun is an IR generator that
   dwarfs whatever heat is coming from the Earth’s surface. But we all
   know the CO2 has been rising the last ten years and the temperature
   has been dropping. What gives?

   I find it completely dumbfounding that the IPCC and others never
   proved their IR radiation imbalance theories. Not once! In fact, the
   paper lists a string of smart sounding but incoherent and wrong
   statements about how green houses work and the atmosphere. In a
   shining example of getting so complicated in the their thinking they
   misses the obvious is this one:

       Claim: The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere lets the radiation of
   the Sun, whose maximum lies in the visible light, go through
   completely, while on the other hand it absorbs a part of the heat
   radiation emitted by the Earth into space because of its larger
   wavelength. This leads to higher near-surface air temperatures.”

       Disproof: The first statement is incorrect since the obviously non-
   neglible infrared part of the incoming solar radiation [ajstrata: the
   45.2% of the solar radiation] is being absorbed (cf. Section 2.2). The
   second statement is falsied by referring to a counterexample known to
   every housewife: The water pot on the stove. Without water filled in,
   the bottom of the pot will soon become glowing red. Water is an
   excellent absorber of infrared radiation. However, with water filled
   in, the bottom of the pot will be substantially colder.

   The boiling water example is brilliant in its simplicity and ability

Re: For those who think global warning is a myth..

2009-03-25 Thread Keith In Tampa
LOL!!  It would have to be better than what I should be reading, which is
the Florida Department of Corrections Administrative Rules and Policy:

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 7:14 PM, J.C. wrote:

 I know; I read your post on the other side.

 You bored?  I have some reading material for you.

 On Mar 25, 5:03 pm, Keith In Tampa wrote:
  UhmWho???  Me?
  I actually made the picture attachment, and researched the quote from
  Brother Al!!
   On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 6:58 PM, J.C. wrote:
   lol...THIEF!  I see you stealing stuff from the other board.
   On Mar 25, 4:39 pm, Keith In Tampa wrote:
For those who think global warning is a myth...
You are correct, it is!!
This paper
 debunks the entire man-made global warming myth at its source - the
fact that no one has (or can) prove there is a “Greenhouse Effect”.
is a fascinating read and notes how real green houses warm up by
heating the trapped air which cannot be cooled by convection (hot air
rises, cool air drops in to take up the heat being absorbed by the
The IPCC green house theory (which is proven to be false) relies on a
radiation imbalance between the Sun and the reflecting/emitting
It assumes visible light comes in, is absorbed by the ground, etc,
then heat radiation (infrared) is transmitted out. It assumes
(wrongly) that infrared cannot escape the glass or atmosphere and
is how heat builds up (not because the air cannot be refreshed).
The paper is especially illuminating in its discussion on a car
getting hot in the sun on the inside, while the ground and air right
outside the car doesn’t. If radiation was the real mechanism (as all
the priests at the Church of Al Gore/IPCC claim) then there would not
be so much warming ‘inside’ relative to the outside.
In fact, the paper notes an experiment where a “salt house” was
developed (because salt does pass infrared as easily as visible
and it was shown both the ’salt and ‘glass’ houses warmed at the same
rate, even though there was no trapping of the infrared radiation in
the salt house.
In fact, the salt house warmed more and faster - because of one
monumental mistake made by the entire man-made global warming
community! The priests of IPCC assume the sun generates more visible
light than infrared, and it is the infrared radiation from the earth
which is heating the atmosphere. They assume the heat from the Earth
is trapped because the atmosphere captures the infrared but passes
But the reality is the Sun produces radiation in the following bands
and percentages based on black-body radiation models (used to model
suns): Ultraviolet (UV) - 10%, visible light 44.8%, Infrared (IR)
45.2%! The Sun produces more energy in the IR than in the visible.
Those same atmospheric molecules absorbing the Earth’s IR is also
absorbing the Sun’s IR - and guess which IR source is orders of
magnitude larger? Does the Earth glow and shed light to planets
this solar system?
This really is just a stunning point. The Green House effect would
have to work both ways. If trapped IR radiation by CO2 (which only
accounts for 7% of the so called green house gases) is the driver
behind global warming then it should be taking off like a rocket
how much IR is coming from the Sun. The Sun is an IR generator that
dwarfs whatever heat is coming from the Earth’s surface. But we all
know the CO2 has been rising the last ten years and the temperature
has been dropping. What gives?
I find it completely dumbfounding that the IPCC and others never
proved their IR radiation imbalance theories. Not once! In fact, the
paper lists a string of smart sounding but incoherent and wrong
statements about how green houses work and the atmosphere. In a
shining example of getting so complicated in the their thinking they
misses the obvious is this one:
Claim: The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere lets the radiation of
the Sun, whose maximum lies in the visible light, go through
completely, while on the other hand it absorbs a part of the heat
radiation emitted by the Earth into space because of its larger
wavelength. This leads to higher near-surface air temperatures.”
Disproof: The first statement is incorrect since the obviously
neglible infrared part of the incoming solar radiation [ajstrata: the
45.2% of the solar radiation] is being absorbed (cf. Section 2.2).
second statement is falsied by 

Re: For those who think global warning is a myth..

