More on Government healthcare

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson

   BJM said...
Pogo @3:44, you owe me a wireless keyboard.

I too am weary of arguing, there is simply no point as there are shit
sandwiches as far as the eye can see. 

lived in the UK, France, Italy and Germany. We also lived in Australia
when the Whitlam govt created Medibank, their two tier system of
private and public, now known s Medicare. This is probably similar to
what we would embark upon. 

Within five years it was tits-up
financially as the original payroll levy (tax) couldn't sustain the
system without massive infusions of general fund revenue. It's been
overhauled several times and is still unsustainable under the 1.5%
income levy. It is estimated that an additional 8% would be required to
balance the cost and almost half do not use it, but buy private
insurance. It is a hospital benefit more than a full on care system for
the middle and upper classes. 

Here's a few bullets points:

43% of Australians also retain private health insurance, even though
they are already entitled to free treatment in public hospitals. The
major reasons for taking up health insurance despite the free public
system are:

* Shorter waiting lists in private hospitals
(especially for procedures such as joint reconstructions or heart
bypass surgery, for which there are often long waiting times in public
* Choice of hospital/physician in the private system;
* Improved accommodation facilities such as private rooms (although
medical facilities are usually more extensive in the public system).

people choose to have private coverage for ancillary treatment, or
"extras", (e.g. chiropractic, dental, optical, ambulance, etc - for
which Medicare has limited or no cover) but use the Medicare system for
hospital treatment.BTW- Anyone who hasn't had the pleasure of
dealing with a Brit NHS Ward Sister just hasn't experienced the joy
national health can bring. 

Those of you who think costs will be reduced have a gander at this bit of German efficiency. 

have European and South American friends who vacation in the US to have
their yearly tests and dental care done. They gladly pay for the level
of care we take for granted, especially dental care. This is really
common in South Florida where top notch medical centers, shopping and
vacation spots abound. 

btw-are you proud of those pearly
whites Bunky? There's a reason so many Brits and Europeans have bad
and/or crooked teeth, it ain't genetics, diet or the water.
5:22 PM


Interesting bit on healthcare

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson

   C. Steven Tucker said...
What has our government done, to convince people to hand over
our very health freedoms for it to govern over?
Mae  bailout? (this is a government entity who's employee's receive
bonuses!) What other government employee receives bonuses for doing
their jobs?
Social security  bankrupt ? (robbed for other expenditures)
Medicaid  ? (robbed for other expenditures)
$2 trillion Porkulus bill - ? (and growing)
 bail out, yet nobody knows where's the money gone? No committee of
oversight in place (was promised by our representatives to be in place
Gas prices - ?(50% of every dollar at the pump goes to Washington) But
who did you point your finger at as the problem
our government "cannot" be sued, how will one be able to be recompensed
for its malfeasance or neglect? How will the government, once it tells
300 million people "go see the doctor" we will pay all the bills, be
able to control the consequences? By overwhelming our medical
profession or break it, will come another grand government solution,"
we need more money to fix it"! You are already familiar and have
accepted this excuse for too long, and know this to be their power
solution. Our government has impoverished our families' financial
freedom to pay our own way, by immoral taxation.

Furthermore how
has Government run health care worked in other countries? Let's get
past the emotions and examine the facts. A common example used to
further the cause of "socialized medicine" in the United States is to
point out how well it is working in countries such as France and
Canada. However, those living in Canada know full well that their
government run health care program is most certainly not working. As a
matter of fact, many Canadian citizens choose to hire high priced
brokers to find them quality health care right here in the United
States because of the terrible bureaucracy that controls all forms of
health care in Canada.

For more about what is really going on
with the Canadian health care system please watch these short but very
informative documentary videos:
The number of actual
uninsured's in the US has also been grossly inflated as well. For the
real numbers:

care in the United States is derided as miserable compared to health
care systems in the rest of the developed world. Economists, government
officials, insurers and academics alike are beating the drum for a far
larger government role in health care. Much of the public assumes their
arguments are sound because the calls for change are so ubiquitous and
the topic so complex. However, before turning to government as the
solution, some unheralded facts about America's health care system
should be considered, says Scott W. Atlas, a senior fellow at the
Hoover Institution and a professor at the Stanford University Medical

Americans have better survival rates than Europeans for common cancers:

Breast cancer mortality is 52 percent higher in Germany than in the
United States, and 88 percent higher in the United Kingdom.
* Prostate cancer mortality is 604 percent higher in the United Kingdom
and 457 percent higher in Norway.
* The mortality rate for colorectal cancer among British men and women
is about 40 percent higher.

Americans have better access to treatment for chronic diseases than
patients in other developed countries:

* Some 56 percent of Americans who could benefit are taking statins,
which reduce cholesterol and protect against heart disease.
By comparison, of those patients who could benefit from these drugs,
only 36 percent of the Dutch, 29 percent of the Swiss, 26 percent of
Germans, 23 percent of Britons and 17 percent of Italians receive them.

Lower income Americans are in better health than comparable Canadians:

Twice as many American seniors with below-median incomes self-report
"excellent" health compared to Canadian seniors (11.7 percent versus
5.8 percent).
* Conversely, white Canadian young adults with
below-median incomes are 20 percent more likely than lower income
Americans to describe their health as "fair or poor."

Americans spend less time waiting for care than patients in Canada and
the United Kingdom:

Canadian and British patients wait about twice as long -- sometimes
more than a year -- to see a specialist, to have elective surgery like
hip replacements or to get radiation treatment for cancer.
* All told, 827,429 people are waiting for some type of procedure in
* In England, nearly 1.8 million people are waiting for a hospital
admission or outpatient treatment.


Interesting further comment from personal experience with NHS

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson
kentuckyliz said...

The Boomers are starting to retire and Social Security is broke and 
Medicare is the Giant Blob That Ate New York.

Of course the gummint wants to take over health care, to ration it and 
kill off that huge old population of useless eaters...thus saving Social 
Security and Medicare. DUH.

Don't assume you can always private-pay in a gummintcare system.

I had Herceptin treatment for HER2 neu positive BrCa, which is not 
approved in UK NHS. Not only do they deny that treatment, they do not 
allow you to pay for it yourself--they'll kick you off NHS totally. You 
have to be superwealthy to pay for all your own treatment.

That's why breast cancer death rates are double the US's. If you're HER2 
positive, treatment is pointless without Herceptin. It's a death sentence.

Info source: my English relatives, including a retired doc. Several of 
my English rellies are docs, including an oncologist and epidemiologist.

I'm deathly afraid of gummintcare because I've kicked cancer's ass three 
times now. Even before the gummint spends one red cent on me, they'll 
decide I'm statistically unworthy and not worth further expenditure.

God help us all.

11:32 PM

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Interesting story in the UK Daily Telegraph about Obama releasing the torture memos

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson

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Fascinating that this idiot thinks that the illegally hacked into smear emails from the Prime Minister's office about the Conservative leaders

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson

Why should the hacking have anything to do with it.  He should be more 
concerned that someone on the staff would even think it was a good idea 
to send out emails with false rumors about the leaders of the opposition 
party.  Hacking is the least of his worries.

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Re: RHINO's you are seeing the future of the GOP, TeaBaggers! LMAO!

2009-04-18 Thread VT VirtualTruth

Unfortunately this is NOT what you said,
you said Obama's deficit was 4 times the size
of all eight years of the Bush Administration's

So before I give you a rebuttal, could you clarify your
original statement which is the basis of my challenge
and is congruent with the facts in your reply.

On Apr 16, 5:17 pm, Keith In Tampa wrote:
 The record deficit that you reference, is a small drop in the bucket as
 compared to the current record deficit which is four times the size of all
 eight years of the Bush Administration's budgets.

 You still don't get it!!!

On Apr 17, 11:43 pm, Keith In Tampa wrote:

 Obama budget could bring $9.3 trillion in 

  U.S. Budget Deficit Forecast to Hit $1.8 Trillion This Year The
 Congressional Budget Office says the deficit under President Obama's
 policies would never go below 4 percent of the size of the economy, figures
 that economists agree are unsustainable.

 On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 11:33 PM, VT VirtualTruth


  Keith you want to give some figures for this
  outrageous comment? 4 times the size of
  of all eight years of the Bush Administration budgets?

  That would make it $20 Trillion!

  On Apr 16, 5:17 pm, Keith In Tampa wrote:
   The record deficit that you reference, is a small drop in the bucket as
   compared to the current record deficit which is four times the size of
   eight years of the Bush Administration's budgets.

   You still don't get it!!!

   On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 5:06 PM, VT VirtualTruth

OK, lets remember what this post is about,
It is not about the insults or the nickname you
are trying to give me, LMAO.

It is not about the FUBAR called Bush trickle
down economics.

It is about the fact that Bush inherited an annual
Budget Surplus, turned this surplus into a record deficit
and doubled the National Debt while robbing working class
Americans future Social Security benefits in the greatest transfer of
in history through the Bush Tax cuts that bought the 2004
election and gutted the future of America and destroyed the
Bush Republicans as was shown by the 2006 and 2008 election results
and the subsequent economic collapse that resulted in the
multiple Bailouts begun in the fall of 2008 to keep
the country from experiencing another Economic collapse of 1929,
and the GOP's effort to remain in power by hi-jacking yet
another grass roots movement like they did with the
Religious Right.

The Teabaggers are the new grass roots movement
to be plundered by the GOP.

On Apr 16, 4:43 pm, Keith In Tampa wrote:
 Hey SugarShack!!

 All folks named Sean or Shawn have a nickname of SugarShack
 former Buccaneer QB Shawn SugarShack King, or former Buccaneer RB
 Sean SugarShack Cobb.

 I was opposed to the bailouts, and believed them to be a mistake.
 way for market corrections if for the market to correct itself, not
 government bailouts. They have never worked, and this is once again a
 of failed Kenysian economics that don't work!!

 Do we once again want to revisit how we got to this financial
 Sean?  Do we want to once again play the Blame Game and point out
 responsible for this economic quagmire??  It wasn't George Bush or

 On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 4:33 PM, VT VirtualTruth

  LMAO, as you see the argument slipping away, the insults begin.

  Once again Obama INHERITED these Bail outs
  he did not create them.. try again.

  The AIG Bailout began in 2008
  The Auto Bailout Began in 2008
  The TARP Bailout began in 2008
  The Merrill Lynch Bailout Began in 2008
  The majority of the additional spending was already
  COMMITTED before Obama took office.

  On Apr 16, 4:06 pm, Keith In Tampa wrote:
   Hey SugarShack:

   Here ya go:

   This is all Obama's.

   On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 3:53 PM, VT VirtualTruth


The AIG Bailout began in 2008
The Auto Bailout Began in 2008
The TARP Bailout began in 2008
The Merrill Lynch Bailout Began in 2008
The majority of the additional spending was already
COMMITTED before Obama took office.

You want to try again with this erroneous statement
or better yet you want to supply FACTS 

Re: Sarkozy insults worl leaders over lunch

2009-04-18 Thread rigsy03

Wonder what he says during snacks? One might recall the acerbic wit of
Churchill- maybe on brandy breaks.

On Apr 17, 10:47�am, dick thompson wrote:
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Re: Interesting bit on healthcare

2009-04-18 Thread rigsy03

My favorite site for health questions is the Mayo Clinic- very
thorough. You might want to remind yourself that doctors are disease
driven to earn an income as are drug companies.

On Apr 18, 1:13�am, dick thompson wrote:
 Blogger C. Steven Tucker said...

 � � What has our government done, to convince people to hand over our
 � � very health freedoms for it to govern over?
 � � Katrina?
 � � Fannie Mae -- bailout? (this is a government entity who's employee's
 � � receive bonuses!) What other government employee receives bonuses
 � � for doing their jobs?
 � � Social security -- bankrupt ? (robbed for other expenditures)
 � � Medicaid -- ? (robbed for other expenditures)
 � � $2 trillion Porkulus bill - ? (and growing)
 � � AIG -- bail out, yet nobody knows where's the money gone? No
 � � committee of oversight in place (was promised by our representatives
 � � to be in place immediately)
 � � Gas prices - ?(50% of every dollar at the pump goes to Washington)
 � � But who did you point your finger at as the problem
 � � Since our government cannot be sued, how will one be able to be
 � � recompensed for its malfeasance or neglect? How will the government,
 � � once it tells 300 million people go see the doctor we will pay all
 � � the bills, be able to control the consequences? By overwhelming our
 � � medical profession or break it, will come another grand government
 � � solution, we need more money to fix it! You are already familiar
 � � and have accepted this excuse for too long, and know this to be
 � � their power solution. Our government has impoverished our families'
 � � financial freedom to pay our own way, by immoral taxation.

 � � Furthermore how has Government run health care worked in other
 � � countries? Let's get past the emotions and examine the facts. A
 � � common example used to further the cause of socialized medicine in
 � � the United States is to point out how well it is working in
 � � countries such as France and Canada. However, those living in Canada
 � � know full well that their government run health care program is most
 � � certainly not working. As a matter of fact, many Canadian citizens
 � � choose to hire high priced brokers to find them quality health care
 � � right here in the United States because of the terrible bureaucracy
 � � that controls all forms of health care in Canada.

 � � For more about what is really going on with the Canadian health care
 � � system please watch these short but very informative documentary videos:
 � �
 � �
 � �
 � �
 � � The number of actual uninsured's in the US has also been grossly
 � � inflated as well. For the real numbers:
 � �
 � �

 � � Medical care in the United States is derided as miserable compared
 � � to health care systems in the rest of the developed world.
 � � Economists, government officials, insurers and academics alike are
 � � beating the drum for a far larger government role in health care.
 � � Much of the public assumes their arguments are sound because the
 � � calls for change are so ubiquitous and the topic so complex.
 � � However, before turning to government as the solution, some
 � � unheralded facts about America's health care system should be
 � � considered, says Scott W. Atlas, a senior fellow at the Hoover
 � � Institution and a professor at the Stanford University Medical Center.

 � � Americans have better survival rates than Europeans for common cancers:

 � � * Breast cancer mortality is 52 percent higher in Germany than in
 � � the United States, and 88 percent higher in the United Kingdom.
 � � * Prostate cancer mortality is 604 percent higher in the United
 � � Kingdom and 457 percent higher in Norway.
 � � * The mortality rate for colorectal cancer among British men and
 � � women is about 40 percent higher.

 � � Americans have better access to treatment for chronic diseases than
 � � patients in other developed countries:

 � � * Some 56 percent of Americans who could benefit are taking statins,
 � � which reduce cholesterol and protect against heart disease.
 � � * By comparison, of those patients who could benefit from these
 � � drugs, only 36 percent of the Dutch, 29 percent of the Swiss, 26
 � � percent of Germans, 23 percent of Britons and 17 percent of Italians
 � � receive them.

 � � Lower income Americans are in better health than comparable Canadians:

 � � * Twice as many American seniors with below-median incomes
 � � self-report excellent health compared to Canadian seniors (11.7
 � � percent versus 5.8 percent).
 � � * Conversely, white Canadian young adults with below-median incomes
 � � 

Re: RHINO's you are seeing the future of the GOP, TeaBaggers! LMAO!

2009-04-18 Thread rigsy03

Yes. Wars are expensive along with natural disasters but few are
willing to trace this back to the Clintons. And Rumsfeld was fuel for
the fire as well as bad intelligence about Iraq. Yes. No household
could survive using the model of the present USA government- a bloated
spendthift. We shall pay a horrible price as a nation.

On Apr 17, 9:49 pm, Keith In Tampa wrote:

 I agree that the Republican Party lost their way.  That there is no
 justification in the outrageous, out of control spending, it is
 against every conservative principle and tenet, and against everything
 that the Republican Party stands for.  All that were involved should
 be removed from office!

 One factor that should be taken into account however, (which still
 only justifies a portion of the increase in spending during the
 periods mentioned)  is the attack upon our Nation, and the costs for
 increased security.  Some of the increased security most conservatives
 were opposed to also.

 On Apr 16, 4:32 pm, M.A. Johnson wrote:

  Four Years Growthby Laurence M. VanceThe American people have been 
  overcharged for Government, and they deserve a refund. ~ President George 
  W. Bush (The Budget Message of the President, 2002)The year 2000 Platform 
  of the Republican Party implied that theRepublican Partywas the party that 
  held the supposedly conservative ideas of fiscal responsibility and smaller 
  government:Since 1994, with Republicans leading the House and Senate, 
  spending has been held to an annual 3.1 percent rate of growth, and the 
  nation’s debt will be nearly $400 billion lower by the end of this year. 
  The federal government has operated in the black for the last two years and 
  is now projected to run a surplus of nearly $5 trillion over the years.
  We intend to downsize this mess and make government actually do what it is 
  supposed to.
  A Republican president will run the federal government much as the 
  Republican governors run state agencies. Bureaucracy will be reduced and 
  trimmed in size at its upper echelons.Nothing could be further from the 
  truth, for as has been documented, the idea that the Republican Party is 
  the party of conservatism is amyth. The Republican Party has always been 
  the party ofbig government,plunder, andsellouts. A look at the four years 
  growth of the federal government under the presidency of George Bush 
  confirms and amplifies these facts.
  The Republicans gained control of the Congress in the third year of 
  Clinton’s first term. They had complete control of the 104thCongress 
  (1995–1997), held on to control in the 105thCongress (1997–1999), and 
  remained in power during the 106thCongress (1999–2001) through the end of 
  Clinton’s presidency. After George Bush was inaugurated in 2001, he had a 
  Republican-controlled 107th Congress (2001–2003) until May 24, 2001, when 
  Jim Jeffords (R-VT) switched from Republican to Independent, changing the 
  Senate from 50/50 to 50 Democrats, 49 Republicans, and 1 Independent. The 
  House remained in Republican hands. The 108th Congress (2003–2005) was once 
  again solidly Republican, giving the Republicans an absolute majority in 
  Congress and the White House for the last two years of Bush’s first term.
  This means that the Republican Party has no excuse for the size and scope 
  of the federal government as it exists right now. Republicans can’t blame 
  anything on the Democrats like they did for the fifty years before they 
  gained control of the Congress.
  Now that we are at the end of Bush’s first four years, a simple question 
  needs to be asked: Is the government at the end of Bush’s first term in any 
  way smaller or less expensive than the government at the beginning of his 
  first term. If it is, then Bush and the Republican Party told the truth, 
  but if it isn’t, then Bush’s rhetoric was just hot air and the 2000 
  Republican Party Platform wasn’t worth the paper it was written on.The 
  Federal BudgetAccording to the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, the 
  president must annually submit a budget to Congress by the first Monday in 
  February. The government’s fiscal year runs from October 1 to September 30. 
  This means that the budget submitted in February is actually for the next 
  fiscal year that begins in October. An outgoing president is not required 
  to submit a budget. And because it is not practical for a new president, 
  who takes office on January 20, to submit a budget within a few days of 
  taking office, he is given extra time to submit a budget his first year in 
  office. On February 28, 2001, President Bush submitted to Congress a FY 
  2002 summary budget plan calledA Blueprint for New Beginnings – A 
  Responsible Budget for America’s Priorities. In his message to the Congress 
  that begins this document, two comments by the president stand 
  out:Excessive taxation is corroding our prosperity. Government 

Re: Bozell: Now the News Isn't Just Biased, It's R-Rated. MSNBC and CNN Owe the Public An Apology

2009-04-18 Thread Travis
It is difficult to stop laughing at complete lunacy.

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 7:54 PM, Keith In Tampa keithinta...@gmail.comwrote:

 * Now the News Isn't Just Biased, It's R-Rated. MSNBC and CNN Owe the
 Public An Apology*
 *Alexandria, VA –  *WARNING: The following contains material that parents
 may find unsuitable for younger children. It contains material that is
 apparently wholly appropriate from alleged “journalists” on MSNBC and CNN.

 Media Research Center President Brent Bozell today reacted to the biased
 coverage and the egregious language used by CNN and MSNBC in their “news”
 reports on the over 750 Taxed Enough Already (TEA) Parties. The TEA Parties
 were held in all fifty states by grassroots Americans concerned for the
 nation’s future given the unprecedented prolific spending by Congress and
 the Obama Administration.

 Rather than report the news, the networks were utterly derisive and
 dismissive of the TEA Parties and their participants. Worse still, both used
 the oral sex slang-term “tea-bagging” to disparagingly depict what ordinary
 Americans were said to be doing in attending them. (“Tea-bagging” in the
 sexual sense is inserting one’s testicles into someone’s mouth.)

 MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow and her guest, liberal Air America’s Ana Marie Cox,
 combined to use the term “teabag” at least 51 times in a 13-minute segment.
 At one point, Cox said there’s “a lot of love in tea-bagging.”

 Maddow’s MSNBC cohort, anchor David Shuster, also uttered the vulgar phrase
 and made a total of twelve separate oral-sexual puns in his April 13th
 attack on the event.

 The next night, CNN’s Anderson Cooper twice interrupted his guest, analyst
 David Gergen, to gleefully declare “tea-bagging” while Gergen was stating
 that he thought Republicans had nothing to say, and then followed Gergen’s
 statement with the guttural “It’s hard to talk when you’re tea-bagging.”

 Brent Bozell:

 *“What an utterly embarrassing and crude display by MSNBC and CNN. It
 appears they’ve decided that since they can’t be any more biased in their
 coverage, they’ll ramp up the vulgarity instead. *

 *“Now the news isn’t just biased, it’s R-rated. MSNBC and CNN both allow
 this vulgar attack-journalism to go out on their airwaves without blinking
 an eye and without any sign of guilt. It appears neither woeful bias nor
 lowly crassness on their airwaves bothers them a bit. *

 *“MSNBC and CNN owe these decent Americans an apology for the slimy,
 smarmy attacks they perpetrated in ‘covering’ the TEA Parties. Ordinary
 citizens exercising their First Amendment rights in over 750 cities and
 towns deserve the media’s coverage, not their sleaze-riddled condemnation.”

 Dan Gainor, MRC’s Vice President of Business and Culture:

 *“First the major media ignored these grassroots protests. Then when they
 happen, they do everything they can to demean the ordinary Americans who are
 exercising free speech. Real journalists care about such things.”*

 Latest Tea Party posts from the *Business  Media 
 ;* on the *NewsBusters 



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Re: CNN's Fox-Bashing/Fox-Job Applying Roesgen 'Tak(ing) a Break'; Applied At FOX News Twice; Was Turned Down.....

2009-04-18 Thread Travis
I bet CNN wishes they had been as lucky as FOX.

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 7:58 PM, Keith In Tampa keithinta...@gmail.comwrote:

 By Seton Motley
 April 17, 2009 - 16:48 ET

 CNN's Susan Roesgen has had a rough week, what with all the ordinary
 American/First Amendment practitioners bashing she so passionately and
 obnoxiously delivered in her TEA Party reporting.

 Perhaps it was the sniping at the place she twice applied in 2005 - Rupert
 Murdoch's House of Ratings, otherwise known as Fox News - that put her over
 the edge.

 Or whether or not her email box was so overwhelmed with what was
 undoubtedly an endless stream of love letters and fan mail that it caused a
 server meltdown.

 Whatever it was, CNN has announced that Miss Roesgen's tak(ing) a break.
 *TVNewser* gives some of their possibilities for the hiatus:


  'Anti-CNN' TEA Party Reporter Rejected for Gig at Fox News - Twice

 CNN's Susan Roesgen, whose anti-TEA Party pseudo-reporting made her a
 legend in her own mind, and a biased Obama-flack hack in ours, is in the
 news on her own (de)merit again today.

 One peculiar line from one of her peculiar rant-filled reports was that the
 TEA Parties were being anti-CNN because they were highly promoted by the
 right-wing conservative network Fox.

 Well it turns out she wasn't always so anti-Fox.  According to Gawker, Miss
 Roesgen not once but twice applied to get a gig at the EEE-vile Murdoch



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Pentagon Memorial (magnificent)

2009-04-18 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Subject: Pentagon Memorial (magnificent)


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State Department Lists Texas As Foreign Country

2009-04-18 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: Sat, Apr 18, 2009
Subject: State Department Lists Texas As Foreign Country


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Muzzie pirates as victims

2009-04-18 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: Fri, Apr 17, 2009
Subject: Muzzie pirates as victims


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Top 40 Reasons to Support Gun Control

2009-04-18 Thread Travis
From: *Travis*
Subject:  Top 40 Reasons to Support Gun Control

 Top 40 Reasons to Support Gun Control By Derek Clark

1. Banning guns works, which is why New York, DC, and Chicago cops need

2. Washington DC’s low murder rate of 80.6 per 100,000 is due to strict gun
control, and Arlington, VA’s high murder rate of 1.6 per 100,000 is due to
the lack of gun control.

3. Statistics showing high murder rates justify gun control but statistics
showing increasing murder rates after gun control are “just statistics.”

4. The Brady Bill and the Assault Weapons Ban, both of which went into
effect in 1994, are responsible for the decrease in violent crime rates,
which have been declining since 1991.

5. We must get rid of guns because a deranged lunatic may go on a shooting
spree at any time and anyone who would own a gun out of fear of such a
lunatic is paranoid.

6. The more helpless you are the safer you are from criminals.

7. An intruder will be incapacitated by tear gas or oven spray, but if shot
with a .357 Magnum will get angry and kill you.

8. A woman raped and strangled is morally superior to a woman with a smoking
gun and a dead rapist at her feet.

9. When confronted by violent criminals, you should “put up no defense —
give them what they want, or run” (Handgun Control Inc. Chairman Pete
Shields, Guns Don’t Die - People Do, 1981, p. 125).

10. The New England Journal of Medicine is filled with expert advice about
guns; just like Guns and Ammo has some excellent treatises on heart surgery.

11. One should consult an automotive engineer for safer seatbelts, a civil
engineer for a better bridge, a surgeon for spinal paralysis, a computer
programmer for Y2K problems, and Sarah Brady [or Sheena Duncan, Adele
Kirsten, Peter Storey, etc.] for firearms expertise.