2009-03-25 Thread J.C.

Yeah, and it isn't as long.

It's on your email.

On Mar 25, 5:19 pm, Keith In Tampa wrote:
 LOL!!  It would have to be better than what I should be reading, which is
 the Florida Department of Corrections Administrative Rules and Policy:

 On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 7:14 PM, J.C. wrote:

  I know; I read your post on the other side.

  You bored?  I have some reading material for you.

  On Mar 25, 5:03 pm, Keith In Tampa wrote:
   UhmWho???  Me?


   I actually made the picture attachment, and researched the quote from
   Brother Al!!

    On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 6:58 PM, J.C. wrote:

lol...THIEF!  I see you stealing stuff from the other board.

On Mar 25, 4:39 pm, Keith In Tampa wrote:
 For those who think global warning is a myth...

 You are correct, it is!!


 This paper
  debunks the entire man-made global warming myth at its source - the
 fact that no one has (or can) prove there is a “Greenhouse Effect”.
 is a fascinating read and notes how real green houses warm up by
 heating the trapped air which cannot be cooled by convection (hot air
 rises, cool air drops in to take up the heat being absorbed by the

 The IPCC green house theory (which is proven to be false) relies on a
 radiation imbalance between the Sun and the reflecting/emitting
 It assumes visible light comes in, is absorbed by the ground, etc,
 then heat radiation (infrared) is transmitted out. It assumes
 (wrongly) that infrared cannot escape the glass or atmosphere and
 is how heat builds up (not because the air cannot be refreshed).

 The paper is especially illuminating in its discussion on a car
 getting hot in the sun on the inside, while the ground and air right
 outside the car doesn’t. If radiation was the real mechanism (as all
 the priests at the Church of Al Gore/IPCC claim) then there would not
 be so much warming ‘inside’ relative to the outside.

 In fact, the paper notes an experiment where a “salt house” was
 developed (because salt does pass infrared as easily as visible
 and it was shown both the ’salt and ‘glass’ houses warmed at the same
 rate, even though there was no trapping of the infrared radiation in
 the salt house.

 In fact, the salt house warmed more and faster - because of one
 monumental mistake made by the entire man-made global warming
 community! The priests of IPCC assume the sun generates more visible
 light than infrared, and it is the infrared radiation from the earth
 which is heating the atmosphere. They assume the heat from the Earth
 is trapped because the atmosphere captures the infrared but passes

 But the reality is the Sun produces radiation in the following bands
 and percentages based on black-body radiation models (used to model
 suns): Ultraviolet (UV) - 10%, visible light 44.8%, Infrared (IR)
 45.2%! The Sun produces more energy in the IR than in the visible.
 Those same atmospheric molecules absorbing the Earth’s IR is also
 absorbing the Sun’s IR - and guess which IR source is orders of
 magnitude larger? Does the Earth glow and shed light to planets
 this solar system?

 This really is just a stunning point. The Green House effect would
 have to work both ways. If trapped IR radiation by CO2 (which only
 accounts for 7% of the so called green house gases) is the driver
 behind global warming then it should be taking off like a rocket
 how much IR is coming from the Sun. The Sun is an IR generator that
 dwarfs whatever heat is coming from the Earth’s surface. But we all
 know the CO2 has been rising the last ten years and the temperature
 has been dropping. What gives?

 I find it completely dumbfounding that the IPCC and others never
 proved their IR radiation imbalance theories. Not once! In fact, the
 paper lists a string of smart sounding but incoherent and wrong
 statements about how green houses work and the atmosphere. In a
 shining example of getting so complicated in the their thinking they
 misses the obvious is this one:

     Claim: The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere lets the radiation of
 the Sun, whose maximum lies in the visible light, go through
 completely, while on the other hand it absorbs a part of the heat
 radiation emitted by the Earth into space because of its larger
 wavelength. This leads to higher near-surface air temperatures.”

     Disproof: The first statement is incorrect since the obviously


2009-03-25 Thread Keith In Tampa
Geez.That guy looks really familiar!!!  Where have I seen that mug
before???  Maybe something on television last night???

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 7:06 PM, Perplexed openlyincogn...@yahoo.comwrote:

 That reminds me of one I saved...

 On Mar 25, 3:43 pm, Cold Water wrote:


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Obamas Poison Ivy

2009-03-25 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: 2009/3/25
Subject: Obamas Poison Ivy


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What Obambi should do with the GITMO TERRORISTS

2009-03-25 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: Wed, Mar 25, 2009
Subject: What Obambi should do with the GITMO TERRORISTS

And I think he and the congress should lead by example.


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THis commenter has it all too right - and that is very dangerous

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

Jack said...