12. The 2nd Amendment, ratified in 1791, refers to the National Guard, which
was created by an act of Congress in 1903.

13. The National Guard, funded by the federal government, occupying property
leased to the federal government, using weapons owned by the federal
government, punishing trespassers under federal law, is a state militia.

14. These phrases,” right of the people peaceably to assemble,” “right of
the people to be secure in their homes,” “enumeration’s herein of certain
rights shall not be construed to disparage others retained by the people,”
and “The powers not delegated herein are reserved to the states
respectively, and to the people,” all refer to individuals, but “the right
of the people to keep and bear arms” refers to the state.

15. We don’t need guns against an oppressive government, because the
Constitution has internal safeguards, but we should ban and seize all guns,
thereby violating the 2nd, 4th, and 5th amendments to that Constitution.

16. Rifles and handguns aren’t necessary to national defense, which is why
the army has millions of them.

17. Private citizens shouldn’t have handguns, because they serve no military
purpose, and private citizens shouldn’t have “assault rifles,” because they
are military weapons.

18. The ready availability of guns today, with waiting periods, background
checks, fingerprinting, government forms, et cetera, is responsible for
recent school shootings,compared to the lack of school shootings in the
40’s, 50’s and 60’s, which resulted from the availability of guns at
hardware stores, surplus stores, gas stations, variety stores, mail order,
et cetera.

19. The NRA’s attempt to run a “don’t touch” campaign about kids handling
guns is propaganda, and the anti-gun lobby’s attempt to run a “don’t touch”
campaign is responsible social activity.

20. Guns are so complex that special training is necessary to use them
properly, and so simple to use that they make murder easy.

21. A handgun, with up to 4 controls, is far too complex for the typical
adult to learn to use, as opposed to an automobile that only has 20.

22. Women are just as intelligent and capable as men but a woman with a gun
is “an accident waiting to happen” and gun makers’ advertisements aimed at
women are “preying on their fears.”

23. Ordinary people in the presence of guns turn into slaughtering butchers
but revert to normal when the weapon is removed.

24. Guns cause violence, which is why there are so many mass killings at gun

25. A majority of the population supports gun control, just like a majority
of the population supported owning slaves.

26. A self-loading small arm can legitimately be considered to be a “weapon
of mass destruction” or an “assault weapon.”

27. Most people can’t be trusted, so we should have laws against guns, which
most people will abide by because they can be trusted.

28. The right of online pornographers to exist cannot be questioned because
it is constitutionally protected by the Bill of Rights, but the use of
handguns for self defense is not really protected by the Bill of Rights.

29. Free speech entitles one to 

Re: CNN's Fox-Bashing/Fox-Job Applying Roesgen 'Tak(ing) a Break'; Applied At FOX News Twice; Was Turned Down.....

2009-04-18 Thread Keith In Tampa
Good Morning Travis!!!

LOL!!  You took the words right out of my mouth!!!

On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 6:54 AM, Travis wrote:

 I bet CNN wishes they had been as lucky as FOX.

   On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 7:58 PM, Keith In Tampa 

   By Seton Motley
 April 17, 2009 - 16:48 ET

 CNN's Susan Roesgen has had a rough week, what with all the ordinary
 American/First Amendment practitioners bashing she so passionately and
 obnoxiously delivered in her TEA Party reporting.

 Perhaps it was the sniping at the place she twice applied in 2005 - Rupert
 Murdoch's House of Ratings, otherwise known as Fox News - that put her over
 the edge.

 Or whether or not her email box was so overwhelmed with what was
 undoubtedly an endless stream of love letters and fan mail that it caused a
 server meltdown.

 Whatever it was, CNN has announced that Miss Roesgen's tak(ing) a break.
 *TVNewser* gives some of their possibilities for the hiatus:


  'Anti-CNN' TEA Party Reporter Rejected for Gig at Fox News - Twice

 CNN's Susan Roesgen, whose anti-TEA Party pseudo-reporting made her a
 legend in her own mind, and a biased Obama-flack hack in ours, is in the
 news on her own (de)merit again today.

 One peculiar line from one of her peculiar rant-filled reports was that
 the TEA Parties were being anti-CNN because they were highly promoted by
 the right-wing conservative network Fox.

 Well it turns out she wasn't always so anti-Fox.  According to Gawker,
 Miss Roesgen not once but twice applied to get a gig at the EEE-vile Murdoch


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For options  help see

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* It's active and moderated. Register and vote in our polls. 
* Read the latest breaking news, and more.

Re: CNN's Fox-Bashing/Fox-Job Applying Roesgen 'Tak(ing) a Break'; Applied At FOX News Twice; Was Turned Down.....

2009-04-18 Thread Keith In Tampa
I do imagine that this gal, Susan Whuz-Her-Name, is pretty much finished, at
least on the National scene.Of course, I thought the same thing about
John Stossel twenty years ago, when that rassler bitch slapped him.,.I
could be wrong.

On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 9:41 AM, Keith In Tampa keithinta...@gmail.comwrote:

 Good Morning Travis!!!

 LOL!!  You took the words right out of my mouth!!!

 On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 6:54 AM, Travis wrote:

 I bet CNN wishes they had been as lucky as FOX.

   On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 7:58 PM, Keith In Tampa

   By Seton Motley
 April 17, 2009 - 16:48 ET

 CNN's Susan Roesgen has had a rough week, what with all the ordinary
 American/First Amendment practitioners bashing she so passionately and
 obnoxiously delivered in her TEA Party reporting.

 Perhaps it was the sniping at the place she twice applied in 2005 -
 Rupert Murdoch's House of Ratings, otherwise known as Fox News - that put
 her over the edge.

 Or whether or not her email box was so overwhelmed with what was
 undoubtedly an endless stream of love letters and fan mail that it caused a
 server meltdown.

 Whatever it was, CNN has announced that Miss Roesgen's tak(ing) a
 *TVNewser* gives some of their possibilities for the hiatus:


  'Anti-CNN' TEA Party Reporter Rejected for Gig at Fox News - Twice

 CNN's Susan Roesgen, whose anti-TEA Party pseudo-reporting made her a
 legend in her own mind, and a biased Obama-flack hack in ours, is in the
 news on her own (de)merit again today.

 One peculiar line from one of her peculiar rant-filled reports was that
 the TEA Parties were being anti-CNN because they were highly promoted by
 the right-wing conservative network Fox.

 Well it turns out she wasn't always so anti-Fox.  According to Gawker,
 Miss Roesgen not once but twice applied to get a gig at the EEE-vile Murdoch


Thanks for being part of PoliticalForum at Google Groups.
For options  help see

* Visit our other community at  
* It's active and moderated. Register and vote in our polls. 
* Read the latest breaking news, and more.

Re: CNN's Fox-Bashing/Fox-Job Applying Roesgen 'Tak(ing) a Break'; Applied At FOX News Twice; Was Turned Down.....

2009-04-18 Thread Travis
Morning Keith.  I expect NBC to hire her for the evening news as a challenge
to Katie Crapuric.

On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 8:42 AM, Keith In Tampa keithinta...@gmail.comwrote:

 I do imagine that this gal, Susan Whuz-Her-Name, is pretty much finished,
 at least on the National scene.Of course, I thought the same thing about
 John Stossel twenty years ago, when that rassler bitch slapped him.,.I
 could be wrong.

 On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 9:41 AM, Keith In Tampa keithinta...@gmail.comwrote:

 Good Morning Travis!!!

 LOL!!  You took the words right out of my mouth!!!

 On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 6:54 AM, Travis wrote:

 I bet CNN wishes they had been as lucky as FOX.

   On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 7:58 PM, Keith In Tampa wrote:

   By Seton Motley
 April 17, 2009 - 16:48 ET

 CNN's Susan Roesgen has had a rough week, what with all the ordinary
 American/First Amendment practitioners bashing she so passionately and
 obnoxiously delivered in her TEA Party reporting.

 Perhaps it was the sniping at the place she twice applied in 2005 -
 Rupert Murdoch's House of Ratings, otherwise known as Fox News - that put
 her over the edge.

 Or whether or not her email box was so overwhelmed with what was
 undoubtedly an endless stream of love letters and fan mail that it caused a
 server meltdown.

 Whatever it was, CNN has announced that Miss Roesgen's tak(ing) a
 *TVNewser* gives some of their possibilities for the hiatus:


  'Anti-CNN' TEA Party Reporter Rejected for Gig at Fox News - Twice

 CNN's Susan Roesgen, whose anti-TEA Party pseudo-reporting made her a
 legend in her own mind, and a biased Obama-flack hack in ours, is in the
 news on her own (de)merit again today.

 One peculiar line from one of her peculiar rant-filled reports was that
 the TEA Parties were being anti-CNN because they were highly promoted by
 the right-wing conservative network Fox.

 Well it turns out she wasn't always so anti-Fox.  According to Gawker,
 Miss Roesgen not once but twice applied to get a gig at the EEE-vile 



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For options  help see

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* Read the latest breaking news, and more.

DHS Rightwing Extremism Document Created During Bush Administration

2009-04-18 Thread Travis
Note:  this incomplete-looking URL does open to the story.

From: Travis
Date: Sat, Apr 18, 2009
Subject: DHS Rightwing Extremism Document Created During Bush Administration


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Re: CNN's Fox-Bashing/Fox-Job Applying Roesgen 'Tak(ing) a Break'; Applied At FOX News Twice; Was Turned Down.....

2009-04-18 Thread Keith In Tampa

On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 9:46 AM, Travis wrote:

 Morning Keith.  I expect NBC to hire her for the evening news as a
 challenge to Katie Crapuric.

 On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 8:42 AM, Keith In Tampa keithinta...@gmail.comwrote:

 I do imagine that this gal, Susan Whuz-Her-Name, is pretty much finished,
 at least on the National scene.Of course, I thought the same thing about
 John Stossel twenty years ago, when that rassler bitch slapped him.,.I
 could be wrong.

 On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 9:41 AM, Keith In Tampa 

 Good Morning Travis!!!

 LOL!!  You took the words right out of my mouth!!!

 On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 6:54 AM, Travis wrote:

 I bet CNN wishes they had been as lucky as FOX.

   On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 7:58 PM, Keith In Tampa wrote:

   By Seton Motley
 April 17, 2009 - 16:48 ET

 CNN's Susan Roesgen has had a rough week, what with all the ordinary
 American/First Amendment practitioners bashing she so passionately and
 obnoxiously delivered in her TEA Party reporting.

 Perhaps it was the sniping at the place she twice applied in 2005 -
 Rupert Murdoch's House of Ratings, otherwise known as Fox News - that put
 her over the edge.

 Or whether or not her email box was so overwhelmed with what was
 undoubtedly an endless stream of love letters and fan mail that it caused 
 server meltdown.

 Whatever it was, CNN has announced that Miss Roesgen's tak(ing) a
 *TVNewser* gives some of their possibilities for the hiatus:


  'Anti-CNN' TEA Party Reporter Rejected for Gig at Fox News - Twice

 CNN's Susan Roesgen, whose anti-TEA Party pseudo-reporting made her a
 legend in her own mind, and a biased Obama-flack hack in ours, is in the
 news on her own (de)merit again today.

 One peculiar line from one of her peculiar rant-filled reports was that
 the TEA Parties were being anti-CNN because they were highly promoted 
 the right-wing conservative network Fox.

 Well it turns out she wasn't always so anti-Fox.  According to Gawker,
 Miss Roesgen not once but twice applied to get a gig at the EEE-vile 


Thanks for being part of PoliticalForum at Google Groups.
For options  help see

* Visit our other community at  
* It's active and moderated. Register and vote in our polls. 
* Read the latest breaking news, and more.

Fwd: [GunIssues] Are you a Rightwing Extremist? As defined by the DHS/Office of Intelligence, I am a Rightwing Extremist and so is the majority of Americans.

2009-04-18 Thread bruce majors
-- Forwarded message --
From: Hot Shot

Excerpts from the U. S. Department of Home Land Security report on Rightwing

** (U) Rightwing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into
those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented
(based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups), and
those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor
of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It
may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue,
such as opposition to abortion or immigration.*

*(U//FOUO) The possible passage of new restrictions on firearms and the
return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into
their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups
or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks.*

In other words, your 1st Amendment Rights are being eroded.  When the
1stAmendment falls, a Domino Effect will occur that will wipe out all
Rights that you enjoy as an American Citizen, and your life will be that of
a Slave.  Don’t believe me?  Then you are asleep and not paying attention to
what is happening here in America.

What you see here is a ploy by the Obama Administration to cause an uprising
in American so he can turn around and say “You see, I was right about these
people” as he mows them down with machineguns.  He knows and everyone in
America knows that the government has extremely limited the size and type of
guns that Americans can own.  What we have is absolutely no match to the
might of the U. S. Military and any violent opposition would be suicide.
  Yet, Obama is desperately trying to provoke an event.

The Obama Administration is trying to make this into a Race issue when it is
about Ideals rather than Race.  As for having an African/American President,
I would prefer Alan Keys who is even more African/American than Barack
Obama.  Barack Obama is one-half White and one-half Black while Alan Keys is
100% Black.  So where is the racism?