There is a deeper issue here. The weakness of President Obama has
now shifted the direction of the Federal Government to the control
of the US Congress. By far the strongest leader in either house is
Nancy Pelosi. She is now the de facto chief executive of the United
States. Yet, the people did not elect her. She was elected by a
majority of the voters in a very nonstandard atypical, to say the
least, district. She has become a petty tyrant with very great
personal power. It's difficult to imagine how this situation can be
rectified in the short term. The system is broken. Barney Frank is
simply a, or the, gay clown prince of the new dictatorship of the
House of Representatives. As such he provides support to Queen Nancy
in her home district, and, pathetically, that's all that counts today.

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Re: Obamas Poison Ivy

2009-03-25 Thread Travis
Thanks.  I posted a similar pic in my toons earlier today.  the obamunist is
definitely envious of his brothers.

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 6:46 PM, bruce majors bruce.maj...@gmail.comwrote:

 bruce ( saw this Webicon on and
 wanted you to see it, too!
 Click the link to view the image:

 On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 7:44 PM, Travis wrote:

 From: Travis
 Date: 2009/3/25
 Subject: Obamas Poison Ivy




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Why Socialism Must Always Fail

2009-03-25 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Subject:  Why Socialism Must Always Fail
Date: Wednesday, March 25, 2009,

*Why Socialism Must Always Fail:
Ludwig Von Mises on Economic Calculation under Socialism

*by Emmanuel Forgolou 25,

 Without calculation, economic activity is impossible. Since under
Socialism economic calculation is impossible, under Socialism there can be
no economic activity in our sense of the word ... All economic change,
therefore, would involve operations the value of which could neither be
predicted beforehand nor ascertained after they had taken place. Everything
would be a leap in the dark. Socialism is the renunciation of rational
economy. -- Ludwig von Mises, Socialism, 1981, pp. 103-105.

Von Mises Socialism

First published in 1922 (under the title Die Gemeinwirtschaft) , Mises'
masterpiece Socialism was the lone dissenting voice to challenge the
prevailing intellectual orthodoxy of his time.

In the aftermath of the Russian Revolution, an entire army of useful
idiots (as Lenin contemptuously called Western intellectuals) were
proclaiming the superiority of socialism. Blind to the massive evidence of
socialism's failure that started accumulating as soon as the Bolsheviks came
to power, collectivists throughout the world were singing paeans to the wave
of the future that would allegedly sweep the outmoded capitalist methods of
production into oblivion.

An essential aspect of Mises' exposition of the irrationality inherent in
socialism is his concept of economic activity. Mises does not use this
notion to describe any processes entailed in producing goods. Arbitrary
production plans set by the caprice of some commissar or planning board do
not constitute economic activity. To qualify as economic activity in Mises'
use of the term, production must be guided by rational principles.

The context in which Mises establishes the irrationality of socialism rests
on the fundamental economic difference between capitalism and socialism,
which economically consists of the private vs. communal ownership of the
means of production.

Economic calculation in a capitalist economy

Under capitalism every individual plays a dual role in the determination of
economic values. First as a consumer, secondly as a producer. As a consumer,
he establishes the valuation of goods and services ready for consumption. As
a producer, he allocates productive resources to the uses that yield the
highest product. This is the very essence of the free market mechanism,
which ensures rationality in production and consumption alike.

As a consumer, each individual spends his money on the goods and services
that best satisfy his needs. The pattern of consumer preferences is conveyed
to producers in the form of prices. This is the crucial function performed
by market prices under capitalism.

Prices of consumer goods and services are the signals producers use to
determine what goods and services are to be produced. Let's look at how this

Let's say that shampoo has a high price on it. This means that consumers
value shampoo a lot, which is why they are willing to pay such a high price
for it. The high price acts as a signal to producers. It tells them that
they can make a large profit by producing and selling shampoo. As a result,
they will shift resources to the production of shampoo. The end result is
that more resources will be used to produce shampoo because this good is
highly valued by consumers.

A high price indicates to producers that consumers place a high value on a
certain good or service. From the producers' perspective, the high price
means that they can realize a large profit by producing and selling this
good or service. Thus the pursuit of profit induces producers to direct more
resources to the good or service in question.

In contrast, a low price signals that consumers do not particularly value a
good or service. The low price shrinks the producers' profit margin, so they
will naturally shift resources away from this good or service. As a result,
rationality is achieved by producing more of the goods and services that are
highly valued by consumers and less of those that are not preferred by

The market mechanism also achieves rationality in production. Again, the
role of prices is essential. In this case the signals guiding the actions of
producers are the prices of productive resources (land, labor, capital,
technology). A high price for a certain factor of production indicates that
this resource will raise the cost of production and thus lower the
producers' profit margin. Therefore producers will end up using less of this
particular resource.