America is asleep, just as it was as the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and
just as it was asleep on 9/11.  Our only real alternative is to wake up and
try convincing our Senators and Representatives to stand against the Obama
Administration’s Leftwing Radical agenda.

America will fall if she is not awakened!

*President Ronald Ragan:*

* *

*“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.  We didn’t
pass it to our children in the bloodstream.  It must be fought for,
protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend
our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it
was once like in the **United States** where men were free.”*

*Patrick Henry

*“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who
approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright
force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined.”**
** *

*Ron Odom*

*Patrick Henry, that patriot and Founding Father of our Country said:
It cannot be Emphasized too strongly or too often that this Great nation
was founded not by religionists but By Christians, not on religions but on
the Gospel of Jesus Christ.*

  Messages in this topic;_ylc=X3oDMTM3NWthYzk4BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzE0NjE1OTg1BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTA2MDY4MgRtc2dJZAMxMTcyNQRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawN2dHBjBHN0aW1lAzEyNDAwNTc5ODgEdHBjSWQDMTE3MjU-(
1)  Reply (via web post);_ylc=X3oDMTJyY2dlczBzBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzE0NjE1OTg1BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTA2MDY4MgRtc2dJZAMxMTcyNQRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawNycGx5BHN0aW1lAzEyNDAwNTc5ODg-?act=replymessageNum=11725|
a new topic;_ylc=X3oDMTJmZnE0NzQ0BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzE0NjE1OTg1BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTA2MDY4MgRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawNudHBjBHN0aW1lAzEyNDAwNTc5ODg-

Fwd: Atlas Ideas: Tax Day Videos; Radio Interview; QA on Nationalism

2009-04-18 Thread bruce majors
*Atlas Ideas: Tax Day Videos; Radio Interview; QA on Nationalism*

*On April 15, 2009 Ed Hudgins braved pouring rain and a heckler to speak to
a crowd of well over 1,000--some say it was closer to 2,000--in front of the
Treasury and White House at the Washington, D.C. Tea
to explain what it is to Go Galt!

*On April 14, 2009 Hudgins made brief remarks at a Tax Day press conference
the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., organized by Americans for Tax
Reform, also to explain Going Galt!

And you can see some photos of the day on our website! Go to our
page, go to the bottom and see the Atlas Shrugged signs!.

*Hudgins on 
On Sunday, April 19, 2009 at 3pm Eastern Time, 12:00 noon Pacific Time, Dr.
Edward Hudgins will appear as a guest on The Bob Zadek
heard live on Talk 910 AM on KNEW in San Francisco, California. You can
listen to the broadcast live in the Bay area or live on the station's
topic will be 
*Atlas Shrugged* and Going Galt!

*Thomas on Nationalism: Will It Help a Country

William Thomas, TAS director of programs, answers questions on Objectivism
that come in through our website. Today's topic:

Nationalism: Will It Help a Country
is asked, What is the Objectivist position on nationalism and national
socialism? A close relative of mine is a British Nationalist who believes
the only way for Britain to survive and thrive is via a nationalistic

He parses the issue well, pointing out that Nationalism is an instance of
what Ayn Rand called 'the mystic-altruist-collectivist axis.'

The Atlas Society website contains over 170 questions and answers about
Objectivism. You can view them all or ask your own question by visiting our QA

The Atlas Society: The Center for Objectivism
  [image: Safe 
email was sent to by
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Instant removal with
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The Angry Left is still angry

2009-04-18 Thread jgg1000a

perhaps it because their ideology requires anger rather than
thoughtful policies...  And instead of showing their anger at Obama,
they blame the innocent just to yell at someone...

 A reader from Rockville described it as a sore winner phenomenon. People 
 get used to being angry and when things change, they don't. So they find 
 stuff to be mad about. Another said that some on the left feel obligated 
 to stay in the fight because of the harsh treatment of Obama by the right.

But many focused on a frustration on the left caused by Obama's
centrism -- his opposition to prosecuting those involved with torture,
for example. I am angry because the whole Republican party has not
been rounded up and thrown into a black site, one wrote. A reader in
Evanston, Ill., took a similar view, that true believers on the left
don't want b.s. rhetoric about looking forward. Okay, but why
wouldn't this be directed at Obama? Readers explained that some of it
is. But, if we yell obscenities at Obama, replied a reader in
Dunnellon, Fla., we get a visit from the Secret Service. Yelling them
at you is worry-free.
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Re: The Angry Left is still angry

2009-04-18 Thread Keith In Tampa
Interesting, column.  I don't read Dana Milibank's columns with regularity,
but she is close to right on this issue.   The far left has been hateful,
arrogant, and just downright mean for years.   As I have said on numerous
occasions, there are many from the left, that believe themselves to be,
More Tolerant, Kinder, Gentler, and More Enlightened, and are none of the

On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 10:34 AM, jgg1000a wrote:

 perhaps it because their ideology requires anger rather than
 thoughtful policies...  And instead of showing their anger at Obama,
 they blame the innocent just to yell at someone...

  A reader from Rockville described it as a sore winner phenomenon.
 People get used to being angry and when things change, they don't. So they
 find stuff to be mad about. Another said that some on the left feel
 obligated to stay in the fight because of the harsh treatment of Obama by
 the right.

 But many focused on a frustration on the left caused by Obama's
 centrism -- his opposition to prosecuting those involved with torture,
 for example. I am angry because the whole Republican party has not
 been rounded up and thrown into a black site, one wrote. A reader in
 Evanston, Ill., took a similar view, that true believers on the left
 don't want b.s. rhetoric about looking forward. Okay, but why
 wouldn't this be directed at Obama? Readers explained that some of it
 is. But, if we yell obscenities at Obama, replied a reader in
 Dunnellon, Fla., we get a visit from the Secret Service. Yelling them
 at you is worry-free.

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* Read the latest breaking news, and more.

I would think the Globe would consider this her right when it came to the fetus

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson

That is what they have been supporting all along anyway.

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* Read the latest breaking news, and more.

Re: CNN's Fox-Bashing/Fox-Job Applying Roesgen 'Tak(ing) a Break'; Applied At FOX News Twice; Was Turned Down.....

2009-04-18 Thread Travis
I made a comment on another thread about Garafolo.  I said I hoped her
character on 24 would turn out to be the traaitor as that would fit her

On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 8:51 AM, Keith In Tampa keithinta...@gmail.comwrote:


 On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 9:46 AM, Travis wrote:

 Morning Keith.  I expect NBC to hire her for the evening news as a
 challenge to Katie Crapuric.

 On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 8:42 AM, Keith In Tampa 

 I do imagine that this gal, Susan Whuz-Her-Name, is pretty much finished,
 at least on the National scene.Of course, I thought the same thing about
 John Stossel twenty years ago, when that rassler bitch slapped him.,.I
 could be wrong.

 On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 9:41 AM, Keith In Tampa 

 Good Morning Travis!!!

 LOL!!  You took the words right out of my mouth!!!

 On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 6:54 AM, Travis wrote:

 I bet CNN wishes they had been as lucky as FOX.

   On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 7:58 PM, Keith In Tampa wrote:

   By Seton Motley
 April 17, 2009 - 16:48 ET

 CNN's Susan Roesgen has had a rough week, what with all the ordinary
 American/First Amendment practitioners bashing she so passionately and
 obnoxiously delivered in her TEA Party reporting.

 Perhaps it was the sniping at the place she twice applied in 2005 -
 Rupert Murdoch's House of Ratings, otherwise known as Fox News - that put
 her over the edge.

 Or whether or not her email box was so overwhelmed with what was
 undoubtedly an endless stream of love letters and fan mail that it 
 caused a
 server meltdown.

 Whatever it was, CNN has announced that Miss Roesgen's tak(ing) a
 *TVNewser* gives some of their possibilities for the hiatus:


  'Anti-CNN' TEA Party Reporter Rejected for Gig at Fox News - Twice

 CNN's Susan Roesgen, whose anti-TEA Party pseudo-reporting made her a
 legend in her own mind, and a biased Obama-flack hack in ours, is in the
 news on her own (de)merit again today.

 One peculiar line from one of her peculiar rant-filled reports was
 that the TEA Parties were being anti-CNN because they were highly
 promoted by the right-wing conservative network Fox.

 Well it turns out she wasn't always so anti-Fox.  According to Gawker,
 Miss Roesgen not once but twice applied to get a gig at the EEE-vile 



Thanks for being part of PoliticalForum at Google Groups.
For options  help see

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* Read the latest breaking news, and more.

Re: [GunIssues] Are you a Rightwing Extremist? As defined by the DHS/Office of Intelligence, I am a Rightwing Extremist and so is the majority of Americans.

2009-04-18 Thread Travis
Damn right I am.

On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 8:20 AM, bruce majors bruce.maj...@gmail.comwrote:

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Hot Shot

 Excerpts from the U. S. Department of Home Land Security report on
 Rightwing Extremism:

 ** (U) Rightwing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided
 into those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented
 (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups), and
 those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor
 of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It
 may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue,
 such as opposition to abortion or immigration.*

 *(U//FOUO) The possible passage of new restrictions on firearms and the
 return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into
 their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups
 or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks.*

 In other words, your 1st Amendment Rights are being eroded.  When the 
 1stAmendment falls, a Domino Effect will occur that will wipe out all the
 Rights that you enjoy as an American Citizen, and your life will be that of
 a Slave.  Don’t believe me?  Then you are asleep and not paying attention to
 what is happening here in America.

 What you see here is a ploy by the Obama Administration to cause an
 uprising in American so he can turn around and say “You see, I was right
 about these people” as he mows them down with machineguns.  He knows and
 everyone in America knows that the government has extremely limited the
 size and type of guns that Americans can own.  What we have is absolutely no
 match to the might of the U. S. Military and any violent opposition would be
 suicide.   Yet, Obama is desperately trying to provoke an event.

 The Obama Administration is trying to make this into a Race issue when it
 is about Ideals rather than Race.  As for having an African/American
 President, I would prefer Alan Keys who is even more African/American than
 Barack Obama.  Barack Obama is one-half White and one-half Black while Alan
 Keys is 100% Black.  So where is the racism?

 America is asleep, just as it was as the Japanese attacked Pearl Harborand 
 just as it was asleep on 9/11.  Our only real alternative is to wake up
 and try convincing our Senators and Representatives to stand against the
 Obama Administration’s Leftwing Radical agenda.

 America will fall if she is not awakened!

 *President Ronald Ragan:*

 * *

 *“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.  We
 didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream.  It must be fought for,
 protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend
 our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it
 was once like in the **United States** where men were free.”*


 *“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who
 approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright
 force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined.”**
 ** *

 *Ron Odom*

 *Patrick Henry, that patriot and Founding Father of our Country said:
 It cannot be Emphasized too strongly or too often that this Great nation
 was founded not by religionists but By Christians, not on religions but on
 the Gospel of Jesus Christ.*

 Messages in this topic;_ylc=X3oDMTM3NWthYzk4BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzE0NjE1OTg1BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTA2MDY4MgRtc2dJZAMxMTcyNQRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawN2dHBjBHN0aW1lAzEyNDAwNTc5ODgEdHBjSWQDMTE3MjU-
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Re: more fyi...

2009-04-18 Thread Travis
Truth sometimes hurts (the pocketbook).

On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 5:58 AM, bruce majors bruce.maj...@gmail.comwrote:

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Harry L. Latham, III
 Date: Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 5:24 PM
 Subject: more fyi...
 To: bruce majors

 FOXNEWS GRETA 2,947,000
 FOXNEWS BECK 2,740,000
 FOXNEWS BAIER 2,401,000
 FOXNEWS SHEP 2,185,000
 CNNHN GRACE 1,336,000
 CNN KING 1,292,000
 MSNBC MADDOW 1,149,000
 CNN COOPER 1,021,000



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GM Legislator Road Test video

2009-04-18 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: Fri, Apr 17, 2009
Subject: GM Legislator Road Test video



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2009-04-18 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: Sat, Apr 18, 2009
Subject: janet-napolitano-is-janet-reno-without-the-grace-and-beauty


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ATTENTION FELLOW CITIZENS: ISLAMObama kick starts his grand scheme for revoking the 2nd Amendment Bare Naked Islams Weblog

2009-04-18 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: Sat, Apr 18, 2009
Subject: ATTENTION FELLOW CITIZENS: ISLAMObama kick starts his grand scheme
for revoking the 2nd Amendment Bare Naked Islams Weblog


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Re: CNN's Fox-Bashing/Fox-Job Applying Roesgen 'Tak(ing) a Break'; Applied At FOX News Twice; Was Turned Down.....

2009-04-18 Thread Keith In Tampa
Hey Travis!!

I have been looking for that video of her calling all thinking Americans
racist.  Have you seen it?  Do you have a link to it??  That video clip
needs to be posted to the board, for all Americans to see how hateful,
misguided and just outright wacko the far left, and in particular, NBC News

On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 12:07 PM, Travis wrote:

 I made a comment on another thread about Garafolo.  I said I hoped her
 character on 24 would turn out to be the traaitor as that would fit her

 On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 8:51 AM, Keith In Tampa keithinta...@gmail.comwrote:


 On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 9:46 AM, Travis wrote:

 Morning Keith.  I expect NBC to hire her for the evening news as a
 challenge to Katie Crapuric.

 On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 8:42 AM, Keith In Tampa 

 I do imagine that this gal, Susan Whuz-Her-Name, is pretty much
 finished, at least on the National scene.Of course, I thought the same
 thing about John Stossel twenty years ago, when that rassler bitch slapped
 him.,.I could be wrong.

 On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 9:41 AM, Keith In Tampa

 Good Morning Travis!!!

 LOL!!  You took the words right out of my mouth!!!

 On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 6:54 AM, Travis wrote:

 I bet CNN wishes they had been as lucky as FOX.

   On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 7:58 PM, Keith In Tampa wrote:

   By Seton Motley
 April 17, 2009 - 16:48 ET

 CNN's Susan Roesgen has had a rough week, what with all the ordinary
 American/First Amendment practitioners bashing she so passionately and
 obnoxiously delivered in her TEA Party reporting.

 Perhaps it was the sniping at the place she twice applied in 2005 -
 Rupert Murdoch's House of Ratings, otherwise known as Fox News - that 
 her over the edge.

 Or whether or not her email box was so overwhelmed with what was
 undoubtedly an endless stream of love letters and fan mail that it 
 caused a
 server meltdown.

 Whatever it was, CNN has announced that Miss Roesgen's tak(ing) a
 *TVNewser* gives some of their possibilities for the hiatus:


  'Anti-CNN' TEA Party Reporter Rejected for Gig at Fox News - Twice

 CNN's Susan Roesgen, whose anti-TEA Party pseudo-reporting made her a
 legend in her own mind, and a biased Obama-flack hack in ours, is in the
 news on her own (de)merit again today.

 One peculiar line from one of her peculiar rant-filled reports was
 that the TEA Parties were being anti-CNN because they were highly
 promoted by the right-wing conservative network Fox.

 Well it turns out she wasn't always so anti-Fox.  According to
 Gawker, Miss Roesgen not once but twice applied to get a gig at the 
 Murdoch machine.



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Planet-Hunting Spacecraft Beams Home First Images

2009-04-18 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: Sat, Apr 18, 2009
Subject: Planet-Hunting Spacecraft Beams Home First Images



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Re: janet-napolitano-is-janet-reno-without-the-grace-and-beauty

2009-04-18 Thread Keith In Tampa
On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 12:12 PM, Travis wrote:

 From: Travis
 Date: Sat, Apr 18, 2009
 Subject: janet-napolitano-is-janet-reno-without-the-grace-and-beauty



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inline: Johnnie Napolitano; What A Guy!!.jpg

Re: CNN's Fox-Bashing/Fox-Job Applying Roesgen 'Tak(ing) a Break'; Applied At FOX News Twice; Was Turned Down.....

2009-04-18 Thread Travis
I think I have about 3 diffferent sources that it has been in.  Let me see
if I can fond it and I will post it here on both groups.

On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 11:14 AM, Keith In Tampa keithinta...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hey Travis!!

 I have been looking for that video of her calling all thinking Americans
 racist.  Have you seen it?  Do you have a link to it??  That video clip
 needs to be posted to the board, for all Americans to see how hateful,
 misguided and just outright wacko the far left, and in particular, NBC News

 On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 12:07 PM, Travis wrote:

 I made a comment on another thread about Garafolo.  I said I hoped her
 character on 24 would turn out to be the traaitor as that would fit her

 On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 8:51 AM, Keith In Tampa 


 On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 9:46 AM, Travis wrote:

 Morning Keith.  I expect NBC to hire her for the evening news as a
 challenge to Katie Crapuric.

 On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 8:42 AM, Keith In Tampa

 I do imagine that this gal, Susan Whuz-Her-Name, is pretty much
 finished, at least on the National scene.Of course, I thought the same
 thing about John Stossel twenty years ago, when that rassler bitch slapped
 him.,.I could be wrong.

 On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 9:41 AM, Keith In Tampa wrote:

 Good Morning Travis!!!

 LOL!!  You took the words right out of my mouth!!!

 On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 6:54 AM, Travis wrote:

 I bet CNN wishes they had been as lucky as FOX.

   On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 7:58 PM, Keith In Tampa wrote:

   By Seton Motley
 April 17, 2009 - 16:48 ET

 CNN's Susan Roesgen has had a rough week, what with all the ordinary
 American/First Amendment practitioners bashing she so passionately and
 obnoxiously delivered in her TEA Party reporting.

 Perhaps it was the sniping at the place she twice applied in 2005 -
 Rupert Murdoch's House of Ratings, otherwise known as Fox News - that 
 her over the edge.

 Or whether or not her email box was so overwhelmed with what was
 undoubtedly an endless stream of love letters and fan mail that it 
 caused a
 server meltdown.

 Whatever it was, CNN has announced that Miss Roesgen's tak(ing) a
 *TVNewser* gives some of their possibilities for the hiatus:


  'Anti-CNN' TEA Party Reporter Rejected for Gig at Fox News - Twice

 CNN's Susan Roesgen, whose anti-TEA Party pseudo-reporting made her
 a legend in her own mind, and a biased Obama-flack hack in ours, is in 
 news on her own (de)merit again today.

 One peculiar line from one of her peculiar rant-filled reports was
 that the TEA Parties were being anti-CNN because they were highly
 promoted by the right-wing conservative network Fox.

 Well it turns out she wasn't always so anti-Fox.  According to
 Gawker, Miss Roesgen not once but twice applied to get a gig at the 
 Murdoch machine.



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Now here's a guy who is a fine example of what our betters are trying to do

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson

Let me guess that this guy has never been in flyover country and really 
has no idea what the rest of the place is like.  I would also bet that 
in person he is a smug guy, the kind of person who got punched out for 
being such a jerk in school.  He is also probably somewho has lived in 
his little cocoon with all these people patting him on the head and 
saying such a bright little boy.

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Re: janet-napolitano-is-janet-reno-without-the-grace-and-beauty

2009-04-18 Thread Travis
Probably couldn't his a bull in the butt with a bass fiddle.

On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 11:15 AM, Keith In Tampa keithinta...@gmail.comwrote:

   On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 12:12 PM, Travis wrote:

 From: Travis
 Date: Sat, Apr 18, 2009
 Subject: janet-napolitano-is-janet-reno-without-the-grace-and-beauty



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Compare the op-ed to the comments - makes you all warm and fuzzy about the beliefs of the left

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson

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And here is the left message writ large

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson

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If you dont like my magic negro youre racist

2009-04-18 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: Sat, Apr 18, 2009
Subject: If you dont like my magic negro youre racist


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Obama Appointee Suggests Radical Bail Out Newspaper Plan For Creating Licenses To Govern News Operations - BlackListed News

2009-04-18 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: Sat, Apr 18, 2009
Subject: Obama Appointee Suggests Radical Bail Out Newspaper Plan For
Creating Licenses To Govern News Operations - BlackListed News


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Sounds like a good plan to me

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson 

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Interesting that this guy points out the things that Barney Frank wants to hide

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson

'The Largest Failure'

J.P. Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon on the lessons of
Fan and Fred.


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the largest regulatory failure of all time." That's how J.P. Morgan
Chase CEO Jamie Dimon describes the "inadequate regulation of Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac" in his annual shareholder letter, released this
Mr. Dimon devotes nearly a quarter of the 28-page letter to
analyzing what caused the panic of 2008, and he hands out plenty of
blame all around. But he calls it "amazing" that Fannie and Freddie
were allowed to grow "larger than the Federal Reserve" thanks to Uncle
Sam's implicit guarantee of their obligations.
Mr. Dimon gets obviousness points for observing that Fan and Fred's
regulator "clearly was not up to the task," but he's too polite, or
cautious, to say why: For years, the two mortgage giants twisted arms
on Capitol Hill to keep that regulator weak, and Fan and Fred's Beltway
friends obliged. Today, of course, all those same enablers claim that
they really did want better regulation, and it was the "other guys" who
stood in the way. But that wasn't the tune that Barney Frank, for
example, was singing when he advocated "rolling the dice" on Fan and
Fred's "safety and soundness" in exchange for more money for affordable
In his letter, Mr. Dimon raises a cry of "never again." But as we
move toward creating a "systemic risk regulator" that supposedly will
bring to heel two dozen of the largest and most politically savvy
financial institutions in the world, the lessons of Fannie, Freddie and
their hapless regulator remain all too relevant.

Please add your comments to the Opinion Journal forum.

Jamie Dimon must know whereof he speaks - check his bio. I thought he
was at Citigroup while I was a consultant there:

Re: Tea Parties Are Missing the Point

2009-04-18 Thread M.A. Johnson

Keith In Tampa
Interesting perspective, especially coming from Robert
L. Johnson, the founder of BET Television, and one of the
biggest racists in all of America.  Johnson is acceptable
in polite, far left socialist-elitist-extremist circles as

Are you capable of reasoned discourse?  So much of your
efforts are merely simplistic fallacy.  Why not address the
words, concepts and ideas presented?


“Nowadays the individual is born into the State, and the secular
registration of birth is the national rite of baptism. With tender
solicitude the State follows the individual through life, teaching
him in patriotic schools the national catechism, and commemorating
his vital crises by formal registration not only of his birth, but
likewise of his marriage, of the birth of his children, and of his
death. And the death of national potentates and heroes is celebrated
by patriotic pomp and circumstance that make the obsequies of a
mediæval bishop seem drab Nationalism's chief symbol of faith
and central object of morality is the flag, and curious liturgical forms
have been devised for 'saluting’ the flag, for 'dipping' the flag, and
for  ‘hoisting' the flag Nationalism has its parades, processions
and pilgrimages. It has, moreover, its distinctive holy days, and just
as the Christian Church adapted certain pagan festivals to its own
use, so the National State has naturally borrowed from
Christianity Every national State has a 'theology -- a more or less
systematised body of official doctrines which have been deduced
from the precepts of the 'Fathers' and from admonitions of the national
scriptures, and which reflect the 'genius of the people' and constitute
a guide to national behavior.”
  -- Historian Carlton J. H. Hayes (quoted by Albert Jay Nock)

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Wonder if the govt realizes what this is doing to us

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson

I note that a
professor who voted for Obama was very upset when she bought gas for
her car and it was a combination of petrol and ethanol. Instead of a
small decline in gas mileage her mileage dropped from 31 mpg to 16 mpg
for a 4-cyl Audi. She ended up shopping around for gasoline that did
not contain ethanol and her mileage went right back up to 31 mpg. She
also mentioned that the car did not run well on the ethanol combo. Yet
what is Zero trying to do but push ethanol on the whole country. Just
what we need - lower mileage and engine problems. And then they push
the CAFE mileage requirements higher while forcing the country to use
fuel that lowers mileage. I want major apologies from those idiots who
gave us this POS we have as president.

  APRIL 18, 2009

The Ethanol Bubble Pops in Iowa

More evidence the fuel makes little economic sense.


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Dyersville, Iowa
In September, ethanol giant VeraSun Energy opened a refinery on the
outskirts of this eastern Iowa community. Among the largest biofuels
facilities in the country, the Dyersville plant could process 39
million bushels of corn and produce 110 million gallons of ethanol
annually. VeraSun boasted the plant could run 24 hours a day, seven
days a week to meet the demand for home-grown energy.
But the only thing happening 24-7 at the Dyersville plant these days
is nothing at all. Its doors are shut and corn deliveries are turned
away. Touring the facility recently, I saw dozens of rail cars sitting
idle. They've been there through the long, bleak winter. Two months
after Dyersville opened, VeraSun filed for bankruptcy, closing many of
its 14 plants and laying off hundreds of employees. VeraSun lost $476
million in the third quarter last year.
A town of 4,000, Dyersville is best known as the location of the
1989 film "Field of Dreams." In the film, a voice urges Kevin Costner
to create a baseball diamond in a cornfield and the ghosts of baseball
past emerge from the ether to play ball. Audiences suspended disbelief
as they were charmed by a story that blurred the lines between fantasy
and reality.
That's pretty much the story of ethanol. Consumers were asked to
suspend disbelief as policy makers blurred the lines between economic
reality and a business model built on fantasies of a better environment
and energy independence through ethanol. Notwithstanding federal
subsidies and mandates that force-feed the biofuel to the driving
public, ethanol is proving to be a bust.
In the fourth quarter of 2008, Aventine Renewable Energy, a large
ethanol producer, lost $37 million despite selling a company record 278
million gallons of the biofuel. Last week it filed for bankruptcy.
California's Pacific Ethanol lost $146 million last year and has
defaulted on $250 million in loans. It recently told regulators that it
will likely run out of cash by April 30.
How could this be? The federal government gives ethanol producers a
generous 51-cent-a-gallon tax credit and mandates that a massive amount
of their fuel be blended into the nation's gasoline supplies. And those
mandates increase every year. This year the mandate is 11 billion
gallons and is on its way to 36 billion gallons in 2022.
To meet this political demand, VeraSun, Pacific Ethanol, Aventine
Renewable Energy and others rushed to build ethanol mills. The industry
produced just four billion gallons of ethanol in 2005, so it had to add
a lot of capacity in a short period of time.
Three years ago, ethanol producers made $2.30 per gallon. But with
the global economic slowdown, along with a glut of ethanol on the
market, by the end of 2008 ethanol producers were making a mere 25
cents per gallon. That drop forced Dyersville and other facilities to
be shuttered. The industry cut more than 20% of its capacity in a few
months last year.
What's more, as ethanol producers sucked in a vast amount of corn,
prices of milk, eggs and other foods soared. The price of corn shot up,
as did the price of products from animals -- chickens and cows -- that
eat feed corn.
Texas Gov. Rick Perry reacted by standing with the cattlemen in his
state to ask the Environmental Protection Agency last year to suspend
part of the ethanol mandates (which it has the power to do under the
2007 energy bill). The EPA turned him down flat. The Consumer Price
Index later revealed that retail food prices in 2008 were up 10% over
2006. In Mexico, rising prices led to riots over the cost of tortillas
in 2007. The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization and
other international organizations issued reports last year criticizing
biofuels for a spike in food prices.
Ethanol is also bad for the environment. Science magazine 

Re: RHINO's you are seeing the future of the GOP, TeaBaggers! LMAO!