In contrast, a low price for a resource signals that producers can lower the
cost of production and thus increase their profit margin by using this
factor of production. The end result is rationality in production by
lowering costs through the increased use of less costly resources and the
corresponding reduced 

Gotta love our media mavens

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

madawaskan said...


Let me deposit that /gem/-

OBAMA: Ann Compton. Hey, Ann.

Q: Sir -- hey. (Laughter.)

OBAMA: You sound surprised. (Laughter.)

Q: I am surprised. Could I ask you about race?

OBAMA: You may.

Q: Yours is a rather historic presidency. And I'm just wondering
whether in any of the policy debates that you've had within the
White House, the issue of race has come up, or whether it has in the
way you feel you've been perceived by other leaders or by the
American people. Or has the last 64 days been a relatively
colorblind time?

[I feel like Titus.]

12:29 PM

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Love this one - Obama is using the media like a fan club

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

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Class Act all the way

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

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Good for her - Sarah is the greatest

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

Today Sarah Palin went on offense and it was nice to see.

She had just received her 11th Ethics Complaint since taking office. 
This one was filed by a local Left Wing Blogger. You'll remember that 
her Husband Todd races in the Iron Dog Sled race and has won it a few 
times. He races Arctic-Cat Snow-machines and they are one of his 
sponsors. At this years start of the race Sarah wore a jacket with an 
Arctic Cat Logo. The Filed Ethics Complaint contends'' that she is a 
walking billboard for Arctic Cat, and that this is unethical.

The governor hit the roof over the latest accusation.
Are Alaskans outraged, or at least tired of this yet -- another 
frivolous ethics charge by a political blogger? This would be hilarious 
if it weren't so expensive for the state to process these accusations 
and for me to defend against these bogus harassments, Palin said in 
Tuesday's written release.

It was nice to see her getting mad today, and getting vocal about 
getting mad. Even the local Talk Show guys, who regularly bang her to 
death, considered this complaint beyond the pale.

To defend against various complaints, the governor has accumulated 
legal bills of more than half a million dollars, she said last week.

Posted by: daddy | March 25, 2009 at 05:26 AM

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Article from the ADN re the Palin ethics charge by the blogger - the comments are weird

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

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wrote on 03/25/2009 04:48:30 PM: 
Where are we at with those Email's? Have they been released yet?
If there is no worries by Palin, what is the hold up?


wrote on 03/25/2009 04:32:28 PM: 
I must say, Lisa Demer was rather blunt when she wrote: "The
governor hit the roof over the latest accusation." So funny!

I right in believing that if Palin admits to having "accumulated legal
bills of more than half a million dollars", it must be because some of
the complaints are far from bogus?


wrote on 03/25/2009 04:25:26 PM: 
Stupid...So stupid.


wrote on 03/25/2009 04:23:28 PM: 
wrote "Hmmm let me see. Todd Palin is a professional snowmachine
racer he has won the Iron Dog in previously. He has had sponsors
before his wife got a job as Gov. Sponsors give racers and their
families all kinds stuff to wear to promote their team."

is the governor of Alaska and is suppose to be unbiased, representing
all Alaskans, even those who are sponsored by Polaris. Palin was
attending the Iron Dog as the governor of Alaska NOT as a spouse of a


wrote on 03/25/2009 04:21:48 PM: 
This seems like a clear case of abuse.

Snow Machines are one of the Palin familys primary financial
interests. Artic Cat directly sponsors her husband and in addition, the
family receives "discounts" on equipment provided by AC.
2. She attended the event as Governor and pictures were posed on a
government website.
Her presence at the event clearly indicated that she and her daughter
were behaving as part of her husband's team- which her husband has a
clear financial interest in.
4. The "outfits" she and her daughter were wearing clearly appeared to
be custom "uniforms". 

if the family paid retail for the uniforms it might be considered a bad
judgment call but I would expect that they were probably part of Todd's
sponsorship. It does not matter if she profited directly or not since
benefit also applies to family or friends. 
This certainly has the face of a clear ethics violation...


wrote on 03/25/2009 04:18:09 PM: 
wrote "Just a reminder for those who may have forgotten - Linda Kellen
Biegel of "Celtic Diva's Blue Oasis", was the official Alaskan blogger
for the DNC."

Just a reminder, the ADVISER of Palin and SarahPAC
is John Coale. He happens to be the husband of Greta on Fox, who along
with John has been DISCIPLINED after being brought up on ethic
violation charges for unscrupulous conduct AND is a practicing 
pledged member of the Church of Scientology.


wrote on 03/25/2009 04:10:39 PM: 
such incredibly unprofessional comments issuing from the gov's office,
it is time to install a sandbox, so she can throw sand and stamp her
wittle feet while issuing her kindergarten-like diatribes.

Three Cheers for Linda and Andree! Keep up the good work!


wrote on 03/25/2009 04:10:00 PM: 
goes around comes around eventually. Ms. Celtic Diva and all the other
ankle biters will see what Gov. Palin is made of, I do believe. The
more they nag at her, I bet the more determined she will be!


wrote on 03/25/2009 04:08:56 PM: 
a reminder for those who may have forgotten - Linda Kellen Biegel of
"Celtic Diva's Blue Oasis", behind the latest frivolous ethics
complaint against Governor Palin, was the official Alaskan blogger for
the DNC.


More comments on this story: 12345678910

wrote on @Nyx.PostedAtTime@: 
   @Nyx.Recommender@ @Nyx.AbuseReporter@ 

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I agree with Tom Maguire on this one - is Bambi really that delusional?

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

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Re: For those who think global warning is a myth..

2009-03-25 Thread THE ANNOINTED ONE

Keith. Major yawner.  My most SINCERE condolences.

On Mar 25, 5:19 pm, Keith In Tampa wrote:
 LOL!!  It would have to be better than what I should be reading, which is
 the Florida Department of Corrections Administrative Rules and Policy:

 On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 7:14 PM, J.C. wrote:

  I know; I read your post on the other side.

  You bored?  I have some reading material for you.

  On Mar 25, 5:03 pm, Keith In Tampa wrote:
   UhmWho???  Me?


   I actually made the picture attachment, and researched the quote from
   Brother Al!!

    On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 6:58 PM, J.C. wrote:

lol...THIEF!  I see you stealing stuff from the other board.

On Mar 25, 4:39 pm, Keith In Tampa wrote:
 For those who think global warning is a myth...

 You are correct, it is!!


 This paper
  debunks the entire man-made global warming myth at its source - the
 fact that no one has (or can) prove there is a “Greenhouse Effect”.
 is a fascinating read and notes how real green houses warm up by
 heating the trapped air which cannot be cooled by convection (hot air
 rises, cool air drops in to take up the heat being absorbed by the

 The IPCC green house theory (which is proven to be false) relies on a
 radiation imbalance between the Sun and the reflecting/emitting
 It assumes visible light comes in, is absorbed by the ground, etc,
 then heat radiation (infrared) is transmitted out. It assumes
 (wrongly) that infrared cannot escape the glass or atmosphere and
 is how heat builds up (not because the air cannot be refreshed).

 The paper is especially illuminating in its discussion on a car
 getting hot in the sun on the inside, while the ground and air right
 outside the car doesn’t. If radiation was the real mechanism (as all
 the priests at the Church of Al Gore/IPCC claim) then there would not
 be so much warming ‘inside’ relative to the outside.

 In fact, the paper notes an experiment where a “salt house” was
 developed (because salt does pass infrared as easily as visible
 and it was shown both the ’salt and ‘glass’ houses warmed at the same
 rate, even though there was no trapping of the infrared radiation in
 the salt house.

 In fact, the salt house warmed more and faster - because of one
 monumental mistake made by the entire man-made global warming
 community! The priests of IPCC assume the sun generates more visible
 light than infrared, and it is the infrared radiation from the earth
 which is heating the atmosphere. They assume the heat from the Earth
 is trapped because the atmosphere captures the infrared but passes

 But the reality is the Sun produces radiation in the following bands
 and percentages based on black-body radiation models (used to model
 suns): Ultraviolet (UV) - 10%, visible light 44.8%, Infrared (IR)
 45.2%! The Sun produces more energy in the IR than in the visible.
 Those same atmospheric molecules absorbing the Earth’s IR is also
 absorbing the Sun’s IR - and guess which IR source is orders of
 magnitude larger? Does the Earth glow and shed light to planets
 this solar system?

 This really is just a stunning point. The Green House effect would
 have to work both ways. If trapped IR radiation by CO2 (which only
 accounts for 7% of the so called green house gases) is the driver
 behind global warming then it should be taking off like a rocket
 how much IR is coming from the Sun. The Sun is an IR generator that
 dwarfs whatever heat is coming from the Earth’s surface. But we all
 know the CO2 has been rising the last ten years and the temperature
 has been dropping. What gives?

 I find it completely dumbfounding that the IPCC and others never
 proved their IR radiation imbalance theories. Not once! In fact, the
 paper lists a string of smart sounding but incoherent and wrong
 statements about how green houses work and the atmosphere. In a
 shining example of getting so complicated in the their thinking they
 misses the obvious is this one:

     Claim: The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere lets the radiation of
 the Sun, whose maximum lies in the visible light, go through
 completely, while on the other hand it absorbs a part of the heat
 radiation emitted by the Earth into space because of its larger
 wavelength. This leads to higher near-surface air temperatures.”

     Disproof: The first statement is incorrect since the obviously

I like this comment from Just One Minute

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

2012 campaign sloan will be


Posted by: PMII

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How does she keep getting elected!

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

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Next crook up - thought lobbyists were supposedly persona non grata in this admin

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

OT: Change!

BHO expected to nominate registered lobbist/former union boss (ALPA) 
*Randy Babbitt* as next FAA 

Hope his taxes are all paid up.