2009-04-18 Thread VT VirtualTruth

LMAO, your message was confusing because it was wrong.

You were comparing Obama's 'record deficit' to all eight
years of Bush's BUDGETS and THEN said it was 4 TIMES\the size!

So forgive me if I challenged it especially when your
proof did not support this comment.

I will read your post, look at the facts, then explain the
results to you.

For instance, the 2008 Bailouts though added to the 2009
Budget are deficits Obama inherited. Also I want to
make sure interest is not also added to the figure.

Obama inherited a $600,000 Billion deficit BEFORE
the 2008 Bailouts were even added on

$600 Billion X 8 Years is already $4.8 Trillion
of Inherited Deficits that are a carry over from Bush.

To say this is Obama's Fault and to blame him
for this deficit spending is truly disingenuous!

Obama inherited HLS and the Medicare Drug Program
and the AIG, TARP, AUTO, Merrill Lynch, and
other bailouts. Remember this fact.

On Apr 16, 5:17 pm, Keith In Tampa wrote:

 The record deficit that you reference, is a small drop in the bucket as
 compared to the current record deficit which is four times the size of all
 eight years of the Bush Administration's budgets.

 You still don't get it!!!

On Apr 18, 9:15 am, Keith In Tampa wrote:
 Good Morning SugarShack!!

 If my message confused you, I apologize.   I am not the one who is breaking
 the bad news to you, it is the Congressional Budget office.  These  deficit
 figures, without a doubt, will require President Obama and his
 Administration to significanty raise taxes, such as the recent tobacco tax
 and other ingenuitive taxes upon the American People.   For instance, the
 Congress (and Obama) are talking about raising taxes on Power Companies,
 which will be indirectly passed on to you.   Taxes on all corporations will
 be levied against you SugarShack!!

 By the Congressional Budget Offices' calculations, the Obama
 Administration's budget would generate approximately 1 trillion to as high
 as 1.8 trillion.  (*See* link attachments below).   You might recall, that
 the Bush deficit, was estimated to be approximately 480 Billion.  Here is a
 link referencing such a deficit:

 These numbers are just staggering and hard for me to comprehend, but I do
 have a calculator.   If these numbers are accurate, then they do in fact
 exceed the Bush Administration's deficit budget spending by more
 than four times the amount!!

 Still confused Sean???



 WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama's budget would produce $9.3 trillion in
 deficits over the next decade, more than four times the deficits of
 Republican George W. Bush's presidency, congressional auditors said Friday.

 The new Congressional Budget Office figures offered a far more dire outlook
 for Obama's budget than the new administration predicted just last month — a
 deficit $2.3 trillion worse. *It's a prospect even the president's own
 budget director called unsustainable.*

 In his White House run, *Obama assailed the economic policies of his
 predecessor*, but the eye-popping deficit numbers threaten to swamp his
 ambitious agenda of overhauling health care, exploring new energy sources
 and enacting scores of domestic programs.

 The dismal deficit figures, if they prove to be accurate,

 inevitably raise the prospect that Obama and his

 Democratic allies controlling Congress *would have*




 *to* *consider raising taxes after the recession ends*




 *or else pare back his agenda.*



 By CBO's calculation, Obama's budget would *generate deficits averaging
 almost $1 trillion a year of red ink over 2010-2019.*

 *WORST OF ALL*, CBO says the deficit under Obama's policies *would never go
 below 4 percent of the size of the economy, figures that economists agree
 are unsustainable*.

 By the end of the decade, the deficit would exceed 5 percent of gross
 domestic product, a dangerously high level.

  White House budget chief Peter Orszag said that CBO's long-range economic
 projections are more pessimistic than those of the White House, private
 economists and the Federal Reserve and that he remained confident that
 Obama's budget, if enacted, would produce smaller deficits.

 Even so, Orszag acknowledged that if the CBO projections prove accurate,
 Obama's budget would produce deficits that could not be sustained.

 Deficits in the, let's say, 5 percent of GDP range would lead to rising
 debt-to-GDP ratios that would ultimately not be sustainable, Orszag told

 Deficits so big put upward pressure on interest rates as the 

And yet these same capitalists vote to take it all away

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson

  APRIL 18, 2009

Good Grub and the Spirit of Capitalism

Why New York food is so good.


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recently spent a week in New York City, during which I ate no bad
meals. Nor did I dine at outrageous expense. My wife was with me, and
we had no checks much above $100 for the two of us, and many several
dollars beneath that. Even in the plushest of times, I consider all
restaurant meals $250 and above immoral, and will agree to be taken to
them only by people I actively dislike.
We had two meals -- a lunch and a dinner -- at our favorite Italian
restaurant, Cellini, on East 54th Street, which has grown-up male
waiters who aren't waiting for a call to audition for a play, and where
even the water tastes good. I had lunch with an editor at Molyvos, a
Greek restaurant on Seventh Avenue that was a substantial cut above the
innumerable Greek restaurants in Chicago, where I live. I had an
unforgettable hamburger -- and you would think it fairly easy to forget
a hamburger -- at O'Neal's near Lincoln Center. A former student took
my wife and me to a recently opened fantastic Belgian restaurant on
Amsterdam Avenue. And one night, not very hungry, we stopped for soup
at Europa, kitty-corner from Carnegie Hall. Here, too, simple bowls of
soup were high quality. Everything, everywhere we went, tasted great.
Manhattan must have 300, perhaps 400, splendid restaurants. I
estimate that Chicago has, at the outside, 30, and San Francisco, Los
Angeles and Washington, D.C., respectively probably not more than that.
Why is this? How to account for this plentitude of good restaurant food
in Manhattan?
Demand has a lot to do with it. By this I don't mean demand as in
the old economists' formula of supply and demand. What I mean is that
New Yorkers are, and always have been, more demanding than any other
Americans when it comes to what they eat. Years ago, when I worked in
New York, I used occasionally to grab a quick lunch at a luncheonette,
as they were then called, on the corner of Fifth Avenue and 15th
Street. The place had no tables, only a long counter, so that one could
hear other people's orders. I recall vividly the extraordinary
specificity of customers' requests.
"I want a sardine sandwich, on rye, lightly toasted, with a very
thin slice of onion -- last time the slice was a little too thick --
with a gentle rinse of lemon between the onion and the sardines. Pickle
on a separate plate."
New Yorkers tend to order food as if they are spoiled children
dining in their mothers' kitchens. They demand excellent service, which
includes accommodation for their idiosyncrasies (that pickle on the
separate plate). If they do not get what they want, they howl, return
food, do not return to the restaurant, and verbally torch the place. If
you open a restaurant in New York, you had better be good, or you will
soon be gone.
In Chicago, I have known wretched restaurants that have stayed in
business for 30 or more years. Stoic, tired, meek people in the city of
the big shoulders tend to shrug, swallow and bear it. In my own
neighborhood, a Chinese restaurant of appalling quality has been in
business for more than 40 years. Its specialty -- if it may be said to
have one -- is contemptuous older waiters, whose own English is
indecipherable and who pretend, impatiently, not to understand yours.
After steering clear of it for more than 20 years, I thought perhaps
there might have been a change of ownership, and the other day walked
in at lunchtime to order kung pao chicken to go. The kung had no pao,
and the chicken was a disgrace to the honorable name of poultry. Of the
bitterness of the sauce and the gloppiness of the rice, let us not
speak. In Manhattan, the joint wouldn't have lasted three weeks.
If you are going to start a restaurant in Manhattan, you had better
have something extraordinary in mind: Food of a kind not available
elsewhere, or done better than anyone else is currently doing it. I
don't know if Thurman Arnold or Joseph Schumpeter or any of the other
theorists of the inner mechanics of capitalism have hitherto spoken of
it, but there is, in capitalism, operating at a sufficiently intense
level, a spirit of competition that can bring out the best in everyone,
at least in those realms where you cannot fake it. Something similar
operates in professional sports -- the Major Leagues, the NBA and the
NFL. Room exists only for the best. What is operating here is the
reverse of Gresham's Law, with the good driving out the bad, and in the
gastronomic realm the result is splendid food.
Next time I feel a craving for Chinese food, I'm ordering take-out
from Shun Lee on West 65th Street in New York. I'm sure they deliver;
the only question is can they 

The French and American Revolutions differred in the former was a SOCIAL Revolution

2009-04-18 Thread jgg1000a

That the same conflict between two very different styles and
Philosophies of governance is playing out in Lebanon today is
telling...   BUt the MSM will not point out the difference nor report
these types of stories...

 Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Seeyasah: Lebanese Hezbollah consider the victory of 
 the pro-government candidates in southern Lebanon to be a challenge. 
 Quoting a Lebanese parliamentarian, Al-Seeyasah reports that Hezbollah 
 leaders and members of the Amel Organization are working to prevent the 
 March 14th Alliance candidates (who support the Lebanese government) from 
 winning in the parliamentary elections held in the city of Saida, in the 
 southern part of that country; such a victory could mean that the American- 
 Saudi plan is succeeding over the Tehran-Damascus plan. According to this 
 source, Hezbollah and Amel groups have prepared themselves for a 
 confrontation with Fouad Siniora’s supporters should they win in southern 

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Re: Are You Kidding Me?

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson
The problem with what you are saying is that if the movement had a 
leader the media would immediately point to him as telling them what to 
believe and what to say and what to do and that the people go along like 
sheep.  The beauty of the Tea Party movement is that it is just regular 
people who are coming together to protest what the government is doing 
to them.  It is not some movement funded by a Soros figure that is doing 
all this.  You don't have people who are essentially employees of this 
billionaire and who fly all over the world in first class to protest 
like Medea Benjamin and Cindy Sheehan and bloggers like Jane Hamsher and 
Wonkette and Matt Yglesias who are paid to put out the latest talking 
points.  You don't have morning calls where the acolytes get together to 
set the talking point agenda to be followed by all or they will be 
thrown out of the club.

That is what is so obvious when you look at the television reporters 
like that numbskull in Chicago.  She was just too open in the way she 
dissed the people until that suburban housewife read her beads right 
well and then she kept looking for someplace to hide.  This will be, I 
hope, the start of the people letting the Barney Franks and Chris Dodds 
and Nan Pelosis and Harry Reids and Obamas of the world that we are not 
happy with the way they are taking the country.  If it holds together 
and grown naturally, then we may succeed.  It is still better than being 
led by the nose by such as Soros and the Congressmen and Senators who 
are there right now.  The sooner we can get rid of that crew the better.

M.A. Johnson wrote On 04/18/2009 12:44 PM:

 *Are You Kidding Me?
 *by Don Cooper

 I watched closely all the tea parties all over the country Wednesday. 
 What a showing of national pride and solidarity. What a showing of 
 subservient compliance and casual indifference. What a joke.

 In Lafayette Park, Washington D.C., of all places to protest, the plan 
 was to dump one million tea bags in the park, but the brave dissidents 
 never did it because they forgot to get the proper permits. Are you 
 kidding me? What is civil disobedience without civil disobedience? 
 They even went so far as to say that they were willing to put down 
 plastic tarps and clean up after themselves.

 That’s like saying we don’t agree with your oppressive, 
 unconstitutional despotism of our nation and to show our ire in no 
 uncertain terms we’re going to break public law and disrupt the peace 
 so take that, nah- nah-ne-boo-boo. But don’t worry because we’ll put 
 everything back when we’re done as if nothing happened cuz we don’t 
 want any trouble!

 Videos on the Internet
 of Lafayette Park show people standing around in their trendy 
 turtlenecks and Tommy Hilfiger and North Face jackets, chatting, 
 socializing, drinking coffee and talking on their cell phones. Some 
 dressed in colonial garb (how cute) and waving flags. Others even 
 break into a rendition of the Star Spangled Banner followed by a chant 
 of USA, USA, USA. What a terrific show of meaningless symbolism.

 Who are they chanting to? The buildings in front of them? The birds in 
 the trees? Themselves? What was this supposed to do, because it 
 doesn’t take a rocket scientist to surmise that it did NOTHING! All 
 the politicians were inside, smugly and comfortably seated in their 
 expensive leather chairs that we paid for. They were discussing their 
 next round of special interest pandering and deficit spending at our 
 expense while we mingled as if at a, well, tea party. But not the sort 
 of 1773 but rather more like the sort at 4 p.m. in England that is 
 served with crumpets.

 The politicians could have cared less about the goings on outside and 
 NO ONE took it to them. Shame on us. No one made sure they took 
 notice. No one was put out one bit. No economic loss to the government 
 whatsoever, as was the purpose of the original tea party, so why 
 should they notice?

 Is this like giving to a charity? You write a check to feed a starving 
 child for 10 cents a day in some far off, nameless, faceless country 
 and you feel better about yourself?

 I attended a tea party in the Midwest on Wednesday and there were 
 only about 200 people there. And it was literally a tea party: people 
 came with their coffee mugs and sandwiches, holding signs and standing 
 around and chatting and socializing and then everyone went home. No 
 passion. No signs of real frustration or discontent. No real 
 commitment to changing anything. You know why? Because nobody wants to 
 fire the first shot! Everybody wants change, but only if they don’t 
 have to pay for it. Only if their comfortable lives don’t have to be 
 disrupted for their freedom. What a bunch of crap.

 Then I see all these political pundits ( idiots ) on CNN talking about 
 how the tea party movement is nothing more than 

Interesting to see this with respect to a Republican candidate

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson

I thought the Republicans controlled all this stuff.  That was what the 
media tell us:

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Sustainable energy - good posting with reference to good source (got this from Jim Miller)

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson
*Worth Studying:  *Professor MacKay's book on sustainable energy --- without the hot air.  Professor 
MacKay explains why he wrote the book in the preface

I'm concerned about cutting UK emissions of twaddle --- twaddle
about sustainable energy.  Everyone says getting off fossil fuels is
important, and we're all encouraged to make a difference, but many
of the things that allegedly make a difference don't add up.

Twaddle emissions are high at the moment because people get
emotional (for example about wind farms or nuclear power) and no-one
talks about numbers.  Or if they do mention numbers, they select
them to sound big, to make an impression, and to score points in
arguments, rather than to aid thoughtful discussion.

This is a straight-talking book about the numbers.  The aim is to
guide the reader around the claptrap to actions that really make a
difference and to policies that add up. 

Though written for Britain, the analyses in the book will be helpful 
almost everywhere in the developed world.

You can buy the book from several different sources  Or, you can download a copy of the book for 
free.  MacKay explains his generosity:

I didn't write this book to make money.  I wrote it because
sustainable energy is important.  If you would like to have the book
for free for your own use, please help yourself: it's on the
internet at

` This is a free book in a second sense: you are free to use all the
material in this book, except for the cartoons and the photos with a
named photographer, under the Creative Commons
Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike 2.0 UK: England  Wales
Licence.  (The cartoons and photos are excepted because the authors
have generally given me permission only to include their work, not
to share it under a Creative Commons license.)  You are especially
welcome to use my materials for educational purposes.  My website
includes separate high-quality files for each of the figures in the

Suppose that you don't feel up to reading the whole thing.  Then you can 
read portions of it on line, or just download this ten page synopsis   (Everyone interested in 
energy problems should do at least that much.)

This is probably obvious, but I'll say it anyway:  If you know someone 
who thinks it will be easy to switch to sustainable energy sources, you 
may want to share this book with them.
- 3:49 PM, 17 April 2009

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Re: Are You Kidding Me?

2009-04-18 Thread Daniel Seigler

for the WEEK prior, i was informing others that the ORIGINAL tea
party, they destroyed the offending product by throwing it in the sea,
not by making a bucket of drink.  At this tea party, i continued, i am
going to destroy the offending product by BURNING a w-2 and a 1040a.
After all, throwing them in the river would just pollute the river.

On Apr 18, 9:44 am, M.A. Johnson wrote:
 Are You Kidding Me?by Don Cooper
 I watched closely all the tea parties all over the country Wednesday. What a 
 showing of national pride and solidarity. What a showing of subservient 
 compliance and casual indifference. What a joke.
 In Lafayette Park, Washington D.C., of all places to protest, the plan was to 
 dump one million tea bags in the park, but the brave dissidents never did it 
 because they forgot to get the proper permits. Are you kidding me? What is 
 civil disobedience without civil disobedience? They even went so far as to 
 say that they were willing to put down plastic tarps and clean up after 
 That’s like saying we don’t agree with your oppressive, unconstitutional 
 despotism of our nation and to show our ire in no uncertain terms we’re going 
 to break public law and disrupt the peace so take that, nah- nah-ne-boo-boo. 
 But don’t worry because we’ll put everything back when we’re done as if 
 nothing happened cuz we don’t want any trouble!Videos on the Internetof 
 Lafayette Park show people standing around in their trendy turtlenecks and 
 Tommy Hilfiger and North Face jackets, chatting, socializing, drinking coffee 
 and talking on their cell phones. Some dressed in colonial garb (how cute) 
 and waving flags. Others even break into a rendition of the Star Spangled 
 Banner followed by a chant of USA, USA, USA. What a terrific show of 
 meaningless symbolism.
 Who are they chanting to? The buildings in front of them? The birds in the 
 trees? Themselves? What was this supposed to do, because it doesn’t take a 
 rocket scientist to surmise that it did NOTHING! All the politicians were 
 inside, smugly and comfortably seated in their expensive leather chairs that 
 we paid for. They were discussing their next round of special interest 
 pandering and deficit spending at our expense while we mingled as if at a, 
 well, tea party. But not the sort of 1773 but rather more like the sort at 4 
 p.m. in England that is served with crumpets.
 The politicians could have cared less about the goings on outside and NO ONE 
 took it to them. Shame on us. No one made sure they took notice. No one was 
 put out one bit. No economic loss to the government whatsoever, as was the 
 purpose of the original tea party, so why should they notice?
 Is this like giving to a charity? You write a check to feed a starving child 
 for 10 cents a day in some far off, nameless, faceless country and you feel 
 better about yourself?
 I attended a tea party in the Midwest on Wednesday and there were only 
 about 200 people there. And it was literally a tea party: people came with 
 their coffee mugs and sandwiches, holding signs and standing around and 
 chatting and socializing and then everyone went home. No passion. No signs of 
 real frustration or discontent. No real commitment to changing anything. You 
 know why? Because nobody wants to fire the first shot! Everybody wants 
 change, but only if they don’t have to pay for it. Only if their comfortable 
 lives don’t have to be disrupted for their freedom. What a bunch of crap.
 Then I see all these political pundits ( idiots ) on CNN talking about how 
 the tea party movement is nothing more than a partisan, Republican, 
 conservative movement against the Obama administration and how the majority 
 of Americans agree with the taxing and borrowing and spending. Some numb-nuts 
 CNN political (anal)yst named Jeff Toobin says that the Texas state 
 legislative resolution to reaffirm their state’s sovereignty is a fantasy. 
 Are you kidding me? State’s sovereignty is a fantasy? Well I guess that says 
 it all. Come on everyone, down the rabbit hole.[Background music]One pill 
 makes you larger and one pill makes you small…
 Welcome to the other side of the looking glass everybody. My name’s Alice and 
 I’ll be your host for the mad tea party today. Let me introduce some other 
 guests: the Hatter, March Hare, Dormouse, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Ted 
 Kennedy, John McCain, Rod Blagojevich, Al Sharpton, Hillary Clinton all the 
 AIG executives and many, many more. Don’t worry you’ll have time to get to 
 know them all since you can’t leave no matter what you do so might as well 
 just get used to it. Resistance is futile.No doubt the majority of Americans 
 didn’t want to go to war against the British in 1776. But would anyone say 
 now that it was the wrong thing to do? No doubt the majority of Americans 
 didn’t want a civil war. Both those wars were, at their core, about state’s 
 rights. About oppressive governments trying to overreach their 

We Have a Problem

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson

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Morpheal's Commentary - April 18th, 2009 - Values Economics - Quantitative Easing, Planning, Prices, and Standards, The New Revolution Against the Evils of Human Nature, Whistle Blowers Bravery, C

2009-04-18 Thread Morpheal

Morpheal’s Commentary - April 18th, 2009 - Values Economics -
Quantitative Easing, Planning, Prices and Standards - The New
Revolution, Whistle Blowers Need Medals and Citations for Bravery,
Cuba - Monkey in the Middle, Pirate Bay Victim of Pirates and What
India Needs Most

- The New Revolution Against the Evils of Human Nature

At the risk of repeating something, I think it would be a good idea to
go over a few points concerning values economics again, summarizing a
few major features of what is necessary.
In fact the human species might not survive without it.

1). Quantitative Easing. It is the utterly absurd fact that when you
list all the things that ought to be done, and you might add all the
things that it would be nice to do, in the context of the quality of
life, survival, and good of humanity, encompassing the entire world
economy in all its potential aspects, you have a massive list of work
that would take many generations to complete, and even more
generations to properly maintain. The raw material resources are not
really the big problem. Not if they are managed and allocated properly
to the work that needs to be done. So the problem becomes the lack of
piles of printed pieces of paper. It is a complicated issue, because
so many complex mechanisms were utilized to prevent any real
improvement in the fortunes of many nations, making many of them
excessively dependent and unable to improve their own lot in the world
community. They were damned if they created more paper, because their
paper would be devalued, and they would suffer extremes of inflation,
destroying the value of that new paper currency meant to ease their
situation as to doing what they needed to do for their people. Not a
good situation. Obviously very destructive mechanisms, and quite evil,
in terms of the quintessential meaning of what is “evil”. Obviously
the whole system needed to change very radically. Where there real and
unmet needs, you need to be able to alleviate the scarcity of piles of
printed pieces of paper, without torturing the needy with runaway
inflation and currency devaluation. You have to end the reign of
financial terror, and you have to enable the doing what ought to be
done. That means big changes have to come with quantitative easing. It
is not as simple as simply printing more money, but it is a necessary
part of the solution because there is the work to be done, and the
lack of paper to “fund” it is a big stumbling block to getting that
work done.

2). Planning. Every nation needs a long term plan. Corporations
realized this need many decades ago, in their own micro-economies,
developing systems for planning what they need to do, the resources to
do it, both short term and long term, with measurement and correction
as to what is being achieved. They found that they could not function
efficiently without planning. The macro-economies of nations, and thus
the world economy, remains backward in its progress towards the same
realization that you have to have a plan. Chaotic, struggling with
sudden crisis after sudden crisis, is not efficient, and is not
effective. The best run corporations have found that crisis management
is the worst way to run a business. The business of nations is no
different. You cannot rely on crisis management and yet most
politicians have tended to fall into that very same error. Crisis
management of the world economy, is but one indication of that
ultimate failure, and that backwardness. We know we need planning, but
we are too reluctant to implement adequate planning at the national
and international level. Every problem faced by the world now and into
the future, is compounded and worsened by lack of adequate planning.
That includes lack of measurable goals, and progress milestones. Those
are paradigmatic to planners at any level of management within the
better run corporations, and yet we lack similar paradigms implemented
effectively in national and international matters of even greater
concern as to the future, perhaps even the survival, of humanity.

Planning is not only essential for efficiency in getting done what
needs to be done, and for prioritizing (where necessary) as to what is
most urgent, but it is also a necessity in relation to quantitative
easing. You have to make sure that the piles of printed paper are used
correctly for the right purposes. While that is not a wholly
achievable ideal, it is significantly achievable, and a necessity
unless you want to be faced with the need for what becomes excessive
quantitative easing. Planning reduces the need for more quantitative
easing. It is a valid constraint in that regard as well as a clear
indicator when and where more easing of money supply is necessitated.

3). Prices and inflation. The absurd arguments concerning runaway
prices and inflation resulting from quantitative easing are exactly
that. They are utterly absurd. Yes, there is that 

Re: GM Legislator Road Test video

2009-04-18 Thread Daniel Seigler

go out and get sign up for yours today.

On Apr 18, 9:11 am, Travis wrote:
 From: Travis
 Date: Fri, Apr 17, 2009
 Subject: GM Legislator Road Test video


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Interesting video here - gotta love the way this was handled

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson

Source for it - comments make some points but miss others:

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Real class act there - just the kind of family we like to celebrate

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson

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let's auction off Bush

2009-04-18 Thread charles

I just found Bush hiding in a spider hole.  I want to auction him off
to the highest bidder.  Anyone intersted in bidding $5.00?  You could
use on him the same enhanced interrogation techniques he had the
Army use on Guantanamo detainees.  That alone is worth a lot more.
How about doing it for his failure to protect the country from 9/11?
Think of some more reasons for bidding up the auction price. . . Any

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let's auction off Bush

2009-04-18 Thread charles

I just found Bush hiding in a spider hole.  I want to auction him off
to the highest bidder.  Anyone intersted in bidding $5.00?  You could
use on him the same enhanced interrogation techniques he had the
Army use on Guantanamo detainees.  That alone is worth a lot more.
How about doing it for his failure to protect the country from 9/11?
Think of some more reasons for bidding up the auction price. . . Any

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Re: let's auction off Bush

2009-04-18 Thread Keith In Tampa
Hello Charles,

Are you talking about the 33 individuals that the Bush Administration
subjected to enhanced interrogation techniques, which have now been
established were not torture, and who had medical doctors, and a
psychologist holding their hand while they spewed their guts about their
attempts to kill you, your family and every other American?