Posted by: Mustang0302 | March 25, 2009 at 03:27 PM

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Bambi and the Charities

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

/charity seems like such an odd thing to pick on./

I understand what Obama is up to perfectly.

Not only do you increase the level of immediate dependence on government 
to take up the slack, and increase the rationale for the argument 
against the rich, but it fulfills a couple of other fundamentals of 

Government aid to the poor negates the /need/ for individuals to do 
charitable things, over the long-term. This plays into the selfish 
thee, not me attitude most liberals espouse by shifting the moral 
burden of charity to the amoral act of writing a bigger check to the 
gubmint. The purpose is to indirectly attack the moral superiority of 
the charitable individual, in favor of the collective.

Likewise, once you eliminate the individual responsibility of charity, 
you accept the premise that government is the cure for /some or all/ 
social ills. This creates an atmosphere in which the existence of social 
problems is proof of insufficient government oversight and control. 
That, I believe, is the true goal of this whole thing: to create an 
atmosphere in which resistance to government intervention and expansion 
is generally accepted as evil.

Posted by: Soylent Red | March 25, 2009 at 03:53 PM

/If that is really Biden's claim couldn't that put his church at risk 
for audit, to see if they reported that income?/


Churches, unlike other non profits, don't have to report income (yet).

Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkywatzky | March 25, 2009 at 03:56 PM

I've got another interesting result of this stupidity: political action 
committees will be on the same footing as charities. Take the money you 
would have given to the United Way and give it to the RNC. It's only fair.

Posted by: Fresh Air | March 25, 2009 at 03:57 PM

That, I believe, is the true goal of this whole thing: to create an 
atmosphere in which resistance to government intervention and expansion 
is generally accepted as evil.

Sorry Mr Red.Obysmal isn't that smart.Somebody would have had to think 
that for him.

Posted by: PeterUK | March 25, 2009 at 03:58 PM

Ah I forgot one other element...

The shift in the burden of social ills to the massive middle class, and 
away from the elite.

As much as they may argue the opposite, making charity dependent upon 
tax driven government programs moves the financial burden from the rich 
(liberal elite rich who subscribe to thee, not me and the collective 
mindset) to the middle class taxpaying schlub who can't afford the kinds 
of people and methods that shelter and hide money from taxes.

Posted by: Soylent Red | March 25, 2009 at 03:58 PM

He isn't specifically targeting charity.
He is going to limit the amount of total deductions people can take.
It's just that charity is the only deductible item that is 
discretionary, so that's where people will cut back. If I could cut back 
on my property tax bill and give more to charity, I'd do it!

My guess is it just never occurred to him and Turbo that this would be a 
byproduct of their tax manipulations. So now better to deny than admit it.

Posted by: MayBee | March 25, 2009 at 04:03 PM

Exactly, Soylent--and it diminishes the power of the unfavored 
charities--i,e, churches-- vs. Planned Parenthood whom the govt will 
continue to fund one way or the other;boy scouts vs the Jugend; private 
schools vs state sponsored dummy making institutions..

Posted by: clarice | March 25, 2009 at 04:13 PM

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Excellent comment from Just One Minute - I have a weird sense of humor

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

The original quote is lost in the ether,but to paraphrase.
A nation,its culture,polity and constitution are like a magnificent old 
building that has taken centuries to build.Putting your nation in to the 
hands of Obama is akin to entrusting the building to a window dresser 
whose concern is only the fashion of the moment.Folks,you have handed 
the Vatican over to a condo developer.

Posted by: PeterUK |th

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Rather disproves what Bambi is claiming - from Just One Minute commenter

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

Bank of America studied the evil rich and their philanthropy

Posted by: DebinNC |

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Another one bites the dust

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

Another one bites the dust:

Jon Cannon, President Obama's nominee to become deputy chief of the
Environmental Protection Agency, withdrew from consideration today
with a veiled reference to scrutiny of his association with
America's Clean Water Foundation (ACWF) -- a group that the EPA
inspector general cited in 2007 for steering federal grant money to
the livestock industry.

OO scrutiny, who'd a thunk...


Posted by: bad

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A Page from Ahmadinejads Diary Happy New Year!

2009-03-25 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: 2009/3/25
Subject: A Page from Ahmadinejads Diary Happy New Year!


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This guy's letter should be suitable famed and presented to Bambi in public and before the opposing media

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson 

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I think the Anchoress has the right idea

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

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we cannot wait for 2012.  Or 2010.

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 9:25 PM, dick thompson rhomp2...@earthlink.netwrote:

 2012 campaign sloan will be


 Posted by: PMII

---End Message---
revolution it is.

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 9:36 PM, dick thompson rhomp2...@earthlink.netwrote:

  True but what other option do we have?  Other than revolution.

 TheAnchoress wrote:

 we cannot wait for 2012.  Or 2010.