You owe this man your life, and at least a Thank You.

On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 3:34 PM, charles wrote:

 I just found Bush hiding in a spider hole.  I want to auction him off
 to the highest bidder.  Anyone intersted in bidding $5.00?  You could
 use on him the same enhanced interrogation techniques he had the
 Army use on Guantanamo detainees.  That alone is worth a lot more.
 How about doing it for his failure to protect the country from 9/11?
 Think of some more reasons for bidding up the auction price. . . Any


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Re: let's auction off Bush

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson
Not a chance that Charles will admit the truth of anything you say.  He 
has his marching orders from the Journolist as to what approach he is to 
take and he did that.  He is to be pitied.

Keith In Tampa wrote On 04/18/2009 03:55 PM:
 Hello Charles,
 Are you talking about the 33 individuals that the Bush Administration 
 subjected to enhanced interrogation techniques, which have now been 
 established were not torture, and who had medical doctors, and a 
 psychologist holding their hand while they spewed their guts about 
 their attempts to kill you, your family and every other American? 
 You owe this man your life, and at least a Thank You.

 On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 3:34 PM, charles wrote:

 I just found Bush hiding in a spider hole.  I want to auction him off
 to the highest bidder.  Anyone intersted in bidding $5.00?  You could
 use on him the same enhanced interrogation techniques he had the
 Army use on Guantanamo detainees.  That alone is worth a lot more.
 How about doing it for his failure to protect the country from 9/11?
 Think of some more reasons for bidding up the auction price. . . Any



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Obama: Spending cuts are coming soon, I promise

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson

And if you believe that one I got a bridge about 5 miles from here that 
I can sell you cheap.  Some deconstruction needed but I am sure you have 
friends who will help you with that one.

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slightly different take on the rescue from the pirates

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson

Wonder just how accurate this all is.  Sounds about right to me.

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Re: slightly different take on the rescue from the pirates

2009-04-18 Thread rigsy03

Read the comment posted, however. Anyway, Obama can show us all by
walking on water over to Cuba!

On Apr 18, 4:10�pm, dick thompson wrote:

 Wonder just how accurate this all is. �Sounds about right to me.
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Re: Morpheal's Commentary - April 18th, 2009 - Values Economics - Quantitative Easing, Planning, Prices, and Standards, The New Revolution Against the Evils of Human Nature, Whistle Blowers Braver

2009-04-18 Thread rigsy03

For the West, I think you would have to go back to the Middle Ages to
come to a stage where various classes/nations agreed on values along
with the baggage of superstition and plagues. Look at the paralysis of
the United Nations. And I have grave doubts about all this instant
communication in the long run- I haven't a cell phone and turn off the
bells when I choose- life on a leash does not appeal to me. It is
brave to be honest and point out injustice however the public is
trained from an early age not to make waves in a System- you can chose
from a variety- the block, the country club, the school, the company,
the nursing home, etc.

On Apr 18, 1:46 pm, Morpheal wrote:
 Morpheal’s Commentary - April 18th, 2009 - Values Economics -
 Quantitative Easing, Planning, Prices and Standards - The New
 Revolution, Whistle Blowers Need Medals and Citations for Bravery,
 Cuba - Monkey in the Middle, Pirate Bay Victim of Pirates and What
 India Needs Most

 - The New Revolution Against the Evils of Human Nature

 At the risk of repeating something, I think it would be a good idea to
 go over a few points concerning values economics again, summarizing a
 few major features of what is necessary.
 In fact the human species might not survive without it.

 1). Quantitative Easing. It is the utterly absurd fact that when you
 list all the things that ought to be done, and you might add all the
 things that it would be nice to do, in the context of the quality of
 life, survival, and good of humanity, encompassing the entire world
 economy in all its potential aspects, you have a massive list of work
 that would take many generations to complete, and even more
 generations to properly maintain. The raw material resources are not
 really the big problem. Not if they are managed and allocated properly
 to the work that needs to be done. So the problem becomes the lack of
 piles of printed pieces of paper. It is a complicated issue, because
 so many complex mechanisms were utilized to prevent any real
 improvement in the fortunes of many nations, making many of them
 excessively dependent and unable to improve their own lot in the world
 community. They were damned if they created more paper, because their
 paper would be devalued, and they would suffer extremes of inflation,
 destroying the value of that new paper currency meant to ease their
 situation as to doing what they needed to do for their people. Not a
 good situation. Obviously very destructive mechanisms, and quite evil,
 in terms of the quintessential meaning of what is “evil”. Obviously
 the whole system needed to change very radically. Where there real and
 unmet needs, you need to be able to alleviate the scarcity of piles of
 printed pieces of paper, without torturing the needy with runaway
 inflation and currency devaluation. You have to end the reign of
 financial terror, and you have to enable the doing what ought to be
 done. That means big changes have to come with quantitative easing. It
 is not as simple as simply printing more money, but it is a necessary
 part of the solution because there is the work to be done, and the
 lack of paper to “fund” it is a big stumbling block to getting that
 work done.

 2). Planning. Every nation needs a long term plan. Corporations
 realized this need many decades ago, in their own micro-economies,
 developing systems for planning what they need to do, the resources to
 do it, both short term and long term, with measurement and correction
 as to what is being achieved. They found that they could not function
 efficiently without planning. The macro-economies of nations, and thus
 the world economy, remains backward in its progress towards the same
 realization that you have to have a plan. Chaotic, struggling with
 sudden crisis after sudden crisis, is not efficient, and is not
 effective. The best run corporations have found that crisis management
 is the worst way to run a business. The business of nations is no
 different. You cannot rely on crisis management and yet most
 politicians have tended to fall into that very same error. Crisis
 management of the world economy, is but one indication of that
 ultimate failure, and that backwardness. We know we need planning, but
 we are too reluctant to implement adequate planning at the national
 and international level. Every problem faced by the world now and into
 the future, is compounded and worsened by lack of adequate planning.
 That includes lack of measurable goals, and progress milestones. Those
 are paradigmatic to planners at any level of management within the
 better run corporations, and yet we lack similar paradigms implemented
 effectively in national and international matters of even greater
 concern as to the future, perhaps even the survival, of humanity.

 Planning is not only essential for efficiency in getting done what
 needs to be done, and for 

Re: If you dont like my magic negro youre racist

2009-04-18 Thread THE ANNOINTED ONE

What a . just unbelieveable. That she  Hell I'm speechless
after seeing that... I voted for the asshole, he has NOT gone after
the things he said he would or taken the hard stand,,..

He is just another Reagan era lying scum bastard whose followers think
that if you are unhappy or dissatisfied you are automatically a

Well I guess since Lying scum politician is a race now. I'm a

On Apr 18, 10:31 am, Travis wrote:
 From: Travis
 Date: Sat, Apr 18, 2009
 Subject: If you dont like my magic negro youre racist

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Re: Planet-Hunting Spacecraft Beams Home First Images

2009-04-18 Thread Vivapadrepio
In a message dated 4/18/09 9:15:04 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

From: Travis 
Date:  Sat, Apr 18, 2009 
Subject: Planet-Hunting Spacecraft Beams Home First  Images

shomefirstimages_ (


Among the images was a sign found on a structure that read, 'Stay away  
until you learn how to run an economy.'
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Re: IRAN and NORTH KOREA have the ability to cripple America RIGHT NOW!

2009-04-18 Thread Vivapadrepio
In a message dated 4/17/09 5:30:25 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

From: Travis  
Date: Fri, Apr 17, 2009 
Subject: IRAN and NORTH KOREA have the ability  to cripple America RIGHT 


Are they waiting to see if we complete the job  ourselves?
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I gotta read my copy of the Constitution again - where does it say a congressman can comment on a case involving a military trial before it has been decided

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson

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I would surely hope they show up

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson

Rep. Schakowsky will speak at May Day Dinner.
U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky, a leading advocate for womens issues in
Congress, will be the featured speaker during the Peoria County
Democratic Womens annual May Day Dinner on May 3 at the Lariat
Steakhouse. There were 3,000 Tea Party
protesters in Peoria. They might take exception to her calling them
despicable and

Posted at 2:11 pm by Glenn Reynolds  

Why your taxes may double

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson

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Obama and his czars, more than the Romanovs in 300 years had

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson

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Sounds very true to me - The cost of media bias

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson

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Isn't this illegal? Insider trading of a sort?

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson
/POLITICO:/ Reassurances for thee, panic for me:
Sen. Richard Burr (D-N.C.) told his wife to pull the family's cash out 
of an ATM at the height of last fall's financial crisis --- but he 
advised North Carolinians not to panic when Charlotte-based Wachovia was 
taken over by Citigroup in an emergency transaction around the same time.

The country's in the very best of hands.

UPDATE: /Politico/ says Burr is a Democrat, but this says he's a Republican.

Posted at 4:18 pm by *Glenn Reynolds*

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This is my reading of it also

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson

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Interesting - an attorney: Justice memos prove US did not torture

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson
HMM: Attorney: Justice Memos Prove U.S. Did Not Torture.

UPDATE: They're debating this over at the /NYT/ Room For Debate blog.

Here's an excerpt: Most prominent among those briefed on waterboarding 
was Nancy Pelosi. According to the Post's interviews, members of the 
Congressional oversight committees understood that they had to weigh the 
limits of inhumane treatment of people known to have Al Qaeda 
connections against the threat of new attacks. They believed that these 
techniques struck the right balance in the circumstances. Yet I haven't 
heard of any serious call for prosecuting Speaker Pelosi or any of her 
colleagues for complicity in torture.

I haven't heard much from Jane Hamsher's pitchfork minions 

Posted at 4:03 pm by *Glenn Reynolds*

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Where did all that money come from??

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson

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Re: Isn't this illegal? Insider trading of a sort?

2009-04-18 Thread wontstopthinking
Lol. What the hell!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: dick thompson

Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2009 19:29:32 
To:; MERLE;;;;;
Subject: Isn't this illegal?  Insider trading of a sort?

/POLITICO:/ Reassurances for thee, panic for me:
Sen. Richard Burr (D-N.C.) told his wife to pull the family's cash out 
of an ATM at the height of last fall's financial crisis --- but he 
advised North Carolinians not to panic when Charlotte-based Wachovia was 
taken over by Citigroup in an emergency transaction around the same time.

The country's in the very best of hands.

UPDATE: /Politico/ says Burr is a Democrat, but this says he's a Republican.

Posted at 4:18 pm by *Glenn Reynolds*

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Imagine a President of the United States, within his first hundred days, revealing secrets that help terrorists kill. Bare Naked Islams Weblog

2009-04-18 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: Sat, Apr 18, 2009
Subject: Imagine a President of the United States, within his first hundred
days, revealing secrets that help terrorists kill. Bare Naked Islams Weblog


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Congress Weighs Far-Reaching Global Warming Legislation

2009-04-18 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: Sat, Apr 18, 2009
Subject: Congress Weighs Far-Reaching Global Warming Legislation


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finally Obama has made his live birth certificate available

2009-04-18 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Subject:  finally Obama has made his live birth certificate available
Date: Saturday, April 18, 2009



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Re: finally Obama has made his live birth certificate available

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson
That one is bad - I love it!!

Travis wrote On 04/18/2009 09:50 PM:

 From: Travis
 Subject:  finally Obama has made his live birth certificate available 
 Date: Saturday, April 18, 2009





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Re: Isn't this illegal? Insider trading of a sort?

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson
Not sure what you are saying.  I thought it sounded about right to me.  
Very strange - what is he or does he really know. wrote On 04/18/2009 08:04 PM:
 Lol. What the hell!

 Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

 *From*: dick thompson
 *Date*: Sat, 18 Apr 2009 19:29:32 -0400
 *To*:; MERLE;;;;;
 *Subject*: Isn't this illegal? Insider trading of a sort?

 /POLITICO:/ Reassurances for thee, panic for me:
 “Sen. Richard Burr (D-N.C.) told his wife to pull the family’s cash 
 out of an ATM at the height of last fall’s financial crisis — but he 
 advised North Carolinians not to panic when Charlotte-based Wachovia 
 was taken over by Citigroup in an emergency transaction around the 
 same time.”

 The country’s in the very best of hands.

 UPDATE: /Politico/ says Burr is a Democrat, but this says he’s a Republican.

 Posted at 4:18 pm by *Glenn Reynolds*


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How's that friendship with Dinner Jacket working out for Bambi?

2009-04-18 Thread dick thompson

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Re: Hezbollah's Mushroom Cloud

2009-04-18 Thread rigsy03

You might recall over 200 Marines died in Lebanon and the USA fled the
scene so nothing is amusing about Hezbollah/Iran.  Then there was that
tortured CIA agent on film. There is nothing funny about the Middle

On Apr 18, 8:34�pm, Travis wrote:
 From: Travis
 Date: Sat, Apr 18, 2009
 Subject: Hezbollah's Mushroom Cloud



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