 On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 9:25 PM, dick thompson rhomp2...@earthlink.netwrote:

 2012 campaign sloan will be


 Posted by: PMII


---End Message---

Good column here

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

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Love this one

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

Clarice, thanks for that link. Jim Geraghty has an interesting tidbit as 

/This is pretty surprising. Barack Obama holds his first party 
fundraiser tomorrow night, an entire 63 days into his presidency. It's 
at the Warner Theater, and as of 5 p.m. today . . . it was not sold out. 
HT, Moe Lane./

/In fact, on the web site right now, it's indicating tickets are still 
available, for as little as $250./

Geraghty posted this before 9pm last night.

Posted by: bad | March 25, 
2009 at 11:21 AM

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See this one???

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

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AIG Bonuses: Surrendered Under Pressure? - also check out the slideshow of over $200K residencies

2009-03-25 Thread dick thompson

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Re: Good column here

2009-03-25 Thread Biff

Good column for the sour grapes brigadeenjoy the next 8 years!

On Mar 25, 9:08 pm, dick thompson wrote:
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Re: For those who think global warning is a myth..

2009-03-25 Thread Travis
Great article. And old al looks like he has a corncob stuck up his ass.

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 5:39 PM, Keith In Tampa keithinta...@gmail.comwrote:

 For those who think global warning is a myth...

 You are correct, it is!!


 This paper
 debunks the entire man-made global warming myth at its source - the
 fact that no one has (or can) prove there is a “Greenhouse Effect”. It
 is a fascinating read and notes how real green houses warm up by
 heating the trapped air which cannot be cooled by convection (hot air
 rises, cool air drops in to take up the heat being absorbed by the

 The IPCC green house theory (which is proven to be false) relies on a
 radiation imbalance between the Sun and the reflecting/emitting Earth.
 It assumes visible light comes in, is absorbed by the ground, etc, and
 then heat radiation (infrared) is transmitted out. It assumes
 (wrongly) that infrared cannot escape the glass or atmosphere and that
 is how heat builds up (not because the air cannot be refreshed).

 The paper is especially illuminating in its discussion on a car
 getting hot in the sun on the inside, while the ground and air right
 outside the car doesn’t. If radiation was the real mechanism (as all
 the priests at the Church of Al Gore/IPCC claim) then there would not
 be so much warming ‘inside’ relative to the outside.

 In fact, the paper notes an experiment where a “salt house” was
 developed (because salt does pass infrared as easily as visible light)
 and it was shown both the ’salt and ‘glass’ houses warmed at the same
 rate, even though there was no trapping of the infrared radiation in
 the salt house.

 In fact, the salt house warmed more and faster - because of one
 monumental mistake made by the entire man-made global warming
 community! The priests of IPCC assume the sun generates more visible
 light than infrared, and it is the infrared radiation from the earth
 which is heating the atmosphere. They assume the heat from the Earth
 is trapped because the atmosphere captures the infrared but passes the

 But the reality is the Sun produces radiation in the following bands
 and percentages based on black-body radiation models (used to model
 suns): Ultraviolet (UV) - 10%, visible light 44.8%, Infrared (IR)
 45.2%! The Sun produces more energy in the IR than in the visible.
 Those same atmospheric molecules absorbing the Earth’s IR is also
 absorbing the Sun’s IR - and guess which IR source is orders of
 magnitude larger? Does the Earth glow and shed light to planets across
 this solar system?

 This really is just a stunning point. The Green House effect would
 have to work both ways. If trapped IR radiation by CO2 (which only
 accounts for 7% of the so called green house gases) is the driver
 behind global warming then it should be taking off like a rocket given
 how much IR is coming from the Sun. The Sun is an IR generator that
 dwarfs whatever heat is coming from the Earth’s surface. But we all
 know the CO2 has been rising the last ten years and the temperature
 has been dropping. What gives?

 I find it completely dumbfounding that the IPCC and others never
 proved their IR radiation imbalance theories. Not once! In fact, the
 paper lists a string of smart sounding but incoherent and wrong
 statements about how green houses work and the atmosphere. In a
 shining example of getting so complicated in the their thinking they
 misses the obvious is this one:

 Claim: The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere lets the radiation of
 the Sun, whose maximum lies in the visible light, go through
 completely, while on the other hand it absorbs a part of the heat
 radiation emitted by the Earth into space because of its larger
 wavelength. This leads to higher near-surface air temperatures.”

 Disproof: The first statement is incorrect since the obviously non-
 neglible infrared part of the incoming solar radiation [ajstrata: the
 45.2% of the solar radiation] is being absorbed (cf. Section 2.2). The
 second statement is falsied by referring to a counterexample known to
 every housewife: The water pot on the stove. Without water filled in,
 the bottom of the pot will soon become glowing red. Water is an
 excellent absorber of infrared radiation. However, with water filled
 in, the bottom of the pot will be substantially colder.

 The boiling water example is brilliant in its simplicity and ability
 connect to just about anyone. The heat from the Earth’s surface is
 carried away by the air which rises and drops the heat off in the
 upper atmosphere and into space. Just like the water in the pot. Heat
 is not dissipated by radiation, it is by conduction to the air and
 then convection of the air to remove the heat.

 So it seems the entire Global Warming ’science’ is built upon science
 fiction assumptions that defy the real laws of physics! They’ll grant
 a PhD to 

Re: Chris Dodd's Wife Also Feeds at the AIG Teat

2009-03-25 Thread Travis
At least Dodd keeps it in the family.

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 7:39 PM, Ohio mark marsupialm...@sbcglobal.netwrote:

 On the opposite side of the waitress sandwich from Chappaquiddick Ted
 Kennedy lies fellow Dem Senator Chris Dodd, who has stopped lying long
 enough to fess up to authorizing the ballyhooed bonuses for execs of
 effectively nationalized AIG. Clodd says the Obamination
 Administration twisted his arm; maybe, but I doubt Chairman Zero had
 to twist very hard:

No wonder Senator Christopher Dodd (D-Conn) went wobbly last week
 when asked about his February amendment ratifying hundreds of millions
 of dollars in bonuses to executives at insurance giant AIG. Dodd has
 been one of the company's favorite recipients of campaign
 contributions. But it turns out that Senator Dodd's wife has also
 benefited from past connections to AIG as well.

From 2001-2004, Jackie Clegg Dodd served as an outside director
 of IPC Holdings, Ltd., a Bermuda-based company controlled by AIG. …

Clegg was compensated for her duties to the company, which was
 managed by a subsidiary of AIG. In 2003, according to a proxy
 statement, Clegg received $12,000 per year and an additional $1,000
 for each Directors' and committee meeting she attended. …

Clegg was a diligent director. In 2003, the proxy statement
 report, she attended more than 75% of board and committee meetings.

 Why not? $1,000 to doze through a board meeting isn't bad pay — unless
 you compare it with the 100s of $billions of our money that Dodd,
 Obama, Geithner et al. have been shoveling at AIG.


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Israel Plans for War On Multiple Fronts

2009-03-25 Thread RW

Israel Plans for War On Multiple Fronts

Press TV
March 23, 2009
Israel is preparing for all-out war on multiple fronts that include
Iran, Syria and Lebanon, a senior military commander claims.

Israeli army Home Front Command Major General Yair Golan said Sunday
that Tel Aviv is preparing for “all possible scenarios”, indicating
that one such scenario would be to fight a simultaneous war against
Iran, Syria and Lebanon.

The confirmation comes as US President Barack Obama seeks “new
beginnings” with its arch-rival Iran. The US offer has been met with
world praise but with fury in Tel Aviv.

Israeli media outlets late on Sunday began propagating wild scenarios
that Iran is using the Lebanese Hezbollah to recruit Palestinian
fighters to carry out terror attacks on Israel.

Citing anonymous sources, the reports began to surface after Tel Aviv
countered an alleged bombing attempt outside a shopping mall in the
northern city of Haifa.

“We are treating the attempted attack in Haifa with great gravity. A
huge disaster was prevented by a miracle,” Israeli Prime Minister Ehud
Olmert told a weekly cabinet meeting after the bomb was defused on

Israel has long accused Iran of arming Hezbollah and Palestinian
groups via Syria, in an attempt to demonize the two Muslim countries.

Tel Aviv also accuses Tehran of developing nuclear weaponry — a charge
denied by the UN nuclear watchdog.

At a conference held in Tel Aviv, Golan also confirmed the likeliness
of Israel staging another military confrontation against Hamas in the
Gaza Strip.

Although Israel does not consider rocket attacks from Gaza as a
serious threat, there is the possibility of “dangerous” missile
attacks by other countries, he said.

He failed to elaborate how such missile attacks would relate to Gaza.

His remarks came as reports claim that the soon-to-be Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has plans for “a major military conflict
in the coming months.”

The commander also revealed that Tel Aviv will install new warning
systems across Israel in preparation for its war plans.

The last Israeli-waged war on the Gaza Strip, which began on December
27, killed at least 1,350 Palestinians and wounded more than 5,450
others in the densely-populated sliver.

The aggression was the last in a series of operations carried out by
the Israeli forces against the natives of the land since occupying
Palestine in 1948.

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Why does the United States Government borrow money?

2009-03-25 Thread martycarbone

It seems obvious that the United States Government has the right, like
all sovereign nations, to create whatever money it wants to.

If that is true, why do we borrow money and pay interest of about $400
Billion dollars every year?

We now owe over $10 Trillion dollars.

If the United States does not have the right to create money -- who

Bear in mind that all money in existence was created by someone.

Am I the only person who thinks our borrowing money is very strange?

In the past, Abraham Lincoln, John Kennedy, Henry Ford, Wright Patman.
Thomas Edison and Andrew Jackson all said the government should create
money rather than borrowing it for needed purposes.

Marty Carbone / / 3/25/09

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